Last week in a podcast, Adam Carolla called this stuff "crate training".

As in, you can't get an adult dog to be subservient and go in the crate when commanded, but if you start them as puppies, they can be conditioned to do whatever you want for the rest of their lives. I thought it was a very good (and frightening) analogy.

FWIW, Lenin and the Bolsheviks totally knew this and totally did it themselves.

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"Cat" is always the correct answer. ;)

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This is... what am I looking at? What grade is this for? The answer set is essentially gibberish.

Also, why is the third picture the right answer? What's in the syringe? A vaccine? Heroin? Potassium cyanide? Sterilizing agents?

I think I get how these work. Let me try one:

"What is the basis of freedom?"

A) sweet potato

B) 496

C) seizing the means of production

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I have a kitty who has lived 21 years and counting and he has never once received a COVID vaccine. So I think maybe that purring and chasing mice is a pretty good health routine by itself!

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I would have circled cat in kindergarten...of course! And my 5 year old self would have written "covid is not a disease". Because at five I was smarter than Fauci for sure.

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In 2005 Organic Consumers & GMWatch folks caught Monsanto PR w false claims about gmo foods planted in workbooks & homework sheets in four states. Hawaii Ground Zero for gmo development was one place... Turns out the "educational publishing" sector & textbook racket have extreme influence. In many cases there's a hierarchy of compromised sources from the industry shills doing funded research to the journalists and journal editors who report. When Daszak's GoF denial was published in Lancet it was a routine use of this same network built on tobacco boys model. GMWatch has decent A-Z list of the industry orgs, fronts and frauds & huge intersection w animal health & vaccines. *sigh* https://www.gmwatch.org/en/myth-makers-a

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I'm not sure I agree about measles. I had it as a kid, as did all my cousins. We got through it and are fine. I guess I'm an old-fashioned, natural immunity type of kitty.

I don't think I've been without a cat or two for more than a few months at a time. Cats are the answer to everything.

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Indoctrination...not education.

Truthfully, this pandemic response has made be rethink vaccines and other medical interventions.

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To be fair, "go to bed and get some proper sleep" could also be a broadly correct answer.

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What one should also learn in homeschool kittengarten

~ The State and its monopoly on "legal" violence

~ The State is capricious, arbitrary, predatory, and is an outdated form of social structure that needs to end.

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I was once an editor in a major publisher's mental ability test division, and I cringed when I saw this question. The question is framed badly, and either none of the responses or all of the responses could logically be defended as correct because of the nature of the question. Ugh. As a reviewing editor, I would have rejected the question and possibly the whole test.

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My Mother took me & siblings to chickenpox party & I did same with my kids.

Despite having had each virus, we also all got MMR vaxd ... back when it was done with attenuated virus grown in egg whites. Because of natural immunity none of us ever had reaction to vax.

This man made virus (not even slightest doubt) and it's rushed, mRNA, EUA vax are different animals & I am avoiding both with help of IVM.

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Cats are therapeutic. Cats are always the right answer.

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For measles, I’d rather do a high dose of high quality emulsified vitamin a, as well as c, d, and zinc, herbs like Chinese Skullcap, elder, ginger, isatis, licorice, kudzu, and black cohosh. And keep up with our usual b vitamins, and other supplements as well as a nutrient-dense diet including broths and ferments, sunlight, exercise and movement. But that’s what I’d rather do for any illness, and experience has shown our family that the amount we need to use the medical system (some might say overwhelm the medical system) gives that same system a lot less power over us.

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Paul Saladino and Robb Wolf had a recent conversation on Covid and our esteemed cat is featured reference. The video is on rumble.com for those interested.

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I don't know, Gato. I have seen it said many times, especially by Twitter bluechecks who are purveyors of all knowledge and truth, that Republicans are very good at pouncing... and seizing.

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They are going to want to censor you again. I trust you have plan A, B, C......Z. Stay on air.

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This is the best you can do when the governor of NY State claims that the covid vaccines are from GOD ad she implores us all to be her Apostles in carrying forth this message ???????

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♥️ for Top Cat 👍😀❗


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I highly recommend reading Rudyard Kipling's "The Cat Who Walked Alone."

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