I swear if the CCP was really into infiltrating US culture that this woman could be a so called Manchurian embedded spy. THis person thinks that our rights are privileges granted by the government. She thinks that hepatitis, measles , rubella are similar to covid 19, with a 99.8 percent survivial rate. She is a Chinese mainland transplant who is now trashing basic human rights. She headed planned parenthood and asserted the credo"my body my choice" and now is in favor of "your body NO CHOICE". What a clueless, hypocrite!

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This bitch needs to be stopped. She is pathologically insane and totalitarian about public health and spews nonsense on a regular basis with smugness that is vomitous. That she is given a nationwide platform without challenge is seriously screwed up.

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The language itself is astounding. "The vaccine NEEDS to be seen as no different than the others"

Thanks for telling us. You want us to SEE a thing for something it is not, so that we behave as we would for those other things.

Was this woman raised by Maoist parents I wonder? Certainly sounds like the browbeating kind of speak the cultural revolutionaries regularly gave the public.

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slightly off topic, but still want to get it before your eyes gatomalo before the last video is deleted

I hope this is still up by the time you read this https://twitter.com/Casper88728495/status/1438920251530530821

there were four more videos stating a very similar case, but they have already been deleted

Basically, in case it's already gone when you get there, they are all quoting whistle blowers (seems to be more than one) that hospitals in Australia have been treating breakthrough cases with Vitamin I (and therefore saving them) and unvaccinated people are still getting nothing but ventilators, and therefore death

from the original tweet since taken down



I’m gonna tell you what’s happening in hospitals down south.

Those that are vaccinated and present with Covid are now being given, wait for it, ivermectin. Ivermectin they’re giving them and they’re surviving the Covid and walking out of the hospital. And they’re going and saying “Look the vaccine saved me!” It wasn’t the vaccine that saved them it was the ivermectin.

And those that are unvaccinated and are presenting with Covid, guess what they’re doing to them? They’re putting them on ventilators and ventilators are the wrong treatment for people with Covid. It causes pulmonary edema and they drown. This is what happened in America last year that’s why all the thousands of people died in America last year. And this is what they’re doing in Australia to our fellow Australians in Victoria and New South Wales.

I am disgusted as a nurse of 40 years…

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That one just feels evil to me. really evil, like helped make the virus evil.

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Leana Wen is insane. She's as crazy as Hotez.

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She is joining Joe in the Land of Ineffectual Tantrum-Tossing.

Mixed with a touch of real fear of the impending and entirely self-wrought hospital staff catastrophes.

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CCP shill. Psychopath. Fascist.

But I repeat myself.

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I would like to check her birth certificate. I'm fairly certain her birth name is Ficus or Fern because she could not be any more of a plant.

Also, there's a damn big difference between "needs to be seen as" and "it is the same as".

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I am only guessing (I chose to be vaccinated) but I think a key difference with this vaccine is that it is very different from past vaccines that have been required by schools and employers. It’s called a “leaky” vaccine. Meaning that it doesn’t make you immune from the target disease like say smallpox or polio. It further doesn’t prevent you from transmitting the virus to others. Also, if you are a healthy individual with no co-morbidities you simply have nothing to fear from infection given the treatment protocols currently available. My wife has immune system issues so we opted to be vaccinated. I am healthy. I got the jab as a courtesy for my wife. I took one for the team. Had I been single I would not have taken it. If a vaccine will stop the spread of a dangerous virus then I believe it would be important to require healthcare workers. This one does not. It does nothing to protect the people the healthcare worker is working on. It simply reduces the severity of the healthcare workers illness should be/she get Covid-19.

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It’s telling so many health care professionals don’t want this. If it were so effectual why the mandates? We are headed for a serious shortage in health care. We are also headed for serious shortages with food because of drought across the west. They say truckers aren’t trucking cause of Covid. Other shortages are brewing for other reasons. I’ve heard we may not be able to keep cars running because of parts shortages. Better stock up for winter. (So glad Illinois voted to keep the nuke plants going.)

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Wen is a goddamn sociopath. I've never seen anybody so f***ing cheerful while describing ways to punish people into taking this shitty vaccine.

And there isn't even science behind it! The vaccinated get and transmit covid-19 too!

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It's the "NEEDS TO BE SEEN" LOL Yeah let's listen to the Planned Parenthood ex Pres about how we need to "protect the health and well being of our patients". NOT

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Doctors don’t take advice from TV doctors. She’s on TV for one reason. One reason only. Can you guess?

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yup.... totally false analogy. logic fallacy is a career with cnn and other covidian talking heads.

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gatito bueno, unfortunately, logic has absolutely nothing to do with it. they just keep reinforcing their bs and it's sticking to a lot of people. ;>( interesting times

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She is legion.

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None of our elites ever seem to mention the Marin study without leaving out the part where 3 out of the 4 parents who went on to be test-confirmed infected (one was from a separate outbreak in the same school) were...


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“Take an oath to protect the health and well-being of our patients.”

Pretty rich coming from the former Planned parenthood director!

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In addition to being a medical doctor who presided over ‘Planned Parenthood’ in bringing an end to the life and well-being of many very young patients, I remember just a month or so ago when she was on tv talking about how the vaccines are a tool to remind Americans that travel within the US is a privilege the government lets us have. I’m sure this woman had a soul as a little girl but she sold it a long time ago and I’d bet the broker on that transaction was the CCP.

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Not to mention nurses have won cases over flu shot mandates….

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Not surprised given that she's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Along with Albright and Clinton.

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Gatito Bueno, surely in kittengarten you and your gatito friends like to play pretend, maybe imagining you're lions on the prowel in Africa. When adult humans get scared, sometimes they like to pretend in order to help them feel better. When they're doing this, you have to be careful. If you don't want to play, they get angry at you.

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If she would do according to the Oath she took she should learn How to treat first stage of covid with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine with vit c d zn and 2nd phase according to Dr Shankara Chetty' s teachings. And not promote a death jab that is in clinical trials where humans being the experimented without the normal long term animal studies that are first done for all these long established vaccines.

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Hey! Leana served her tour of duty shilling for the fake Boston marathon bombing, she's earned her stripes. https://youtu.be/dIdcHqD1zmo

Her husband (who is on Wikipedia, but is not *linked* to from Wen's page) "is an investigative journalist and an Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalist, who is currently a correspondent and Middle-East bureau chief for VICE News Tonight on HBO"

Meaning: He's a career spook.

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She is a sociopathic ghoul.

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I'm absolutely convinced that she is a PLA asset

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She is an arrogant power hungry technocrat.

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"It's time for guillotines... It's time to raise the boards."

In Minecraft, of course.

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Wen and Ding-a-ling are both Shanghai born

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she is a fraud

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Everywhere you see mainstream media/gov't feedback, the point person is chinese!!! Am I making this up? Lam is the most suspicious. Seems like these operatives were installed many years ago. Check it out!

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Well she is certainly right, it needs to be seen as no different than the others. Even if it is different than the others. We'll know in a decade or so right?

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CCP Bugs Bunny, "What's up doc?"

Answer: In that head? Nothing.... Obvious CCP shill looking to divide and fear monger Americans into compliance with an agenda that will leave them devoid of anything they've worked for generation over generation.

Send her back in a box with no windows, which is what she wants for most Americans.

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I have to keep saying this , but in residency, the people that couldn't hack it - went into public health.

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Dr. Leana Wen—CNN's Medical Propagandist—Has History With CCP and Eugenics Programs - Some Bitch Told Me https://somebitchtoldme.com/dr-leana-wen-cnns-medical-propagandist-has-history-with-ccp-eugenics-programs/

CitizenJournos (@citizenjournos_) Tweeted:

.@DrLeanaWen warns that vaccinated people pose a grave risk to the unvaccinated. Big statement from a bought and paid for Pharma shill. https://t.co/eGIobTdCJO


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