I live in canada. It's a cesspool. why do they call him " antivax" dad? The JCIV out of the UK does not recommend vaccinating healthy children. Love how these news outlets think the science is settled.
I live in canada. It's a cesspool. why do they call him " antivax" dad? The JCIV out of the UK does not recommend vaccinating healthy children. Love how these news outlets think the science is settled.
I live in canada. It's a cesspool. why do they call him " antivax" dad? The JCIV out of the UK does not recommend vaccinating healthy children. Love how these news outlets think the science is settled.
Don’t be silly, nobody at these outlets is thinking.
Our media is evil.
They don’t think the science is settled but as long as some “scientists” share their view that’s enough for them.