I heard that in Cyprus, children must be vaccinated to go to school, and that they don't have a home-school option. Children's Protective Services are threatening to take these children away from their families and relocate them to homes which will promise to vaccinate them. I have friends in Cyprus and need to validate this horrific n…
I heard that in Cyprus, children must be vaccinated to go to school, and that they don't have a home-school option. Children's Protective Services are threatening to take these children away from their families and relocate them to homes which will promise to vaccinate them. I have friends in Cyprus and need to validate this horrific news! (Mary Holland, of Children's Health Defense, said she heard this from desperate friends there.)
I heard that in Cyprus, children must be vaccinated to go to school, and that they don't have a home-school option. Children's Protective Services are threatening to take these children away from their families and relocate them to homes which will promise to vaccinate them. I have friends in Cyprus and need to validate this horrific news! (Mary Holland, of Children's Health Defense, said she heard this from desperate friends there.)