Yep. Biomedical data scientist here (who peer reviews a couple dozen medical papers a year) and I couldn't have said it better myself. This is why PhD is the most vaccine-hesitant educational level. We can read the studies and know what a crock the current mandates are. And clearly I am not the only one who will be leaving California over this.

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Eric I am with you. I have been studying COVID disease since it started last year and published a few papers. In my 20+ years in research I have never seen such a degradation of science, and conflicts of interest in the vast majority of publications. Also in CA and appalled at these arrogant behaviors of our leaders to mandate on children as well. I just walked away from a job offer at a top biotech company that was so militant and insane about mandates I was stunned. Many of my friends in the aerospace, defense, and rocket industries are being impacted.

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OK, I just want to be clear here. You and Eric sound like genius's that have a good handle on this stuff, and even you, with all your knowledge, feel that there is something very wrong with how these vaccines are being pushed out without a lot of testing? Imagine how confused and vulnerable I feel as a lay person of average IQ. My intuition, that something feels very wrong about this, has kept me from getting jabbed so far and I have only just discovered substack, but I have started reading the work of Alex Berenson, and Eugyppius and Modern Discontent and now Bad Cattutude. It is somewhat encouraging to find super smart people who have chosen not to jabbed. My whole extended family has been jabbed and they keep telling me I am a moron, and some days its hard to resist the pressure. I am 62, and in good health, and have been taking Ivermectin as a prophylactic. I hope to buy time until either a safer vaccine comes out, or SarsCov2 mutates into something less lethal, or the physicians in Canada get a brain and start treating early rather than saying to Covid patients "Go home and come back if you can't breath any more." FYI Ivermectin is black market stuff here. No doctor in Canada is allowed to prescribe it and even if the did no pharmacist would fill the prescription.

As scientists yourselves, I am curious to know what are your reasons for not wanting the vaccine at this time? Thanks, in advance, for your wisdom.

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Beyowulf760 you are NOT a moron. Those who take the shots are completely operating under a faith-based system I call vaccinism. They believe they are doing the right thing and have paid their indulgences and performed their righteous act for the good of all to see. They post their righteousness on social media and then join the crusade. But its what we can’t see that should concern us…it is what is on the inside that we should be concerned about (the heart of man, both literally and figuratively!). Bottom line…no one knows what is happening in their bodies. There is no medical follow up. No antibody checkup. No immunity measurement. Just faith. Faith that it will protect them from death. And all the studies performed by the pharmaceutical companies who designed them made a lot of mistakes…which should not pass peer review…but I digress.

I published a paper after studying old reports on sars and new reports out of China and Korea on sars2 in February and March 2020 and realized that severe covid resembles a hypersensitivity reaction much like an asthma attack. We proposed corticosteroids, montelukast, among a few other suggestions. One year later, I heard of a doctor, named Chetty who has treated over 7000 severe covid patients with a protocol that strongly themselves our theoretical one. Not one of his patients has died. The trick is controlling mast cells which are the cell type that trigger asthma and many other effects in the body. It’s no coincidence that spike protein is involved in this. I have chosen not to get them because:

1. They are not neutralizing anyway so I will likely get sick…to whatever degree.

2. I am in shape, healthy, but also have had some cardiovascular “incidents” with a viral infection previously…afib in emergency for 7h (but they will not listen to ANY medical reasoning).

3. My risk of dying of covid is about 0.03%.

4. If I get sick and experience breathing issues, I will use my inhaler as an asthmatic.

5. Asthmatics are among the least of comorbidities associated with severe covid (can you guess why?)

6. Most experience panic when breathing is effected because they have never experienced this…but there are otc drugs like antihistamines that Chetty uses that can keep you away from the hospital (he operates in a rural outside clinic in a tent!).

Side comments: Hospitals typically are treating it wrong and have bizarre protocols.

Ivermectin I believe works because it is an anti parasitic drug. There is a cell type called an eosinophil that goes to the lungs during viral infection and is thought to be a major marker of severe covid…guess what cells are involved in attacking parasites? When eosinophils get out of control they trigger hypersentivity type reactions similar to asthma-like activity. The eosinophils and mast cell activities are coordinated. There is an antibody type signal called IgE which has been a marker that Chetty has noticed became elevated (among D dimer and CRP). IgE is a marker for parasitic infection and allergy/hypersentivity response.

Long story short, I believe it is all a faith based decision. What evidence do you trust? What sources do you trust? Since I was a little kid I was never one to jump on bandwagons. As a scientist I explore and read everything that starts with healthy skepticism. 2021 is the year that “science” took us into a new dark age where many scientists and doctors put politics ahead of everything else. Where all publications now have an agenda. Journals read like the mainstream news, and data is dirty and severely manipulated. Personally I also think it is borderline evil to mandate this on children. Sorry…I could go on for days…I’m part of many groups trying to bring back healthy science.

A daily dose of Bad cattitude keeps me purring.

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Excellent comment. While you could be wrong, you gave your reasons and articulated mechanisms which, if correct or nearly so, back your reasons. This is what's missing from prevailing discourse elsewhere.

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Thank you so much for this.

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This may explain the effect of Famotidine on Covid...

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If you’re correct Xolair should be effective. Expensive but effective.

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I have worked in pharma and I am appalled at how we just dropped the standards we had held so dear to authorize these vaccines for everyone. EUA should have been only for very old and frail, and even for them it should be a choice!

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Julia, since you worked in pharma, can I ask you a question? There is a report circulating that most of the deaths and injuries are coming from a small number of "bad batches." Yet, it is not clear from these reports whether vaccine batches (or lots, as it were) are all the same size, or whether some lots are actually much bigger than others, which might explain their having the largest concentration of adverse event reports.

My question to you: Are all "lots" relatively the same size?

My article on the subject is here:


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Check Market-Ticker.org for very detailed article on this issue

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You are clearly not of "average intelligence," but well above, and your intuition is guiding you well. There are signs everywhere telling all of us something is *really* wrong with what's happening right now, and only the willfully blind can ignore it. Keep reading the substacks...loaded with brainiacs who aren't paid-off gov't lackeys.

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I will keep reading, and learning! Thanks!

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I'm with you, keep learning!

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Bey, Please check out Drs. McCullough, Ealy, Zelenko and Brownstein.



And most of all, follow your intuition, something wicked this way has come.

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There are so many things, but for me number one is the platelets and the way the spike protein binds with the platelet to flip the charge and cause microclotting. Good summary by Charles Hoffe here https://thedeadgenetoday.wordpress.com/2021/08/03/canadian-doctor-vaccinated-likely-to-die-within-3-years/

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That's a super interesting article! D-dimer. Remember that. I'd heard elsewhere about some vaccinees who had elevated d-dimer tests, and the levels where significantly higher than even typically seen in heart-attack patients, and also remained elevated significantly longer than you'd see in a typical heart-attack patient.

Ok, a heart-attack is an acute event. You're suffering significantly and presently, and you might even die soon if not seen to. I am not trained to say precisely what the d-dimer test/mechanism is doing, but the sense I get is that, possibly for some vaccinees, this higher-than-a-heart-attack d-dimer result means that clotting damage is occurring, lasting, and significant in scope throughout the body.

The difference might be that, in contrast to a heart attack, where you die very suddenly, in the affected vaccinee this is subacute, diffuse damage (maybe think of a gunshot to the heart, vs. falling a short distance to a concrete slab and hitting with your whole body, fully prone), where you might not even notice. But the question is: are there consequences for having suffered the damage? This doctor says, yes, very much, depending on what tissues take the damage.

Myocarditis/pericarditis were super rare conditions, pre-pandemic. They're still rare, but the rates post-vaccine uptake seem like they're significantly higher, and our notice about that is being suppressed. But I've even watched several local news stories about local people becoming myocarditis patients post-vaccination since rollout. When had I heard a local news story about myocarditis before COVID? Never. This ailment has a poor prognosis. But that may be because it's not normally seen in middle-aged and young people to any great degree. But now, it is! What's that saying?

This is just one way these micro-clots could manifest damage. Almost any presentation seems possible, to me. Mental fog (brain microclots), tinnitus (brain microclots, maybe neck vasculature microclots), vision changes (retinal microclots); it's hard to keep the imagination in check. I've heard on a podcast I follow, that plenty of people seem to be reporting new tinnitus, post-vaccination. But...it all depends on the mechanism that Dr. Hoffe articulated being true. I don't know that, but I'm watching for more.

I saw even Dr. Drew Pinsky, in interview with Dave Rubin on 2021-Nov-01, reported a bizzare side effect from his J&J shot, he got a black eye. Microclots?


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Just a heads up from a physician. D-dimer tests cannot be used to diagnose blood clots alone. Those tests can be positive for other reasons. However, a negative D-dimer test rules out clot formation.

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Thanks, I will check this out!

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Suggest you add Rounding the Earth to your substack list

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You’re gut instinct is smarter than a lot of mds out there. Keep up searching!! Let us know what you find

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Will do!

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Check out bitchute.com search for “Covid vaccine”

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Thanks Ken. I guess I need to go where the censors fear to tread!

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Nov 2, 2021
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I have been using the much maligned horse paste for a year now with no ill effects, still available at Amazon.com. If it's good enough for Seabiscuit, it's good enough for me. I have also recently placed an order for tablets with an online pharmacy (likely India or China) but I have no idea if it is a scam or if they will actually deliver. I will let you know.

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I think that people are getting it directly from India. I’m not advocating that you do this but.....

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There are physicians in the U.S. prescribing but I don’t know that any are licensed to treat in Canada.

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It is too bad there is not a way for people to connect on this platform through DM or whatever.

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I think it is pretty easy, notionally, for people to connect. We just don't do it. Not enough organisers amongst us or not enough real desire perhaps.

For there's facebook 'areas' or something they call them isn't there? For instance? Or would that not work, you think facebook would throw us off?

Well there's private Wordpress blogs and such. Many of us have those: blogs and there'd be many willing to have their host a 'meeting place/discussion room'.

There's even our own websites. Many of us have our own sites and could set something up. Well perhaps I'm talking in circles there: easiest thing to 'set up' would be your wordpress blog and I've already talked about that.

But then there's also forums or 'bulletin boards' they used to call them. There's millions of them devoted to specific things. Someone, anyone, many 'ones', could set one up devoted to the covid thing.

Or even let one not being used for what it was intended be used for this kind of discussion.

I've got one such myself. Set it up some time ago for students and it never got used. I think it was called ozstudentforum.com. I'll go check.

Yep. That's it. It's still there. Looks like I set it up back in March. It's still unused.

I just saw it says it has 188 users but they'd all be spammers. I don't tend it very much. Feel free to use it if you like. I'll go clean out the spam and check it works for new users okay and such.

Point is anyone can set up such a thing. Get a domain. find a host. install phpBB (or wordpress). But no one seems to have done so.

Well I think it is the same as the 'bugging your MP's' ( 'reps' in the USA I think).

Simplest, easiest, right and proper thing to do in a democracy. A duty in fact.

But no one does it.

We just are what we are. And we're seeing the results of that.

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Gab has user groups. And a job board for people looking for no vax mandate jobs.

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Arthur, thank you for offering your unused board. What do you teach?

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nothing. I study. :) (haven't learned much, either)

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absolutely. there's no way for people to get in touch with each to protest, IRL.

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I am volunteering for Children's Health Defense because I wanted to give my activism more guidance, but you can look for health freedom groups in your area on Facebook, Telegram, etc. Old fashioned but I think email lists still exist and if ther is not one they are easy to start. Make a book club, host a potluck with friends. Put up flyers for an event at the park or a meet and greet at a restaurant. If you build it they will come. You are not alone! And if you start it, it will grow. Mostly rural Humboldt County California got locked down almost as hard as the Bay area, they had a few small groups, one of which was called "The Control Group" because, you know, no control groups otherwise. Now they have 4 potlucks a month, 2 on each geographical side of the county, a whole day of freedom protests at the courthouse each week, and a weekly dinner out to chat at a local restaurant. Every week more people find out and come. They are building a movement! Plant your seed , tend it, watch it grow.

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I love this.. thank you for sharing! I once posted on meta before I stopped using it, that I “am” the control group lol… some people get it others can’t don’t or won’t

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Gab.com and telegram / signal since the 666 tech companies ban anything common sense SL

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There are a lot of Telegram channels that people are using to connect to others in their areas.

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Sure there is. Join our start telegram groups. Advertise protests in Facebook.

Those who want to protest are finding them just fine.

Seem and ye shall find.

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you publish your spam address for the person you want to connect with, they respond. doesn't seem that hard...

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Just about being resourceful

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cdc looks like the bureau of economic advisors (bea) as if they were making a social science seem mathy!

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We are all being impacted.

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I have no Phd, but after reading everything I can get my hands on, if one pays attention to all the info, and metrics, and studies, along with following fabulous felines, and NO MSM news, you can form a pretty accurate view on Covid. I love when truly intelligent people weigh in on this! #holdtheline It isnt going to get better for awhile, but we all have to fight, march, and keep speaking the real facts and truth. Thank you all for sharing!

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It doesn’t take advance education to use critical thinking skills and to remain rational in approach. Keep it up!

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Not by chance Dems paradise California is the state from where more people are moving out.

People are fleeing from Dems decades long failed policies exactly as people have escaped from communist countries.


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Don’t forget the other dem paradise that doesn’t get enough credit for being Uber tyrannical…..WA State!

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Oh Kate Brown is just as bad as Outsley! Oregon is a tough state to live in right now!

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I find it so ironic, that almost all the people I know who moved away from Cali after we lost our religious and philosophical exemption, moved to Oregon- which is locked down even harder. /headdesk

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OH, you are correct! I just cant do this much longer..

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Im in Puget sound area. Its no longer paradise, thanks to Dems. Marxists, and whatnot taking over. We can only vote balance so many times, before we were overrun with CA politics. Heartbreaking, we are looking at where to flee.....

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New year here, but, humbly offer that Sooner or later you’re going to ‘stand and fight’ whatever that may entail. Do people fleeing CA for TX ever have a look at the high school demographics there? Do they stop and consider how fast things changed in CA? WA? Fleeing physically is not the answer anymore. Some form of Galting out more likely.

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we are taking a stand in California- it and NY are the frontlines. We have to stand somewhere, and we can always retreat later if we have to. We regularly have to evacuate from wildfires where I live, so if they pass something that says we can't stay in a hotel, that would be it for me. We already homeschool. This is week I will go to the school board meeting where our PSA is registered to protest the mandates for staff and the upcoming declared mandates for students. Don't test it on animals, don't finish the adult trials, destroy the control groups, and take it straight to 5-11 year olds- uh-uh. No F-ing way. These are my kids peers and not everyone can afford to homeschool. It has to stop here.

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CA has so much going for it, intrinsically. It's such a shame it's governed so badly. That's the deadweight on CA's promise. Floods, mudslides, droughts, wildfires, and earthquakes: these are *normal* features of CA. To live there, you have to understand that and adapt. But once you've figured that out, there is so much to recommend the place. Time was, CA seemed to be trying to do the hard, expensive work to make that adaptation, so the people could enjoy the natural qualities that make it a great place despite the hardships. It all comes down to the government it has, state and local. There's no good reason CA should be a sh*thole state. It has, alone, had economic output that would make it a standalone nation, by the standards of most countries. This is what you're fighting for, if you live there. Gotta throw off the fetters of bad government. If CA could be won, there would be knock on effects that would help the USA as a whole, even in politics, but also in any category you care to consider. Best of luck! The whole USA is benefitted by a thriving CA; it's worth fighting for.

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Sadly, they just had a chance to fight and oust Newsome and didn’t. I read that 2 out of 3 Republicans didn’t bother to vote in the recall. My immediate family still lives there, I left 18 years ago and dislike even traveling out there.

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Oooh, i like you already. Fight the good fight, because we are all worth it.. aaaand i'm not being facetious. The sleeping sheep need is to fight as well...

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In other words, don’t take the radical politics with you to red states…

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Newby...freaking spellcheck

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Yep. I'd leave my country, too. Because there's deep significance to it all isn't there? It's not just the vaccine thing, not just the irrational hysteria, not just this, just that, it's the whole bag, what it says about the society we are embedded in and what we can expect from it in the future...

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I’ve been looking for any other sane countries. I had looked at Costa Rica at one time. I’ve read recently that China bought vaccines for them so that’s not looking good.

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I fancy Russia. :) Never ever thought I would.

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It’s a bizarro world time when Putin seems like a defender of freedom more than the US resident.

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Russia is culturally very different from the USA, past USA or present USA. But it does have a distinct advantage in that it went through the Soviet Experiment. It tried hard to do Communism, and reaped its Pandora's Box of dystopia. Those lessons are still fresh there. There are die-hards who still pine for the "good ol' days" of the Soviets, but these people are simply nostalgic for the promise the Soviet system had made, but couldn't ever realize, by its very nature. It presently seems to labor under organized corruption and crime, but that might just be a big holdover effect of having been laid so low by Soviet policy. It's got a BIG heart. Fundamentally stoic and resillient like possibly no other nation on earth. You have to respect that. Russia is small like Canada, in population, while big on land area. They made such tremendous progress during the Soviet era. This was despite the horrendous Soviet system, which only made everything bad. THAT shows how vibrant a future Russia might be. It has all it needs to be the next "America" in terms of prosperity and freedom for her people to live happily and well. Like any place, it'll be down to how she's governed.

The USA, "winners" of the Cold War, have not had any direct experience of what trying to live real Marxism will do to a society, so it trundles toward it like a curious child who doesn't know that fire burns. The USA would be in a better place, today, had it been able to heed the lessons of Soviet Russia.

Solzhenitsyn always loved his Russia and the noble values etched in her people, despite what the Soviets had done to her. The thought that he might be exiled for life pained him greatly. Worth remembering.

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Thank you for your insight.

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from a quality control sample design, i see the consumer risk fo the ph 3 studies to be so high as to deny the product.

that and the utter lack of safety data, with ignoring vaers!

do you know what they infect humanized mice with corona to study???

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humanized mice, that is sick in and of itself...

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‘Sick emoji’

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Found these:



"Researchers working to find a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19 desperately needed a humanized mouse model, but not just any humanized mouse. In order to be effective as a model for COVID-19, researchers needed mice that produce a human version of the protein ACE2, which the SARS-CoV-2 virus attaches to in order to gain entrance to cells.

During the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2002, which was caused by the SARS-CoV coronavirus, researchers at the University of Iowa bred just such a mouse, but the SARS pandemic was contained before the mice could be used to create a vaccine. While the SARS mice were never used, their sperm was frozen, and earlier this year researchers at The Jackson Laboratory were able to use it to generate hundreds of COVID-19-susceptible mice, which were shipped to researchers around the world."

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I’ll bite…what?

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i do not know..... wondering if he does.

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please don't leave yet. Join Children's Health Defense. We are fighting!

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Thank you Eric. And now school districts are mandating in California for 12 and up . I am so scared for our kids

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Yet, they keep trying to pretend that only dumb people don't want the vaccine. The truth is the exact opposite.

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I hope your platform is large and your audience grows beyond measure. We need the truth to be spread far and wide. Everyone wishes these vaccines were the end to the pandemic. They just aren’t.

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That’s what I keep telling people . We need early treatment (which exists but is surpressed and denied by corporate doctors) and sterilizing vaccines which clearly these aren’t ! Are we gonna be boosting every 6 months until people drop dead ??

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California folks in NorCal get in here https://gab.com/groups/54419

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thanks just requested

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Nov 2, 2021
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Moderna went on contract with darpa on 'adept" a part of pandemic prevention platform 'ppp' in 2003. i have not found any results on the open web. the adept spec'ed a short term, anti-body defense so a war could be had where bats poop, if you read their open source literature. short term, like we are seeing but not like what the cdc and biden sold! they also spec'ed for able bodied military age in combat ready shape.

for moderna to have lost that gravy train is troubling!

a mandate for mrna injections is a crime against humanity, approving it for under 18 is a crime against children.

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How about JPL employees demand their employer to fuck off and institute NO MANDATE WHATSOEVER?

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In exactly that order!

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Yes! I didn't like that list of demands, it cedes the premise that the vaccines are actually worth something, and so mandates could be legitimate. What? Why? The data is saying they don't work well, and probably cause more harm than help! The JPL statement posted above is right in spirit, but badly wrong and flawed in detail. Do better JPL'ers!

Since March, 2020, I've been feeling "the cure is worse than the disease" at every new policy step. I've yet to see anything to take that feeling away from me.

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I think they should upload a software "fix" to a few satellites and hold them hostage until management comes to their senses.

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The best part is that these folks are immune from the “follow the science” mantra. At this point the real conversation is revolves around statistics and data science, and I don’t think anyone in the FDA, CDC, or NIH can hold a candle to their analytic skills.

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I used those arguments with a MD and all I got was you are misinformed 🤦‍♀️ they don’t even look at studies. They just get some bulletin from the cdc and repeat it. Even cite NYT articles. I find it laughable they say follow the science and they don’t even know it.

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yes med school is brainwashing paid for by pharma and med practice is being lobbied by the pharma industry and not having your own private practice is following the policies to a T as demanded of you- and lose your license if you peep- few MDs will speak up. But techie geeks?! Math majors! (my parents were math majors) I love those guys and their pocket protectors. This is their chance to be heroes exposing corruption. Glad someone is listening to them here.

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yup. i have a house manager who runs one of my luxury rental properties and she is going to be fired bc the owner of the firm who reps our properties has said "my boyfriend is a dr and so if you want to know the truth you can talk to him". um. what. the. fuck. she literally told my house manager she is misinformed and needs proper chats with MDs.

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Exactly! Unless the docs are reading original sources, I have no respect for them at all. I am usually better informed. Not their fault really; they went through 8-10 of conditioning to respect The Authorities. When I got my PhD, my postdoc said "The only thing I want you to learn from me is 'Bow down before no god.' Even Nobel prizewinners can be wrong. Always check for yourself." I think about that conversation often these days.

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Nov 1, 2021
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Yes the NIST slime who wrote the BS report on the collapse of building 7. I figured if we didn't imprison the real 9/11 perps they would be back to bite us in the ass, and here we are!!

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Quite true but mountains to bite us in the ass.. NIST bogus WTC7 report hardly stands alone or the worst of the crimes that have gone unprosecuted, even among those the public knows... many more are buried in sealed archives but since then..

2003 CIA asset Curveball intelligence source to launch Iraq War.. Colin Powell UN mushroom cloud.. Judith Miller take down of Joe Wilson & Valerie Plame in the process..

By 2010 evidence of horrific war crimes leaked by Manning who was arrested and tortured.. 3 months in a covered dog cage in Iraq..

War crimes and body counts were published by WikiLeaks & Assange has been hunted since.. an Aussie in London in UK GITMO under terrorist conditions.. Free Speech is under threat with Espionage Act charges stretched to encompass any journalism Washington doesn't like by anyone anywhere.

2014 NSA domestic spying, mass surveillance crimes revealed by Snowden so he's stranded in Russia since Obama/Hillary DoS pulled his passport...

CIA black site torture got Bloody Gina Haspel her character in Zero Dark 30 and promoted to CIA Director.. ooh oooh a woman diversity is progress... CIA agent John Kiriakou confirmed torture was official policy not rouge agents.. Prosecuted under 1917 Espionage Act & spent 53 months in Federal Max prison..

The list of honorable folks crushed is very long and the bloodthirsty killers & psychos get gigs as media experts & Board seats... The Washington Mafia protects its bag men & promotes the best cons! :~)

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Hel-lo! Let's have a scotch and a cigar together, mate!

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Easy to find me with feet in the street - Walkout 1pm tomorrow City Hall


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Wow and wow! Something tells me an afternoon conversing with you would be a mind blowing experience! Is there a book in your future?

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Not really a fair comparison because NIST published the official opinion they did not make beliefs part of individual employment and health.

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Nov 1, 2021
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True but the NIST employees had no negative repercussions for going along now the JPL have their own butts on the line for an experimental gene therapy injections.

Amazing how clear minded people get when their lives are on the line.

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I’ve worked 30 years in clinical research and I read the FDA submission for all the products as they became available. My eyes popped out of my head at the adverse event sections. Every trial I ever ran would have been stopped cold by the DSMB ( data safety monitoring board) and certainly would not have been submitted to the FDA let alone approved. I immediately began contacting every family member and every friend of mine in healthcare to tell them to run for their life, literally, from that shot. I have made it a mission to save as many young people as possible. I used my research and writing skills to become an expert at exemption requests and help them navigate. This is pure evil.

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With school mandates becoming inevitable , and I read that lausd was not even allowing for religious exemptions , I think the only realistic option is to pull our kids out.

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I think you are right, it may come to that. the initial LAUSD court battle is not going super well. kind of up to the judges. Prepare an exit strategy! Nice that a lot of teachers are out of work because of the mandates at the same time. Some families are forming pods, others are setting up private membership associations. There are many choices including the many flavors of homeschooling. I recommend reading John Holt and John Taylor Gatto, Grace Llewyln, but your mileage may vary.

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This is ww2-ww1 going backwards in time as we fall back to pre-oil civilization

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As COP26 and the World Economic Forum and UN plans see progress, there is a curious wisdom in your observation. Neros are fiddlin'. We gotta put out these fires, or be prepared to survive the ensuing miseries.

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“Progress” - depopulation

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Do you understand how frustrating it is for a lay person to read this? Most of us lack the knowledge and insight to see through the BS, and because of that, we are as lambs to the slaughter. I'm just thankful I stumbled in here, and can now read what real scientists have to say! Is this just about Big Pharma wanting more money, or is something even more sinister going on?

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Big Pharma is a tool. This thing is a veritable onion it has so many layers. The virus was all about the vaccine. The vaccine is all about the digital passport. The digital passport is all about your slavery.


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Sure feels like it. Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh? Plans on a shelf...waiting for the right time to be tried. Maybe NIH helped "make" it the right time.

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Well put!

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Wish I knew. There was a great article on International Man a few months back. The claim was that there are dozens of arrogant Elite with Plans To Fix The World (which mostly involve controlling us serfs). They all see this as their big chance, and so all the nutcases are coming out of the closet now. Also, don't discount the effect of groupthink and mass psychosis (see the After Skool YouTube video). We essentially have a global Salem witch trial...

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Nut cases? I can remove my tinfoil any time. Can you remove your spike proteins?

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Fauci for jail 2022

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Fauci for the firing squad, my friend.

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He responded like a total POS during that recent hearing with Rand

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or to dangle.. publicly...

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Fauci for jail NOW. Yesterday!

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It’s obvious he’s protected by some powerful people ... no one in this administration is being held accountable for their failures . Milley, Blinken, Pete, and Biden , etc

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The big problem with government. No accountability. Destroy the economy? Ok, now you need a bigger department to "fix" it. Here's your raise.

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The 1%, or more specifically The .001%. This is a spiritual war of nerds and hoary banksters vs the 99% “overpopulation”

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Pfft yeah they may be scientists and all "space smart" and stuff but no one is smarter than Don Lemon and CNN!

We really do need a sarcasm font...

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Excellent defense of responsible citizenship and medical rights for humans to act in "self-determination". As an employee at NASA HQ and GSFC (ESTO), I appreciate our meetings at JPL. Thank you for articulating a class-action government FTE protest, the merit-based evidence, and validity of this perspective, such that ethical alignment has been violated by NIH and should be considered in our US Supreme court.

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Obviously JPL don't have the same grasp of science as Joe Biden & Bill DeBlasio etc

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Wow ! at least some scientists speak up! There is an article in Newsweek about Fauci, where a couple of scientists waylay the whole handling of the virus. Really good.

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I saw the article earlier today. Excellent - it will be hard to smear them.


"A couple scientists" are Drs MARTIN KULLDORFF AND JAY BHATTACHARYA of Harvard & Stanford, respectively.

Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., is an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine. Both are Senior Scholars at the newly formed Brownstone Institute.

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Kudos to Newsweek. Mighty brave of them. Of course, Kulldoff & Bhattacharya are part of the original Great Barrington declaration that should have been policy. Placing our hope on vaccines has been a failure that none want to admit.

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Cdc has lost the trust of many Americans by their denial of natural immunity as being superior to vaccine immunity, recommendation of masking our toddlers and children , and not discussing proactive ways to boost immune system starting with losing weight and increasing our vitamin d levels !

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I doubt whether any kudos to Newsweek. Probably lining up Fxi to be fired (as I've picked up elsewhere - all those poor Beagles, etc).

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I'm no PhD, nor am I mathematically inclined. I do, however, know horseshit when I see it.

Nevertheless, I appreciate it when others take the time to examine, dissect it and clarify it's contents. It's a dirty job for which I am truly thankful.

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I am a BSN. But non of my education really played a part in sniffing out the BS. After 2 weeks to slow the spread showed high positive rates and low hospitalization and deaths, I was on to them. Then Birx with her "liberal approach to mortality" WHAT? in a real pandemic wouldn't you have strict criteria to work out the right numbers?? Super obvious...

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This! They said it out loud in the first wave of press conferences and in print in the NYT, yet when I pointed this out to the Covidians (within days of it happening), "...i don't remember that."

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My nephew, who works for Dunn Construction, was informed that he had to get the vaccine by 11/9 because he’s working on a government contract and they require all sub-contractors be stuck. My nephew has had the CCP. Virus and still has antibodies. The science of vaccines is just pure BS.

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there needs to be a contract modification to add a requirement like injecting the danger vaccine to work. it would also have to change the temrination clause which make gumint contracts different than commercial!

but the company can subit and make their employees submit

until we rebel

do no busines with dunn....

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Done with Dunn!

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Even if you just have a modicum of scientific training you can easily see in the data that there are problems with the vaccines. And, yeah, Rocket Scientist can do the math.

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Doctors can’t. No offense. But they can’t. There are good ones out there who think for themselves but many are just follow the well check guidelines from AMA / acog etc and don’t ever deviate. In a sense modern doctors simply follow orders. Good medical science is rare now. Eg when I asked for some extra testing for my child with good reason I have been laughed at, belittled and whatnot. Each time I insisted and turned out to be right. If I hadn’t researched and asked for tests my kiddo would have been left out.

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The math most doctors do stop at mg/Kg. Full stop.

When I had to argue against a statin 15 years ago and explained relative compared to absolute risk, my doctor(at the time) eyes glazed over and he spun on his heel leaving the room and pretty much called me an idiot. Since then my HDL and Triglycerides are now equal which is the gold standard of metabolic health. I did that by doing research. Dr dimwit wanted me on statins and the standard American diet. I'd probably have a stent or two by now following his SCIENCE!

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Yes you probably would. Statins have awful side effects that are always being covered upt.

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Corporate medicine has become group think .

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Exactly. I have a degree in a form of social science and even I could immediately tell that the methods and endpoints had been designed to make the study a success rather than showing how the vaccine will perform in a way that's actually relevant to anyone taking it.

I suppose the risk of a poorly-studied vaccine was acceptable (to some) at the time because of how the early reports from China etc. were looking, but we learned quite quickly that the virus is much less dangerous than we thought which SHOULD mean that the risk we are willing to take on a poorly-studied vaccine will be much smaller. But how many times have you seen authorities recognise and incorporate positive findings?

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Same. Graduate degree in the social sciences and the studies are a laughable abuse of the scientific method. Lipstick on a pig. My professors at Uni would have failed me with such study design.

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By the way, JPL is run for NASA by CalTech. So yeah, a little bit of science knowledge over there.

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Caltech mandated vaccines for its staff and students earlier. JPL was not included in that mandate, but it got caught up in Biden’s federal contractor decree. Caltech recently renamed some buildings, if I recall it was because the original honorees supported eugenics way back. So there are other influences besides science at that school.

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Asking for mercy, basically. According to Canadian Constitution, no religious or any other exception is required for anyone to decline any vaccine, or any other medical treatment for that matter. A no is a no. Not that Canadian Constitution is garnering any respect at the moment. But lawsuits are building up steam fast. In a year or two we’ll have a ruling, by the Supreme Court of Canada, once again LOL. Will be too late for many a folk losing their jobs today.

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And these are not even vaccines. They are experimental and there is no law to stand on to force them onto people, and then there is Nurnberg.

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by saying "goodbye" today one makes room for tomorrows "hello".

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Fuckbook (or is it Meata) just put me in 7 day jail for sharing El Gato’s Marek’s post as it goes against community standards. I guess the standard is bury your head in the sand.

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I think it's Meta - Make Everything Trump Again!

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lol thats a good one! how about #MAGAVERSE to compete with Metaverse lol

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Can't take credit for that though. I saw it somewhere else today and thought it was hilarious.

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Share it here

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Rock on! It doesn't take a rocket scientist … or maybe it does ;-)

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It does not.

I barely got through h.s. math (ok, so I guess I should have shown up more, but I digress) and have been following the data since March 16, 2020 and it never, ever merited the response of masks, lockdowns or 6 feet.

Rock on, indeed!

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well leftists are against anti vaxxers, unless it is family. I am willing to bet there are plenty of leftists that have refused the vaxx for their own reasons.


My niece and her new husband did not vaxx. They are raging liberals. My brother, her father, is a flaming liberal. He got a vaxx of course like a good comrad.

To them, the kids are not anti vaxxers though. My brother said, no they are just not getting the vaxx in case they want kids (? sounds like anti-vaxx to me)

This is what brain damage looks like

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I trust the rocket scientists LONG before the CDC, FAUCI or any of our GOVT Politicians. ALL HAIL the ROCKET SCIENTISTS!!!!

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All you need is to follow the Z protocol.

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HCQ + Zn + Z Pack?

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Stupid rocket scientists! They don't believe in science!

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They obviously don't believe in being conformists. Good scientists cannot go along to get along.

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Brandon, you have a problem.

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Just one?? Really?? Only one?

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If we've learned anything during this scam, we've learned that TPTB (GloboCap, etc.) could not care less about the damage the mandates create. If TPTB, or their politician puppets, cared about any of the carnage they are creating, they would back down on the mandates. The fact that they don't tells us all we need to know about the horrible damage they are causing, all in the name of profit and totalitarian control. Sad times.

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One of the problems for Biden and the Democrats who are following him is that some groups of people, including these rocket scientists, are realizing that they have quite a bit of leverage. If this winds up being a raw power struggle and lots of people walk off the job, well, do you really trust the politicians to figure out how to keep things going without the essential workers?

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According to DeBlasio, everything is just fine with 18 fire companies out of service.

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put the meme of the dog in the burning kitchen saying, "this is fine, everything is fine"

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Please expand on this

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DeBlasio was on nightly news saying everything is fine, no services were delayed. Multiple news outlets reported 18 fire companies were out of service due to vax mandates.

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Presumably because deBlasio is incapable of overriding this (federal) policy?

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This is beyond Biden ... just listen to Klaus Schwab from the world economic forum. This is a totalitarian new world order that wants to control us with a social credit score implemented via a digital id.

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He can run his troops down to the beaches to collect sea shells to fight against the Oceans rising

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Saw a response on Twitter to Pr. Charlie — “I remember Lexington & Concord. Bring it Charlie!”

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Let's go Charlie!

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Funny you say this. I just asked myself this morning "Is Newsweek getting red pilled"? They will certainly get more readers at this rate.

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Maybe it’s the beginning of the end for Dr Doom

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They may have just discovered the magic formula

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My first viral Tweet was about this subject! Rocket Scientists have joined the tribe of Conspiracy Theorists! #Rimshot

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Now Kitty, these may be some of the smartest people on the planet when it comes to analysing data and doing the maths - but this is way to complex for them to work out - that's why we have to leave it to the smarter people in the White House.

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Love to see united action in the workplace on this!

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Hell Yeah!

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It’s not too late to take a stand for our children!


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Done. I also emailed every member (except one w/no email address) last Friday.

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Haha. The traffic for that corner consists of about 50 non-JPL cars and a few dozen La Cañada High School track team members a day.

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So? Do you think the location of their protest reflects negatively on the scientists' principles or veracity? Where do YOU think they should protest? And why are you laughing at people who are exercising their rights?

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It reflects negatively on their willingness to do what is necessary to gain freedom. Cosplaying civil rights advocate on a driveway adjacent to a marsh frequented by literally no one is not revolution.

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So the better alternative would be…?

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That's contextual on where you are. In LA and other places, you leave. It's too late, you're already an unperson and should be grateful it's possible to get out at all. If your job is important, great - sabotage it on your way out. A single tech could render QA a nightmare on everything JPL is working on in a few hours.

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Courage! Courage! Defy the media censorship.

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Dear Ph.D. types commenting below. This isn’t about a virus. This is a depopulation event. As Gore Vidal once said “I’m a conspiracy analyst” and this conspiracy isn’t a theory. I’m a physician. I’ll never agree to be vaccinated again with anything that Big Pharma produces. They’ve demonstrated that they are corrupt and dangerous.

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Wow. Yes. Amen. How many people participated?

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Is this real? Makes me happy.

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It’s real. I was at the protest.

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really? That's wonderful. I wish I could have been there. I'm a Fed, but nobody around me is protesting. (VT.) Do you work for JPL? I visited the labs there for a few days awhile back. It seemed like such an interesting place to work.

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I do work at JPL. (Well at least for another month.) It was my dream job after many years in aerospace. It is a place with a lot of energy, constant visitors. Most everyone has been working from home since last March, though. I know that all the NASA centers have groups fighting the mandate, and are coordinating efforts. We need bigger numbers. I am pleased to report that some vaccinated employees are standing with us fighting the mandate.

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Oh, lucky you! I know there are lots of Feds who would protest. Our union let slip that 22% of our agency isn't vaxxed. These mandates are barbaric and nonsensical. We've been operating on maximum telework since last March -- and there are no plans to return to an office anyway. (BTW, I hate telework.) Who am I going to infect at home? And if they cared about my health so much, they would have paid for me to get a proper home office and a radon test for the house. I'll be requesting a religious accommodation, but...who knows what they'll do.

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The UK slightly slower off the mark with mandates but it's obvious which way the wind is blowing. Devolved parliaments in Scotland and Wales (where I live) have already implemented vax pass for events & some hospitality, Northern Ireland in the pipeline, can't be long before England joins in & probably starts stricter vax-only measures.

Anyway, my point is - and I made it on twitter at least 6 months ago - is that the USA is the key player in our global struggle against totalitarianism & over the pond we're praying for strength & resolve in that indomitable US spirit of freedom to tip the balance and ignite a global fightback.

Hold the Line.

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That's good to hear! Hold the Line!

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If the vaccines were to be administered on the International Space Station, everyone would be positive by day 7, even the folks hanging out from the ship in space suit. That's how safe and effective these vaccines are.

I meant HIV positive of course.

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Excellent!!! Copying!!

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How about traditional, inactivated virus vaccines? there are 4 or 5 of them in various stage of testing and use around the world. the majority of them are produced by China. funny thing, that, no? Covaxin, and Coronavac, e.g. and these kinds of vaccines are the only ones in use in China. funny thing about that, no?

wouldn't it be nice to have treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin that are safe. but oh, wait ... their existence would invalidate the conditions of the Emergency Use Authorisations of the 3 US-used "vaccines".

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Much love from Canada to New Zealand! I happen to own 2 Cairn Terriers!

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The CDC and Fauci are now just trying to force vaccinate everyone to get rid of the control group. They know they have placed the Mother of All Lemons on the market with these vaccines. They're attempting a cover-up. They've been doing the same thing with the childhood vaccination program. You can read about it here:

"Fauci's Glaring Cohort Problem and Why He Needs Your Kid Vaxxed"


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Damn, I missed it. I just now read the post, and the protest ended 45 minutes ago. I live close to JPL.

Guess you have to get up early to take advantage of a bad cattitude.

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Appreciate the bad cattitude and comments! Same mandate to employees at the company I work for (large software company) and to my brother in law's company (large wireless carrier). Both read about the same as the JPL mandate so likely a final demand with specifics by the US mash potato brain administration to company's that contract with the US federal government.

Full vax proof on or before December 8 with second shot by November 24. No testing option. Medical and religious exemptions may be submitted for review.

I have multiple benign brain/head tumors with one of them being treated by gamma knife as it was destroying my facial nerve. One other on my optic nerve impacting my vision. I called neurology at the hospital that did the gamma knife and brought up a concern about my propensity for benign tumors (also had thyroid removed due to nodules) and known adverse reactions from the vax regarding blood clots and cysts (?). I got as far as the nurse who responded: we recommend that all our patients get vaccinated. Based on that response, I'd say it's unlikely a medical exemption will be an option for me. Although, I've not gone through the religious questionnaire there appears to be one question that will catch a significant number of us: have you ever received a vaccine in the past.

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Will do!

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I was very excited to see this. But I hate to report that this is not very helpful: I asked my close relative (don't want to say who) about this and they said that this is less than .5% of the workforce.

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I forget to mention that they work at JPL!

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Can you kindly supply a source for the JPL letter? I'd like to repost. Thank you.

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Didn't know the MAGA cult had infiltrated NASA.

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Gato, can you analyze the Project Salus study? Looks to be right up your meawlley.


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