What I found hilarious is that NPR runs 50 twitter accounts in the first place!


Of course, since government funding is only 1% of NPR's budget, it shouldn't be a big deal to forgo that and declare once and for all that NPR isn't government propaganda.

Odds of that are roughly -250%.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

I take Benny Hill more serious than NPR.

They might as well be playing "Yakety Sax" in place of their commentary.

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Yeah, but I LIKE "Yakety Sax".

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I LOVE, "Yakety Sax!"

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I like Hill's Angels...I know it's not politically correct to say that.

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One way back was the girl that ended up on Frasier. Jane Leeves played Daphne.

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Oh goodness. I do not take the bait!...;)

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Benny Hill is far more credible!

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Benny Hill, one of my favorites

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Pravda one step removed is still Pravda.

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slay it, commander!

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I wonder if NPR employees qualify for Federal govt benefits like great health ins, pensions, etc!

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The government gives the money to the public broadcasting corporation who then doles it out to PBS and NPR. According to the corp disclosures, the only source of funding for the corporation is the government and interest on the money they get from the government.

But they are "independent" from the government. Anyone able to find how much the execs for these entities get paid? I bet it's substantial.

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" Anyone able to find how much the execs for these entities get paid?" Top NPR salaries are published in their Form 990. The latest I could find is for 2020, tho labled as "tax year 2021." I count ten folks each paid > $400,000 total compensation that year, which by swamp standards seems pretty modest. You can look it up on the IRS web site at https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/ under their EIN 52-090762. Scroll down to page 56 of the pdf.

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023


So received $662M from the government, up $100M from the prior year (18%). Whoa.

The gave out $708M in grants. Just shy of 99% of their funding is from the government.

Lots of interesting things. Yeah, by swamp standards not too top heavy. Probably have to dig deeper into the grants they gave out to find the big money makers

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Seems pretty simple: If you get money from the government (as both PBS and NPR do), then you are government funded.

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yup. I think that's why twitter changed the label from 'state affiliated'. Certainly more clear now. Apparently though not enough to satisfy the chiefs at NPR. You gotta love the reaction: showing disapproval by censoring themselves. Brilliant!

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Since all the major TV networks received money from the CDC to "not spread disinformation", I would call them all state sponsored media.

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I would use a different word than "media" (begins with a "p").

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Once you get on the Government teat it’s hard to wean yourself.

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Good odds! So is twitter basically an internet ghetto now?

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I believe the preferred term is "Substandard credibility profile".

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I found quotes claiming from 1% to 15%. The 1% seemed ironically to be timed at about the time when Trump was talking about cutting public broadcasting budget and PBS and NPR execs were screaming these cuts would destroy them. So out of one side of yer mouth you say it's only 1% from government then turn around and say losing 1% would be the end of the world? Hm.

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On their own site, they say the funding is ESSENTIAL.

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kind of contradicts the 1% claim, right?

I found a disclosure that shows around $100M from the federal government. If that's only 1% then WTF?

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If you can’t stand on your own, without a special funding source, you are beholden to that source.

NPR, prove your independent. Turn off the taxpayer spigot.

I feel like I’m telling a forty year old to get a job move out of their moms basement.

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"I'm telling a forty year old..."

That's the neat part. You are!

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Good point. It was not intentional.

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NPR= Nauseating Propaganda and Racism.

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I thought it stood for Neo-PRavda.

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MDJD you are absolutely and totally right. A new item for our dictionary

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I used to listen to NPR even though I knew where they stood (and slanted news) but it got so bad over the years I could no longer stand it.

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Up until recently I would occasionally listen to follow the sage old advice "know thine enemy", which was usually possible for up to an hour or so before the blood started to boil over out of my ears.

Now it is intolerable after only a few minutes, if not seconds.

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I read that as, "know whine enemy".

Still kinda works. Not gonna lie.

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You're singing my song.

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I was a regular listener to our local NPR station but gave it up at least 30 years ago. Except for the classical music segments, more and more segments were including liberal/leftist themes. I decided I didn’t want to listen to it.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

I gave it up about the same time. It was during the Serb/Croat thing and I felt I was not getting a full picture as all these ethnic groups were being painted in black and white according to the perspective our government was enforcing. Much like Ukraine today.

I only tuned in after that to catch Gore Vidal do his correspondant's lunch thing for a few years. Even that got repetitive with Gore basically saying 'wake up' and supplying the names of a number of Executive Orders that put the covert forces into power. Of course no one but us crazy conspiracy readers took him up on that.

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Well, they are dependent on the people that fund them. And, since the people that fund them are almost all leftists and socialists, NPR would, of course, cater to them.

You know, as a libertarian, I do try to see all sides of an issue but I'm still waiting for the left to come up with a great idea that doesn't involve force.

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The force is the point.


“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?"

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>"Force is the point."

Force is also the difference.

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And that's the crux, isn't it? It's not so much of an issue of State vs. private funding as it is how those private donations come from a very narrow, homogenized demographic: upper middle class whites, over-educated yet under-fulfilled, and who consider themselves the intellectual superiors of our culture and yet who cannot tolerate the slightest dissent from their worldview. The calm, dulcimer-toned recitations and validations they receive from their Gods are what gets them through their day.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

I bet those donations from 'private' donors don't even come close to the amount being dumped in by things like the Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda, etc. The small private donors are being turned by propaganda put out by these large foundations...oh yeah and folky dulicmer music.

Don't even talk to me about how the local FM public stations that used to play music like jazz and blues play NPR most of the day now instead of just the hour noon newsbreak many used to have up until a decade or so ago.

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It would indeed be interesting to "follow the money" as the Left so often directs. What percentage of state media (NPR, PBS) funding comes directly from public, private individual, and corporate coffers? It's likely that that a clear correlation would emerge between the angle and tone of material put out and the contributions flowing from entities which benefit from a positive spin on the issues.

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And the irony of that is those "socialists" are mostly wealthy couples, rich enough to have their family foundations mentioned as funders on NPR, or their names listed as sponsors at the beginning of PBS shows.

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I never knew that "NPR produces consequential, independent journalism every day in service to the public." While I am not entirely, completely, and with prejudice discounting their assertion, I am puzzled by the fact that "independent" means vastly left of center and supportive of government positions.

Well, looks like another "teachable moment" for the ole hounddog. 🐶

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When I think of NPR, this skit from SNL captures it perfectly. Enjoy:


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Thanks a lot! Now I am craving tap water and rice...🤨

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And yet, her account is still up on Twitter. If she was serious about leaving, she'd turn it off. Is it part of the NPR Employee Handbook that each worker must virtue signal on social media on a daily basis?

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They got off easy. Should really say "Fascist Propaganda" since it's funded by a hybrid of state and corporate entities.

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🎯. Darn, I’m using this bull’s-eye all the time now! 😑

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

"So, yes, NPR gets 1 percent of its funding directly from the CPB, but the CPB indirectly funds NPR through its member stations that pay for the privilege of broadcasting popular programs such as Morning Edition and All Things Considered. As NPR explains,"


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Even the "leftists" think NPR is part of the government. By the by, you guys should pummel the commenters at this site who will all be buried in masks when they shed this mortal coil for fear covid will infect their corpses ;)


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I'd do it myself but they banned me for good in 2020 when i made the assertion that the hospital system was killing more people in 2020 then covid.

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Another remarkable self-own from the double-digit I.Q. types in the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate clown media. She smugly thought this was a big win, I'm sure. But less NPR in Americans' lives is a plus.

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Yes, and they broadcast on publicly owned “airwaves”. I thought airwave pollution would pull in EPA enforcement. Their awful hyper-partisan jabbering is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Good riddance NPR and refund your decades of grift from the taxpayers.

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I can honestly say even before the beginning of CV, I had become disenchanted with NPR. For decades NPR was an ad free public sponsored station that seemed trustworthy. Then a decade or two age, one year they began with a few minutes at the top of the hour for paid sponsors, in a few years these paid sponsor ads became much more frequent. Still I would listen to a program here and there that I found credible. Since CV I can honestly say I rarely listen to NPR and when I give it a try within minutes I have to turn it off, as it is the same old rhetoric, with new younger voices, who seem to spew information that only younger people would listen to who do not know any recent history that is more than 5 years ago. I think the topper for me was a young woman commenting a few years ago as though Nuclear Bomb was no big deal in an authority manner on Nuclear WAR. I as someone born at the end of WWII who has lived through the Cold War, with the threat of nuclear war hanging over our heads daily as children, along with hearing the horror stories of what the the bombing of the people in the two large cities of Japan had done; and then witnessing young men of my generation sent to the horrors of the Vietnam War we witnessed on TV every day, I wondered just where did this person receive their education? To hear this person giving voice to such rubbish as though she actually thought she knew what she was talking about, who plainly had no idea of what hell horror she was talking about, was the final validation that NPR was a sham of garbage talk propaganda with no credibility at all. Thank you for a place to give a rant I have carried for a long time. Glad to see the other comments that acknowledge an overwhelming awarenesses of how not NPR is in it to provide the public with thoughtful none biased commentary .

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Good riddance.

They, along with the rest of the clown-car "news" media, should just make it official and merge with Jacobin, as all of them are little more than sycophants, toadies and stenographers for the genocidal death cult known globally as socialism, and progressivism parochially.

It should never be forgotten that this lot murdered some 200 million people in the 20th century alone, and given their ceaseless, nearly incoherent babble demonizing anyone with more than two synapses firing between their ears, polls showing large pluralities favoring concentration camps for the "unvaccinated", and the ubiquitous neo-KKK "direct action" violence of antifa, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that these barbarian bastards are pining for a repeat.

The less reach these vile cretins have, the better off we all are.

"A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier."

~ H.L. Mencken

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I think your term "genocidal death cult" more aptly describes socialism than the "loathsome disease" reference I have used for these many years. Gonna steal it. With attribution, of course.

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Well, your descriptor is quite apt as well mate.

For a long time I've considered leftism a sort of cognitive mental disorder. How else to explain the fanatical beliefs in utterly preposterous, destructive nonsense, which more times than not is actually the polar opposite of reality?

Leprosy of the brain, as it were.

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Oddly enough NPR is not wrong. When Trump was president were they allowing their editorials to be influenced by him? Of course not. They are a biased mouth piece for the left. When the president is Republican they are not influenced by the government. When there's a Dem president they get behind and push.

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NPR steals money from US taxpayers to write propaganda on behalf of regime that hates US taxpayers.

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These people were happy when some independent journalists were labelled as Russian government affiliated but, as they say in the UK, "They don't like it up' em".

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Buh-bye, Leila.

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