so, it seems like probably NPR is quitting twitter because they got a “government funded media” tag on their account.
and apparently “government funded media” equates to “not editorially independent!”
so, i’d like to say thanks to miss leila for clearing that up.
i had always sorta suspected but was never quite sure.
What I found hilarious is that NPR runs 50 twitter accounts in the first place!
Of course, since government funding is only 1% of NPR's budget, it shouldn't be a big deal to forgo that and declare once and for all that NPR isn't government propaganda.
Odds of that are roughly -250%.
If you can’t stand on your own, without a special funding source, you are beholden to that source.
NPR, prove your independent. Turn off the taxpayer spigot.
I feel like I’m telling a forty year old to get a job move out of their moms basement.