He did one good thing, then sh*t his pants. No different from Puerto Rico's own Pedro "The Pedro/Peter Principle" Pierluisi. Did one good thing at the start, then sh*t his pants and all over Puerto Rico.
He did one good thing, then sh*t his pants. No different from Puerto Rico's own Pedro "The Pedro/Peter Principle" Pierluisi. Did one good thing at the start, then sh*t his pants and all over Puerto Rico.
His idiot predecessor, the Accidental Governor Wanda Vazquez, banned alcohol sales after 7pm and on weekends (or something like that; I don't recall the details, but I do recall being denied a six-pack purchase at 7:02pm on a Saturday because I don't speak Spanish and I didn't understand the loudspeaker warning 10 minutes earlier)...where was I?
Oh yeah, the one sane thing Pierluisi did was to revoke the alcohol sale ban almost immediately upon taking office.
Since then, he's shown he has sh*t for brains, as has his health minister.
He did one good thing, then sh*t his pants. No different from Puerto Rico's own Pedro "The Pedro/Peter Principle" Pierluisi. Did one good thing at the start, then sh*t his pants and all over Puerto Rico.
What was the good thing?
His idiot predecessor, the Accidental Governor Wanda Vazquez, banned alcohol sales after 7pm and on weekends (or something like that; I don't recall the details, but I do recall being denied a six-pack purchase at 7:02pm on a Saturday because I don't speak Spanish and I didn't understand the loudspeaker warning 10 minutes earlier)...where was I?
Oh yeah, the one sane thing Pierluisi did was to revoke the alcohol sale ban almost immediately upon taking office.
Since then, he's shown he has sh*t for brains, as has his health minister.