I used to visit New York City several times a year but I will not go anymore as long as this craziness continues. I feel sorry for the people who live there.

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Same here. I live in NJ and have a good friend in NYC. I used to visit regularly, and we’d go out for coffee and snacks. Where can we go now? I wouldn’t even be able to find a bathroom I could use before returning home. Untested, unmasked, unjabbed, unafraid.

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Sure you have a bathroom... outside mayor's residence

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Like LA and SF, the whole place is a bathroom!

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My apologies... go on tour.... in his residence. #2.

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Bathroom humor, can't beat it.... most likes of any post ever

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And lots of rats to contend with too?

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I will take the rats over the sick twists that live there.

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That's some wit u got😂😂

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Glory, you are my “un” hero”!!! 👍

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I'm in New Brunswick NJ. Who's trying to hang?

forecheck32 at gmail.

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You're a pureblood

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Having a close friend who lives there, I can guarantee that many businesses are completely ignoring this asshole, the same way they ignored the last asshole. Thankfully. That does not necessarily help the businesses under the yoke of fines and/or city control, but still...

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I understand that's true for the jab requirement at restaurants and masking in stores, but it's hard to know which is which and it's stressful and exhausting to deal with testing places out, unless you do it with a group as a planned act of civil disobedience, and that also requires a lot of psychological and emotional stress. This city I used to love is pure dystopia now, and really, it's New Yorkers who are to blame. I'm convinced that most of my neighbors have been taken over by body snatchers. There's no other way to explain it, even allowing for mass formation psychosis.

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I keep asking myself if the vaccines don't contain some ingredient that makes people more suggestible or controllable...

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Oh, I'm definitely convinced they do. And I started wondering early on if all the flu jabs so many people have been taking regularly on a yearly basis do too. I kept thinking it would be an interesting study to see if the people who went insane overnight (and it really did seem that way) had had the flu jab in the fall.

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This is the first time in 20 years I didn't take a flu shot. I figured I can no longer trust that what's in any vaccination is safe and effective, if they are SO insistent on us getting the Covid shot. I'll just do without and take my chances.

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Ditto. Last took a free (actually, $10 gift card) flu or pneumonia shot in late 2020 before the ("vaccine") madness began. Needless to say, my confidence in the medical profession has not increased in the year since. I am leery of anything they want to inject (I will take risks for local anesthetic, etc.). I will likely never ("voluntarily") accept another vaccine or not-clearly-explained injection or medication for the rest of my life.

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Didn’t they contain heavy metals

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It's not all gloom and doom. You can remove heavy metals from your body using activated charcoal pills sold in the vitamin aisle as a vitamin and chlorophyll extract which is a lot stronger at removing heavy metals from your body. The liver throws toxins it does not know how to process into newly created fat cells. During ketosis when you fast or are on a high protein and fat but low sugar diet, your liver will recover sugar from fat cells and release these toxins into your bile ducts to your stomach to be reabsorbed through the stomach and then back to the liver and into fat cells. This process poisons your blood and causes headaches. You can get rid of most headaches with activated charcoal and chlorophyll extract, which allow the body to excrete the heavy metals. Activated charcoal is also a remedy for poisoning to pull toxins out of the body.

The CDC now admits that all vaccine shots used to contain mercury because they are proud to say that they switched to using aluminum as the adjuvant. The adjuvant irritates your immune system to make it notice something else local to the adjuvant. This is technically a shot in the dark. Your body can easily detect healthy cells or health immune cells as the problem and start attacking your body. Mercury is one of the most toxic and destructive elements you can introduce to the human body. Aluminum may be 10 times worse than mercury when injected into the body completely bypassing the immune and filtering processes of the body. By introducing mercury and now aluminum we are being poisoned. The side effects are what we call diseases and being on the spectrum and sudden infant death syndrome, etc. 50 years ago, 1 in 1000 children were on the spectrum. Today, 1 in 43 children are on the spectrum of autism. They want dumb fools that will fall for anything while their pockets are picked. They want people who just don't care AKA docile slaves. The word android and robot come from medieval times when the human chattel of a landlord were classified as androids and robots. Androids were semi or fully educated people that had the semblance of being human and could perform delicate tasks indoors but could not think only appear to think. Robots were outdoor laborers that could be tasked with anything from farming to moving the paths of rivers or logging trees and building roads. Robots were definitely unable to think. Makes that line from the medieval play Star Wars all the more poignant when you can think and actually know the context. The Jedi master, Ben Kenobi, says something like, "Imagine the trouble we would be in if robots could think." The elites AKA royals want to get back to that and they are halfway there. We are as ignorant as we want to be and have no concept of what anything is or how and why things are the way they are in the world unless we are given hard talks by our family explaining the unwritten truths of the system of the world when we are young. We are unable to think because we are ignorant of the facts and the people in power and the people behind the power and the family ties and their agendas. Something the elites and their androids are well aware of. Like the way vaccines are made with human embryo cells and animal cells and aluminum. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/how-fluvaccine-made.htm The process can't filter out the virus found in the original source animal cells because then they would also filter out the virus fragments they are intentionally growing in aborted fetuses and chicken embryos that have been turned into a growth culture with a blender. AKA why people consider it against their personal religious beliefs to inject foreign organisms from dead animals and people into their bodies. A little bit of information the news outlets leave out to keep you from *thinking* about how similar to cannibalism and weird cross species genetic manipulation vaccines are. How and why of the current system of the world here. https://odysee.com/@howtoruntheworld:e/How-And-Why-Big-Oil-Conquered-The-World:b Educate yourself so you can live without fear and relax and finally think. Fear is the mind killer. Fear has taken 10 IQ points off of the average IQ in the world during this plandemic. I like the part about the German railway during WWII. It seems similar to China's Belt and Road through Kazakhstan and Russian gas line through the Ukraine to Europe and China and access to the sea for their ships.

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My sympathies Martha. I was a NYC resident for many years. Gone since 2016. I wish you all a ton of good fortune and great good luck...

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"unless you do it with a group as a planned act of civil disobedience"--the key word here is planned. As in what happens if it all should go south for some reason, and you find yourselves arrested--or worse? Do you have someone who can step in and manage your daily lives should that happen? I'm sure those who went to the Capitol on January 6 did not stop to think that a year later some would still be behind bars with no trial date or charges. The demonstrations and sit-ins of the Civil Rights Movement were highly planned, with prominent leaders and spokespeople, organizations, lawyers, etc. and that still didn't stop people from being beaten, arrested and in many cases losing their lives. Make sure you know what you are doing and what all the potential consequences are before you act.

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dont feel sorry for them, they got what they voted for

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Actually we don't know that. Do you believe election results are fair?

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good point....not sure...either way, i am over nyc. dont care anymore and i am originally from there. Next....

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I hear you G... I too was originally from there. It was a Great place once. No longer though...

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And when Mets didn't get into brawl over Piazza incident, I gave up on them. I could take them in last place. I won't take girlie girls

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Baseball fights are faker than pro wrestling.

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And sometimes pro wrestling goes real!!!

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The demise of Roller Derby was the beginning of the end in professional sports. Those guys and gals were totally insane despite it being scripted. I once saw a capacity crowded game on TV from MSG between the NY Chiefs and the Philadelphia Warriors that was incredible. Guys on roller skates jumping off railings into the crowd. I wish I could find the video.

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Looking at videos after your 1st comment, I agree, but with substantial exceptions. ROSEBORO -Marichal.

All pre 1958 when men where men

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Much better.

Philadelphia, most penalty minutes... became my team!

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Juan Marichal, John Roseboro.

Ty Cobb. Rod C arew going into stands ( a kind man, gave me autograph 3x). Early 70s, guy threw bat at pitcher. Clemons wasn't playing with piazza.

Most i voted were,cowardly ... certainly not fake.

Rose, Harrelson.

I stopped following free agency

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I believe this jerk ran as tough on crime and received many votes from the outer boroughs. Of course, he immediately got into a bear hug with the new DA. So, yes, the well off libs got what they deserved, the others were likely bamboozled.

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I knew from dealing with him as Brooklyn Borough President in activism on another issue that he would follow orders from TPTB, but I have to admit I was surprised at how eager he was from before day one of his "administration" to make it clear that he wouldn't show any independence or veer from the totalitarian agenda even a centimeter, even just for a minute, for show. That he's corrupt (of course) I knew, but that he has no self-respect was a bit of a surprise.

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He has always been liberal. Not surprising he says what it takes for votes and then ignores those voters. Hopefully he really will act on the crime issue but given no prosecutions, good luck with that even as a joke. Nice excuse for not delivering.

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"Hopefully he really will act on the crime issue" I think he got a lot of votes based on that hope. I heard the other day that he's announced that the city will no longer prosecute minor crimes--like vandalism, robberies and burglaries of small amounts, I guess. Maybe part of it is due to lack of manpower in the police due to all the firings of the unjabbed, and the rest is out of control wokism as an excuse to further destroy the city. As to not prosecuting "minor" crimes: I have a friend who is homeless, had all her stuff stolen when she looked the other way for a moment and had to stay overnight with us because she didn't have a sleeping bag or the tent she uses and it was 18 degrees and windy. Efforts to get the police never materialized. I guess the "value" of her items were below the threshold, but for her it could have meant life or death.

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The police can arrest and if Adams words are true they will, but those arrested must be held to account, a prosecutor's job. Whether Adams can shame the prosecutor is unknown. The broken window theory says you must stop criminal activity early to avoid a bad future. Some seem to think that untrue. The most vulnerable in society need the most enforcement and accountability despite the more fortunate remaining comfortable thinking lower taxes.

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I was looking forward to an annual trade show held at the Marriott Marquis, dinner at Carmines and possibly a Broadway show in February but I wouldn’t set foot in NYC right now as it’s being dangerously run into the proverbial ground by a bunch of total retards.

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Totally Agree ! I was a long time resident. Gone since 2016...

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Same here though I used to work in NYC (and my office is there), loved the city and being there. Haven't been there since 2020 and have absolutely no desire to step foot there again until they return to sanity, which won't happen as long as there is a Democrat mayor. Shame that the city will have to hit absolute rock bottom again before someone like another Guiliani comes in and cleans it up again.

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do not hold your breath...

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Truly was the greatest city on earth.

I used to prowl their streets growing up.

Now , I'd go back to liberate them

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used to be is the appropriate description. now it is just a bastion for fanatic liberal smut.

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I have a business there. I no longer go in. Will move out when I can. 50 employees. Not a big company. Not nothing.

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Big enough to put food on (at least) 51 tables.

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Or Hawaii. They’re nuts too. I’ve been but my husband hasn’t and until they walk away from the Covid craziness, I’ll spend my money elsewhere. Thanks

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It still never ceases to amaze me how the average American can think forced injections are ok under any circumstances, even if they work. The fact that they don't makes this all the more eerie.

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They’re not being imposed to protect against viruses, so the fact they don’t do that doesn’t worry them.

Instead, it’s a CONTROL SYSTEM. It’s working well.

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Oh I know--but the fact that the average Joe can't see this is incredible. It ill be our downfall. I am grateful for people like you who make all of the effort to get the right info out there-we owe a great debt to you.

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Yes, I think now the "control" is shifting to the tests. *Funny* timing, with CA set to offer free health care for all....prob contingent on if you submit to being tracked and monitored by the system....

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The well off in NYC feel they can be exempt from rules and restrictions when they need to be, so, it’s the other folks who need to wake up. Unfortunately this jackass bamboozled them with his “police” background and “tough on crime” stance. Those will most likely give up and be even more easily controlled. We are in a sorry state.

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Exactly! I keep pointing out to people that it wouldn't matter if they were 100% safe and cured all cancers. This is America; you can't force people to undergo medical procedures...except now you can, if they're medical workers...

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Exactly! Same thing here in Germany. I keep hoping they will awaken, but so far nothing doing.

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As far as I (an Austrian) can assess the current situation, Germany seems to be many steps further in the „awakening process“. In Austria the government and media have gone completely crazy. I do see a lot of critical voices covered by German MSM (even Welt and ZDF), but in Austria there‘s: well… nothing. Vaxx mandate will be installed by Feb 1, unvaxxed should not be allowed to work from then on, lockdown for „unvaxxed“ (well, double vaxxed also, but hey, just get your booster!) will be prolonged until further notice. They even think about forbidding „unvaxxed“ exiting Austria. But hey! This has probably nothing to do with the tender love bonds between some „experts“ and politicians and the pharma industry, that obviously exist (there is a great article in the latest issue of the boulevard magazine „News“). And the magazine also states that a vaxx mandate would bring advantages for certain „stakeholders“. But psssst, that‘s only „Geschwurbel“ from conspiracy theorists ☺️.

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Civil War world over.

John, you're a German and imI'a Texan, but we'll be on Same side..

Great Catholic Monarch is coming out of France 🇫🇷. A freaken corpse of a country that will lead the way

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I've come to accept that I will not be able to lead a limitless life anymore. At one time, the whole world was open and I could - and did - go anywhere I wanted.

Now, I will not participate in any place that discriminates in this new way. Because make no mistake, that's exactly what it is.

Remember when we all used to be against discrimination? Remember when discrimination was a rallying cry that was used to make real progress for equality, but also was used as a red herring for opportunists to just get stuff?

Remember how those who are doing the very same discrimination now would cry about it before? How virtuous it was for them to fight against discrimination?

Anyway, I accept that until the world regains balance, I will be going to the places that don't discriminate against me, don't "other" me, and I'd encourage you all to do the same. There WILL be another side of this, and those making and enforcing these discriminatory policies will realize they were on the wrong side of history and ethics.

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Yep. I'm taking names. Anyone who discriminates against me (especially small businesses and restaurants for whom I went to bat repeatedly when they were shut down, but who now demand that I take health advice from them) will never again get one red cent from me.

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Within the human race lies a bent to be popular, to be with what's cool and popular right now. It originates from the fact that our ancient ancestors had to be incredibly communal, safety in numbers, the outlier gets picked off by the predators, etc.

The way that plays out is as old as it is predictable. How many high school plays and movies are about the outcast trying to find a seat at the lunch table. The cool kids are all over there, laughing and joking. There's the nerds, the freaks, the jocks, etc. Always some group. Then the outcast becomes the cool kid because they stand up to the cool kids who are insecure, scared, and are only huddled because it's convenient in that moment. Once the math changes, the cool kids waste no time in turning on each other and tripping over each other to get to that next place of safety where they aren't on the outside, regardless of how much they have to degrade themselves.

I've always been wary of the cool kids. There was a time I desperately wanted to fit in, and when I did, I realized how exhausting and empty that could be. Now, I do my best to simply be consistent, to lead, to be humble, to be confident and bold, and most of all to have firm convictions, and I'll tell you, it's amazing how I attract like minded people who are solid, real, and unwavering.

The past two years have revealed a lot of things, but one of those things is the fact that humans want to be in a school of fish, and whichever way that school swims, for whatever reason, they will mindlessly go along, because thinking for themselves is too dangerous.

This too shall pass. I'm writing a series on my Substack that talks about how we break this global mass formation, which will be published in the next couple of days. But it will be broken, and when it is, there's going to be a lot of people who get a very real reckoning and realized they, in fact, WERE the asshole.

In the meantime, meet me in the middle! (it's NOT the cool kids table...but it kinda is)


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I've already done this with a locally owned grocery store in my neighborhood. I supported them all through the lockdowns, even though I could get most things at much lower prices at supermarkets -- and they even thanked me for doing so. But when our mayor imposed another mask mandate, they went bonkers and refused service to anyone not wearing a mask or even wearing one of those mesh fake masks. The manager (whose wedding and first baby I'd helped celebrate in the past) told me, "Other customers can move away from you if they feel uncomfortable, but my cashiers can't." In other words, I'm viewed there as a walking sack of contamination. So I told her I wouldn't be back. And I haven't been. I ignore the mask mandate everywhere else, and no one has said anything to me except in a couple of places, and I've told them, too, that I won't be back. (This is in the Midwest, by the way, not NYC.)

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Great response. I was very disturbed when I heard Brandon was discriminating against white people when it came to handing out the Covid treatments. As I grew up my parents constantly encouraged us to love one another, and not discriminate. For over 60 years I’ve lived by that mantra. POTUS is a racist.

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I think you mean racist against whites. Biden is really an equal opportunity discriminator. He hates everyone except his chosen few.

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My stance exactly.

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I will not participate with people who discriminate!

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I was in the same mind space 2 1/2 years ago. Now I'm interred in Canuckistan, disemployed, (solvent, so I could tell them where to put their own ClotShots), wondering if I am still obliged to send them tax money, and trying to reconstruct a 25 year life plan.

As a provincial rube, my visits to New York have been a bit intimidating, even after reading Tom Wolfe's "The Bonfire of the Vanities". It's probably Superman's fault , but as a reader of history, I could feel the power in the centre of the empire, in a way I never experienced in London, Paris, or Tokyo.

Having encountered a group of the young "Masters of the Universe" at a friend's party 3 decades ago in Greenwich, I understood that they were not better than my provincial peers, but they were certainly more influentially situated.

So, appreciate New York for its assets, but don't neglect the underlying corruption.

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NYC replaces an idiot with a moron.

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Hilarious and so true!

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New York is a drunk that can not find its way home.

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...and is driving a car down a busy street next to an elementary school...

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IIRC 40% of NYC tax revenue comes from Wall Street activity.

The firms would prefer to save money on operations and move out, but time and again when they tried it, they couldn't recruit the big talent, who wanted the fun of being young, rich and in the playground of NYC. (See UBS's failed attempt to move HQ to Greenwich.)

But suppose NYC stops being fun and all the cool kids want to be partying in Miami? That would be a problem for NYC that would put the problems of the 70s in the shade.

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nyc is not a playground, it is a ground for every lowlife on this planet. thugs, druggies,pimps, thieves and the list goes on. could care less if nyc existed at all.

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The 70s called, they want their dystopian movie back.

If anything the problem is NYC is now too boring. It's like a Mall of America upgrade.

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Fun in the sun not to mention better access to whatever party candy they can get in Miami.

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OMG would be a problem for Miami!!!

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Miami is sinking , literally.

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True, but Venice has been sinking since 1200. As Julian Simon always said, human ingenuity is the ultimate resource.

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Andre Gregory predicted this 40 years ago in “My Dinner with Andre,” as I discuss in “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it):

ANDRE: [An English tree expert] said, “I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they’ve built. They’ve built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or to even see it as a prison.” And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree and he said, “This is a pine tree.” He put it in my hand and he said, “Escape before it’s too late.”


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It’s extremely accurate & frighteningly prescient. I recall seeing it right off the back of spending years reading very imaginative American SciFi. I recall thinking “this isn’t even a particularly way out there plot”.

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Exactly—Andre Gregory was the original conspiracy theorist, and pretty much everything he predicted has come true. In my essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it), I draw comparisons between his conversation with Wallace Shawn and an exchange between CJ Hopkins and James Patrick about the open-air prison we find ourselves living in today. The parallels are breathtaking.

BTW, I just discovered the original video of the Hopkins–Patrick conversation was broken so replaced it with this link:


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Maybe God will allow Hitchcock to come back and do a movie on all of this... make it a little subtle, so it will seep a little slowly into the "little Grey cells" of the vaccine nazis. As Poirot would say.

Btw, Dr. Yeadon, I am offering $1500 total (ot will be 2 raffles, with proof I gave $ out)

to people who will just listen to me on sedevacantism. Details on my (pathetic) newsletter later this weekend.

If I had to guess 1 person in anti covid "elites" that might listen , it would be you. Borrowing a page from Steve Kirsch, a most glorious hypocrite who shut me down without giving me a hearing

All anti v elites, Mary Holland, Lee Merritt, Larry Pavlesky, Alex Jones, so far I have contacted incredible hypocrites... I have tried snd f tried .

You don't get to choose truth, nor conspiracy theories you think are acceptable.

People will die because they call Francis ,"Pope " and the Church he heads "Catholic ".

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That's some mind-twisting-into-a- pretzel sh*t😳😳😳

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Wow, I haven't seen that movie in at least 30 years. Time to re-watch, thanks for the reminder!

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It will give you chills when you realize how prescient it is! Check out the extended excerpt of the transcript I include in the footnotes (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it).

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It does give you chills! Great link!

Yeah, I lived in NY just a couple years and hated it because I felt like a penned animal, plus there were always long lines everywhere, to do anything. I hated the flashing screens in the grocery stores telling you where to go and the SOMA-ed voice of some female telling you "Checkstand 34 is now OPEN. Checkstand 34 is now OPEN."

I knew I'd stayed too long when some random woman I was walking too slowly in front of pushed me down a flight of stairs on the subway and just laughed. "Welcome to my world," she said.

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Holy cow! Pushed you down the stairs? She could've killed you! WTH?!

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It was cray. And I get it--I'm an impatient person, too! But come on--whatever happened to elbowing me out of the way and hurrying on?!

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😲 Yikes, what a sociopath!! Thank goodness you escaped while you still could.

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Wow...just read that post and your annotations. Nice work! The My Dinner with Andre script does indeed, uncannily, describe the present time. And that Wendell Berry poem is tremendous.

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Thanks so much, LP, and glad you appreciated it! “My Dinner with Andre” should be required viewing for all of humanity, just as “Manifesto: Mad Farmer Liberation Front” should be required reading :-)

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My dinner with Andre is my dads all time favorite movie. The simpsons turned MDWA into a video game in one of the early seasons as well.

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Your dad has good taste :-)

*lol* re: “The Simpsons.”

Have you seen the “Waiting for Guffman” clip with the MDWA action figures? 🤣🤣🤣


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As always, u come through w some good stuff 😎😎

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I guess I need to start a filmography, too ;-)

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Si!! I feel as excited as I did in my HS English class 🤸🤸

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great clip... (off topic) never laughed harder than when Wallace Shawn was on Murphy Brown as ‘Stuart Best’ politician joined at the hip with big tobacco... (back on topic) this is truly a nightmare... praying that someday we will look back and be able to laugh at the sheer stupidity of all this...

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They're getting the government they voted for.

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The people spoke clearly in the last elections. They are gluttons for punishment.

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My boss just mandated the shot. Small hotel, THE BRUCE HOTEL in STRATFORD, ONTARIO CANADA. 1/2 of housekeeping leaving, 1/2 kitchen (my son and I in this half) leaving.


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So sorry this has happened to you, your son and others. I, too, would have left in your situation. I hope you both find better jobs quickly.

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Thank you❤️ There are a few of us there and we ARE demanding to have our voices heard. Those who hand down the order should be the ones to deliver the blow. I want a face to face.

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How much loot is Pfizer investing in NYC politicians and their favored recipients? Survey Says: A crap-ton! (Scientific term.)

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I want to know how much China is investing. I'm sure they'd love to buy up that beautiful state, which has ports to the Atlantic Ocean, lots of waterfront property, pretty mountains, the Great Lakes, and tons of fertile farmland, to boot. I lived in western NY when I was a little girl. It was so lush and prosperous; it's a rotting wasteland now.

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When Brandon, speaking in his urine-soaked trousers, declared that there was no federal response to the covid "crisis", many cheered, thinking the madness had broken. Unfortunately as events have revealed (NYC, Boston, Chicago, Cook County, Minneapolis, etc) he was simply subcontracting the tyranny to local villains.

Seems to me that this is evidence of conspiracy.

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"subcontracting the tyranny to local villains" is well said

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Much better though. We can vote with our feet to some degree.

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Just as Governor Karen/Kathy is worse than Cuomo, Adams may turn out to be worse than de Blasio.

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