Sure would like to see a large number of well deserving politicians headed to jail. Anyone remember Benghazi? How about Afghanistan? How 'bout running guns to drug smugglers in Mexico (and now, on steroids in Afghanistan)? How 'bout lying over and over and over to Congress by Congressmen and Congress Women and Congress-inbetweens? And, oh, so very many more "recent" incidents.

I don't agree with what Mr. Chansley did, but this is severe overkill.

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I propose a border wall around Capitol Hill. 100' high topped with electrified razor wire and spikes pointed inward. Yea or Nay?

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add: "and cut all communications links" and i'm in.

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Absolutely and I'll do you one better: no access to money, public or personal. They can get a Link card with $70/mo. for food.

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Nice idea except that there are too many escape tunnels and too many of the rats are gone at any given moment.

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Wait are you talking about our “scandal free” ex-president? No way!

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20 years for taking a selfie in a government building while allegedly trespassing (People's House indeed) and willfully engaging in bad cosplay.

For reference, here's the sentencing guidelines for my former state on charges of RAPE, generally in a dead heat with murder for the most culturally and morally forbidden transgression:

Class D Violent Felony (Rape in the Second Degree) – At least 2 years, with a maximum of 7 years

Class B Violent Felony (Rape in the First Degree) – At least 5 years, with a maximum of 25 years

So. Let's clarify. The activities depicted in the picture above- which by all accounts are the majority of what this person did on January 6- carry sentencing guidelines almost as severe as the most heinous version of the most heinous crime in modern society- the violent sexual assault of another human.

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hey, what's the penalty for lying to congress?

asking for a friend..

(whose name rhymes with "bony ouchie")

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Was he really sentenced to 20 years? I follow shipwreckedcrew , a former FBI prosecutor, on twitter, and I understand most charges have been dropped to misdemeanors. If this guy did nothing violent, they wouldn't be able to get a felony charge through.

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I read he might get 4.5 years minus time served.

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he scared the commies in congress! that is like terrible, man!

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Elections have mother-fucking consequences.

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stolen elections have mf'in consequences!

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stolen elections matter.

one way to keep an fbi plant from going to jail.....

the flag he carried had a sharp spearpoint!

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Gato, most all your writing centers around critiquing. Can you tell us what you're advocating for and working towards as a replacement? Politically what do you consider yourself?

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i consider myself somewhere between an libertarian and an anarcho capitalist/agorist.

i think the proper role of government is to protect the natural rights of the people and to otherwise stay out of they way. i would prefer no government to that which is currently being forced upon us.

anarchy is not a lack of order, it is a lack of coercion.

i believe in voluntary emergent orders and that coercion should not be a part of governmental remit or powers.

i think trying to prescriptively govern 330 million people all over a country from one central hub is a fool's errand and that those seeking such power to impose their vision of social order and behavior tend to be fools, narcissists, and demagogues.

i believe this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

i believe the rights of the individual are sacrosanct and stand paramount to the state and ever must.


scroll to the meme at the bottom of this post.

that is what i believe.

i would like to see government reduced to the role of defending the personal agency and liberty of we the people and not one whit beyond it.

this is the ethos that allowed america and it's citizens to thrive. rendering them subjects and not citizens is an abrogation of this social contract and an increasingly slippery slope to tyranny of the majority or tyranny of the elites and that we must roll this back our lose such of our republic as remains.

does that help?

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I damn near saluted this comment.

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Me, too! I admit , I also pictured El Gato Malo at a podium speaking these words most eloquently.

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Yes, thank you for your response, most likely the vast majority would agree with these principals and ideals. Too many hidden agendas, payoffs, and negative scripts get in the way. Too much pain. I'm optimistic that this is a very important period of awakening and taking more responsibility.

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the seeds of destruction of any democratic republic is who gets the right to vote. What constitutes a vote. In the small hamlets of New Hampshire, where there are only 100 or so votes - a few votes really matter. Democracy works so well on this small stage doesn't it? If the fall leaf pick-up isn't done on time, get 20 or so pissed off people and get a new mayor. Boom!

But giving the right to vote to everyone an anyone without any service requirement to the country has implications. When our constitution was created - only property owners voted. Because they paid taxes and had skin in the game. Now some 60% of the electorate pays no taxes and can vote themselves endless government programs including free education, free healthcare and so forth.

Watching the Afghan debacle - and how the political narrative was spun - I just thought, everything the government does now is for a headline. Citizenship and its value have been so devalued and de-emphasized.

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Sep 5, 2021
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well stated comrade!

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He can add the stipend to his FBI-asset performance payout. Maybe he could win an Emmy, too, like Baby C.

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Sep 3, 2021
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Just say it. They want us dead.💉

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next they want our guns, then'..... they will have us where they want us.

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