I've just seen a short "but its got electrolytes" clip of Idiocracy, when Mathew Crawford said Antibodies are like Electrolytes. An exact replica of the "but it generates antibodies" excuse for the "vaccines".
Hi, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack, but now, I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions.
I would agree, and asked every child that I saw with one to take it off...immediately! I would never allow a child with one in my house. I teach privately. Recently, I told a lady in the waiting room of an Orthopedic clinic ( no one is wearing a mask, not even the docs) that perhaps she did not get the latest memo that confirmed all masks were useless, and at the worst, harmful to anyone who donned one. I had lots of evidence to quote, studies etc..she had nothing, zilch...and eventually she had nothing more to say, looked exasperated and left the waiting room..I wonder where she went? I never cared what people think, and never wore a mask...anywhere..not always easy, but it was doable. Masks on kids is abuse. Pure and simple. I am a teacher by the way, so in fact, we are not all crazy Karens! I know some are. Sad really. Some of us are able to think for ourselves, and know exactly what is going on.
Sorry to contradict you, but "The Office" is not the same as "Office Space", although they deal with the same subject. "The Office" is an American TV series starring Steve Carrell as the clueless inept boss. It's based on the British TV series of the same name starring Ricky Gervais. And yes, I have seen all three.
My bad. I thought you were asking a question about whether the quotes were from the Office or Office Space. I misread that. Oh well, misinterpretation is a classic office move ..
DING, DING, DING! You have stated why were were mandated to wear masks. People with masks are made to feel powerless. It is psychological. Masked people are not heard so they don't speak. Masking reduces rebellion as the people in power can then punish those who refuse the mask for not masking, thus squash rebellion without actually calling it a rebellion, just being selfish for not masking or wanting to kill grandma. Look here, not there.
Yep! Studies do not support mask use to prevent illness. However, studies do support mask use to limit communication, increase compliance, and decrease dissent.
What it did for me is it made me miss faces...really appreciate faces. I don't think I could muster a joke about "you're so ugly your parents gave you a paper bag to wear over your head." Because an "ugly face" is far more exceptional than no face at all.
I am deaf in one ear due to a birth defect and my other ear is not so good. I use lip reading and facial expressions to effectively communicate. Put a mask on and not only is their speech muffled, there is no lip reading and few facial expressions. You need to see the whole face to tell if the squinty eyes is humor or anger for example.
Not only did I know that masking was a farce, it made communication extremely difficult when it is usually just mildly hard. A few times I had to resort to asking service people to write what they were asking or saying as they refused to remove their mask.
So many people are in love with masking and I just want to scream that they are idiots. I flew a number of times during the airline mask mandates and on shorter flights I nibbled and sipped as much as I could. Longer flights I about died. The flight attendants seemed to love the role of mask police too. I was upgraded to first class on one flight and the guy behind me in a normal tone and volume as he was sitting down and buckling up, said that he hated having to wear a mask. He got ejected within seconds by the flight attendant. He wasn't disrupted and he wasn't refusing to wear one. That was the last flight of the night to our destination too.
Even if your not deaf, hearing someone through a muffled mask is difficult. Everyone uses lip reading to some degree. While in a bar restaurant, half of the conversation is dependent upon lip reading. I made it clear to anyone, masked or unmasked, that they were welcome to sit with me as long as they understood this face would wear no mask. I had a couple masked people sit next to me. I tried to drum up conversation with them, but masking made it too difficult. Yes, it doesn't take much to wear a mask, but try to understand someone wearing one.
To that person who made a comment about the mask who got ejected. What would happen if he made some comment about the space in front of the seat? Or what if he said something about the seatbelts being out of date? The narrative only flows in one direction. And yes, one thing this pandemic has underlined is how people, given some sense of authority, love using it. To me it would be one huge hassle.
as a kid I remember the horror stories told about some places in Africa where they circumsided both girls and boysl. the outrage. and now they do it here and it is encouraged!
Look how thick and tight that cloth mask is around that poor girls face, which has been entirely debunked to do anything protective and cause harm to the person wearing it. Kamala is a sick human to have her face that close to a poor girl, who is masked. Hypocrite.
The psychopaths in authority were attracted to become 'leaders' and eased their way up the greasy pole of a broken and corrupt system because they ARE psychopaths who are natural followers but harbour a manic desire to exercise control in order to compensate for their cowardly sheep-like instincts. The people who never wore masks and resisted getting the jabs were never followers, but paradoxically, they are the least attracted to becoming 'leaders'. That's a problem. That's why we need a completely new system of governance.
Interesting that those who never got VaXXXed and resisted wearing masks (I just felt "stupid" doing it when in the bosses office) were spread across all societal, educational, and economic lines. Well, democRats were more compliant for sure, but so many conservatives "fell into line" also. :-( sadly.
Underlying my understanding of the VaXXX consequences was just an inherent knowingness saying Hell No, no friggin way, Nada, Zilch, Zero chances of getting jabbed.
Clearly disqualifying you from politics. You can feel shame. Also I'd guess, compassion and empathy (for real not affected). Three strikes - your outa politics!
I follow politics, but do not engage, as most are clueless...my time is best spent teaching children how to think for themselves so they can tell the difference between the truth, and the lies spit out by these so called politicians. We are in such a mess. I focus on preparing the future....working with children has been the greatest gift I have ever received. It gives me hope which is hard to find these days. And they make me laugh almost every day. That in itself is beautiful.
One of the things (and only one of the many) that bothers me is how do these folks not see the hypocrisy? If a picture represents a thousand words; the words I am hearing are completely different from their spoken words.
If you are referring to the self entitled, they relish the hypocrisy, it is their tiara of power. If you are referring to those observing the hypocrisy, they are silent lest they be cast out of view.
The story of the Emperor's New Clothes has never been more timely.
Makes a little more sense in a culture that's totally lost the distinction between "leader" and "manager." Just gotta know the vocabulary!
Death by middle managers... office space was prophetic
Lol. So was another of Mike Judge’s films, Idiocracy.
Just watched this again the other night. Holy moly it's prophetic.
I've just seen a short "but its got electrolytes" clip of Idiocracy, when Mathew Crawford said Antibodies are like Electrolytes. An exact replica of the "but it generates antibodies" excuse for the "vaccines".
The only thing the "help" in that picture is missing is 37 pieces of flare on their masks!...:)
Hi, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack, but now, I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions.
I thoroughly appreciate the Office Space references.
Sounds like a couple people here are having a bad case of the Mondays.
You would too had someone pilfered your red Swingline!
Did you get the memo?
When I see masks on CHILDREN I want to use a baseball bat to beat the shit out of...er....a copier!
I have remarked to people that anyone who puts a mask on a child or orders one is an unqualified child abuser. I don’t care anymore.
I would agree, and asked every child that I saw with one to take it off...immediately! I would never allow a child with one in my house. I teach privately. Recently, I told a lady in the waiting room of an Orthopedic clinic ( no one is wearing a mask, not even the docs) that perhaps she did not get the latest memo that confirmed all masks were useless, and at the worst, harmful to anyone who donned one. I had lots of evidence to quote, studies etc..she had nothing, zilch...and eventually she had nothing more to say, looked exasperated and left the waiting room..I wonder where she went? I never cared what people think, and never wore a mask...anywhere..not always easy, but it was doable. Masks on kids is abuse. Pure and simple. I am a teacher by the way, so in fact, we are not all crazy Karens! I know some are. Sad really. Some of us are able to think for ourselves, and know exactly what is going on.
“I am a teacher by the way, so in fact, we are not all crazy Karens! I know some are.”
But thank you!!!
I could not agree more.
Watch out for your corn hole bud. That kind of violence may get you sent to Federal pound me in the ass prison.
Umm...yeah...I'm gonna need you to come in on Sunday and work on those TPS reports...thanks.
And we're going to have to talk about your flair. 15 pieces is the minimum. If you you feel the bare minimum is enough....
“PC load letter”?!! What the f**k does that mean?!!
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fuckin' up my life too"...
So is "The Office" which I am binge-watching.
I love love that show.
No, its a movie called Office Space. And anyone who has ever worked in a cubicle office instantly recognizes the genius reality of it.
Sorry to contradict you, but "The Office" is not the same as "Office Space", although they deal with the same subject. "The Office" is an American TV series starring Steve Carrell as the clueless inept boss. It's based on the British TV series of the same name starring Ricky Gervais. And yes, I have seen all three.
My bad. I thought you were asking a question about whether the quotes were from the Office or Office Space. I misread that. Oh well, misinterpretation is a classic office move ..
Thanks for the tip..I will watch it! :-)
Um...yeah. I'm gonna need you to put that mask back on and come in on Saturday. That'b greeaaat.
Did you email Sharon with a record of your proof of vax? I’m going to need you to carry your proof around as well. That’b great!
Or off to the basement office you go!
It's all Michael Bolton's fault!
Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of no-talent assclowns who have come along...
LOL Jimmy.
A real "case of the Mondays" would've been if "when a man loves a women" Kenny G was on instrumentals.
I like to break down Michael Bolton into one note...a one long nasally whiny note.
I'm feeling light headed and nauseous just thinking about it.
look y'all, "The Dilbert Principle" was a humor book, not a manual on how to run the country!
it used to be that people raised their voices if this kind of pics came from the middle east. oh these poor women in burka.
DING, DING, DING! You have stated why were were mandated to wear masks. People with masks are made to feel powerless. It is psychological. Masked people are not heard so they don't speak. Masking reduces rebellion as the people in power can then punish those who refuse the mask for not masking, thus squash rebellion without actually calling it a rebellion, just being selfish for not masking or wanting to kill grandma. Look here, not there.
Yep! Studies do not support mask use to prevent illness. However, studies do support mask use to limit communication, increase compliance, and decrease dissent.
What it did for me is it made me miss faces...really appreciate faces. I don't think I could muster a joke about "you're so ugly your parents gave you a paper bag to wear over your head." Because an "ugly face" is far more exceptional than no face at all.
I am deaf in one ear due to a birth defect and my other ear is not so good. I use lip reading and facial expressions to effectively communicate. Put a mask on and not only is their speech muffled, there is no lip reading and few facial expressions. You need to see the whole face to tell if the squinty eyes is humor or anger for example.
Not only did I know that masking was a farce, it made communication extremely difficult when it is usually just mildly hard. A few times I had to resort to asking service people to write what they were asking or saying as they refused to remove their mask.
So many people are in love with masking and I just want to scream that they are idiots. I flew a number of times during the airline mask mandates and on shorter flights I nibbled and sipped as much as I could. Longer flights I about died. The flight attendants seemed to love the role of mask police too. I was upgraded to first class on one flight and the guy behind me in a normal tone and volume as he was sitting down and buckling up, said that he hated having to wear a mask. He got ejected within seconds by the flight attendant. He wasn't disrupted and he wasn't refusing to wear one. That was the last flight of the night to our destination too.
Even if your not deaf, hearing someone through a muffled mask is difficult. Everyone uses lip reading to some degree. While in a bar restaurant, half of the conversation is dependent upon lip reading. I made it clear to anyone, masked or unmasked, that they were welcome to sit with me as long as they understood this face would wear no mask. I had a couple masked people sit next to me. I tried to drum up conversation with them, but masking made it too difficult. Yes, it doesn't take much to wear a mask, but try to understand someone wearing one.
To that person who made a comment about the mask who got ejected. What would happen if he made some comment about the space in front of the seat? Or what if he said something about the seatbelts being out of date? The narrative only flows in one direction. And yes, one thing this pandemic has underlined is how people, given some sense of authority, love using it. To me it would be one huge hassle.
Not to mention genital mutilation of children...
as a kid I remember the horror stories told about some places in Africa where they circumsided both girls and boysl. the outrage. and now they do it here and it is encouraged!
It all comes down to which team you are on, as to whether or not is is oppression or team building.
Kamala needs 3 masks to hold in all that word salad she throws up
You're assuming she can count to "three".
Of course, she can! She understands Venn Diagrams...
Are we sure she didn't mean Venn Diaphragms?
stop it already...I already hurt myself laughing at the 3 mask remark....
I’ve often wondered if she is just such a bitch that her speechwriters are punking her. She’s like her own SNL skit .
Actually Mrs. Mac, she's more like a parody of an SNL skit.
Ha! Gumby would be a better speaker!..:)
Never ask for permission to breathe. Oh, and sleep with a powerful man twice your age to boost your career. The Horizontal Heiress guide to leading!
Horizontal or a combination of horizontal and vertical? What’s the difference between her and Monica Lewinsky? Monica did the President.
Maybe Linda Tripp, a dirty blue dress and a bad taste in her mouth?...that's probably the only differences I can think off...:))
Uhhhh? Are we talking about cigars? Right?🤔
Oh Porge. You're the best. You always give me a kick!
I doubt they didn’t share that bad taste.
;))....no comment. I might get kicked off
I read your mind. You should be ashamed of what you didn't say!
Doesn’t look much like “Fweedom” to me
It's just an ugly caste system that needs to end.
Look how thick and tight that cloth mask is around that poor girls face, which has been entirely debunked to do anything protective and cause harm to the person wearing it. Kamala is a sick human to have her face that close to a poor girl, who is masked. Hypocrite.
It's about the children ;-).
I heard Kami repeating the "your mask protects me" mantra. So in this pic who is it Kami cares about? Just an observation...
The psychopaths in authority were attracted to become 'leaders' and eased their way up the greasy pole of a broken and corrupt system because they ARE psychopaths who are natural followers but harbour a manic desire to exercise control in order to compensate for their cowardly sheep-like instincts. The people who never wore masks and resisted getting the jabs were never followers, but paradoxically, they are the least attracted to becoming 'leaders'. That's a problem. That's why we need a completely new system of governance.
Interesting that those who never got VaXXXed and resisted wearing masks (I just felt "stupid" doing it when in the bosses office) were spread across all societal, educational, and economic lines. Well, democRats were more compliant for sure, but so many conservatives "fell into line" also. :-( sadly.
Underlying my understanding of the VaXXX consequences was just an inherent knowingness saying Hell No, no friggin way, Nada, Zilch, Zero chances of getting jabbed.
Three of my favourite quotes [more or less correctly cited]:
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars (Oscar Wilde).
We are all equal, but some of us are more equal than others (George Orwell).
We are in this together (NHS - England).
and "We are the people our parents warned us about."
Ah yes three of the best sources of humor and parody!
That Stacy Abrams pic boils my blood EVERY SINGLE TIME. I would love to see this midwit’s picture on a milk carton.
Her picture wouldn't fit on a milk carton.
Just think how it will haunt her for the rest of her life..that is a bit of consolation for me. The shame alone would finish me.
These people don't have the capacity for shame.
Clearly disqualifying you from politics. You can feel shame. Also I'd guess, compassion and empathy (for real not affected). Three strikes - your outa politics!
I follow politics, but do not engage, as most are clueless...my time is best spent teaching children how to think for themselves so they can tell the difference between the truth, and the lies spit out by these so called politicians. We are in such a mess. I focus on preparing the future....working with children has been the greatest gift I have ever received. It gives me hope which is hard to find these days. And they make me laugh almost every day. That in itself is beautiful.
Incredible. Like I just said in my last post this morning: Bloody Hypocrites. So sad.
What's wrong with leading by exception?
It's not like it would incentivize hypocrisy, deception and psychopathy.
Incidences of Narcisstic Personality Disorder are sharply rising in the Western, digitized world because Everyone thinks that they're the Exception
Do you watch documentaries? Have you seen TheCenturyOfSelf?
These people are following a time-honored principle of leadership: "Do as I say, not as I do!"
Actually it's the FUIGM principle. It's the "give me what I want and stop complaining or I'll take the reset" syndrome.
Sickening to see adults cultivating this blind, unthinking obedience. I feel fortunate that I was not raised that way.
One of the things (and only one of the many) that bothers me is how do these folks not see the hypocrisy? If a picture represents a thousand words; the words I am hearing are completely different from their spoken words.
If you are referring to the self entitled, they relish the hypocrisy, it is their tiara of power. If you are referring to those observing the hypocrisy, they are silent lest they be cast out of view.
The story of the Emperor's New Clothes has never been more timely.
See it, don't care.
Confident that "the masses" of true believers won't either.
I don’t blame you. And your are probably right about the masses
I no longer wonder about our leaders.
The good ones are ineffective; the bad ones seem to hold all the power.
That mandatory masks can't be forbidden after all the evidence as to their uselessness, testifies to the scope of their unanimty.