Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

You’d think it would be easier to de-escalate by removing the mandates which so many don’t want and which serve no one except the genocidal posse. But no. Making things worse is always the way to go!

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Like South Africa during the '80s. Permanent state of emergency.

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Dear Canada,

Your country has been added to my "Not Planning to Travel There List".

Congratulations! Your prize will be shipped soon.

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Well, that's awfully interesting considering Doug Ford was supposedly just caught on a secret recording saying he is going announce he's "pulling these passports":


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It's like they're begging for a war.

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Always an emergency. We need to remove these emergency powers whilst we're in the eye of the storm.


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They are doing this no matter what--everything else and all of the drama--just a platform or distraction to get these police state laws into the books.

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Where Is The Pandemic? According To The BC Government Records Hospitalizations and ICU admissions in BC During the Covid-19 Pandemic Did Not Increase Compared to the Previous Years. A Pandemic of Deceit


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SO MAD right now...

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I’ve come to the conclusion that no government, no one whatsoever, should ever have ‘emergency power’, ever. Not even for a limited time span. I can deal with my own ‘emergencies’ myself. That’s MY responsibility.

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It's hilarious to me that the only reason they want to keep it an "Ottawa police issue" is so that they can deflect blame if anything goes wrong. He even made sure to include "I am not directing the police." They're talking big to impress the 'branch covidians' but this is why they haven't managed to stop the convoy. Nobody wants to take responsibility.

Speaking of taking responsibility I am sickened by Ford stating that the measures were justified, or even that they worked. It is a complete inversion of reality. They want to have their cake (saying they listened) and eat it too (by cracking down on our rights more).

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The overlords spend more time triangulating ways to crush their constituents than they spend listening to them. Who doesn’t know how this ends?

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Well. Unless y'all dont want to become complete subjects, the time for blocking the road has come to an end. Time for a bloody revolt that throws these commies into a firey hole.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

It just feels like we’re doomed in this country. When the Conservatives are as bad as the Liberals or NDP there really is no hope here anymore…

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Pardon the pun but the rubber is meeting the road now. Time for the hosers to choose between being free or ruled by dictatorial tyrants going forward.

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One state-of-emergency to rule them all

one state-of emergency to find them

one state-of emergency to bring them all

and in the darkness bind them.

Apologies to Tolkien

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Dear Doug, Ceausescu never saw it coming.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Doug is getting ALOT of digitalID/ vaccine passport money from the federal gov. (even our budget office is amazed at how well the books look currently) - hence his hostile language and iron fist. Justin has his enforcer - we will never get out from under this. Hellbent on the social credit system no matter the cost.

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banana republic

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I fear the ultimate state of emergency will come when the masses in one country or another or several—wherever the people are no longer allowed to speak up and demonstrate—resort to doing what oppressed people often do: rebel against their oppressors with violence. I think it’s part of the calculation. I mean, it’s not like the globalist billionaires don’t have computer models and ample computing capacity.

Enter, then, the Second Horseman.

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Canada is way closer to a breakup and civil war than we are in the US.

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Soviet Canada

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Excellent reading of the tea leaves, gatito. And they tried telling us all it was just MDM..

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Time from conspiracy theory to reality has just dropped down to being 3 days....

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It's hard to kick that addiction to unlimited (within their jurisdiction) power once you've got it.

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Wow. And isn't it a provincial election year? And isnt the Ambassador Bridge private?

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The Canadian finance minister is also a trustee of the WEF. Nothing to see here! Not a single media organization or party has called this incredible conflict of interest out. So you see the state of Canadian democracy.

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“Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.”

― Milton Friedman

We can expand that to most all the Government does, including taxes, and yes, "emergency" powers.

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I bet some smart-ass rolled the bills in cocaine and grape jelly.

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sorry, gatito--nothing to "like" here, except you of course.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

event 1: COVID ---> need 2-week emergency powers for resolving that

event 2 (two years later): Emergency powers are too long lasting --> let's protest

event 3: protesters blocking traffic --> need more emergency power to fix that

start of an ever lasting positive feedback loop.

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Not only do the leftists in Canada want these permanent powers put into law, so do US leftist wish for the same. And this is just the beginning.

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The good news is they are unlikely to succeed at this point. If the premiers had thought to enshrine the mandates in law a few months ago, before the vaccines belly flopped into a pool of omicron, they probably could have passed whatever horrible laws they wanted. We got lucky.

Nevertheless, Quebec's government plans to try in March. The entire province will be watching. Fewer and fewer people are capable of the self-deception required to believe the mandates actually do something positive, while the resulting social unrest is bothering even the most complacent citizens. So, despite having a majority in parliament, the ruling party may find its own members defecting. They don't want their own political careers ended by taking a stand that is medically and ethically wrong, and increasing unpopular.

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Doug leaked that recording himself, don’t be fooled . He likes playing with our minds

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How is this legal? Do the people have any recourse? Can they sue him?

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It's as if they all watched The War Game (1966) on youtube and thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if we could do all that without having a nuclear holocaust first!"


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Ottawa Paramedic speaks out

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I have a friend who bragged for years about how great Canada is and the US can’t compare. Yesterday I gave him an earful of cold hard facts. He never said a word. I love most Canadians, I just hate their government.

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I know this will read as very non-PC, but it does look like Dopey Doug is clearly throwing his weight around - a very big, large, huge pun-on-pun intended!!! The good people of Ontario voted Doug in after his crazy bro met his demise, and for a while he kind of looked like 'the guy' but slowly he morphed into a kind of Robert Mugabe of sorts (once a HR laywyer no less) to crystalize into his current state, which is "Out of ideas so let's try the big stick approach'. Clearly Dopey Doug and Blackface Trudope are going for the 'Let's instigate some shit!' approach, which has consequences if they had bothered to read a history book, instead of the colour-by-number books they must be reading these days. I say "Go Truckers" - from an Unacceptable Calgarian.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

Its happened everywhere. In Australia, theze 'new laws' were passed in less than 48 hours. Remember, when this circus of the lunatics is over, second agenda item (first is remember their names) is review & repeal all laws, levislation, guidelines that allowed this, and future events remotely similar, to occur so easily again!!

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Elected sociopaths (as opposed to humble servants in today's environment who are essentially unelectable) consider their proclivities to employ the coercive monopoly of the state to control and "discipline" the masses far more important than to relinquish unjust power when the masses push back. While war is the health of the state, emergency powers are their physical therapy.

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By reading some comments on some Twitter feeds about these emergency powers in Quebec and Ontario, majority of the Canadian commenters seem to support these emergency powers. They seem to be fed up with truckers.

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Dear Canada,

See: Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams (Samuel) et al.



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Dear Canada,

Do an internet search for "FGC-9".

You're welcome.


People who know not to give up their guns

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There's such a hatred amongst our Uberlords for words like "ordinary" and "normal." Let's 'em crumple up our lives like we're so many used wrappers.

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Tyrants gonna tyrant…..

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