Because I'm a filthy unvaccinated piece of shit, visiting my father (who entered congestive heart failure the day after his booster shot) in the hospital requires me to show paperwork of a negative covid test in the past 72 hours.

But let's be extra-stringent and make it 24 hours. Or, hell, 8 hours! I care about saving lives!

I could literally contract covid THE SECOND AFTER THE TEST. I could contract it WALKING FROM THE DRUG STORE TO THE HOSPITAL. Especially since, y'know, I'm walking through two buildings of people who are interested in COVID tests, which does something that rhymes with shmatistical shmustering.

Has absolutely no one discussed this?

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My former neighbor had to stand outside and watch his wife die, by looking in through a window, while she was in hospice care. Because they care.

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When I say "I want blood in the streets at the end of this," this is the kind of thing I'm talking about.

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Nuremburg now

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The Purge is going to come.

When the truth 'breaks' (I don't mean the story emerges, I mean when a critical mass of the population finally 'gets it's), it will last about 3-4 weeks. You won't survive if you're in a city. We will come in the night and kill all of them, and burn the city to the ground behind us.

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The terms you want to search for to see the state of that are "Siftung Corona Ausschuss" (or if you don't speak German, "Corona Investigative Committee"), also "OVALmedia" on the Internet Archive.

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Heart-wrenchingly sad.

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Guess I missed the part regarding the testing of illegal immigrants?

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Just remember, no person is illegal (except those who are unwilling to take part in the largest most dangerous medical experiment in human history).

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Those doctors and nurses have abandoned their oath and so should also face justice once this nonsense is done.

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Everything is irrational, unhinged. I'm so sorry you're going through this, GM. I shudder to think what will happen if/when the tide turns, and everyone realises how they've been utterly duped - on a global, sociopathic level. But in the meantime, the individual sufferings mount up.

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Well, at this point I'm mainly concerned with my dad dropping dead. He's had some weird adverse reaction to sedation (they are thinking it relates to his past alcohol abuse) that has made him seriously confused, but before going into the hospital he had read a bunch of exhausting charts and graphs over my shoulder and realized in horror that the shot he took right before collapsing had most likely done it, and wanted urgently to tell his girlfriend not to run out for her newest booster.

For real? If the tide ever turns on this, I WANT blood in the streets. Yep. I know.

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As an agnostic, I'm surprised at how often I want to say I will pray for people these days. But I will, for you and for your dad. I understand completely what you want. I wake up and go to sleep with the bitter taste of blood in my mouth. What this is doing to people is evil. And those who know what's going on, who are obscuring and falsifying the data, who knowingly send children off to get it, never mind everyone else, are evil personified.

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"No, they're just dumb, don't be <perjorative> like they are" is something I'm pretty tired of, too.

Agnostics can pray if they wish. I certainly won't be offended. :)

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Yeah, but the Receiver might be.

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He will not be offended. He will welcome you with open arms. Pray away

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No the Receiver won’t be offended.

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If any of the logical stipulations that go into most definitions of a monotheistic divine creator are indeed sound, I doubt that very much. :)

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If this affair hasn't made you question you (lack of) belief, you're not paying attention. This is absolutely biblical good vs. evil going on right in front of you!

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I agree with Joe, Ann. Good vs. evil of Biblical proportions. Since you are agnostic you probably don't cruise too many serious religious websites, but I promise you there has never been a time in my 50+ years that so many serious and seriously-taken theologians have stressed the celestial battle that is being fought literally in the air we breathe. Take a peek and freak. Pax.

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Where can I take a peek please?

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So he finally realized it might be the booster? It takes being brought to the brink of death to realize it, but better late than never.

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He took the booster right before visiting me, and was sitting in my office with me the following morning. When I left the room for about 10 minutes, he parked in front of my desk and read a study I had on my screen about vaccine-related heart injury (I forget which one) and when I came back in waved at it and said, "shit, this is me."

OTOH, he may very will die at this point- his case is not good- and is so delirious now that he remembers nothing of what brought him here- so it is all of questionable meaning now.

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Few Covidians who suffer injuries are willing to admit what caused it, so that acknowledgment is a big step.

I am so sorry you, your father, and all who care about him are having to suffer this, Guttermouth. This is WHY we must continue fighting to stop this with all our might.

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As I keep trying to explain to people in the hospital, though you wouldn't know it from all of his screaming and punching, when my father is himself, he is a brilliant man who brought up a (if I may say so myself) brilliant daughter. He simply suffers from a dramatic lack of information and is sufficiently elderly that the modern machinations of communication are lost on him as he has been many decades from "active participation in the grind," as he puts it.

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eeeeeeeesh. sorry. can they wean him down off the sedation? had a similar problem w/my mother (also too much alcohol, her liver is probably not great.) She wouldn't "come to" so I informed the powers that be that she also had a hard time coming out of anesthesia and to please lower the dose. After abusing the liver, it can't do what it used to do at the same speed as "normal".

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Just a heads up, the elderly can and do get institutional dementia, I,think that’s the proper term. My dad experienced this early on in a long hospital stay. The elderly respond differently to environmental changes, especially when they are sick. It’s quite the phenomenon to witness firsthand. Drugs can exacerbate the condition, and make no mistake, they’ll prescribe drugs to help the healthcare apparatus more comfortable in dealing with your dad. Also check to adverse drug interactions. Family needs to be on top of this as the hospitals can and do make serious errors.

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Thanks for this, I'm actually beginning to come around to this as a reality; the effects are far more pronounced than anything I could have envisioned.

I just want them to fix his heart and let him go.

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Indeed. I’m convinced that the best way to recover is exit hospitals as soon as possible. Once he’s out, you’ll notice a remarkable restoration of faculties, although it may not be 100%, depending. Geriatric illness/recovery has been described to me as a staircase, illness might cause them to go down ten steps, and they iight recover back up 9 steps. The next insult will go down some more steps, and not quite back up all the way yet again. Proactive steps to protect health is vital as we age, and recognizing the risks and taking simple steps to reduce these risks. You father will probably be a fall risk once released, so physical and occupational therapy goes a long way to,helping restore balance. Even a few days in a hospital bed and restricted from walking around degrades strength and balance significantly, so therapy started ASAP is advisable, even while still in the hospital. Good luck

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This is true. Also I recently learned that a sneaky UTI can result in big dementia like symptoms in the elderly, it's actually quite common! Who knew? https://www.alz.org/blog/alz/october_2011/sudden_change_in_behavior_urinary_tract_infection

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I watched my mother my mother go from CHF - it is a long term accumulating issue so probably the booster did not cause it, precisely. But what I can say is that numerous events - and just duration - can trigger downturns - I used to call them "mini-heart attacks" - and I can also say, it is not necessarily a linear thing - she would revive after such downturns - in a number of days, the swoon cycle would go ... until it did not. Good luck - it is a fairly gentle way to go - I found comfort in that.

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1) His CHF was called "sudden onset" by both his internist and cardiologist. He has no history.

2) I don't give a good shit how gently my dad is killed.

3) Mind your fucking business.

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I am so sorry you and your mother had to endure that, RegretLeft.

If you haven’t already watched this (necessary) interview with (now-terminated) Hospitalist Physician’s Assistant Deborah Conrad, she talks about how people with chronic conditions, cancer in remission, etc. immediately had their conditions reactivated and exacerbated after the injection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIydr2ZqZto

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A friend who has always taken close (allopathic-style)care of his health, has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer that has already metastasized to several bones.

He was among the first, where we live, to be double-vaxxed. But he's sciency, so...

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Oh my goodness, Jaye. That is heartbreaking and highly revealing as prostate cancer typically progresses at an extremely slow pace, to the point that if you get it late in life, they sometimes don’t even worry about it as you’re more likely to die of old age first.

Maybe try to get your friend to watch the video interview with Deborah Conrad I posted above.

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Mass psychosis, not sure realization ever occurs..

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I think that’s only the die hard 30% true believers.

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The test site that I have been observing/recording does not change gloves at the recommended 6x uses between changing (GROSS!)

How this is not added attack surface for transmission of thing supposedly that was going to introduce human ruin potential is beyond me. There is no glove shortage.

It's all theater, not a one of the people I observe being tested EVER heads to the hospita.

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Oh, dude, in just the past two days I have seen nurses and techs and orderlies doing stuff with gloves and masks that would indisputably be better if they'd just gone unmasked. And this is STAFF.

I just buy my cup of coffee in the lobby and carry it near my face. I haven't gotten any trouble yet.

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this has been what I do, not 1 person has said a word to me

I'm in Lincoln Nebraska, the only city in Nebraska that is under a mask mandate, 50 miles up the road we have Omaha that is not doing demonstrably worse than Lincoln.

They also killed the endangered snow leopards at our children zoo with the vaccines, but all the feral cats in the streets are still alive, go figure.

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Nebraska is awesome, so I'm horrified to hear about killing the leopards.

China is already executing family pets- like they've wanted to for years. I actually predicted this back at the beginning, when the only thing there was to be upset about was lockdowns- the climate-change tyrants have had their eyes on family pets for years now and the CCP has a real hatred for humans relating to animals in general (with a long history). If you want to not sleep for a few days, look up a few videos of urban animal control (think dogs and cats) in China. An excellent example of how bureaucracy and sociopathy are natural bedmates.

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I can handle democide but not felicide, canicide, or any other -cide involving animals, birds, or reptiles.

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I can't handle any of it!

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When I was about 18, I read a news article about teenagers torturing a kitten.

I became very aware that I could quite happily despatch someone doing that to an animal and feel morally justified in doing so.

I am under no illusion that any court would see it my way, but happily my moral compass does not always point the same direction as the "laws" does. Especially for the last 20 months of utter nonsense.

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Wild animals are rarely in a position to effectively fight back or argue their case, so you're probably just triggered by simple expressions of bullying, like most of us here. :)

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Sounds like Fauci and his beagle treatment. The only thing different is Fauci’s doesn’t happen in plain sight of the public

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Must be why he gets along so well with the scientists at WIV.

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Fauci and the evil bastards who did it, should be publicly hanged for that one alone.

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What? Why don’t the climate control obsessed people like pets? And why don’t the CCP? Because they bring too much joy?

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WOW! I didn't hear about the snow leopards at the zoo. That's insane! I did a quick duck duck go search (never google!) and found an article. It says they died from "C-19 complications". Which we all know is code for the death jab! This is so incredibly sad....

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WHAT?! They gave the snow leopards a COVID injection and now they’re dead? There would be an international outcry if this weren’t politicized. There is no rung in hell low enough for these miscreants.

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The astute will note that the zoo did not deny that the leopards were vaccinated.

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That’s almost the same as saying they were. Highly suspicious and enraging.

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6th paragraph down: seems that they were almost certainly vaxxed.

Long before the Vaxxes came on the scene, some cats at the Bronx zoo came down with Covid. They coughed some but were fine.

This isn't about helping cats. It is about destroying another control group.

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1) Those animals should never have been in a zoo.

2) You know they were "vaccinated", if the zoo has not responded to that question.

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There isn't. But I can't wait to send them on an express, one-way trip to find out.

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No! The snow leopards died? That’s so awful. When I saw a previous post of The Bad Kitty’s where he said Russians were calling for cats to be vaccinated, I got enraged imagining if someone tried to do that to a cat of mine. No freaking way.

Poor beautiful snow leopards, that is so upsetting

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Oh my gosh, I gasped when I read about the leopards. I want justice and it can't come soon enough. GM wants blood in the streets, which may be his/her version.

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You make a point that I've asked here in the UK. I see checkout staff wearing a damp piece of cloth over their nose and mouth for 8 hours a day, which they fiddle and touch it every 30 seconds because it's uncomfortable. And with these very same hands they touch EVERY item that EVERY customer buys.

And somehow this is safer than no mask at all ?

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Even in environments where mask protocols made scientific sense pre-2020, they are never expected to be worn continuously and in the absence of any other protocols for 8 hours straight.

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Yours may be an extreme example, but of something that I often note: when the so-called Authorities suggest or mandate masks, distancing, lockdowns, or the vaxxes, have you noted there is rarely, if ever, any discussion of their costs? It's as if all of these are magical solutions; it never occurs to them that whether the measures work or not, everything comes with a downside. Even less obvious is sometimes the "cure" is worse than the "disease."

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GM, I couldn't help reading a grim pun into the following sentence in your post: "Oh, dude, in just the past two days I have seen nurses and techs and orderlies doing stuff with gloves and masks that would indisputably be better if they'd just gone unmasked. And this is STAPH." (I think you do appreciate grim humor, right?) I watch the way people handle their masks and gloves, including in medical facilities, and I shudder.

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My aunt died of a nosocomial staph infection (immediately after beating cancer, yay!), so I appreciate the grim humor very much.

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It's a respiratory virus so transmission will be through airborne virons.

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which can linger in the air for days. and why masks and social distancing are worthless.

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if i sneeze on my hand are you ok if i wipe my hand across your face?

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LM, I understand your point and I agree with it. The way people handle their gloves and masks makes me shudder. But even without the transfer of germs from one person to another, the very wearing of masks all day gives me a similar impression of what they do to themselves -- like sneezing into a tissue and then wearing the tissue plastered to your face for the rest of the day, while continuing to sneeze into it now and then.

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Many people do not wash their hands leaving the restroom. Even smart phd types.

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Does stupid come naturally to you or did you have to work at it?

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well gee dipshit considering the context of the situation and you want to defend and dismiss glove reusers? next time don't engage with stupid howbout?

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You answered my question.

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Uh, that's a dumb response.

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they're shoving a stick several inches inside people's noses with fingers they use to hold the stick covered with nitrile, maybe you're ok getting tested by doc who reuses gloves, enjoy it

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Not to mention the window of you being infectious (able to pass it on) is very likely almost over or completely passed by the time you test positive for PCR, and it's way past the infectious stage if you're positive on an antigen test. There's a good chart showing the time-wise breakdown on the FLCCC's "Complete Guide" pdf (in the first 10 pages or so).

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It usually takes a few days after infection to become contagious. So if someone waa exposed several days before, they could suddenly become contagious at any time.

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Thanks, I had absolutely no idea how this biological action works.

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But does the test show positivity immediate after infection? Do we know for sure? What is the false positivity rate? I am confident of nothing.

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No. As Guttermouth said, the virus has to replicate enough to be detectable. Usually that’s when symptoms begin, though you can have an asymptomatic infection too. Taking tests every day or 2x a week is more reliable … though not 100% reliable either. Lots of medical tests miss stuff or give false positives, it’s not just Covid tests.

Confirming a “case” (meaning the disease Covid-19, not just the presence of the virus SARS Cov-2) is partly clinical and requires symptoms.

An asymptomatuc infection isn’t a “case” but it’s believed to be potentially contagious anyway—not sure if this is definitely confirmed to be true but it’s believed to be—but you can be contagious in the presymptomatic (prodromal) stage, same happens with a cold, as well as low symptomatic, which may be very mild.

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The false positivity rate increases in direct proportion to the number of PCR cycles.

It is extremely unlikely to show positivity "immediately" after infection as there is no population in the body yet (unless you happen to swab right over the exposure point, but even then, you're simply proving exposure, not infection).

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Only folks like us. Nothing to see here……

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Thanks, this was a very interesting read. What a cool guy! Another place to subscribe.

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The most likely scenario is you and your Dad contract it in hospital. Nosocomial infection is rife. It's where Golden Staph was created.

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Good news from Belgium. The Walloon parts court has ruled the vaxx pass illegal

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Bless up Belgium 🙏

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Woo! 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

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I used to teach philosophy of law in law school. As part of it, we discussed MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail, in which he said he believed there was a moral duty to disobey an unjust law. In general, I don't believe morality is a duty anyway. And that could be part of the reason that I questioned this. I agreed that one is always morally *justified* in disobeying an unjust law, but not that one was morally obligated to do so. However, examples like this, combined with an implicit argument from JP Sears to the effect that you get yourself in the psychological habit of obedience when you quietly comply with unjust laws, is bringing me around. Speaking out, at least, is necessary.

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I understand your original position, but consider that there's a transitory element to it: if you obey an unjust law, are you not furthering its unjust objectives, and in doing so ultimately acting against the good?

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I think a valid option is to comply under protest—clear & unequivocal, articulated protest. But otherwise I think you’re right.

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I, like you, am not sure how rigidly to use (or disuse) words like "valid."

I have to visit my father in the hospital every day this week (and likely next week). As you can imagine, the covid theatre is overwhelming. My father needs my presence- he's incapacitated and I'm his only family and health proxy. A moral case could clearly be made that I am obliged to aid my father and be present, so now we have competing causes. And that seems logical to me.

Buuuut, that sort of sophistry can also be used to justify every instance of apathetic obedience. "I have to have a job, don't I? I have to go see my kid's game, don't I?" And so on.

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An eternal problem: terms like morality, right, wrong, justice, law, ethics have no meaning except as regards human beings. Your belief, or lack thereof, in a God or other supernatural being changes this fact not in the least. Absent some promised Final Judgment or its equivalent, like it or not, it has always been human beings deciding these issues. The core problem is all standards are arbitrary. One man's good is another man's evil. All that being said, by no means am I saying that morality, law, etc. have no value Even Nietzsche, moral chameleon par excellence, said (more or less) that what is moral tends to produce good results for one, what is immoral tends to produce unhappy results.

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On an individual level a "moral duty" is the same thing as being true to yourself. If a person truly believes certain ideas, in other words what is believed is who they are, then that person has a duty to those beliefs as much as they have a duty to preserve their own life.

MLK was a Christian and those who followed him, essentially, believed the same things as he did so him saying morality is a duty is completely consistent and accurate.

Duty implies physical action whereas justified seems more an intellectual exercise.

I stand with MLK that it is our duty to disobey an unjust law.

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“pro vax, pro mandates. Pro social distancing.” You get what you asked for, Charlie. And yes, it IS nuts. WAKE THE F*CK UP.


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"we gave them poland! why wasn't that enough for them?!?"

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Well, France isn't a very nice place anyway, and the food is overrated...

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If the USA had stayed out of it (and we very nearly did -- read about the "America First" movement) it is quite probable as they cliche says, that most of Europe would speak German. But as history turned out, much of Europe speaks English, at least as a second language. It's an interesting "what if?" topic of conjecture whether they'd have been any worse off had the Nazis prevailed, one or two ethic groups excepted of course. 😎 History is very odd, like why did we side with the Soviet Union? Even pre-WW II it was apparent to anyone who dared look (excludes the Left, then and since) that it was already one of the most bloodthirsty regimes in modern history, the equal of atrocities against its own citizens on a scale comparable to what the Germans went on to do. Another hidden tidbit of WW II history is the possibility that Stalin was planning to invade Western Europe, forcing Hitler's hand to invade them preemptively. There are many troubling questions in history, several of which various entities who must not be named 🤫 earnestly hope be not too deeply investigated, even nearly a century later.

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😹 Genau. Appeasement 101.

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Exactly my thoughts!

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Pro-vax, pro-mandates, anti-freedom, anti-human. You only start to care when others like you (vaccinated) are discriminated against? What a disgusting excuse for a human being.


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Duh, Charlie. NOW you think it’s nuts? Now that YOU might suffer? Who cares that everyone else has been oppressed; you think it’s nuts now that YOU are feeling it. Negative IQ test, too. (Sorry for the snark—kinda).

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It’s painful to watch these dopes micro dosing on red pills… It seemed to me that general lockdowns and especially school closures were always pretty clearly nuts, but Charlie is maybe starting to see that suppressing Covid at all costs is not a rational goal (nor even a feasible one).

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We were told get vaccinated and back to normal, no masks, no social distancing… to begin with just one dose enough, that changed to two dose to be realy, really effective, now it’s three (four in the US) and back to masks.

If masks are effective, why vaccination? If vaccination is effective, why masks?

If each are needed, simple logic dictates the other is not effective, in which case neither are.

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Seems like we've been arguing the same damn thing for 2 years! Oh wait! We actually HAVE!! I've never been much of one for small talk, but I'm ready to talk about ANYTHING but Covid, vaxes, mandates, lockdowns, and masks. Maybe that's the point. Just to get us to quit arguing and comply.

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>>> If masks are effective, why vaccination? If vaccination is effective, why masks?

If each are needed, simple logic dictates the other is not effective, in which case neither are.

Blah blah blah swiss cheese, blah blah peeing in your pants, blah blah blah.

There's a script to answer all of these.

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Yes .... "well, they both help but don't completely prevent it, so doing both is better than just one". Which sounds plausible, but relies on the assumption that these things help, and that the amount of benefit they would bring is enough to be worth the trouble.

And it DOES contradicts anyone who previously claimed that the vaccines would stop the spread, or make you immune.

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>> Which sounds plausible, but relies on the assumption that these things help,

This is precisely the sophistry that drives COVID madness- it is ASSUMED every single one of these are highly effective, such that we must punish to the point of fanaticism any notion (or possible evidence) that they do not.

Two useless things do not compound. Zero times zero is still zero. :)

>> and that the amount of benefit they would bring is enough to be worth the trouble.

That would involve a cost-benefit analysis, which is forbidden in Times of Covid.

>> And it DOES contradicts anyone who previously claimed that the vaccines would stop the spread, or make you immune.

The truly creepy displays of the COVID Cult are when they acknowledge that vaccines do not stop transmission or contraction, but "get vaccinated anyway."

There will ALWAYS be a reason why the answer is "get vaccinated," and never a reason why it won't. This, in the logical sense, is Clark's definition of a "destructive cult"- a fixation on a single focal point to which nothing cannot or should not be sacrificed.

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For the simple, logic isn’t simple.

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They are liars (politicians) stop being surprised when career liar narcissist never had your well being in scope of their motives. Now factor in the international elite that are shaping the world to their little ball of slaves.

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"The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway."

They Thought They Were Free

The Germans, 1933-45

Milton Mayer


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I featured this *essential* text as the book rec in my first Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting) and have included a boatload of other relevant quotes in that piece.

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A friend sent me your "... Agree-to-Disagree..." peice last night. Brava!

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Aww, how sweet of you to let me know, Integrity and Karma, and glad you enjoyed it!

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It gained you another ( although non-paying) sub, and hopefully through my shares, more of every type. Am reading your Recs now. Thank you so much!

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I am delighted to welcome you and am more than grateful for any and all shares!

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I always say that this whole Covid circus is the consequence of the alliance of idiocy and evil. And the number of idiots is by far larger than those of evil individuals. Most people think they´re doing temporary sacrifices to gain their lives back. An increasing number of them is little by little starting to understand that this is not what they thought they signed for.

It is almost comical watching them going like "oh, I was in favour of refusing to feel fresh air and breath through a dirty cloth. I agreed to get injected with this experimental therapy. I thought it was a good idea to not get out of my 40 square metres apartment for three months to flatten the curve. Good for my health! Yes, the unvaccinated should be put down to sleep with a lethal injection, as a symbolic act of justice...But this? I test negative and I still have to quarantine? That´s nuts! Who would´ve thought this would be the outcome of those reasonable measures I previously accepted?

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Yeah, isn't his tweet on a par with "first they came for the..."? Everything's ok...so long as they're doing it to OTHER people. But when they want to do it to ME...well THAT'S a bridge too far.

I despise feckless morons.

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Yeah and he'd be the first one objecting to any of us comparing The Hysteria to pre-war Germany.

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"Yes, the unvaccinated should be put down to sleep with a lethal injection, as a symbolic act of justice." What goes around comes around, eh?

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Yes:) No ass will be big enough to host the bites that are on the way for those who complied with "those reasonable, temporary measures".

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That's what Ratt said back in the 80s 😛

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He may feel a bit like the Soviet citizens who had the bad luck, during WW II, to be occupied by the Germans for a while, and then when liberated by Soviet forces, were sent to labor camps since there was a possibility they might have fraternized with the enemy. Of course the USA did basically the same with certain citizens of Japanese, German and Italian ancestry, but we treated them rather better for the duration.

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that guy is mad because he thought he was riding the winning horse... but now the cool, savvy, international traveler gets the full load of shots, fines, tests and bullshit and the "redneck in the RV" just happily goes about their merry way...

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As do the unwashed hoards streaming across our southern "border."

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exactly! how frustrating it must be to keep trying to win the "I followed all the rule the best" prize, and the only prize you ever get is...more rules to follow! haha, jokes on you! meanwhile the "let's go brandon" crowd (and the illegal aliens) are the ones who are really winning this games....

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Yep! Hubby is an airline pilot. We no longer fly and it is quite likely we will never fly again.

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Complying with testing is as bad as complying with shots, lockdowns, masks or any other part of this insanity. It is all working together to get us used to it and cave to at least one part of it because once we have complied with one part, we will eventually comply with the rest of it (not all of us, but most). The same tactics were used when the TSA was introduced, going from taking off belts to shoes and then being felt up and finally the naked body pictures. It took me 8 years after it's induction to finally relent and take a flight. This time around I've put my family and friends on notice. I will not be participating in ANY of this. Not even one tiny bit. It's extremely difficult to do and I've made a few family members and friends angry, but I would rather die for my principles then lose literally everything. Our sacrifice now *may* help to hold on to some liberty for future generations. But if we aren't willing now, our posterity will live in a hellscape one can only begin to imagine. Say NO to every part of this. Be willing to lose everything and build back your lives with a bit of liberty. If we aren't willing to lose everything now on our terms, we *will* lose everything on "their" terms and we will never ever get it back in our lifetime.

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"The same tactics were used when the TSA was introduced, going from taking off belts to shoes and then being felt up and finally the naked body pictures."

I didn't stop flying, but I never, literally never, went through that scanner. I made them - inconvenienced them - pat me down. Got into a few testy exchanges with TSA thugs about why I don't trust the machines/government, but never testy enough for them to find a reason to deny me boarding. A few times I even just said, "because it's my right" not to be scanned. Man, tyrants really hate that reason.

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This is the kind of stuff I am talking about. I like your style. I try to do little things every day to legally go around their taxes, mandates etc. At the very least I make it my mission to make the Nazis feel uncomfortable. My favorite thing to do is cause a scene at the post office (aka employment agency) when they are inept. Which is every time I visit. Lately I’ve been refusing to pay for postage, have unsubscribed from all print items and have gone digital for everything.

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"Just wait until Comrade Stalin hears about this!" 😑

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Maybe.... it's not actually about the virus.

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That is THE point! The Virus is an excuse to have everyone subscribe to mRNA injections for every virus from now on..

control group also should be eliminated at all costs to make sure no side effect can ever be proven.

Gonna be a trillion dollar industry!

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oh, so much more than subscription injections...

"Wait, you want to take out how much from your 'moral currency account' for a guitar. Our records show you already own two guitars. You will have to wait until the next available mature tree is cut down and then place your name on a list. If you are approved we will notify you."

"Alert*Alert*Alert*. Your BioMetric Indicator is reading low on your Zombie Juice levels. Please report to the nearest Pump Station. Failure to report will put you on the Arrest on Sight list."

I could go on but I think you have the required materials to get you there...

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...yeah, that’s the scarier part...

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the only thing that sounds dumber than "I'm not antivaxx but" is "I'm pro mandates but"

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That’s what a leaky vaxx gets you… nothing.

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"Pro vax, pro mandate, pro social distancing . . . but this is nuts?" Mr. Charlie needs to look in the mirror if he wants to know who is responsible for this kind of escalating tyranny. People like him are ENABLERS. Oh, but now things have gone too far, have they? Now you are waking up and smelling the catnip? Well, guess what, it's not going to end anytime soon. You have just kissed your freedoms and everyone else's goodbye.

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It’s almost as if vaccines don’t work…and those that do believe they work don’t realize they’ve been lied to yet.

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Got this from Robert Kennedy’s book on Fauci…. Mark Twain once observed that “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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Yep. The second one involves the ego. And if you have been outspoken and/or sacrificed for the con, it's even harder.

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More 'stuff' to distract from the Truth. Which is, that these 'vaxxes' do not work. Kind of a serious 'idiot test' extension.

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...maybe they do work for another unadvertised purpose...

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The mandates = the Father, the Vaxx = the Son, and the social distancing = the Holy Spirit. The Tweet = the genuflection before the Altar of Covid. Good to know this fellow is employed by a national broadcaster. Even the most devout question the Vatican from time to time.

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If I had to do so, I would claim "religious exemption" because I view it as state/global secular religion. It's not my religion that keeps me from receiving, it's that I don't hold true the dogmas of Secularism, therefore I cannot burn incense to it in communion.

lucifer = father, fauci = spawn, lies = unholy spirit

science = crucified victim

They punctured the lab and from it's side gushed forth the means of our alienation.

Lockdowns = scandalizing,

the mandates = baptism, the masks = baptismal gown, the vaxx = first communion, the booster = confirmation. Covid with vaxx = dark night of the body. Covid without vaxx = social justice. Death = the marriage bed.

Oh, Lord help me, I've been thinking about this too much...

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Yeah - but this is where they try to really rile up the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. They’ll institute a whole slew of restrictive measures for everyone and then say that life could go back to normal if only we could get to 90%/95%/100% vaccination rate. ‘If only those anti-vaxxers would wise up and listen to the science you could all have your lives back!’ That, they hope, gets the ~60% of American vaxxed adults pissed enough to support just about anything - vax passes, lockdowns of the unvaxxed, forced vaccinations, anything. Of course it is all an illusion. The govt do not want us ever returning to normal and it will be interesting to see how this progresses. Will the majority of Americans buy into the insanity once more or have we collectively turned the corner? My personal belief/hope is that for enough folks boosters have been seen as a bridge too far and many are turning more and more against the narrative. Time will tell.

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So basically I’m just gonna not take the vaccine

I know….. UGH I know…. I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s just that I’m not gonna take it is all


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no reason at all to take it now. none.

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There never was.

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I can hear all the weird nervous laughter in that scene in my head.

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It's a meme. Nothing nervous here. Never taking it. Period.

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All of a sudden the reply button doesn't work for me.

Anyway, replying to you latest comment (which I can't do now for some reason): I go to 4Chan so you don't have to. ;)

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Wakeup call for another never-Trumper. Couldn't happen to a nicer schmuck.

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Trust the science ..... of tyranny.

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It’s all theater. They know it’s bullshit. It’s just part of the campaign to ramp up the pain until we acquiesce and do what they want - which is to boost for life and surrender our freedom to the tyrannical surveillance state. Further proof we cannot comply our way out of this mess. If passengers would just stop flying for 2 weeks the airline and hotel industry would Scream so loudly the rules would be rescinded immediately. People who say they are pro vaxx and pro mandate have 2 problems: 1) they are ignorant of the fact that the shots offer no protection against infection, especially from any variant except alpha, snd thus are contributo the National ignorance about those facts, and 2) they are the reason that the government keeps trying to impose more tyranny. They are encouraging the tyranny. Dumb and stupid is no way to go through life... and keep your freedoms.

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And these are the same people who are so adamantly Pro-Choice…wildly hypocritical. Where did “my body, my choice” go??

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"My body, my choice" was ALWAYS about one issue alone. The very same "my body my choice" people would happily lock you up if you used your body to ingest a drug they disapprove of.

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It is mind-boggling to me that they can't see the parallels between what they're doing and what the Nazis did in WW2. There is no difference in their words or actions.

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I no longer wonder how it happened there. Now I wonder how it hasn't happened since.

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And yet, as as self-proclaimed anti-abortion, I am now one of those persons who's crying "my body my choice"... and still remain pro-life of unborn human in the womb.

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He's right, it's nuts, but it has been for some time. And Biden just admitted that the vaccines don't work, nor do the PCR tests. Why isn't this news?

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I don't understand why this white supremacist piece of shit won't do his part to save lives.

Doesn't he see we're all in this together?

Someone in a uniform should take everything from him and hurt him.

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...it always raises my antennae when someone says ‘we’re all in this together’...

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so the vaccines are absolutely worthless

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Not to the manufacturers. And definitely not to Herr Fauxi.

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To a large extent, "follow the money" is doable (e.g. Pharma profits, campaign contributions, etc.) Other biases are harder to determine but can be inferred (e.g. government regulator conflicts of interest -- regulatory capture, Pfizer stock in their stock accounts, etc.). Greed is clearly a factor but cannot explain all. Thus power-lust for understandable political ends, or perhaps even deeper, evil agendas.

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Much worse than that, unfortunately!

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We are, but you cats have the advantage of having always been ungovernable. Some of the humans are having to unlearn some bad habits in that regard. Some of the other humans are lost causes, I’m afraid.

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Goody! Just another nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party and their media minions! I’m truly delighted by their epic failures.

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This is going beyond crazy.

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Yes but no more so than any of the rest of this.

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I think it is time to treat Biden voters like the tyrannical vaxxers want to treat the unvaxxed. This is THEIR fault.

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I was at a dinner party where an obstetrician (no less) advocated for vaccinating children between 5 an 11 because they are "reservoirs" for COVID. When questioned, he increased the volume, always a bad sign. Since he has complete trust in the CDC, this may be the next plan of attack. Othering the children. Despicable.

Of course, this makes no sense since children are at almost no risk from COVID and the vaccine is not sterilizing. Vaccinating healthy children is the very definition insanity. Emergency use without an emergency. How can this be justified?

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Coming after the kids has truly been a jump the shark moment.

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Being like the turd in the punch bowl 🤪, in such a situation I would ask the doctor to express an opinion on when a once-trustworthy agency (the WHO) uses the term "pregnant people" which implies that males can be impregnated; what does this imply about their credibility on other matters? The CDC must have a equal amount of howlers since 2020.

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Our President is nothing but a Traitor. Let’s face it. He would make Benedict Arnold blush.

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Don't elect old baboons.

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That’s an insult to the Baboons

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Tightening the screws on the vaxxed lest they start getting wrong ideas into their vaxxed heads. They have enjoyed their ephemeral "freedumm" for too long already.

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Another tacit admission that the “vaccines” don’t work.

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Tests a day before.

Goes about normal business.

Contracts it.



Walks around for 3-5 days.


Oh, dear...

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There is one thing all libs and progressives love - govt tyranny by their guy or lady. They show it through their actions over and over again. We are led by Karen aka Brandon…

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They are not liberal or progressive. They are tyrannical and regressive. As have been all totalitarian collectivists at least as far back as Plato.

I wish we would all just refer to them in truthful terms. Words must have MEANING!

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Progressives have a pretty good track record of tyranny. The word fits.

"Liberal," the benevolent suicide pact that it is, probably still gets a pass.

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Heck, just call them Marxist Communists and be done with it.

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The dam is breaking.

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An admission that the vax is not protective enough.

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Pro tyranny but surprised to find himself the potential victim. Hard lesson but will they ever truly learn?

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I'm pretty certain Charlie thought he could comply his way out of tyranny.

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American Authoritarianism is better than past authoritarianism.

Think democratic socialism.

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Perhaps with these tiranic mandates, more people wake up. Here in Europe most people are blind too.

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Most will not wake up to the fact that they are in the net until the moment they are hauled aboard. Too late by far then.

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If you’ve been jabbed you’ve been hauled aboard.

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That is unfair. Many, perhaps most, trusted in the vaxxes (and, by extension, Big Pharma, medical profession, government, media, etc.) a year ago. We've now had a full year of government lies, backpedaling on the problems with the jabs, and so on. Some large percentage, maybe a majority, of the vaxxed know that the promises fell far short of the reality. They probably have a sneaking suspicion of the risks of the vaxx itself, despite media silence. In a few words, they know they were duped and have "buyer's remorse." This may be seen in the very low popularity of the boosters (10% figure I heard recently). Whether they want to or not, they will soon be (again) joining the ranks of the "unvaxxed," -- in some areas, they already have. Many of them will have to make a choice to continue taking a dose that puts them in the graces of their government for maybe six months, along with upped risks of adverse effects. A lot of them, I speculate, are saying "not again."

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Yes and no. Or at least I hope on the no part. Just hoping it does it’s thing before the wife tries to get our kids “vaccinated”.

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Exactly. As I opened my first article, “Primer for the Propagandized” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized):

”The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the time we realize it’s strangling us, it will be too late.”

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Just read it. Greta piece. Been using a version of the shorter Twain quote for a while. History is NOT on our side.

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Awesome and glad you appreciated it! That Twain quote is spot-on, isn’t it.

And yes, it will take all hands on deck to turn the tide of history, but we have no other choice but to try. All past totalitarian regimes *have* eventually been defeated, so it’s not entirely hopeless :-)

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Yes, but it took generations. I would to ensure my kids do not have to live through that. History shows us the way, but it seems we are following history in that we do not know how late it is.

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In this case, we don’t have the luxury of waiting generations. We MUST stop this now, or there won’t be future generations.

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So study knots, netting mesh spacing, fiber materials, winch rigging and write a book about it, or look up and start shooting?

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Point taken. Awakening people to the presence of the noose is the first step—the more hands to loosen it, the better our chances of removing and shredding it. If a handful of people jump to the shooting phase before that happens, they will likely be quashed, branded terrorists, and used as an excuse to tighten the noose to a near chokehold. We need mass noncompliance to dethrone the tyrants, as I explain in my second essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it).

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So, this propagandist has now seen the insanity since maybe it’s impacting him personally? Will he grok to the reality of the situation, or continue to think it’s the non submitters to tyranny that are the problem? Inquiring minds and all that…

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... fyi to clueless guy... the devil doesn’t hand out brownie points... he just wants your soul...

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Although like probably everyone here, I am anti-mandated (Covid-19) vaccinations, I have no problems at all with requiring vaccinations -- with approved, tested, safe vaccines, which excludes without limit all the Covid-19 products -- of international travellers. For over a century, many nations required proof of vaccination against (say) Yellow Fever. So nothing new there. Nor for quarantines. Most nations routines inspect plants and animals entering their areas, and as needed, quarantine procedures. Again, nothing new. Now whether it would be applied uniformly, I somehow doubt. Millions of illegals slip into our country all the time, and somehow I doubt they're going to wait two or four weeks in a camp until they're waved on.

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they're just getting you warmed up for when the real fun begins....things are never so bad, they can't be worse.

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It's sort of like an extended political game of "hold my beer." People thought the previous guy was bad? Gentlefolks, behold the Biden administration...I must admit to a really gallows-humor feeling of satisfaction. I voted for "none of the above" in the past two elections but my hatred of Biden surpasses even that which I had for Hillary. For me Trump was just textbook "when bad fathers destroy their sons and set 'em loose on the world" pathology. My pity kept getting in the way of my revulsion. And now we really do have the most incompetent and corrupt administration in history. Heck of a job, Joey...

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I didn’t turn off Jimmy Kimmel fast enough. He had a monologue about the things people were saying on Fox about how Fauci was Menegele (sp?), beagle gate, funding gain of function were false attacks on a poor old man who has done nothing but serve the country night and day. Audience cheered. Good grief. I was so angry I scared the dogs.

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I watch little TV but this probably applies to Kimmel, whom I've never watched but by inference guess he's a vacuous liberal (but I repeat myself 😏 ). Consider the intellectual level of his average viewer. Now consider that a live audience will be likely comprised of people even dumber than that, who had time and/or money to travel to the studio where the show was taped. Even if they all live in Metro LA (or NYC, wherever) this says a lot -- people who had nothing better to do with their time.

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It's time to say "NO" to this nonsense. The Brandon Administration is testing the limits of people's tolerance to see how much they can get away with, just like a 2 year old child does. Its up to us, those that are awake (versus the woke) to ignore these idiotic requests and just SAY NO!!!!

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few places i care to go, none are east

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