
and so the part of jim crow became (checks notes) the party of jim crow.


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Forced segregation was bad—like, really really bad—when the wrong people were doing it. But now that the right people are doing it, from pure and selfless motives, it is the awesomest thing ever.

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My children could “identify” into two “affinity groups”

reason 3,726 I’m homeschooling

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So if a child is half black and half white, the child gets cut in half so each half can attend the appropriate group? What if there are three or more races in the family? Where does one draw (or carve) the line?

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And WE'RE the racists?

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Don't despair gatito, despite your CCT (critical cat theory) curriculum, remember the founding ideals restated in the Kittysburg Address: " that all kittens are created equal"

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Oi Vey, here we go again...segregation..thought we fought a Civil War and had a Civil Rights movement to end that absurdity....must be my imagination.

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Side note: They all have woke, Apple computers that have been rinsed in Uyghur slave tears. No social justice conscientiousness for mere 2021 slavery.

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"Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

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Horrifying that we are seeing this kind of active segregation in our times. Sometimes it just really hits me hard. Am I living in a nightmare? How can this be actually happening?????

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"The Cognitive Dissonance is strong in those woke ones...."

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(OMG lack of edit feature + my dyslexia = trouble!)

HAHAHAHAHAHA! "African-American and Hispanic students will be combined into one group." I can already hear the cries of INJUSTICE! "How dare you combine two types into ONE GROUP. What are African Americans and Hispanics, poor stepchildren to share the cold attic room?" "HOW will the DEI mission to divide and conquer succeed if you do not actually divide?"

I know you told us to watch out for what we call stupid, el gato, but these fools aren't even paying attention to their own playbook here. It's like a pathetic attempt at a pathetic attempt. Not saying the virtue-signalers won't eat it up, but....

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Silly me, I thought forced segregation was a bad thing.

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This reminds me of when I was in 6th grade, back in the 80's. Our history teacher selected the only black kid in the class to play the part of a slave, while the rest of the class played the part of the white slaveholding society in a class exercise to illustrate how things worked back then. I don't think that kid came to class much after that. This may be better, or not. Hard to tell from this distance.

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A couple thoughts --

1. Where is the opt out choice?

2. Although I'm not Asian, I'd choose to identify in that group. Just think if other students who want to be fully educated chose to self identify as Asian too...

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I have been saying this would be the end result since 2013. I have the scars from Guardianistas to prove it. Because I'm a "conspiracy theorist" apparently.

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Oh look, segregation is back. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I pulled my kids out of NYC public schools. They are a disaster. Crap like this has been building for 15 years.

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Of course. And their (white) mayor just accused a white guy who self-defended himself against 4 (white) guys as a white supremacist. I wonder how that gets sorted out in their segregated classrooms? (NB: Kyle Rittenhouse should declare himself to be gay, whether or not he is, and see how that complecates their b.s.story.)

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Separate but equal, hm. Where have I heard that?

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Yea - that's going to solve them problem of institutional racism, isn't it? (sarc)

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Who would imagine that American elites would take the worst interpretations of communist ideologies and try to implement them. In early USSR one of the best parts was universal access to education for everyone, one could go from peasants' family to working in top military R&D facility with plenty of workers privileges given that person was willing to study hard and apply themselves. There have been bad parts, but this one was exceptionally good. What's happening in America is worse than communism. People are being sorted like cattle. History made a circle and brought us back to slavery with sophisticated technology to support it.

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More gasoline to fuel the mass exodus from the government schools...

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Not only is this racist AF and stupid it is illegal, a blatant violation of the civil rights act and I am sure some New York state laws as well. Lawsuits need to be filed.

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Further proof the world has been turned upside down.

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Don't worry. Those four white people in that picture definitely know what's best for all of their students of color. 👍

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“An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest” - and so I wonder what's the shared interest common for all white kids....

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I agree with sorting people by race for some social justice programs. It's easier to talk about some things when you're understood. I can relate to this via the difference between talking about my experience being unvaccinated to someone else who's unvaccinated, versus someone who's vaccinated. It's a huge difference. Racial groups sometimes have very different experiences in this country. It's easier to talk about things when you don't have to explain yourself so much, don't have to get push-back on those who disagree with how you've experienced things. It's easier with others who have a shared knowledge base, understand verbal and cognitive shortcuts, and not having to layout a whole history lesson to have your experience understood (like I tend to want to do when talking about my choice to not get vaccinated!). When I read more about history in the United States as an adult, I realized I didn't learn much in school about white European and African American history in this country. I began my early adulthood by not seeing color, but I was not seeing color through ignorance. Then I saw color, including my own white skin and recognizing that I also have a race. Now I both see and don't see color; I see the historical basis for a higher probability of common experiences of different races, while also seeing that we are all human beings. My adult racial education was a wonderful albeit painful learning journey.

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wtf Who is the junior high school? the student? the teachers? the school administration ? the school board? Who approved this?

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My son was in a famous private school in NYC. They start affinity groups in 1st grade. You get separated by race and sometimes by gender. He was there for 6 years, I could not take anymore the victim mentality and the drama. Schools in NYC spend more time in these subjects than academics. I was the only parent questioning why they were doing that. I think people think they are helping the community and building a better world but for me it is just crazy. They are teaching kids to judge one another and hate. I am from South America and I could never imagine that this country would ever became like this.

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Ah, "social justice"! It's waging a battle with "public health" for oxymoron of the year.

Glad my kids don't go to school there. They'd have to cut them into pieces for the affinity groups.

Friendly reminder: sex is ASSIGNED at birth, quite randomly and arbitrarily, so there's really no way I can imagine to segregate people based upon it. How would you even do that?

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Birth sex. Gender is so loaded these days that in some parts of the internet it makes no sense.

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