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I've witnessed a couple of IRL exchanges with younger people that makes me wonder if sarcasm, irony, satire and the related are truly dead. The youngsters reacted in such a way it was apparent they took it all seriously and could not see the humor even when pointed out. Poe's law does not suffice.

What a bunch of greyface puritans.

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Jerry Seinfeld said that he stopped performing before college audiences because they have completely lost their sense of humor, and seem to be offended by everything....

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Developing antennae for humor and nuances of inflected meaning (and for conmen and seducers too) requires actually having conversations with living beings, not texting words and emojis. Like learning to ride a bicycle, you gotta do it to get it.

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It might even be related to (gasp) working class jobs in shitholes shovelling dirt or food or detasselling corn or any other arduous thing in temps of up to 104F.

Perhaps the humor deficit is directly related to the number of people these days who never really have to physically work for a living?

Just spitballing here. An idle thought.

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Also the number of vaxx injured, autistic kids who have no idea how to handle sarcasm and humor. I am a teacher. The number of kids on the spectrum and/or with ADHD is shocking.

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Cue up Mr. Bow-tie, who has an autistic daughter. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

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I really do think it's a serious deficit of face-to-face and ear-to-ear communication. Plus brain-wiring divergences which seem to have spread like fall funguses.

Plus children's literature has become very much less imaginative and cartoons and comics these days are moral sermons instead of gloriously rude wordplay.

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Aka...Heckle and Jeckle. Those magpies were keen observers and masters of "rude wordplay."

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And Bugs Bunny. We who grew up with Looney Tunes and Terrytoon Circus and Merrie Melodies didn't know how fortunate we were at the time.

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More than one reason, most likely, in not developing the sense of humor that comes from self-examination. However, the inane preponderances from the young adults in my extended family are still laughed at with loud, great hilarity and shouts of тАЬyouтАЩll learn.тАЭ Plus, to date, none of us have been cut off from contact as in the latest trend by young adults with their тАЬpsychologistsтАЭ. I have hope.

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I can remember being laughed at by adults when I was at that young and tiresomely earnest and self-righeous stage. Now of course I'm the one laughing. It remains extremely hard to grow up. But of course the emotional state of infancy seems to be unwarrantedly extended these days.

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They're the kind of people for whom the phrase "humorless ideologue" was invented.

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Thank you! Puritans is the PERFECT word for them!

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That's because they can no longer differentiate between reality and the unreal. No nuance or sense of humorous irony based on a common cultural consensus.

I bet the Leninist-Marxist 1917 Revolutionaries and the Chinese Red guards didnt have much of a sense of humor either.

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It's quite possible the young dont have senses of humour or irony, that they develop with aging, as we realize the stupidity, absurdity, and so on, of God's Greatest Creation - hoomins...

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