n. Any list of symptoms that either are psychological orphysiological in nature erupting from Covid itself, Covid and vaccination, or a variety of emergent diseases that coincidentally occur post Covid. If we can somehow make Covid a time travelling virus, it could also be the cause of many diseases existing backwards in time in perpetuity.
n. Any list of symptoms that either are psychological orphysiological in nature erupting from Covid itself, Covid and vaccination, or a variety of emergent diseases that coincidentally occur post Covid. If we can somehow make Covid a time travelling virus, it could also be the cause of many diseases existing backwards in time in perpetuity.
Yeah...hating is ridiculous. I know that Trump was full of it because in interviews about the vaccine he talks out of his ass about how great it was...the same way he talked about how awesome his inauguration was. I didn't hate him though, anymore than I hate advertisers for saying "new and improved."
That's Long Covid™:
n. Any list of symptoms that either are psychological orphysiological in nature erupting from Covid itself, Covid and vaccination, or a variety of emergent diseases that coincidentally occur post Covid. If we can somehow make Covid a time travelling virus, it could also be the cause of many diseases existing backwards in time in perpetuity.
“Long Covid” and Trump are interchangeable words now, the definition being “the cause of any and all woes”.
They aren't necessarily wrong, as Trump did in fact enact Lockdowns, he signed off on Operation Warp Speed, and he too wore the mask.
Pence was in charge of the Covid response.
His mistake was trusting the treasonous Pence, Falsie and Birxie-brain.
He was being targeted from the moment he came down the escalator and no matter where he turned he was being attacked. He had to trust sOmeone.
I really wonder what you would have done in the face of all that.....
I don’t disagree. How does one learn who to trust after that? Does he even acknowledge there was a problem?
Ha, yes
But they don’t hate him for any of those reasons. That would make sense.
Yeah...hating is ridiculous. I know that Trump was full of it because in interviews about the vaccine he talks out of his ass about how great it was...the same way he talked about how awesome his inauguration was. I didn't hate him though, anymore than I hate advertisers for saying "new and improved."
It was great in the fact that it woke up the world to how evil all governments now are.