There’s dumb, and then there’s Joe Biden, who has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 50 years.

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It must be a demanding job to wake up every day learning you're POTUS.

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In the plus column, you can't remember all the mistakes you made the previous day.

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I'm screwed because I keep sticky notes to remind me. Is that a reality of getting older Brad?

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"Never leave a paper trail (unless it's stored in your garage)".

-- Josef R. Biden

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As my favorite lawyer always says: ‘Never in writing, Always in Cash!’

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unless you need a lawyer yourself.

Then I want everything in writing.

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Or if it's on the honey do list.

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Correct... which is how he will get off... it’s called the “ Dementia Defense.” “ don’t blame me, I’m gaga.”

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Presidents Day! Starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell.

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It’s a demanding job for Mob Boss Joe to wake up every day!

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Don't be surprised if someone ends up sleeping with the fish. Who will it be?

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Was there a typo there, I think you meant POS.

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You have to at least appreciate the consistency.

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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one of my favorite quotes.

My little brother is an english major and he might be one of the biggest fools

around - a perfect example of TDS if there ever was, and full of anger.

There is not much space in your head for learning and growing

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We should never forget that JB was really stupid before senility.

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It always helps to have a head start in life.

Props on the screen name, BTW!

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Mediocre intelligence, a total slime, always a liar. And 80 million voters just didn't know!

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You'd think he'd get one right, just on accident, like the old saying "a broken clock is right twice a day..."

As BradK says, though, one does marvel at the consistency.

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Biden's clock doesn't have any numbers on it.

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Is there a special term for "dumber than dumb?"

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Currently, that would be "Mister President".

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Definitely. Don’t know how one can bat 100% on being wrong. You’d think he’d be right once in awhile, but he’s done the impossible

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Hunter Biden is a CCP Princeling. He says no yellows about women, but takes CCP cash. Somewhere in America there’s a little girl whose mother is a stripper, father is a crackhead, and father is president.

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Somewhere in America, there’s also a grown little alcoholic, troubled girl whose brother is a crackhead and father is an incestuous pedophile. And President.

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And that troubled girl’s father is also a serial groper.

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Strong argument for the morning-after pill, to be sure.

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grandfather is president

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So . . . anyone else having horrendous problems with the fact that this thing supposedly came over the Aleutian Islands then into Canada (which said not a peep) and then across the US from Montana (where the ICBMs are but also the "domestic terrorists"--I'll get to that in a moment) only to be shot down once it's out of the country and over *deep* open water where we have to rely on the military to fetch it and be honest about what it was?

We only "know" this was a "Chinese" spy balloon because that's what our incredibly reliable and deeply honest "intelligence" services told us.

Meanwhile, here in Billings, we get this article off a local radio station: Expect to See More Blackhawks over Billings, Montana (https://kmhk.com/ixp/990/p/expect-to-see-more-blackhawk-helicopters-over-billings-montana/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ). Suddenly, after how many decades of having a Montana National Guard, do we need a large contingent of Blackhawks and soldiers here in addition to what we have already in Helena (the capital)?

So one thing that seems to be indisputable is that we're a gnat's whisker away from war. The only question is whether that war is coming from without or from within.

And, no, I don't like to be a conspiracy theorist, but things are getting strange.

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Lillia, not sure that "getting strange" adequately describes our world. More like stark, raving, f#!%king mad.

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We've got an assload of missile sites in Montana. We've also got an assload of militias.

An excuse to more intensely surveil both of them makes sense.

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Let's just say that we don't have any real idea what is actually going on, although for certain there are those who do. Everything we are told is a flat out lie, a distraction or both. I don't believe the gov't didn't know about the balloon or somehow missed it, no way. They knew before it crossed into Alaska, and they followed it the whole way. Something else is going on and they're not going to tell us what it is. If I had to guess, I'd say Brandon doesn't know either, he just reads scripts they give him. And conveniently, they took the blimp down over water and guess what....oopsie....we can't find anything incriminating. Our bad.

My father was involved in the U2s and Gary Powers activities when we were living in England in the late 1950's and he was stationed there. You know that our spying and surveillance capabilities are far better now than they were 60 years ago. We are being lied to about these dopey balloons. I'm not buying any of it.

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John Ratcliff told Maria Bartiromo that the CCP can drop surveillance equipment and drones from those balloons. That video we saw the first night was, imo, a shoot down of something the balloon deployed. It could be that they are scouring the ground for other devices deployed.

These people are incompetent morons...or compromised.


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My sister's BF's husband is still in the military and he said the video was definitely of something being shot down (as if a civilian couldn't tell that), and we live near where this happened. There is a whole lot of something not being told.

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It's really astonishing how well the media/government psyops work. Okay, it wasn't the Chinese war balloon. Then, WTH was it?

I posted this below as well:


1 hr ago

I've heard of a theory for the CCP spy war balloon that has nothing to do with spying. A nuclear bomb detonated at high altitude (but below the magnetosphere shield) would generate an EMP that could take down the grid in the entire continental United States.

Yes, every country spies on every other country (even allies) using whatever tools available to them. The US has a lot of tools. No one wants to be spied upon. No one wants to stop spying.






1 hr ago


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The balloon was at 60k'. Record for a gas balloon with a payload ~ 100k'. To get a 10 kV EMP over the US you would need a lot more altitude. To get a focused EMP (directed energy) you could do that but not a widespread EMP.

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I've read the theory else where that this was a test run for a weapon such as that. As for what else it could be? It occurs to me that it could be "one of our own" and they made up the story because it flew low enough that someone saw it, and suddenly we have "Chinese spy balloon." The lie is for the US public's benefit and China's, if it's a weapon the US military is working on. As for what we would be doing? I don't know, everything from spying on our own people to doing a test run for a deadly weapon to use on our own people or another country.

Pedro Gonzales made some good points yesterday, about what we face if it was the Chinese: https://substack.com/inbox/post/100783827

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Just had dinner the other night with some folks who live in a big city near me and they said they had a panic recently, downtown, due to tons of military helicopters flying around, low, between the buildings, at night, with no lights on. Everyone thought we were under attack. After a big outpouring of outrage and panic, the military apparently said it was "training".

As for what sort of war the gubmint is preparing for, well, just note that the gubmint is in the process of building the FBI a new facility that will dwarf the Pentagon.

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I have a feeling we're not going to like their plans.

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Yeah, see that's what I worry about. It's not a foreign war that we would need that kind of training for.

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The actual worry is--what in fucknation is wrong with our military? The intelligence agencies, they were rotten from the start and we can't hope for much from them.

Question to seismologists: Are earthquakes caused by old soldiers rolling in their graves?

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From the look of the new Substack today from aged Viking, it was probably a DOD balloon.

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Yes! What better way to get rid of Joe's classified docs. What was in that payload? 😳 False flag?

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As was said by someone much smarter than me....there are PLENTY of Chinese and other satellites in the sky to pick up any info they want at any time. It was to take the ridiculous Hunter Biden "not saying this is my laptop but Daddy needs to get the gov. after those that leaked it to the press" story off the front page....wait was it EVER on the front page??

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Doesn't really wash: (1) Big Media aren't giving much attention to the laptop story, so they don't need a distraction. (2) The administration tried to bury the story, then explained it away as no big deal, so they're actually trying to distract FROM the balloon.

Really, the balloon is objectively a Big Deal. There are technical reasons it's better than satellite coverage. But that aside, it's significant that Beijing would think they could get away with it, and that they were right. It tells us something about both their decision-making and ours.

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This is a CCP propaganda coup, flying a slow-moving spy balloon into US airspace to prove that the US is now an daily-defeated nation of pussies.

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Government pussies you mean!

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No, pretty much all American men.

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Pussification of America is the real pandemic.

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So your thought is they are trying it and JOE ISN'T just inviting them to go ahead and do it?

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Not sure which "they" and "it" we're referring to here... but I think the Biden administration and its allies clearly wanted to bury the balloon story. They couldn't completely bury it, because people were inevitably going to notice a house-sized object up in the sky. But they're doing their best to downplay it and to move the news cycle past it. Think of all the ways they COULD be drawing attention to this and encouraging hysteria about it -- but they aren't.

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"They" China and "it" the balloon.

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It's about sovereignty and not how keenly them eyes up in space can see.

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After that prion disease post, it's nice to have this comic relief.

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Well, they ARE the experts. Maybe we should not do our own research on this one.

I mean, when have they been wrong?

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and the libtards will still vote for him

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It's not who "votes."

It's who COUNTS the "votes."


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The libtards will vote for him /because/ of it.

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A sad truth. Apparently, insanity IS contagious.

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2 f-22's screened by "several" f-15's from a field 800 miles away to shoot down unarmed unpowered gas bag! and "numerous" aerial refueling tankers passing gas to the fast movers......

how much co2 did that put out!?

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We've been sold out by our Government and Military..

OR they want to start WW3 now that Covid is on the wane (the virus, not the adverse effects from the Injections).

Not sure which seems closer to the truth!

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Once you understand that DOD ran the Scamdemic, it all makes sense. A certain group of powerful people have declared war on humanity. Follow the money!


Lots of other good info here:


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All joking aside, here are my questions:

-Were they afraid of potential biological or chemical agents being released if they shot it down? (HOW IRONIC!)

-We’ve spent trillions on the latest technology and we can’t safely capture and dismantle a balloon to analyze it?

-We don’t WANT to know what it was doing and what info it was gathering?

-Where was it launched from (to suddenly appear over Montana)?

-Could our China policy be any dumber?

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Except it's not in deep water. Google "spy balloon water depth" and learn that it's just 47ft. They probably already have divers on it... if Biden's Chinese blackmailers will allow it.

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"Joe Tzu" actually short for "Joe Tzueknsjfisonrisiwmorwjsisuze" but no one ever types out the whole thing.

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The Art of War??? More like the Art of Capitulation.

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In fairness, the explosion in the Montana skies, filmed just after a jet screamed by overhead, seems likely a first -- & missed -- attempt at shoot down.

So they pretended the explosion never happened & that there was no failed attempt.

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There's at least one civilian video of SOMETHING that obviously exploded (or was deliberately blown up) careening to the ground. Where did it hit on the ground? Not a single thing was in the media following that up (not that I have seen) and it has faded from sight and mind. Didn't anyone go check it out? Or were they warned off if they did? There should have been evidence on the ground where it hit.

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From what I last saw, supposedly no debris was found & local Montana news reversed course & said no explosion happened.

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Hmm, just like the explosions heard and seen every tenth floor as the WTC towers came down.

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The difference being that when the jet zoomed by, the witness grabbed her phone & filmed it. It made the local news, her vid went viral. And then suddenly, a day or so later, the news reported there was no explosion. With viral video of the explosion already circulating, lol.

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I rather suspect this is not the first time a spy balloon passed over.

As much as people might think otherwise there's a lot of things that go unnoticed by casual observance.

Military may have the means to track every object floating at 60k+ feet (and of course not talk about it) but objects of this type floating so high up will generally speaking avoid notice - people just don't go outside and spend time looking up.

The question is why did this one get notoriety...

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Ever been to MT? There is a reason why it is called, Big Sky country. Looking at the sky is something that is hard to not do. The landscape is beautiful, but you find yourself just looking at that big open sky without even trying.

The whole argument to not shoot it down as it could hurt someone. They also have not been to MT. 95% of MT has no one living in it.

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MT is my favorite vacation spot and when I go there I'm visiting not working.

Taking in the scenery is my objective. Mostly looking at the land, not the sky itself except maybe at night

A person living there with an outdoor job - rancher, farmer, truck driver, etc has a task to perform and can't be spending a lot of time daydreaming looking at the sky.

This sort of object isn't exactly standing out against the backdrop. It blends in well.

Glint off a reflecting surface would make it stand out, but aside from that its quite easy to miss.

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As someone with a small acreage ranch, I look at the sky quite often. Checking the weather, looking for smoke/fires, watching the birds in between my daily chores. Very few people actually have jobs that require their actual nose to the grindstone.

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The internet in a nutshell:

"This thing is so beautiful that you can't help but look at it."


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Well, not so much on a clear day. I think the size was much misrepresented? "The size of 3 busses" was used many times. Actually the area as a flat circle was closer to 36 buses! The volume was equal to 10 1/4 Olympic swimming pools. It was no Death Star, but I think visible to the naked eye?

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The images I've seen of this thing are its quite pale in color. Very easy to blend in to the sky and avoid casual notice, even if its fairly sizable.

And people in general aren't observant about things around them.

I remember a couple years ago a TV show on Nat Geo did a few episodes demonstrating just how little people actually see.

In once instance they showed a video with about a dozen people dancing. In the background they had a guy in a dinosaur costume prance through. Most people they showed the video to never saw the dinosaur, even people that were told to look out for the unusual would miss it.

Another instance they had an actor work a customer service counter (wearing a red shirt). The actor would bend down below the counter to 'get something' and an entirely different actor (wearing a blue shirt) would stand up and continue the customer service interaction. Very few people ever recognized that not only did the shirt color change, but the person itself changed.

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Re: that customer service counter experiment. How easy it can be to take advantage of someone by first confusing them, doing something totally nonsensical! I'll bet half the people didn't notice the change of person, but the other half did, and didn't say anything because it was just... so weird. Like, um, what just happened? I'm not sure, so I think while I'm trying to find my bearings, I'll pretend it didn't. Even though I know it did.

.... hmmm sounds like 2020.

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