"anti-vaxx" graffiti. LOL. "Freedom" is now synonymous with "anti-vaxx". I hope they update the thesaurus soon.

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Looks pretty white supremacist and transphobic to me.

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Watch Ukraine. Next big diversion to try to save Biden presidency. These assholes will get us nuked in the process. But wear your mask, get boosted and watch the Super Bowl especially the halftime show.

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Sorry for the off-topic post, but I feel it's urgent for people to understand the risks we face with big tech continuing to censor and take down information. I keep posting this information, but nobody seems that interested. 94% of the services on the Internet are hosted in way or another on platforms, whether it be as the cloud provider or the service itself, that are affiliated with BigTech and antagonistic toward information that goes against the narrative about COVID-19. In a single day, they could terminate thousands of sites which currently provide avenues for sharing truth about early therapeutics, vaccines, and critical data studies on a moment's notice. That includes substack.

Nobody is doing any contingency planning such as scoping out the use of private data centers. You don't need to use a cloud provider to host web and data or have a high-speed fault toleraant Internet access. Colocation centers at least at this point only care about network disruption and spam and do not normally monitor content - I know that my colocation doesn't.

I've been trying to put together an alt-tech initiative to address the issue as well as services to capture and index all of the relevant data from reputable sources that is now banned by most Internet search engines such as Google. But there just isn't any interest in forming a group around identifying a technology strategy to move to a private cloud that is not subject to cancellation. This is an area up my wheel house as I have 2 master's degrees and a PhD in computer science and have held roles leading data, software, infrastructure, and cybersecurity projects. You can see my profile at https://linkedin.com/in/bobleith

I'd match up to 15K myself just to host a conference, but no takers. I'm a technology guru, not a marketing expert. Looking for help and Interested in suggestions.

Here are some links to think about.



Thank you.

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Mika, the contemptible blonde on MSNBC, had a graphic behind her that said something like "Truckers Anti-Vaxx Protest". There is NO ONE in the media who doesn't know that the protest is anti-MANDATE, not anti-vaxx.

So she and everyone at MSNBC are just POS lying sacks of human debris.

Burn the media to the ground, salt the earth where they stood, and rebuild it with all NEW players.

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Chanada has schools?

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I don't think graffiti-ing schools is the way the convoy wants to go. I bet it was done by some nut job who has no connection to the protest.

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They should have just written "Black Lives Matter" or "Death To Amerikkka" and everything would have been fine.

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Headline could have blamed any of the following: climate deniers, anti sciencers, anti maskers, gun lovers, bilble clingers, clingers or deplorables 🤡

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Ok, sure. Makes sense:

Freedom = anti-vax

Tyranny = vax

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NYT headline about Cuba in July 2021: “Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years."

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Anti-vax is letting them off easy. We need to start calling this what it is: pro-covid.

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Well, yes. The most dangerous word in the world. What if the kids start using it?

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Never realized William Wallace of Braveheart lore, was an anti-transgender hateful anti-science misogynist. Makes sense now, all that Freedom talk.

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Those anti vac homophobes and racists in half of Europe where the countries are abandoning mandates etc.

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Can't help it by suddenly that George Michael song is playing in my head: "Freedom, I just want my FREEDOM!"

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Screw it, I guess I'm proudly anti-vax then.

Good job, guys.

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Yup, freedom is basically synonymous with anti-vaxxism here in Canada now. We live in weird times.

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Very sad. Sorry to see the "good" side doing that. Freedom doesn't mean destruction - enough of that already. may this was Antifa posing . . .

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Hold on, why would you have an Alexa around?

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I think they had a rare moment of clarity and got it right. It IS about freedom.

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Well they tell us everything we need to know about the vax. It’s clearly not for our health - if it ever really was…

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What's wrong with being anti-vax? Anti-poison is just common sense. As for this graffiti. Probably a student forced into a slave mask. Good for that person. Let the school board clean up the literal messes they made.

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Be free and you’re a danger to others. Damn right!

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I'm guessing this is fake. There's no red spray paint on the top door hinge and there would be if the letter "M" was actually painted the way they make it show...

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"The peasants are revolting, Sire!"

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“Freedom”. I love it!!! 🇺🇸 Go Canada!!

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Notice anymore how leftists get wadded panties every time someone mentions freedom? They treat it as a personal attack. Of course so do all totalitarians. Point that out to them the next time they get all clenchy at the mention of the F Word.

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Is anyone else having issues “liking” comments? I seem to be able to like a few, and then that ability stops. It has happened numerous times on different substacks now.

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They could have put some whiskers under the M

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Wow... PBS just played a story about the Canadian freedom convoy??? I don't understand!!!

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Looks like Canada is in for some hot weather. The ice might melt.

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They should go to Fraudci, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc and continue the art

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I despised Trump; didn't vote for him and neither did my husband. We didn't vote for Hilary, either, but wasted our vote on the guy who didn't know what Aleppo was. YIKES! Trump, however, soon won me over. I remember looking outside the window one brilliant spring day, I think it was after he'd met with Kim Jong Un, and thinking that I could stop worrying about seeing a mushroom cloud in the horizon. I didn't mind his brash personality; I mean, did you SEE his press conferences? The press pool was like a school of piranhas but more poorly educated. I didn't care about his previous womanizing rumors; I live in a place where rich guys congregate -- and they attract every hot, curvy, gold-digger in the area, whether the guy is married or not. Rich men, powerful men have always attracted women, for better or worse. Most of our U.S. presidents, beginning with FDR, have cheated on their spouses. That doesn't make it right, of course, it just means that power and women -- lots of women -- go together. I sort of liked Trump's irreverent responses. I never thought he was in either Putin's or Xi's pocket; I think he flattered them to get his way -- and it was like watching "The Art of the Deal" unfold in real time. I loved that he was able to get The Abraham Accords done, and I like the way he handled Iraq, ISIS, terrorists, etc. They say he abandoned the Kurds but in reality the Kurds got what they wanted; it was just in a more roundabout way -- that NO ONE ever talks about. But have you heard much whining from the Kurds lately?? What does that tell you? I could go on but suffice it to say that I will take his mean tweets, his abrasive temperament, and everything else -- except he had horrible instincts about his staff -- in place of the mushmelon braih that we have now in the White House movie set.

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I can’t wait for Rage Against the Machine to rebrand their song “Freedom” as a vaccine support anthem with a new video showing masked masses getting their shots.

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Freedom is Slavery.

Understand what is meant by that, and you understand why they see themselves as good.

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We call it "Corporate Media" as Legacy seems inappropriate - we don't want that sort of legacy... Bad Cat and others like you are the Real Media, the People's Media. Thanks and love, from South Africa

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This post should have come with one of those safe space warnings. Now I’m triggered

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God bless the graffiti artists of Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️

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"Freedom" is racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, and violent. How dare anyone use that dirty word?

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William Wallace was a well-known anti-vaxxer.

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When they hunt down the criminals that perpetrated this crime against humanity AND they wiil! The book will be cat apulted into them!

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Looks like we'll need to rename the Statue of Liberty. What'll be her "acceptable" name?

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Racist, gender phobic and anti-islamic too.

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We have awoken the sleeping giant! The Proles!

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Just watched 60 Minutes on the health care crisis in Louisville. They were blaming the not fully vaxxed and talking about how exhausted the nurses are. There was no mention how the mandates made the shortage worse. Ugh.

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a beautiful thing

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Pretty dumb comment re anti-vax. Guess they don't know what democracy is nor what it means to own your own body. Either way, that person has a very short history memory.

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I don’t believe in vandalism.

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