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Not even her son. She's the stepmother.

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I had read this as a comment on x. How is that even possible? What happened to mom?

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It is a very, very peculiar story all around. Per this article the marriage was annulled because of Jeff Younger's purported fraud, but I don't understand how any marriage can be annulled--rather than ended via divorce--if there is issue of the marriage i.e. children born within it.

Possibly both these parents are batshit crazy and neither can be trusted as providing truthful testimony. And the article itself is quite problematic.


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"Possibly both these parents are batshit crazy and neither can be trusted as providing truthful testimony. And the article itself is quite problematic."

That's my take, ultimately. It most likely goes much deeper than these superficial accounts from Forbes and the referenced Substack.

What shocks me are the so-called "medical experts" who eagerly diagnosed a small child with gender dysphoria based upon an "I'm a girl" declaration. One of the first things we learned in first-year law school criminal law class is that a child under seven is deemed to lack the legal capacity to commit a crime and cannot be charged. The two concepts would seem to go together. Your "batshit crazy" characterization seems more appropriate albeit with a broader scope.

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The legal concept of тАЬcapacityтАЭ is more apt here than notions of criminal culpability. Since childrenтАЩs brains are not fully developed, their ability to understand consequences and to make rational decisions is not quite ready for prime time, so we donтАЩt allow them to make important decisions that will affect their future.

ItтАЩs interesting that the APA says that children lack the capacity to get a tattoo (itтАЩs тАЬtoo permanentтАЭ), but they are perfectly capable of deciding to have parts of their body cut off, or have themselves chemically castrated.

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That was my point essentially but I appreciate your taking the time to expand upon it. The idea is that a child's brain is not considered to be developed enough to form the specific intent to commit a criminal act but yet the child's declaration was deemed sufficient for experts to arrive at a gender dysphoria diagnosis. Your tattoo example illustrates how ridiculous it is.

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And small children repeat what they hear so it could be just that's what he heard the TV say or someone else.

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Parents of every possible belief system far too often use their children as instruments of working out their own craziness.

And we know what the medical profession is. Someone should collate a list of medical fads repudiated within 20 years of their appearance.

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The 2 of you are speaking WAAAAY to much common sense!

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This all was discussed in detail at Steve Sailer's boomer blog in 2019.


The entire bunch (I can't call them a "family") are full blown bat guano attention vortices...and my main reaction is how sad it is for the children to be at their mercy.

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I will also note that being a conservative Christian is no protection against being subjected to "gender-affirming care" by one's parents.

Consider poor Heather Grimm, now Gavin--a big hulking gay girl whose mother could much better deal with Heather being really a boy than a lesbian. We must preserve the fiction of heterosexuality in one's Godly children at all costs and of course the costs are dreadful.

That's just one of similar cases. Conservative men distressed by their effeminate little boys are strangely relieved when Johnny gets some dresses and can be introduced as Jenny.

The real lesson is that crazy parents are bad for kids.

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Spot on.

There are deeper currents playing out here, that you touch on. The link I posted above includes reader comments/discussion about that--particularly the cults of Bacchus/Ephesus/etc. Those aren't just old dead stories--those relate very real human emotions, behaviors, and tendencies.

IMO this is very much a holy war that revolves around the devolution of fatherhood and the maenadic rage of walking wounded women. Younger appears to be posing in various media these days as a strong father fighting for his sons because there is attention to be gained from that.

But from the get-go his choices were in cahoots with the castration cult, into which he knowingly married and with which he knowingly participated. Even his way of "fathering" the children was outside of normal man/woman biology. (And he coupled his gametes with someone not his wife, to boot.)

His public pronouncements do not examine or reflect on his choices. They appear to attempt to rope people into alignment with avoiding reflection, and into his scapegoating.

"Being a conservative Christian is no protection" because the larger sense of sin, reflection, and contrition are absent. And the courts are structured to go along with these circuses.

Frankly, I can kinda understand why his wife would not want this guy's gametes to get passed down to a new generation. I don't condone it...but I can see it within the realm of possibility. Personally I think we're gonna need more millstones.

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Being hag-ridden by blood-sacrifice cult concepts of sin, reflection and contrition have caused a horror-show of sexual obsession and expiation via extreme mortification of the flesh for millennia now. It's not an accident that so many of the Christian purported saints tortured themselves bloody because of extreme discomfort with the normal processes of maturing bodies and sexual desire.

Dogmas of guilt and redemption are bad for anyone's mental health.

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The article was written by a transgender and seemed rife with incorrect information (as you mention- it is problematic). I do not believe any child should be allowed to be chemically treated under the age of 18 and therefore I will side with the dad on this case, even if he is nuts (which he appears to beтАж.or heтАЩs a dude who exaggerated his career to get this crazy woman to date him).

What this case highlights for me is how important it is to choose your spouse if making children. What a nightmare.

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Well--sometimes one is fortunate enough to receive the Golden Sperm from an otherwise entirely useless piece of elemental crappery. Life's sensible rulebook is sometimes trumped by the strange workings of fate.

Loony medical protocols promoted by the obsessed is pretty much almost all of the history of the healing arts. It is of course a tragedy and considering what's happening in medical schools these days, we're all going to need our own copies of Where There Is No Doctor.

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