All trans is just pretending. Nothing more. If genitalia doesn’t define sex how does removing them affirm it?

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We can conclude that 2020 and beyond marked the start of aggressive practicing and acceptance of Letting Your Freak Flag Fly. I'm not opposed to that, but the government cannot impose it, mandate my feelings about it, or require that those doing it be treated if they were *actually* part of the sub-species they claim exists. That's the problem.

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Amen, Wilster!

It really is that simple.

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That "freak flag" mark happened for me somewhere between around 1970 I think ;-).

It's MY freak flag, thank you very much. I neither require nor expect anyone else to fly it. Get yer own flag, Bubba.

As you say the problem is forced, imposed "you must fly my flag or else" which is pure intolerance. It is not a right to compel other to acknowledge your identity. There I said it.

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Look, I don't plan to divulge when my own "freak flag" tendencies came out for air. That's private, Holmes!

As either Chris Rock or Dave Chapelle said, "Your beliefs about your identity place no demands upon me with regard to what I do about myself." Or words to that effect.

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Agreed. Chromosomes cannot be erased.

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But like so many other things, they can be ignored ;-).

Like with all things, it's only a problem for me when someone else makes their ignorance my problem.

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Great point. Sexuality and the human body in and of itself are being rebuked, as the male patriarchal energy of the vatican elites suppresses sexuality, and has hated women and mother nature since time immemorial, since the battle of the Aesir and Vanir.

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I've told this story before, but it's repeatable. A friend of mine - very "liberal" in the real meaning of that word - tolerant of others in most ways - had her 2nd grade daughter come home and announce that she was gay. Intrigued more than angry, Mom asked how she reached that conclusion. The girl said "I like girls more than boys and my teacher said that means I'm gay". Mom explained that no, the feeling of liking girls and thinking boys are icky means you're 7 and that is fine.

The discussion with the teacher turned into a discussion with the school administrator, which turned into a discussion at the school board, which turned into...a mess that required lawyers. Mom's opinion was the topic was inappropriate for the grade level. Thought, you know, with evidence, that it was too easily misunderstood. The name calling started...and ended in court. School board lost. Don't pick a fight with momma bear, especially when momma bear is a marine with a law degree - that's not a mandate, kids, just good advice ;-)

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Great battle reference. Going all the way back to the shores of Northern Turkey as the ice age pulled back..

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WHOA! Nice. Not many know. Where did you read about it?

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I am Norwegian on my Father's side so, 1st gen American for me on that side. My 1st study of vikings and the old religion and history was as a teenager when an old neighbor gave me her 2 volume set of The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu 1890 edition. There is a map speculating where Asgard was in southern Ukraine along the Dniper River. It also shows Mikligard where Constantinople would later be. On page 25 of Volume 1 the book discusses Black Sea Anatolia origins, More recently I saw a 5th Kind video: Paul Wallis - Incredible Journey Through the Beautiful Van Province in Anatolia which mentions the origin of legends hinting at real historical events? Could this land be the origin of the stories of Odin and the advanced Aesir gods.

For me, along with my books, placement in Van and Aesir civilization is compelling. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SujrDDhqnvE

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a web site you might enjoy: https://norse-mythology.org/

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Thanks for that little bunny hole of new knowledge!

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it is a eunuch solution, and very transformative.

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Just in case you don't know this....Ironically, WPATH, the ideology-driven entity that issues "Standards of Care" for pediatric sex change, added Eunuch as a "gender identity" in its last standards, dedicating a whole chapter to it. WPATH rushed the standards (which are all about pushing pediatric sex change) and removed age limits for surgeries when pressured to do so by "Rachel" Levine, Biden's appointment within HHS. He's a dude who fathered children, rose in the medical ranks, and then declared himself a woman and was celebrated as the first "female" in his position. You can't make this stuff up.

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Dick Levine is also a pedophile, fondling underage boys in his Pennsylvania psychiatry office before he moved up to DC. What a slap in the face to biological woman in the military when he claimed the crown of first female admiral. What a dick

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How did this pedophile not get prosecuted?

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Correction - what a sick dick

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I actually liked the expression without the modifier. So appropriate in a number of ways.

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No surprise here! Plenty of dicks to go around!

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Does anything surprise us anymore? Thanks for the update.

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As opposed to the opposite procedure: Addadictomy

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Props to Rush Limbaugh, RIP.

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Congratulations you win the internet today

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*golf clap*

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Hm. Interesting point. I think 'trans' exists. I think there are people (I know some) who believe that their external identity doesn't match their internal identity. Call it pathology if you like - ADHD and dyslexia are classified as pathology so it's no stranger than that. It's real, and I believe it's not a choice no more than my dyslexia is a choice. But that's what I believe. I'm ok with you believing something different. As long as we're respecting each other's individual right to disagree, it's cool. If you're marching through town in a mob with torches setting fire to the homes of alleged trans people, I think that is not OK. I'm not asking you to affirm my belief, nor that of my friends and family, only tolerate it. And I will do the same for you (key point).

Therein lies the problem. "Affirmation" has become carte blanch to violate anyone's basic rights (free speech, right to be left alone, etc). "Affirm me or else" is intolerant, exclusionary, and morally wrong. stepping out on a limb and speculating we agree on that point ;-)

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Think of it like this: trans is a made up thing, gender dysphoria is actually a condition that some people suffer from. I did myself when I was around 9. Grew out of it though, just like 95% of kids historically

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Trying to escape oneself and be reborn into a new being is a common human desperation and in my view the challenging and painful rites of puberty one finds in every pre-literacy society are an intuitive way of getting people through the hormone storm natural to all mammals.

Every religious conversion story involves killing off the old self, being cleansed of it, and being reborn into a new name and identity, and of course many religious initiation ceremonies--involuntarily endured or willingly entered into--involve mutilations of one kind or another and quite often of one's genitals.

So much of it is self-loathing and self-obsession inextricable from each other.

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I disagree with 90 percent of your statement. All they’re doing is pretending. They should not be persecuted or punished for their actions or behavior. That’s it.

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Are you an ignorant motherfucker? Where did I say persecute them? It’s dunning Kruger effect cunts like yourself that are the problem. Move along bitch! You’re a lightweight and a lowlife asshole.

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All trans people I know personally appear to be running from something. They're trying to escape. For one its a very strict Mormon upbringing paired with some abuse, while for another it's molestation from a family member as a child. I do not know any personally who I would consider the "in the wrong body" type.

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Yes, this seems to be true. My daughter has long had a female friend now in her 20's who says she's male and wants to be called a male name. I watched this friend grow up as an only child, and saw her mother smother her with "protection" from everything because the kid had an allergic reaction once. I could tell it was not going to end well.

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Deeply delusional people lack common sense and do not live in reality.

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Exactly. The whole thing is incoherent.

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I have no idea, I'm not trans.

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We need to stop normalizing mental illness .

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AND start scrutinizing what Pharma is pushing as a 'cure'.

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Exactly. They work hand in hand. Endocrine disrupters in the plastic too of course - it's no wonder why so many children and adults are losing their true identity. Just like the fish who are changing their genitalia due to pollution.

When did you wake up to the BS of big pharma?

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It was a gradual awakening for me. I do business research for a living and learned about the broken peer review system and the fake science around climate change about 20 years ago. Had a friend whose daughter was vax injured about 10 years ago and became a skeptic. 2020 threw me all the way over into the anti-vax big pharma is corrupt camp. Self employed and pretty much all my projects got cancelled so lots of free time to go down rabbit holes.

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I suspect it’s the SSRIs that are the cause of the mental illness crisis in the US.

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Chicken or the egg

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You should read "Anatomy of an Epidemic" by Robert Whittaker. The rise in social security disability coincides with the rise in prescribing SSRIs and drugs like Adderall to children. I have personal experience with this, unfortunately. I saw how the personality of my stepbrother changed after they put him on Ritalin when he was 7. He's dead now, died over a decade ago at the age of 23. His untimely death I attribute directly to the Ritalin. He went from a sweet child who was a little hyperactive, to someone with anger management problems and impulsiveness. He wound up paralyzed after stealing a car and over-dosed on pain meds.

My husband was on SSRIs. They completely changed him too and we have spent the last decade trying to fix the damage that was done to him.

So, no. It's not the chicken or the egg. It's the fucking pharmaceuticals.

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I agree , it the biggest part of the puzzle, people are put on it because a parent or pediatrician had this discussion for a reason .

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And "transgenderism" is without doubt a mental disorder, and often a dangerous one, physically and societally.

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...but ...but, how do they prescribe massive drugs that actually hurt more than help you if you do not play-along?

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Absolutely. A lot of mental illness is truly physical in nature, like the anxiety nervosa that Freud coined/ invented as a term with the onset of massive global electrification with the telegraph:


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No doubt there are physical components, and anxieties of different kinds and degrees, but we shouldn't rob humans of our greatest gift/curse: Agency. We have quite a bit of Free Will.

I have experienced trauma and have not ever quite overcome it. That said, in every instance where things went sideways for me, the one common thread, the theme, the leit motif in every single instance... was ME.

Do I drink because my body craves denial or because I choose to deny?

*nods vigorously* Yup.

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Precisely this.

Go too far down the mindset of "our environment has made us sick" and it's virtually indistinguishable from "COVID gave everyone brain damage". Both extremes strip people of agency and create unnecessary alarmism.

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All mental illness is physical. What do you think is going on in the brain? It’s not imagination. It’s fucked up hormonal, endocrine, and metabolic pathways.

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I agree that it's ultimately physical. What is going on in the brain is neurological pathways that were probably set in place long ago, likely in the womb, by hormonal, endocrine, and metabolic pathways that were unfortunately fucked up back then.

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Agreed. I was being gentle (: Are you aware of how wireless radiation can exacerbate autism?

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Yes, and so can food allergies. You should see what happens when I get milk by accident.

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Is that raw milk, or pasteurized?

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All milk, I was born with a casein allergy. I blame Agent Orange. They told my daddy it was safe and effective. Well, it *was* effective…

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So sorry to hear that. Have you heard of the GAPS protocol?

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I had not, but we follow a carnivore diet, mostly grass fed beef, so similar it sounds like, but perhaps stricter in that we aren’t adding anything back. My husband started on carnivore after he heard it helped Mikayla Peterson. Then he talked me into it, and the rest is history.

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Nice. I only mention GAPS b/c the founder Dr. Natasha McBride, was able to help cure her own child's autism with the GAPS nutrition protocol she created.

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That's amazing!

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Hey there-- totally agree. (liminalluke)

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I was in a busy grocery store parking lot when a guy flashed me. I laughed a hearty gaffaw because he was no artist’s model, and I was NOT going to scream because that was what he wanted. The problem was when I got in my car and down the street a ways, I started to wonder if he was flashing his nasty pocket mouse to kids?! I called the police. This is why we cannot ignore these types of issues.

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Perverts like that escalate their behaviors. The French guy who drugged his wife and invited 70 men over to rape her to film it and share it online was caught up-skirting.

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This is the exact kind of comment that got me banned from Twitter under Elon. It's still not at all an open platform, still very harshly censored if you step out of certain bounds.

Worse, entire accounts are banned until the offender kisses the dirt and deletes the offending comment. This proves that it's not about the individual comment, but rather about eliminating _people_ who might spread wrongthink. An truly open platform might need to delete certain comments, but would never block whole accounts until the user recants a sole politically incorrect comment.

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I am transsexual and apologize for the nutjobs that push trans ideology. I don't blame people for being pissed and saying "enough". I'm among them. When it was a tiny number of completely transitioned people, doing everything possible to pass, not annoying others, staying out of women's sports, leaving children alone, etc... everyone could co-exist. Many were fine with it and those that still objected decided they had bigger problems to deal with. I've contributed to a group fighting men/boys in women's sports. I've also written these two posts. All I can do is speak up.

Sports: https://sarahsavesreceipts.substack.com/p/sports-without-sportsmanship-biological?r=1vdjzg

Medicalizing children: https://sarahsavesreceipts.substack.com/p/amidst-harms-and-scandal-europe-is?r=1vdjzg

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Sounds like you were trans before it was "cool". Perhaps that's why you're reasonable?

Perhaps that's why your sexual proclivities are secondary to just being a "real" person?

We can all learn from that.

May the road rise up to meet you.

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I don’t know a single person who is against trans people and their right to exist or do what they want to their own body, nor do I know anyone who is transphobic in the sense that they are afraid of trans people. What we’re afraid of is being railroaded into allowing male predators to victimize the vulnerable and redefining what it means to be a woman to the point that none of the things that immutably define a woman are included in the new definition. This is a cult. No amount of projection can prove otherwise. The longer the left embraces this issue the worse it is for them so maybe it’s actually a good thing that they are digging in so hard.

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My guess is that most adult trans folks feel this way. Thanks for speaking out.

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God bless you and protect you from those who would disturb your peace.

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Thank you for your perspective. Subbed.

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Thanks for bringing some sanity.

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It seems The trans group became just one more identity group for the left to use, put into yet another column to manipulate & use as a cudgel to pit us against one another.

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Exactly this, I know quite a few living in my neighborhood who look like they are high on life with all the positive attention, what happens when it's gone. I want to say you know their only using you for they own benefit but I don't. Any mental conditions like depression will only be worse when the attention is gone. And if any new hate that has came about due to it being force upon others is going to make things more difficult. Trans people have been killed without having the idea forced on the the general public. I don't see much good coming from this for trans people.

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Cool! Sounds like you're right up there with likes of Blair White (who has gotta be the coolest trans person I've heard of)

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Thank you, Phil.

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Nothing has radicalized normal parents more than trans ideology on kids. Dems are stuck owning it forever, their new Congresswoman from Biden's Delaware is trans. Pray for Jeff Younger. Judge Mark Juhas has allowed his ex-wife, pediatrician Dr. Anne Georgulas, to castrate their son in California. She took them from Texas to the trans sanctuary state for that purpose: https://jeffyounger.substack.com/p/theyre-trying-to-chemically-castrate

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What I just can’t wrap my head around are the “doctors”, nurses, technicians, and peripheral medical types who actually perform, assist with, facilitate, or in any way support (looking at you AMA, APP) surgical mutilation or even giving blockers and hormones to children, most of whom have transient mental conditions, or just are in the throes of a tough puberty. I realize that a lot of money is involved, but I think that’s just a distracting excuse; there’s got to be something else, something evil, going on with these bastards.

I have often wondered about how the Nazi phenomenon came about; perhaps this trans thing is part of the answer - look at what we, as a society, let some adults do to some children.

Are we not men? Where are our leaders? If we do not take action, are we not partially to blame?

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"there’s got to be something else, something evil, going on with these bastards."

Something something quacks like a duck.

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Apparently "We are Devo... D E V O"

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I don’t think the average person is in any way to blame for the trans insanity. We can speak up but it’s hard to fight a $ billion industry!

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They should be in jail for life!!!

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More like under the jail.

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An eye for an eye?

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Not even her son. She's the stepmother.

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I had read this as a comment on x. How is that even possible? What happened to mom?

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It is a very, very peculiar story all around. Per this article the marriage was annulled because of Jeff Younger's purported fraud, but I don't understand how any marriage can be annulled--rather than ended via divorce--if there is issue of the marriage i.e. children born within it.

Possibly both these parents are batshit crazy and neither can be trusted as providing truthful testimony. And the article itself is quite problematic.


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"Possibly both these parents are batshit crazy and neither can be trusted as providing truthful testimony. And the article itself is quite problematic."

That's my take, ultimately. It most likely goes much deeper than these superficial accounts from Forbes and the referenced Substack.

What shocks me are the so-called "medical experts" who eagerly diagnosed a small child with gender dysphoria based upon an "I'm a girl" declaration. One of the first things we learned in first-year law school criminal law class is that a child under seven is deemed to lack the legal capacity to commit a crime and cannot be charged. The two concepts would seem to go together. Your "batshit crazy" characterization seems more appropriate albeit with a broader scope.

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The legal concept of “capacity” is more apt here than notions of criminal culpability. Since children’s brains are not fully developed, their ability to understand consequences and to make rational decisions is not quite ready for prime time, so we don’t allow them to make important decisions that will affect their future.

It’s interesting that the APA says that children lack the capacity to get a tattoo (it’s “too permanent”), but they are perfectly capable of deciding to have parts of their body cut off, or have themselves chemically castrated.

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That was my point essentially but I appreciate your taking the time to expand upon it. The idea is that a child's brain is not considered to be developed enough to form the specific intent to commit a criminal act but yet the child's declaration was deemed sufficient for experts to arrive at a gender dysphoria diagnosis. Your tattoo example illustrates how ridiculous it is.

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And small children repeat what they hear so it could be just that's what he heard the TV say or someone else.

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Parents of every possible belief system far too often use their children as instruments of working out their own craziness.

And we know what the medical profession is. Someone should collate a list of medical fads repudiated within 20 years of their appearance.

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The 2 of you are speaking WAAAAY to much common sense!

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This all was discussed in detail at Steve Sailer's boomer blog in 2019.


The entire bunch (I can't call them a "family") are full blown bat guano attention vortices...and my main reaction is how sad it is for the children to be at their mercy.

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I will also note that being a conservative Christian is no protection against being subjected to "gender-affirming care" by one's parents.

Consider poor Heather Grimm, now Gavin--a big hulking gay girl whose mother could much better deal with Heather being really a boy than a lesbian. We must preserve the fiction of heterosexuality in one's Godly children at all costs and of course the costs are dreadful.

That's just one of similar cases. Conservative men distressed by their effeminate little boys are strangely relieved when Johnny gets some dresses and can be introduced as Jenny.

The real lesson is that crazy parents are bad for kids.

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Spot on.

There are deeper currents playing out here, that you touch on. The link I posted above includes reader comments/discussion about that--particularly the cults of Bacchus/Ephesus/etc. Those aren't just old dead stories--those relate very real human emotions, behaviors, and tendencies.

IMO this is very much a holy war that revolves around the devolution of fatherhood and the maenadic rage of walking wounded women. Younger appears to be posing in various media these days as a strong father fighting for his sons because there is attention to be gained from that.

But from the get-go his choices were in cahoots with the castration cult, into which he knowingly married and with which he knowingly participated. Even his way of "fathering" the children was outside of normal man/woman biology. (And he coupled his gametes with someone not his wife, to boot.)

His public pronouncements do not examine or reflect on his choices. They appear to attempt to rope people into alignment with avoiding reflection, and into his scapegoating.

"Being a conservative Christian is no protection" because the larger sense of sin, reflection, and contrition are absent. And the courts are structured to go along with these circuses.

Frankly, I can kinda understand why his wife would not want this guy's gametes to get passed down to a new generation. I don't condone it...but I can see it within the realm of possibility. Personally I think we're gonna need more millstones.

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Being hag-ridden by blood-sacrifice cult concepts of sin, reflection and contrition have caused a horror-show of sexual obsession and expiation via extreme mortification of the flesh for millennia now. It's not an accident that so many of the Christian purported saints tortured themselves bloody because of extreme discomfort with the normal processes of maturing bodies and sexual desire.

Dogmas of guilt and redemption are bad for anyone's mental health.

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The article was written by a transgender and seemed rife with incorrect information (as you mention- it is problematic). I do not believe any child should be allowed to be chemically treated under the age of 18 and therefore I will side with the dad on this case, even if he is nuts (which he appears to be….or he’s a dude who exaggerated his career to get this crazy woman to date him).

What this case highlights for me is how important it is to choose your spouse if making children. What a nightmare.

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Well--sometimes one is fortunate enough to receive the Golden Sperm from an otherwise entirely useless piece of elemental crappery. Life's sensible rulebook is sometimes trumped by the strange workings of fate.

Loony medical protocols promoted by the obsessed is pretty much almost all of the history of the healing arts. It is of course a tragedy and considering what's happening in medical schools these days, we're all going to need our own copies of Where There Is No Doctor.

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It's a falsehood to call that guy a congresswoman.

The fact is that he's the first trans congressman, meaning a man who has medicalised himself to appear like the opposite sex, aka a male transsexual.

They played games with language as a way to entrench this ideology by stealth and I am done going along with it just to be "accepting".

We're talking about a public figure here and not, say, your neighbour. It should not go on the record that he is an elected "congresswoman". It's a travesty that we allow this legal fiction to officially exist in Western countries.

I have no problem with individuals choosing to transition and changing their name. But the state should not be in the business of falsifying public records to validate a person's aesthetic choices and inner sense of identity. No one can change their birth year or place of birth, so why is it possible to change one's registered sex?

We live in strange times.

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Speaking of playing games with language, it's also interesting that they replaced 'transvestite' (& all its past connotations of fetish and debauchery) with 'transsexual'.

Rebranding 101.

You only rebrand a product when its reputation has become unsalvageable.

But it's still the same tainted product.

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Transsexual wasn't really a replacement of transvestite. It's merely the next step up: medicalisation (hormones and/or surgery) rather than just cross-dressing and make-up.

Also, transsexuals traditionally included very effeminate gay men who were not the same breed as the hetero fetishists.

The language game was to call both of these things "transgender" while simultaneously expanding the label to include gender-non-conforming kids.

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Just a reminder that Jeff Younger married a woman whose mother was a "minister" who literally considered homosexuals to be more holy than the rest of us. (Ginger Georgulas. A "saint for justice" she was called in her obituaries.)

And Jeff Younger married a woman whose brother was considered a hero for dying of AIDS in 1994 (Rev. Mom was there at his side).

And Jeff Younger, instead of inseminating that woman naturally, like a man, went along with her being implanted with the in vitro conceived offspring of his sperm and another woman's eggs. Right around the time (2011) his wife's hero minister mother died (2011).

Looks to me like Jeff Younger set up the son for this, conceiving them in such a nest of queer cult Bacchae.

You don't stick your...um...turkey baster/pipette in crazy. He did. Now he's playing the victim and hero, and it sickens me that people fall for it.

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If the most interesting thing about you is what you sleep with and what bathroom you want to use, you’re not that interesting.

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None of it is interesting. Maybe more than anything I think most people are just tired of hearing about all of this. They’ve turned society into a decade long therapy session and it’s just exhausting.

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Exhausting to watch and no cure will be forthcoming, ever. :(

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Every famous trans person I have ever read about--and I check their bios--had a truly fucked-up childhood, often because of severely abusive/mentally ill parents. And then after their celebrated lives were over and they weren't publishing any more books or going on marvelous adventures, their adult children began publishing memoirs that really told the truth about how daddy was once he became their other mom.

But most gay people I met throughout my life were perfectly normal--in that perfectly normal range one finds in people everywhere. Of course in the great feminist tribe I saw plenty of performative lesbianettes. The older generation of gay women just lived quiet lives with their lifelong, you know, "roommates."

Anyway--evangelists tend to be batshit crazy, don't they? It ain't the particular message. It's the type.

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Several years ago I, the authentically liberal mom, was driving my twenty something daughters somewhere and I casually asked how [name deleted] was doing (a troubled school friend who had frequently been at our house for meals and house-mothering). My sincere question about her well-being was met with a tirade of indignant shame-throwing, e.g. "How could you dead-name them! That's so insulting, Mom!" and a lecture that made no sense to me. I had no idea what I had done 'wrong' or what dead-naming meant, but apparently it put me forever in the bad books with other Boomer moms who thought biological gender depends on the chromosomes of the sperm.

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You did nothing wrong, it just sounds like your daughters were indoctrinated in a social contagion spread through social media and higher indoctrination, er, I mean "education".

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The answer is in their reaction. Rather than educate you on the new "norms" of society, they used it as an opportunity for histrionics and shaming you. It must be based on an inner undiscovered phobia or neurosis. The reactions are similar to when someone sees a small spider or snake and freaks out. It's not rational. Rather, something has tied that particular stimulus to the primative subconcious. What is that fear? Possibly social ostracization by their friends and peers.

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Nov 21
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Exactly. They were taught to bully people.

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Well, authentically liberal moms tend to raise kids to be comfortable challenging parental or government authority if they feel strongly about an issue. Ironically, once my grown children became dependent on job income they never challenged the false authority of the Covid mob, so I guess I failed.

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The strength of the independent mind comes from resistance, not support. You can't teach a child to be a rebel or independent thinker through encouragement. That's a myth. You just teach them to become good followers of "rebel" causes. Children need limits to develop resistance to limits.

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Absolutely fantastic piece. My new favorite phrase “finding a pearl in a flounder.”

PS - I didn’t even know Jen Psaki was even alive, let aside in the public eye. Oh, I looked it up and apparently she’s on MSLSD, so no one’s watching her. I am pretty sure her opinion is exactly what I want the democrats to think. Keep playing that card, and the GOP will pick up more seats in 2026/2028. Geez, she is so clueless that she couldn’t see a train after it ran her over while she watched.

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There is some defect in leftists, whether by nature or nurture, that completely prevents them from self-awareness or reflection. I’m convinced that not only won’t get it, they are incapable of ever getting it. That’s why the post election post mortem is going so wrong for them, although it’s fun to watch in very small doses.

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All cults are the same. It ain't a directional tilt.

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\\couldn’t see a train after it ran her over\\

Song lyrics?

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David allen coe already did it. And for those who don't know.

This is one of the greatest country songs ever written. The last lyric goes like this here. Well I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison and.

I went to pick her up in the rain. But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck.She got rundover by a damn old train. Have a good day everybody

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*raises whiskey glass to DAC's Mama*

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And another classic country song comes to mind. up against the wall.Redneck mother, mother , who has raised her son so well. He's drinking beer in a honky tonk,.Kicking hippies asses and raisin hell. Pretty sure.It was written for dac's mama😁

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Love David Allen Coe

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Not sure but in thinking about it, if not, they should be!

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Don’t make me think. It’s too early. All I can see is LSD. Surely that’s wrong

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It's called a Flashback, Linda.

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I said the same thing before I got to your comment.

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I look forward to the time when someone will ask "Why was this article even necessary?".

I hope it is not far away.

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There are so many videos like that last one on Gays Against Groomers' social media. I always think of an older lesbian who has cried in videos about her part in making gay marriage legal since it has led to this T/woke nonsense. She says she wouldn't have done it had she known. It's really sad.

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I have a gay friend who was active in the Gay Rights movement until they started going after the kids and now he rails against all of it and is active in Gays Against Groomers, and is especially incensed at the porn in the school libraries.

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Obama made gay marriage legal when only 40% of people approved. he did it in his last year by himself without people approving it at all

I’m sick to death of sexuality. I’m a woman in my 50s that it’s past menopause. I don’t think of sex once in a week and I am tired of people putting it in my face 24 seven. I don’t want to see anybody sick perversion! And no matter what people think the facts are a lot of gross diseases, like monkeypox and anal worms, are spread by this.

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And phony that Obama is—before he was elected, he said that marriage was between a man and a woman. As soon as he got elected, everything changed.

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Biden did that.

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You still think those are separate people?

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Unlike most people, I actually distrust Biden more than Obama. He has been in office since forever. He has enriched his family at the expense of our country for decades. He lies constantly. He was the person to come out and say gay marriage was great. Obama went with it afterwards.

I don’t trust Obama at all, either, but believe Biden was his handler and is pure evil. His smile gives it away.

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You’re right! I had forgotten about that, but you are right Hillary Clinton also said it. Wow.

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Anal worms? 🤮

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"....because the left started worshiping aggrievement and marginalization as if these things in and of themselves constituted some sort of virtue." YES! How to destroy a culture 101. I grew up in the 70's and early 80's and remember when we looked up to ACHIEVEMENT and were bombarded with stories of people who overcame odds/worked hard/had high aspirations...and got stuff done. I was in awe of the founding fathers, Olga Korbut, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison and Michael Jordon. Yes there were the pop culture icons too but we didn't learn about them in school. Oh we learned about Hitler, Stalin and Judas too, with the admonishment that a with a focus on being honest, having Faith, and working hard, we could aspire to be our best person. (yeah I went to a Catholic school, so God was not banned) Today the schools force feed kids a diet of social injustice, activism and excuses. And then wonder why so many of our youth have mental health issues.

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I made a diorama of George Washington Carver at school. Brings back memories.

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As someone who is part of the G in that acronym.. I clearly remember asking people to accept us because we couldn't change. Today, we're told we can change our gender at the drop of a hat.. or make up a gender, if we choose. Both of these things cannot be true.

I have noticed a schism in "my community " - which doesn't feel very communal or accepting or loving. The LGBs who pretty much got on with their lives- relationships, careers, volunteering in their communities don't seem to resemble the folks who did none of those things, but instead spent their adult life hooking up and becoming caught up in every nuance and subculture of "gay world"!

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Many of my gay friends (who are mostly politically conservative BTW) are worried that the Trans agenda may actually hurt the gay community. When young people come into puberty and begin notice that they are sexually different from the majority, they often need guidance in sorting out their identity. Rather than realizing that they're gay and confused, they're told that they are the wrong sex. I don't know any gay people that want to, or have ever wanted to, change their gender. They are comfortable in their own skin. Pushing a pre-gay child to transition is as bad as pushing them to be straight. It will only damage them more.

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2/3 of minors who "transition" are females/girls. How many of them questioned their sexuality, Googled the word lesbian, and saw "lesbian" porn, showing prostitutes sucking penises, said to themselves 'I don't want to do THAT, I must be a man?'

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I have 5 family members who are LGB. They all feel exactly the same way you do.

They are sick of it.


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The LGB friends and family members I know agree that children are being groomed and don't agree with that.

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A man dressed as a woman walked out of unisex bathroom in a physician's office. I entered after him and he left the toilet seat up. Ooops! The dress, wig, heels, make-up will never cover up the fact that you are a man...

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I always get...interested...looks when I say: ok, gender-neutral washrooms? Fine. I'll leave the seat up and whomever is in the stall next to me better be prepared for the aftermath of a couple of pounds of buffalo wings and a pitcher of beer.

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When you replace the adjective "trans" with "fake", it makes things a *lot* easier.

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Very timely and well thought out. I love your description : "a secular religion for the over educated " as that seems be the basis of so much nonsense we've been fed lately.

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When I see “she/they” pronouns on professional email accounts, I think, why should I even know they are gender fluid. Who cares? What it really comes down to with the alphabet people is they advertise who they have sex with. Who cares who has sex with whom? And why can’t people see that transgenders become patients for life? How much money do these "doctors”/insurance/pharmaceutical pill pushers make now?

Is it a coincidence that Critical Race Theory (CRT) combined with the advent of social media has given an astronomically off the charts rise in children thinking they were born in the wrong body? When “teachers” indoctrinate CRT to young white children, they begin to hate themselves; they are too young to understand that their young minds are being manipulated by an illogical theory. They, in turn, become victims since it “works” in 21st century America, a spiritually vacuous society that doesn’t understand that God does not make mistakes; people do.

If only doctors would, First Do No Harm: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm

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When I see they/them I see "confused".

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