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Absolutely. A lot of mental illness is truly physical in nature, like the anxiety nervosa that Freud coined/ invented as a term with the onset of massive global electrification with the telegraph:


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No doubt there are physical components, and anxieties of different kinds and degrees, but we shouldn't rob humans of our greatest gift/curse: Agency. We have quite a bit of Free Will.

I have experienced trauma and have not ever quite overcome it. That said, in every instance where things went sideways for me, the one common thread, the theme, the leit motif in every single instance... was ME.

Do I drink because my body craves denial or because I choose to deny?

*nods vigorously* Yup.

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Precisely this.

Go too far down the mindset of "our environment has made us sick" and it's virtually indistinguishable from "COVID gave everyone brain damage". Both extremes strip people of agency and create unnecessary alarmism.

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All mental illness is physical. What do you think is going on in the brain? It’s not imagination. It’s fucked up hormonal, endocrine, and metabolic pathways.

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I agree that it's ultimately physical. What is going on in the brain is neurological pathways that were probably set in place long ago, likely in the womb, by hormonal, endocrine, and metabolic pathways that were unfortunately fucked up back then.

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Agreed. I was being gentle (: Are you aware of how wireless radiation can exacerbate autism?

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Yes, and so can food allergies. You should see what happens when I get milk by accident.

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Is that raw milk, or pasteurized?

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All milk, I was born with a casein allergy. I blame Agent Orange. They told my daddy it was safe and effective. Well, it *was* effective…

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So sorry to hear that. Have you heard of the GAPS protocol?

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Hey there-- totally agree. (liminalluke)

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