Been doing this the whole time (minus what's in the bag), it ain't that hard. The only way out of this is mass non compliance.

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I vaguely recall hearing some wise cat's words: "Be ungovernable!" 😉

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I fear it is a mistake to assume the masses don’t want to comply. They believe the bovine fæces they are spoon fed daily and consume it with relish and Twist-like demand more.

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Agree, John Bowman. The majority of people just believe the BS they are being fed. They don't stop and think about the absurdity of believing that wearing a mask will do something to prevent anyone from getting sick. The ultimate absurdity is to REQUIRE someone to wear a mask without evidence of being infected, let alone being infectious. Where I live, I see people wearing a mask while walking abone in the street.

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I try to reprogramme at least one person a week. A lot are really near to recognising the BS but unsure of stepping out of line. It does make a difference if we all try, we are not insignificant.

I do have the advantage that I used to keep sheep!

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That must help. I have cats. Not much educating there

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Be careful what you say about cats on this site!

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LOL! good one! But, I have tried to enlighten and what I have been getting is Anger!! Must be my delivery.

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I’ve convinced 3 to not booster and one to NOT get jabbed. I also don’t try to convince those that are willing to jab their kids, I know this sounds counterproductive but THOSE people are GONE.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

Typo—you “convinced. . .one to get jabbed.” Should be “one to NOT get jabbed.” FYI-you can edit comments. Click on “…”

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Gone as gone gets!

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Oscar Wilde: If you're telling someone the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

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Sometimes anger is because they start to realise that they've been hoodwinked and kept in the dark. Sometimes it takes a while to sink in.

I think sceptics can be a bit negative about the affect they can have.

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Me too. The walls are coming down!

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worst are those that think they are scientists and stand on wearing a mask even if every other scientist in the world would say they are useless.

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Although once their good ship "Wishful Thinking" hits the rude rocks of reality they start to question and then the floodgates open.

A bunch of young people in my area who couldn't wait to get their boosters and lined up for it like obedient serfs now are ALL SICK WITH COVID.

At that point they go WTF and that's where the unwinding starts.

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I hope so- OTOH, they may think they need yet another booster.

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I'm afraid the craving for another booster happens more often than a wising up about the jabs -- like a drunk thinking one more drink will sober him up. (Just speculation on my part, admittedly, but one based on what I've seen around me.)

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Ha ha ha, YES, I see loads of twits in the towns near where I live wearing masks whilst they go for their solo walks! It's demented. And I see just as many YOUNGER people doing it as I do OLD people! It's ludicrous.

But even if you're infectious with something, a mask still won't stop much! And if you're that unwell, what are you doing out, anyway?! Stay home and rest!

I guess I missed the funeral notices for Science and Sanity, eh?!

Even my sister demands that my daughter wear a mask in her car because my DD is 'unvaccinated'. That's OK. My daughter won't be going to go down to Victoria to suffer that sort of punishment! She can go and stay with her best friend and her family who are also unjabbed and hate the covid BS! Anyway, what sort of parent would I be to make her go through the mask torture just to see her Auntie Evil? It's also sad that things have come to this, but do I let my kids see BS-loving extended family and suffer for it, or see other people who don't take the coolade - and not suffer for it? Choices, eh...?

Anyway, the world has gone mad, Ivan, and most people keep swallowing the BS day after day after day. People like us may wonder when they will wake up, but the sad truth is that most of them will NEVER wake up, not even if/when the BS claims the lives of their kids and other loved ones. We're sure not in Kansas anymore...

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It’s called Mass Formation Psychosis. It’s a real malady. It has reared its ugly head many times throughout history (Salem witch hunts, St. Vitus Dance, etc). It’s a hard psychosis to break.

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Next time I see the jabber I am going to play a trick. I am going to say If I were you I would go and get these shots with aluminium and mercury every 3 months if they offer them . God knows they must be real good against a cold

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Yep. The people who want them should have them every damn month until they drop dead. But don't expect or demand that you or I should have them.

It's a bit like smoking - if one chooses to do that, so be it, but don't expect me to condone it. Nor should one expect to be able to smoke around me. Furthermore, is it then right for the smokers to smoke around their children, or smoke in cars with them?! I rather thought this had already been dealt with?! But here we are, still going around in circles. Humans are just so dumb, Ingrid. They can't seem to rise above it all as a species...let alone see the forest for the trees!

Ahhh....2022 is going to be another painful year, isn't it?

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Painful but also liberating. I believe more will awaken and fight back, there is only so much bullshit the fence sitters will take. Time to push down the wall.

The fuckers at the top are terrified, they are scrambling because the masses have the ability to drag them out of their homes and hang them.

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YOu have to learn to laugh about it all, otherwise you go nuts I guess. Thanks to all these bloggers that have funnies! No people do not learn from the past. I guess it takes 9 lives to learn LOL oh no, that are cats hehe

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You live on my street?

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Yup. And of the favorable, how many realize the threat of the bio-terrorism state? Not even Rand Paul, to my chagrin. To me, there is no more important issue.

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Of course the masses want to comply. But look back over the last century and it doesn't take all that many to visibly not comply to change things.

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First of all, I should advise you that in accordance with the rules clearly not written anywhere on Bad Cat's substack, the use of "bovine feces," a phrase I think I popularized, bears no requirement to attribute. In fact, the rule is, use it with aplomb, willy-nilly! Well done!

Secondly, you are absolutely on-point, with regard to how many *want* to comply. I would like to believe that most people want to disobey, but years of programming precludes it. My gut says they would lick the knife and ask for more.

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One of the blogs reported the practice of making people sick to have more patients was already used in the 1500s

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🤣 Wiltster. When John said "bovine feces" I thought about you... but as you said, I guess it is already in the public domain.

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Went to REI yesterday with my 16 year old…out of 30ish people milling about the store, plus another 6 or so employees, we were the only 2 without masks. No one said a thing to us, no eye contact whatsoever, employee was great at checkout. This was in Folsom, CA. So many sheep 🐑, yet these same people gladly go to restaurants and fill it, sit down, remove masks, and eat. They fail to see what is right in front of them.

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Isn't it stunning, and sad? I am in CA too--we have a mandate til the 15th!--and I go everywhere w/o mask, and get almost NO response. One cashier at the grocery store said, "I'm just warning you, someone might say something about you not having a mask on," and I was all, "That's cool," and that was the end of that conversation. Was in a HUGE furniture store the other day, hundreds if not thousands of people, all masked, kiddies too (child abuse, if you know the medical probs mask-wearing causes!) and no one paid attention to me. Maybe two chicks did double takes, then went on their ways. I think the masks are teaching people a kind of shame that makes them NOT want to see what life COULD be like.... Kindof heartbreaking, mostly infuriating.

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I was in a REI last year in Rochester in the middle of a must wear mask phase. My mandatory mask did not cover my nose. An employee yelled at me and followed me all over the store. She finally threw me out. I’ll never spend another cent there. The place sucks.

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It is the MASS in non-compliance that we need to work on! If even 40% went this way it would end because they do not have the resources to deal with that level of non-compliance. Unfortunately, in many locations the numbers of sheep are just too high.

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EXACTLY. *Choose* courage in 2022. It will be the hardest (but best) decision we've ever made for the future of our world.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

I have no problem with people freely choosing whether or not they want to wear a mask. If you want to wear a mask all day, every day, go ahead. Wear one in your car alone if you want. Where I draw the line is with mask mandates with punishment for those who don't wear masks - this is wrong.

My hope is that soon no one says anything to either public transportation rider above - the one not wearing a mask and the one wearing a mask. Mind your own business. What people choose or not choose to wear on their bodies is nobody else's or the government's business.

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I appreciate this comment. I suspect i will get incoming on this but not everyone in a mask is an A-hole or stupid. I have a primary immunodeficiency where i don’t make antibodies. I worked as a critical care nurse for years and an N95 mitigated my risk when needed. I will be in Washington for the March and if the attendance is enormous as i hope i might wear one. We can stand the hell up for stopping mandates and for shits sake allowing clinicians to do their job and treat illness but please leave personal choice off the table for ridicule .

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

Agree. People wore masks in public even before the coronavirus (although it was far less prevalent). Choosing to wear or not wear a mask in a free nation isn't a newly invented concept.

Mask mandates, however, are a newly invented concept and must be stopped.

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Agree with you completely on all of that. Also mandates are horrendous and stupid. It is true that no mask including N95's are full protection against viruses but they do offer mitigation for people who need it. I understand the frustration reflected in these posts as the only people who needed them are the same people who had them on sometimes pre covid. Everyone else they offer little to no value. The whole thing is criminal and assinine but I appreciate you and anyone else who gets it. ....to just leave people alone who have them on unless they go Karen on you. No-one knows what others are dealing with.

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I almost always go mask free into stores and such, and then make sure to make friendly contact with the people walking past. Always reserve a smile for the poor folks that are wearing a mask outside for no reason whatsoever. They need some cheer in their lives.

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Not everyone has the same option, some of us have the Stasi ready to hunt down anyone that doesn't wear their talisman or practice the sacred rituals

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True. YMMV depending on where you are. But friendliness and kindness are important in times like this, even if you have to be masked.

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check pix is a constitutional carry state. imagine vax passports in one......

or police trying to do what they do in blue cities!

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Lol ..took me a while to see it.

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Me too then I saw the Kalishnakov in her left hand. Go figure.

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Vermont USA. Bluest of the blue (NY and Mass. immigrants.. Thanks a lot). Constitutional carry. Go figure.

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2 Maines. Blue coast; red inland. Transplants from as far as Cali. But open carry, no-permit concealed carry of *anything.*

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At 57, I chose to start taking handgun safety lessons. So much fun! This month, I'll sign up for intermediate. Also told my husband that for Xmas+20yr anniversary, I want a toy of the Second Amendment kind. 😜🤩

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Love spending the winters in AZ. You can carry those puppies on your hip if you so desire (not that I would as the element of surprise is a good thing). Big difference from spending the summers in Boulder where the lefties are in control. Those azzrats will hunt you down and stomp on you if you venture onto a hiking trail mask less. 🤪

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I recieved a Taurus judge. It is a handgun that shoots shotgun shells. So cool.

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As soon as the PR PD call to tell me to pick up my CC license (any day now) I’m going straight to the local armory to buy my G19 Gen 5. Gifted an IWB holster to myself for Xmas, with the Second Amendment screenprinted on it.

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Good for you! Congratulations. Little do they know, but progressives pushed us to buying more firearms and ammo than ever before. My entire family is locked and loaded and every birthday or special occasion is a new purchase. Don’t threaten us. It won’t work.

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Agreed. I have never been anti-gun but was not interested in buying one. UNTIL NOW. I'm also a 'recovered Dem'. LOL Medical freedom has been my #1 issue for the last 3 years in Oregon, since they started trying to remove our religious/medical exemptions. This year I'll register Rep so that I may participate in the primaries for governor. I'm a libertarian at heart.

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Oregon is one of the states that will be very interesting. I think a lot of people will vote against the Dems 100 percent. I live in Oregon

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I hope you're right!! I still have friends who are full covidians. Even inoculated her 3 kids!! Refused to come to my new year's day brunch yesterday but attended the dinner + the Gladys Knight/OR Symphony concert in Downtown PDX on NYE. Go figure!! She even lectured me about not being safe in my home - indoors in close contact and all that crap. BTW, this friend went all out last year, travelling to the Dominican Republic with one of her kids, then took a second kid to Boston/NYC trip. I know that many friendships are being severed over the indoctrination but I will not succumb to the fear-porn.

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I dont allow vaxxed in my house.

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Same. Same as my neighbors and we live on a dead end road with cameras.

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Holocaust victim talks about the importance of 2A.


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Honestly, I'm a proponent of girls with guns even when there's not a pandemic. But somebody probably should have given her a lesson on situational awareness before arming her.

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Not sure how you'd use a rifle on a bus. Maybe to get yourself some space?

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Do you mean by scaring them away, or by knocking them aside with the barrel? 🤣🤣🤣

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Seems like a great way to guarantee social distancing. Someone should have thought of this two years ago.

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Same way to walk the airports.

ORF, BWI, and PWM yesterday. I masked to board the planes, and unmasked immediately upon deplaning, In the jetways. Then remained unmasked in all three airports.


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I'll try your approach on my next trip to South Beach/MIA in 27 days!! ;-)

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I refuse to fly till they end this madness.... I have trips I want to take, and I hope someday I can, but I will not wear a mask 8 hours, even to go see my friends in AK!

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Brilliant! :-)

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Mask mandates past and current have not been and are not being enforced, with law enforcement stating it would not do so at the start - in several Northern California counties. The mandates mean nothing, and that is because of what your picture shows on the right. Nobody says anything.

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I used to ride buses and even take DC metro. Now I do neither. This Plandemic,

Everything progressive leftists touch turns to poo

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We are heading in this direction, as we have all to frequently in the history of mankind.

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Pawsome. And check out the claws.

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A woman riding a bus carrying an AK47! Is this THE perfect woman?

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I think in some states it might be necessary ! Here in GA everyone seems to do as they please, although the schools in small town close by on Monday have to remask. If I had children they would not go to school !

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Well done. Your graphics makes following fun.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

That's been me all along, minus the gun, lol... I stopped shopping at stores that demanded compliance, stuck to the ones that didn't bother me... one time an employee at BJ's was nasty to me, after months of me not wearing a mask, I contacted the company and got an apology. I told them I can take my thousands that I spend there every year elsewhere. I happily still shop there. I wore a mask a time or two in the beginning, but they gave me migraines. So I chose my own health, and just shopped less, when I knew I was healthy and did self check-out.

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Funny but the less non-masking is associated with guns and other right wing objects of adoration, the better.

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Why? It draws a distinction between us and the mask Nazis who work for the government and have guns themselves.

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If the goal is tribal war - yes guns reference. If the goal is cease and desist with mask mandates - just rational discussion.

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Even if the goal *isn’t* tribal war, many people still need to be reminded that sometimes the bad guys with guns are the government. That tyranny is an everyday threat.

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It's an indirect association, I guess. Non-masking draws from liberty. The right to bear arms does as well. The implied basis being liberty. It's just hard to show liberty being carried in a shopping bag.

However, I do think those fingernails should be outlawed. They're a threat to mankind.

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This post looks like a good time to share my update on what Florida is like one year later w/regard to maskidiots. I am disgusted to report that there are WAY too many people wearing them, but the thing that really trips my trigger are the ones OUTSIDE wearing them of which there are MANY.

All of the employees in restaurants are wearing them, albeit many times beneath their noses. I likely have the same "delivery" problems as Cheryl below. At a Middle Eastern restaurant in Gainesville, one of the kitchen people was leaving and asked how our food was. We replied it was very good, and then I asked him my burning question. "Why are so many people wearing face diapers here? This is a state with no mandates!" [Y'all will note I did not use the phrase "filthy face diapers" as someone here kindly suggested.] His response was something about muh protection. I said, "But face diapers are like security blankets. They don't do any good." He said, "That's a conversation I'm not interested in having" and walked out the door as I said, "Read the studies." Typical leftist, won't engage.

I also made another attempt at a BBQ chain we visit when in FL. Our young woman server with llama lashes and face diaper didn't really want to buck the system even though she nodded along with what I said. It was obvious she would rather be a sheep than a lion.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

Queue triggered Leftists: "What is it with white people and their guns???? Agggghhhh!!!!!"

(on a totally OCD note, the gun and left hand are clearly shopped in as the fingernails don't match).

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I'm not savvy enough to spot reasonably well-done photoshops, but different colored fingernails is a thing with that age demographic. Some of my daughter's friends will have every single nail a different color/design.

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Not vouching for this guy or his message as I don't know enough yet to develop my feel (just saw him interviewed on Michael Malice pod) ... but in relation to guns being pigeon holed as a single race issue ... my sense is that this guy and his message would make some people lose their mind (cognitive dissonance much:-) ... that I would find amusing.


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For a clue, his group is called Black Guns Matter (clever "subversive" marketing with that name:-)

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I’ve been walking around without a mask the part 2 weeks (I know, I should have been doing so all along). Anyway, no one has bothered me and I’ve noticed that I feel an instantaneous camaraderie from the other massless rebels. I’m in the brainwashed state of New Mexico but I’m finally starting to hear people talk about being done with this crap… hoping!

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This is the second time I read this article and posts and I just saw the firearm. 🤦‍♀️

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I agree, I”m with ya. I refuse a mask: don’t wear one in Tops, Wegmans, Home Depot, Lowes, Niagara Produce, Ice Cream store, gas station mini mart, CVS, Walgreens, Hair dresser, and the deli down the road. But my damn doc and dentist make me wear one.

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The government is using our love of country (former, now that we see what they're up to) against us. We trusted them and look where it got us. I will NEVER trust them again. They are so corrupt we need to ditch them all and start over.

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It is not going to stop until we make it stop

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There's now beginning to be a loss of credibility - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3HxELvHhiU. BTW, those fingernails look downright lethal...

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Yes…never, ever, ever touch the pole😏

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That’s really good advice (especially for Dads to give their daughters).

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Those fingernails are also weapons. :)

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🤣 Stealing!

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Out of control! You are the fresken legend, young lady. You too Gato malo

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

It's like a game of chess or theatre drama...

Incidentally, WRT my previous comment, after leaving the store, I immediately went into the nearby grocery store to see what would happen there without a mask. Nothing so far. I did the same thing at another grocery store chain.

So there's that question mark which is probably where the line that hasn't yet been drawn is for some. Maybe others are happy to have that line crossed and get shipped by force or threats thereof on some train to some sort of facility.

For their own good and safety.

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

Just try to get a local flash mob going and other forms of rebellion/revolt, including trying to get off this train-wreck altogether. Maybe this could also involve considering transitioning a town (Transition Nework) or joining a green anarchist group, ecovillage or permaculture group and so forth.

It's about organizing and coming together in order to transcend morally-illegitimate/bankrupt/dubious organized groups like many if not all State governments and their crony capitalists and assorted shadow groups.

We have the numbers, just not the organization, and of course many of those numbers don't know what to do. They need inspiration, information and support. Post flyers and stuff on those electric poles.

Best many of us do for the most part, sort of including myself, is read and babble online about our individual adventures. Fundamentally, it's lame if there's more one can do in real life and bring others in on it, but somehow don't.

Alas, while cute little flat images of cats doing pretend rebellious things can be sort of uplifting, it fundamentally doesn't quite cut it if that's mostly all there is.

Likewise with alternative journalism, like from Whitney Webb or James Corbett, much as they're appreciated.

Ethical looting(?):

I was at a large American store chain very recently, incidentally, and they suddenly put their foot down WRT my masklessness and at one point, threatened me with police along with the usual illusory nonsense of the place being 'private'...

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...Now, while I'm still mulling over this event, part of this mulling over has made me think about some complaints/concerns/clips we might see on the legacy mainstream media about looting, as if it's wrong across the board.

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

Some mayors in Ohio reimposed indoor mask mandates after the legislature banned the governor from doing so. I don't wear the mask anywhere except briefly at my hair salon to keep my hairdresser from being evicted (it's a salon where self-employed hairdressers rent their stations). Other than that (and one other that I'll mention in a minute), I don't wear the mask anywhere, and no one says anything to me about it. On the contrary, they're friendly and cheerful, and I take pleasure in smiling at everyone. This includes my bank, supermarkets, restaurants and carryout delis, even CVS Pharmacy.

One exception: A locally-owned grocery/deli in my neighborhood that nearly closed down completely in 2020 during the lockdowns because they couldn't run their famous hot bar and soup/salad bar or lunch tables. I'd come to know all the staff personally, even their families, and I wore the mask to keep the Health Dept from shutting them down completely. When the mask mandate was reinstated, I tried wearing one of the fake mesh masks so I could breath but the Health Dept people who came in for lunch wouldn't shut the place down. Little did I know that the manager -- whose marriage and new baby I'd helped to celebrate the year(s) before -- had drunk the Kool-Aid and told the cashiers not to check out anyone who wasn't wearing a genuine mask, which I discovered when I tried in vain to pay for my groceries. I told the manager I wouldn't be back, got a refund on the refillable gift card that I'd always paid with, told her to call me if she ever decided to change her policy, and went to say goodbye to the rest of the staff.

This is actually causing me a great inconvenience, since the other nearest food store is 4 miles away from where I live, whereas this store is right around the corner. But as Olaf in e.e. cummings' poem "i sing of olaf," says as he's being tortured, "There is some s**t I will not eat."

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Most people's critical thinking has been thrown under that bus--so sad!!!

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nice job going ak rather than overpriced garbage ar-15 here too

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Haven’t worn a mask in 9 months. Wish I hadn’t given in to testing though. Have tested several times, and still never exposed. Contributing to this monstrosity is a regret…

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Rules by which to live. #LifeLessons

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Vaccine waning in South Africa. Evidence of OAS? Further information on severity of Omicron


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My wife posted the right pic to her fb account last week. Funny thing is she used to take her .Vostok 22 on the Toronto subway to Fort York Armoury back when she was a teenager. She would make the 6pm news if she tried it today!

A former mayor closed the range anyway , guns bad! 🙄

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