I'll say it again;

The day before the day that someone dreamed up participation trophies was the zenith of America.

And here we are at the nadir...merely 2 generations after that fateful day...

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We have 2 and a half generations of ignorant, indoctrinated, manipulated people wondering why they can't seem to find satisfying anything and are REALLY angry about it and are looking for someone, anyone to blame but themselves. Really fun people to work and hang out with, eh?

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I just lost a friend of 35 years on Monday because he told me I was an idiot for not believing in THE SCIENCE.

I left him at a table over lunch after i paid for the meal. Probably the last time I'll talk to him.

We no longer share anything in common.

Really sad.

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Don’t you just love people who believe in the science that they don’t even have the faintest understanding of?

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NONE!...or common sense.

They are so low information I hardly have respect anymore for someone with no desire for curiosity.

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That’s it in a nutshell, Ryan. I just don’t have the time to waste on low information people. And I certainly don’t trust their opinions on pretty much anything any more. 4 years into this, if they haven’t at least started to question, then their opinions are useless to me.

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"Low information people"....


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People are still masking. It tells me everything I need to know.

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Absolutely. It's low curiosity first, then low information follows.

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It's ironic isn't it?....hard working, upward striving parents dreamed of their kids going to university so as to get a proper education and some high-end skills. But little did they appreciate that the 'skills' that so many of their kids would actually learn were 1) how to articulate currently fashionable beliefs whilst not noticing their inherent absurdities. 2) 'learning' how to de-activate whatever native intelligence and common sense they came in with.

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If I was a truly smart person I'd take these writings and boil them down to a presentation that penetrates the attention span of our age.

These ideas written by Thomas Paine are timeless, and are truly common sense. It's the format of how its presented that needs updating. I'm smart enough for most things. This is a project above my pay grade. It's going to take really smart people to get this through to an intentionally dumbed-down, incurious population. But it's essential to try.

Common sense, Rights of man, and other essential writings of Thomas Paine


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It speaks to the power of the psyops that we've been exposed to. These folks think they are still curious, thoughtful people. There are just some things they "can't" be curious about. They've been injured by a mind virus. We have to keep trying to bring them back. Not to say that you shouldn't have walked away, Ryan. They are to be pitied. But it is up to those of us who can still see to expose the game that's been played on us.

Let's listen to folks like RFK, Jr., to Robert Barnes of 1776 Law center. They get it.

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I agree. But he was vicious about it

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according to this researcher, that is literally an intended side effect of "covid" (whatever it really is) and (whatever is really in) the jabs + fear mongering psyop campaign. Covid and the jabs physically attack the hippocampus and were designed to do so. Huge aha that explains what we're seeing in so many people. It literally shuts down the ability to think.


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Of course, the link has been taken down.

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I was just talking about this today with my daughter. Hubs brother and wife have absolutely no reading material or way to play music at their house. No books, magazines...etc. I said "how can they even exist like that!" Oh, but there is a big giant black square on the wall, indoctrination machine. God forbid that would ever stop working. Like their brains. Love the game of 'Who would you ask over for a dinner party?' question. The answers people give tell if I want to hang out with them or not.

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If a guy hasn't read Moby Dick (or has no interest in reading a copy) they are ruled out as a friend.

Sort of my litmus test....unless they can get me into their golf club....lol...:)

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"people who believe in the science"

Ahem - THE Science™


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"believing in" science is an oxymoron, and the people who profess such belief confuse science with religion. Also, they illustrate the last two syllables of that word ....

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It's Scientism, which is the transformation of science to religion.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Sincerely. I think the death of a friend is easier to bear than watching a friend die slowly from drinking the Kool-Aid.

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Well, I have to say I am sad about the friends I lost over their mental/emotional irrationality & indoctrination via the "idiot box," as my dad labeled the TV. But the grief created by the deaths of people I loved, or were friends, via Fouci & the Plandemic, etc., that grief bites much deeper.

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I'm sorry, Ryan. I know personally it's really hard. I lost my best friend of over 50 years.

They did finally start speaking to me again, but it's not the same. I can no longer trust them as I did before.

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I’m truly sorry Bandit. You always have a friend here. God’s love to you.✝️💕

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Thank-you, Renee Marie! I'm pretty ok with it now. I'll talk to her and we'll do stuff together, but it's just different now.

Have a wonderful, blessed day❣ 🙏✝️

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“Invasion of the Body Snatchers”…I get it Bandit!😉

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The loveliest people are on Substack & literally helped save my mind & spirit during all of this insanity/evil. Bandit, Ryan, & a list of individuals with listening hearts & discerning minds, still connected higher influences.

God, Holy Spirit, etc. have been a real comfort.

As have been the people willing to utilize reason & simple kindness who don't know they are connected to God, but are.

Blessings Bandit, you've been a real light in all the darkness!


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My sympathies. I lost many friends over the past few years; it hurts.

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It hurts because they couldn't care less about our experience with covid.

They have no interests in seeking to understand.

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They can't grasp that they have been brainwashed and indoctrinated, and it's virtually impossible to explain it in a way that they will understand and accept. Oh, well...

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Twain was right- it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...

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That sucks about your friend. I think that they feel the need to double down on their beliefs because of increased cognitive dissonance--e.g., the obvious ineffectiveness of the jabs, the acceptance of the severe negative consequences of the lockdowns, etc.

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He was appalled that I mentioned the government lied to him.

Can you imagine that?

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Apr 4Edited

If he has known you for 35 years, he should know you have facts to back up your reasoning. That should be enough to question it or at least listen to you. I am sorry it wasn’t, but I applaud you for walking away.

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It should be interesting. We own a couple pieces of real estate together in Colorado....arggh.

What you mentioned is definitely the suckiest part of it. Most of this is due to TDS.

Mental illness is real....:(

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Sorry to hear that. A very similar thing almost happened to me, but we ended up salvaging our friendship by just agreeing not to talk about the Covid vaccine and related issues. I have the same agreement with my mom.

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The thing that drives me crazy is we both have a biology degree and he's a very well respected evolutionary biologist with dozens of publications.

But there is no reasoning with him despite everything we learned together in university.

You are a better person than me. I just can't fake it.

We were persecuted and yet we are the ones who must try to understand why they did that, and to forgive them, despite them not caring about our experience of being forced to live as a pariah.

That was the toughest part of resisting: Knowing up-front, that's how it would end.

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Some very smart people continue to believe the vaccine was "safe and effective." It´s maddening! There´s something about this that hits deeper than the intellect.

And yes, we were persecuted. I´m still waiting -- yearning for, actually -- justice from friends who judged me. A simple "I was wrong, I´m sorry" would do. But now the pandemic is slipping away, fading from popular consciousness, and soon it will be history and I will never get my vindication.

I´m glad of course that the worst is over, or seems to be. It´s just that the social consequences of all I went through are still very much with me.

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Becoming the Rainbow, it’s not over! They tried to rev it back up with Monkey pox, and now they’re trying it again with Avian Flu. There are plenty of willing participants just waiting in the wings to move on to the next plandemic. And if the H5N1 doesn’t terrify us all into submission, they’ll just move on to the next big thing!

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Exactly. Well said.

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Natural instinct tells us that vaccines, all of them, are harmful, and that they contain toxins.

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The worst is not over in New Mexico. Around liberal Santa Fe they're still wearing masks.

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Most people won’t apologize for anything - let alone for being so wrong about something as important as everything covid related. Some are just stubborn others can’t mentally handle the truth. Remember the Serenity Prayer. I recite it a lot. Also this from Matthew 10:14 :

“And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.”

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Faking it is what I have an issue with as well. "Oh your neighbor had a fatal stroke at 35... I wonder why?" I just can't feign sincerity when the other person isn't even trying to understand the severity of the situation we are all in.

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That would mean they would have to have something other than 'low information' psyche. Too many pieces of chaff to count. I choose to be the wheat.

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Perfect way of putting it

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We can look at the mask (or jab) as a symbol of compassion or fear. I see it as the latter, but that doesn't make me right.

The truth is seeping out. All the ferrets died. Pfizer requested 75 years to disclose the details of these jabs.

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I look at the masks as a warning for me to stay away from them because God knows what is seeping out of their pores along with the fear.

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One of my ex friends is a Ph.D. mathematician and his wife is a Ph.D. biologist. They crawled under their covid rock and still have not emerged. They do fly to Hawaii to visit their son, d-i-l, and grandchild, but that's about it. He was diagnosed with pericarditis after his shot. He had a 6-month recovery period. I mentioned that it could have been a result of the shot. He denied that and said that only younger men might be susceptible to that possibility. We no longer speak.

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If he's an evolutionary biologist, then he's already against science. The second law of thermodynamics observes that all things tend toward chaos, yet the *theory* of evolution proposes spontaneous design - without a Designer. Sorry, that's just bunk. So I'm not surprised he's taken the position he has on COVID.

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Evolution is not quite that simple and the 2nd law of thermodynamics applies to isolated "closed" systems (systems without an external energy source) not "open" systems like the earth where we essentially receive ceaseless "on-demand" energy from the sun. This can occur on earth for a very long time even though the universe is an inexorable slide towards increasing entropy.

There are many examples of order arising from disorder in nature. Oddly, order can spontaneously arise only in systems that are not in "equilibrium". For example is there any meaning to say there's entropy in a frog?

That aside he should still be able to remember the scientific method and things like "never vaccinate into a pandemic". We learned the scientific method in 4th grade.

I showed him directly from literature from our studies that you don't vaxx into a pandemic. He's reply was that MRNA technology has changed science and that that no longer applies.

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Lol! A very important point. And if you can look at Creation, closely, and NOT see the Creator, something is missing, imo.

; ))

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I have 3 sisters who all "hate" me, and have ceased all contact years ago. I have always questioned everything and dug into research, shared with them what I discovered, and my reward is this. At first it hurt, as I love my sisters dearly, but I can't really "love" them when they are so hateful, with their heads planted firmly up their asses. This is happening to so many of us who are awake. I've also lost many friends for the same reason. Thank goodness for the internet warriors and platforms like Substack where we can find like-minded (sane) people. It gives me hope that in spite of the sleeping sheeple, we can take these Satanic bastards OUT and take our freedom back. It's gonna bleed, though. Be prepared.

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100. I believe it's a house of cards and simply taking our energy out of the system will be enough to watch it implode. They've spent a trillion dollars to attempt to brainwash the entire globe. Merely holding your own energy, standing in your power, rejecting their narratives punches big holes in the web they're trying to weave. Others will definitely find those energetic holes. Courage is contagious.

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I agree about the "bleed".

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Who is John Galt?

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We need to start putting up the signs.

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Read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" ... and you'll know.

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Was commenting on "taking our energy out of the system" is akin to "going Galt"...

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ditto :(

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I'm sorry, Ryan.

It was a friend worth losing but I know it hurts.

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I'm at peace with it. I tried. But I can not be friends with someone who is so willingly blind.

I'll never understand it.

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Imo willing ignorance comes from the desire to stay comfortable. Changing one’s mind, especially if it upends everything you thought was real, is profoundly difficult. Not everyone is up to the challenge.

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I guess but isn't that the purpose of life and having a functioning brain? My eyes were forced open about 7yrs ago... to see my actual reality and yes it's profoundly painful. But living in lala land is way more painful in the end.

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Sorry that happened. I have had house guests, old friends from other countries (European and S American). Very smart. Doctorate level educations. Yet they are completely brainwashed. It’s not just people in the US. One said: “The data is clear; the vaccines work.” And they are on jab 5 or 6. Another said: “I’ve had more vaccines in the past 5 years than I have in my entire life.” I want them to know better because I care about them. I tried with ‘thin end of the wedge’ comments and I will continue with that whenever we see each other (not often). If they live through all their jabs. I am truly astonished and sad that such intelligent people still believe. There are so many people in this world who still believe the gov lies from the US. Which is worse? Losing friends we thought we knew? Or losing the country we thought we had? Heartbreaking.

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well I have lost my daughter (two years now) and her stupid husband and three grand kiddos. You do not "owe him" your attention anymore. Done

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Oh goodness I am so sorry. That's just awful. My experience pales in comparison

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It’s awful. Really. I’m so sorry.

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it is sad I agree. I used to love and adore my daughter but she has changed now.

I am patient with her but she has become condescending and intolerant.

Her husband, I have no words for. He is just a prick

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Maybe she’ll change. We can alway hope and pray. These are strange times and the people are stranger still. I have a friend whose daughter is doing the same thing.

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I'm with you on this. My own daughter is one of the hardest for me to reach, and despite being severely vaccine injured as a child & living with the consequences all her youth with endless respiratory infections, IBS, severe allergies, and being a bit "on the spectrum," she still lined up for 3 jabs at 26 & 27.

It scared me half to death, and I am still praying she doesn't wind up with cancer, infertility or a child with plasmid or Spike protien damaged DNA.

But the most egregious part is that she is condescending, aggressive & superior acting towards me, much of the time, and her boyfriend is utterly dismissive of all the issues with the modRNA injections.

How to put up with it all and still love them without wanting to just shake the tar out of them and say wake the f' up?!

It's tough.

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I lost my Aunt and Uncle. Haven't seen or spoken to them in 3 years. Lots of differences between us but nevertheless, I hosted them in my home and invited them to many family celebrations for over 25+ years. Their true colors are now showing. They didn't even come to my mother's (my Aunts' sister) funeral in 2021. Gave my sister some lame excuse. They are all waxed and vaxxed as I like to say and think I'm diseased, I don't even really know. My sister and I have never been close, but her too I had in my home for over 25 years. We barely speak now, if we did it was during my mother's illness and then after she died, to help close up her house. . She's got every jab too and knows my stance on it. My Aunt refused to see my mother (80 yo) who lived alone because she wasn't jabbed. People really suck, and when they show you who they are, you should listen.

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People just suck :(

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I am so very sorry!

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It's unbelievable that this is coming between family and friends.

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That is what is so reprehensible about the PSYOP.

That was part of their objective.

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Divide and Conquer.

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I’m not sure they’re really that smart. 🤓 I believe we give them WAY too much credit at times. The worst is being at odds with family, but losing a friend is a bummer. If he’s worth having as one, he will change his mind. When they ignore my warnings I turn in my heel and walk away. They will one day see you were correct. It’s coming. As Jeff C once said, “Reality always overtakes subjectivity, sooner or later, and it’s usually exquisitely painful.”

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It’s coming, but sadly I think they may still be blind.

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It's lonely at the top, Ryan.

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I would stay your friend even if you didn't pay for the meal, LOL! He was never your friend, he was just a fucking moron, err, scientist!'


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If you buy me lunch Ryan, I'll be your friend. I hear that Burns steakhouse in Tampa has a nice spread.

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Let's go!

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I'm about 2 1/2 hours south of Tampa

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I'm just north of Sarasota

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Did you happen to ask him how “the science,” fits into a man having a baby? That’s ’their science,’ not ours.

Im in my 50’s, I have no time or patience, for people who play ‘pretend.’ They played pretend through Covid and with children’s lives. To be honest, I’d tell him to GFH. I don’t hold my tongue anymore and I don’t care who knows it.

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I am an idiot, I was an idiot in thinking. that if we allowed lockdowns without comment, that after the two weeks to stop the spread they would wise up realizing it did nothing...and that it was over little more than nothing to begin with.

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My next door neighbor whose gutters I've cleaned for free before no longer speaks to us because we're Trump supporters. At this point, we're just like fuck him.

Also lost a friend over Israel and Hamas war. Used to talk to him every day. But he says I'm a genocide defender now. You know what? Fucl him too.

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No. I've worked with them. It's Hell on Earth.

Yes, I know it was a rhetorical question.

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It's ironic isn't it?....hard working, upward striving parents dreamed of their kids going to university so as to get a proper education and some high-end skills. But little did they appreciate that the 'skills' that so many of their kids would actually learn were 1) how to articulate currently fashionable beliefs whilst not noticing their inherent absurdities. 2) 'learning' how to de-activate whatever native intelligence and common sense they came in with.

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Now we need non-participation trophies to help bring us back. Oh yes, many of the women in sports are deciding to not participate when men "self identifying" as women are allowed to participate in women's sports. The return has begun.

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True, RG, but my ground penetrating radar shows there's room at the bottom...

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Like people with sense couldn't see it coming a mile away. 🙄

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The only place that used to give participation trophy’s was 4H and FFA in the show ring. And only to the top three.

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Finding kids today that are brought up to work for rewards and to earn recognition or compensation is getting more and more difficult. Even the adults don't get it. They don't know how to demand excellence. They think it means being a drill sergeant or a lion tamer with a whip and a chair.

But an authority's demeanor can be polar opposite of that and still stand firm for work and earning one's keep. (Consider Tom Landry or John Wooden.) The key is consistency. Set standards, and maintain them. Current day U. Conn. basketball coach Geno Auriemma has a great take on this in the link below.


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Our five children all played soccer starting in the 90's and we experienced the beginning of that ridiculous notion. There were many stunning successes and some heartbreaking losses but along the way these players realized that participation doesn't get an athlete very far. A combination of ability plus determination and grit, and the realization that the other team often wins, brings lasting personal growth and satisfaction. The parents can help their children be accomplished at something, but it doesn't need to be sports. And personal growth is not fostered by meaningless trophies.

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In 1995 our son brought home a participation trophy. His team lost almost every game of the season. His father sat him down and explained why it was a useless “trophy”, and the lessons of win/lose and trying harder to accomplish something and be rewarded. Two days later, I found the trophy in the trash, right where my son tossed it.

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Good for you guys! You are awesome parents.

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100% agree

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That came about when feelings rather than reality or truth became the only standard to base everything on.

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Hopefully we *have* reached the nadir.

If Biden/Biden's-replacement-puppet wins in November, I think not...

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I wish our institutions of higher learning were just that - institutions of higher learning - not laboratories conducting experiments on young people to see how best to turn them into mindless leftists via Marxist Critical Theory.

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They're making all the kids stupider as well.

Check out this blackpill:


Go to Section 3. It shows that 45% of Americans can not read the most basic of charts.

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And a few years ago, a significant number of students at one of the major US universities were unable to list all 50 US states, find Romania on a world map, accurately state the number of justices in the supreme court, or find solutions to simple math problems. Another example: Years ago I inherited some 1920's third through sixth grade "readers", and a few fifth and sixth grade "arithmetic workbooks", from an uncle who taught in rural schools for forty years. Looking at those old text books suggests that elementary students, one hundred years ago, could probably have answered those questions with ease. Today? Look around - and weep.

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LMAO! Students should not be allowed out without their thinking brain dogs.....

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Imagine what their dogs have to endure...

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Excellent signs and meme, thanks for sharing!

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I know when I was in college (1974-1978) I would have died before admitting I couldn't figure anything out or was "offended" by anything I experienced. It was part of growing up. Sure, things were not as politicized as now, perhaps, but these snowflakes need to get over it.

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Oh big cat!

Maybe there is hope after all.

And even in Colorado. 🤣

Thanks for the encouragement today.

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Well said. The CSU Vice President for Inclusive Excellence surely has much more important matters to attend to.

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Don't count on it.

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Any employer should ask “have you ever been negatively affected by a free speech event?”

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I’ve said this often: Make common sense common again. It would make a great T shirt/hat etc.

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If a university student needs counseling because of a free speech event, and the university unashamedly offers them such resources, we should all be very skeptical of these students as well as their institutions.

Some people have noted that a university education is the new high school diploma. When something like 40% of young people go to college they mathematically just can’t represent themselves as anything other than a walking mediocrity. And sure enough, a new study pointing out that university students have IQs matching that of the general population has drawn the ire of those individuals who lack the ability to produce anything of value to society, but derive some form of status from their credentials.


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The more common something is, the less its value.

So by the logic and ethics of capitalism, common sense lack value.

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"Affected by a free speech event on campus" - Oh no, I may actually hear ideas that I disagree with!

2 decades ago, this would have been a comedy routine.

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Or the intro to a horror flick.

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It still is, fortunately.

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Great meme, Gatito. When we were children, in the 1940's, We memorised a bucket-full of common sense aphorisms (like the Golden Rule). Another was "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names (words) can never hurt me". I do remember however that certain words could result in my mother "washing my mouth out" with a bar of LAVA soap, if I was to utter them. We noticed that she never applied the oral-cleanse ritual to my father....an application of common sense on her part. The First Amendment became fully operational in our family only upon attaining adulthood.

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HaTe SpEeCh Is ViOlEnCe!! !

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Sometimes the simplest solutions.......

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This is a road that never ends. They will never stop finding something to be offended by. The best solution is to not participate in their delusions. Our universities have obviously become Centers of Indoctrination. Without freedom of speech, they will turn out automotons, not critical thinkers. But I guess that's the entire point. The Party is always right. And don't you dare question and try to debate that fact. You'll be canceled, banned, fined and called a bigot or the black face of white supremacy (apologies to Larry Elder).

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