Am I the only one who wanted to punch that guy who, by the end of the video, was basically verbally abusing someone giving him a gift?

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Does anyone think they're "listening"?

I've had conversations (no internet searches) about random stuff with a friend or my wife and then that subject is in my "feed" the next morning. It's happened to them as well.

I know of no other explanation. It happens too often to be a coincidence.

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I didn't pay to read this article. 🤔

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Water guy - if only a majority had been as curious, suspicious and questioning of the mRNA stuff.

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Eh, I stand with Russia.

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I tell my kids all the time; "ain't nothing more expensive than shit that's free. Don't believe me? Go ask the chicken that gets their feed for free."

(look, l know we can't talk to chickens and if we could we wouldn't. chickens are stupid, and they're cannibals. Trust me here, I'm a duck who rides a bike I would not lie to you)

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We used to be taught exactly what you are saying here. On the basic level, it started with, “Never answer ‘yes’ before you here the question.” Later came. “Never, ever sign you name to anything you have not read and understand.”

We also used to be taught history. Thankfully, I loved the subject so that in later years of my primary education I was aware the lessons were “off”. But it was easy to guess this was the case when the number one qualification of high school history teachers in my state was. “What sport can you coach.” My high school history teacher was the wrestling and football coach. My love for history predating my time under his instruction, I learned that one either trusts government or knows history. But that is THE very reason history is not taught.

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Wow. That Google search. Just wow.

I switched to DuckDuckGo over a year ago.

I pay for my email (but Comcast and the feds probably still read it).

I did have some knowledge of Ukraine's recent history, but I didn't know about their Nazi problem. You will only ever hear criticism on FoxNews, but they will never say "war bad, stay out".

I would never take free water from some guy on the street. I wouldn't abuse or confront him. I'd just move away from him like I did with the women who wanted to spray me with perfume when I entered a department store (Nah, I'm good. Thanks.).

IMO, we have been subjected to a 24-7-365 psy op for the last few decades (at least) that has conditioned us to give up our freedoms, privacy, critical thinking, autonomy, and agency. We are constantly bombarded with messages to cede authority to others who know better and have our best interests at heart.

My daughter is a recent grad of Johns Hopkins. I was shocked to learn that the university conducted surprise dorm room "inspections" to look for drugs and alcohol. My daughter was under age and not interested, but her freshman roommate was Canadian and had been drinking legally for a while. She was not happy. My daughter was unconcerned because she had nothing to hide, which disturbed me greatly. In my day ;) we would have held massive protests against the invasion of privacy and property. What happened? What kind of subliminal messaging turned this generation docile? The university won't give parents (who are usually paying for tuition) information about courses or grades because "privacy" and "your child is an adult now", but they'll raid their dorm rooms? How does that make sense? My daughter is very "chill" under most circumstances, but I was pissed off.

For the record (in case the feds are reading these comments), I am best qualified to determine what is injected into my body. And, since none get out alive, I will live (or not) with the consequences.

I'm old enough to remember when water did not come from a bottle unless it was that fancy French bubbly stuff. The adults thought bottled water was a joke. I'm also old enough to remember the "nudge" pushing us to switch from paper bags to plastic in the grocery store for the "environment". That worked out well.

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stop having an opinion on things. in many ways, this is the more potent solution. the great illusion of the modern age is that you must have a view on everything. you don’t. it’s totally fine to say “i have no idea whether to support or oppose this” and to do and say nothing. neutrality pending future information and assessment is a valid position


is the best advice I have read in a long time.

And not talking to anyone outside your trusted circle, especially ANY government employee (all law enforcement) is critical.

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"unless I understand this, I'm not doing it" sounds like good advice and reminds me of Warrent Buffett saying he would never invest in a business unless he really understood it. You might miss out on some good ones, but you will definitely miss out on some really bad ones.

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My question is how do we “not do it?” They literally forced people to vaccinate they take our taxpayer dollars and do things we don’t want them to do with it. How do we stop it? Even our local government was nuts when it came to Covid. I talked to all of the people on our commission and none of them would listen to me. And as I’ve said I am a physician. Even members of my family who used to ask us medical questions constantly for some reason with Covid wouldn’t hear me when I would say that they are totally politicizing this. We are doing medical things in a way we have never done before. But for some reason my opinion when it came to Covid was not a valid one.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

On the same train of thought, the thing I have never understood about the aceptance of the gene therapies, especially in Europe where they are fanatical , is that people will pay a premium and go out of their way to avoid GMO foods, but when it comes to potentially becoming a GMO from experimental drugs with a completely unknown safety profile : shoot me up, I'm fine with that.

Fear, propaganda and stupidity are powerful tools?

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So because Flint, Michigan is run by Democrats and has bad water, the water throughout all of America can't be trusted? And does Mr. Smartypants not know there's a difference between a "Georgia" and a "Michigan"? Or does he only know what his propagandist media have told him about America, with Flint being the prism?

As for "aha! so there IS a catch!", no you f'n moron, just because you can't drive off with his truckload of free water doesn't mean putting a limit on how many you can take is a "catch".

Having to listen to a timeshare sales pitch before you get the "free" luggage is a catch. The guy with the water requires nothing FROM you, just take the f'n water, hence, there IS no catch.


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Thank you for pointing out that we have the option of not having an opinion about something.

So many people have asked me what I think about Ukraine, and all I can say is I have no idea what to think about Ukraine because I have no way of knowing what the real situation is.

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If only people respected their minds as much as they _say_ they respect their bodies...

As stated here, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...whether in the face of an external problem...or in a personal relationship...

Regarding trust in authority, I often recall 9/11. Many people who obeyed the authorities and stayed in their offices died. Some who made their own decisions and left, survived.

I suspect there’s also the disconnect many have between the private and the “public” spheres. They do or accept ideas/policies/actions in the public realm that they never would in the private, personal one.

The Great Disconnect...

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