Smugly smirking celebrity skiver stages stunt to salvage sagging standing.

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According to the BBC,

"German police have denied being "extras for Greta Thunberg" after false claims that her detainment at a protest in western Germany was staged. A viral post falsely claimed the climate activist being held by police was "all set up for the cameras". . . Some online have jumped onto these moments of officers and Ms Thunberg waiting around, to falsely claim that it is part of a staged photo opportunity. . . Many online also falsely claimed it was a "fake arrest" but police clarified that Ms Thunberg had not been arrested but had been briefly detained. . . Ms Thunberg has frequently been the target of conspiracy theories and false claims online, often by those who deny the existence of man-made climate change."

So, by my count, that is five uses of the word "false" (or "falsely") and one use of the phrase "conspiracy theory".


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But good news New Zealand's horse 🐴 , er,PM, has been put out to pasture.

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I heard Jussie helped to plan this production.

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Here's the full video, including one of the officers asking if he could take a selfie with her https://youtu.be/P47Ut3mcwWE

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You know, it’s I was thinking about her β€œyou have stolen my childhood” crap speech the other day and how the kids whose childhood really has been stolen are the ones in Africa working to mine materials for the electric cars Greta wants πŸ˜‘

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I would be furious if my tax dollars paid for police to be backup dancers like that

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Joan of Arc became Veruca Salt.

Who would've seen that coming?...;)

Come, sweet death if I ever have to hear one of her lectures again.

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Performative arrests for street cred have been an activist trick since Alinsky at least, and have been choreographed affairs since the Weather Underground types stopped being underground and got themselves embedded in the power structure. They need to pretend they're somehow in opposition to Davos Man, but it's all so hollow and transparent. Empty ritual. Does anyone with a functioning brainstem still fall for this?

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Hmm, she must have left a pizza box out! πŸ˜‚

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very different treatment compared to the legitimate protesters against vaccine mandate or lockdowns in Australia or the Netherlands where someone got kicked in the head. Societies where protesters are treated differently according to their cause are rotten!!

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The witch in the Gingerbread house in the forest she's claiming to save seems to be doing a fine job of fattening her up. Appears she hasn't missed any meals recently. But is pudgy cute going to be effective in scolding us audacious peasants? Methinks not!

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Performance activism....

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Gretta/Grendal is a masterpiece.

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What a phony! I'm going to stick it to her big in a few weeks for all the poor people in 3rd world countries she has killed. Stay tuned to my substack.

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Much of everything we see is staged. This is a good example of that at work. Politicians donning their masks just prior to their appearance in front of cameras is another good example. We are actually getting used to these and discounting their significance. These stage events seem to have an effect on us even when we know they are staged. Sad, really.

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