Smugly smirking celebrity skiver stages stunt to salvage sagging standing.

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cringeworthy climate celebrity cynically commits calamitous career cockup confronting constabulary.

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Fake fucking foreign fringe farce flies funnily false.

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Pecksniffian pampered puppet pulls a predictably pathetic pretence, provoking pervasive public puking.

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Best alliteration yet

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Impressive! 😂😂😂

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Not as impressive as having the clout to get fake arrested by fake cops on worldwide media and have a few million people buy it.

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Haha it probably wasn’t even HER idea...the theater...

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The "she's a poor puppet" excuse is starting to wear a little thin for me.

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Stone Cold Steve Austin did it much better

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Yeah, but it wasn't political theater in advancement of a globalist agenda.

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Great alliterative reply, kitty!

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Oh yea we're on a roll now. MAA started a rhyming contest.

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Fugly foetal-alcohol face forces fake friction for folly of false philanthropists.

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“false philanthropists” can be replaced with “philanthropaths” :-)

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I think *strikes thoughtful pose*

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It absolutely can.

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I really hope she took her shots.

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I'd be happy to give her a ride to her booster shot appointment in a human powered rickshaw

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We can only hope.

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fossil fuel fury flings feces at friends faces for forever fabulation.

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Reported by on the scene CNN Chinese bureau reporter:

Who Flung Poo

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You win!

The little kid in me will always love these jokes.

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Thank you for the belly laugh!

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Holy cow, I think when I was a kid that was a punchline to a really bad joke. Well done

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Book: "Under the Bleachers" by Seymour Butts

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Feline friends funnel funnies for fixing false fakery

( Not as good as most of yours but I just had to jump in "Under the F" )

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VERY nice alliteration! Kudos!

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She is disgusting. Her parents who drew her into this shameful theater are even worse.

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Say that 3 times fast. 😂

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While drinking a glass of water?

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Should I feel shame (or pride) because I am hoping she gets a vax injury?

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NWO marks, flunkies and stooges don’t take vaccines.

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Nice headline!

This post is an excellent article to send to any CC proponent that will consider a well written informative summary. Consider reading as it has done something very rare these days, caused folk to change their perspective.


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Damn you're good LOL

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Jan 19, 2023
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I think we have a winner.

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High marks

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Whilst we (royal) would've wanted 'whining woke womyn' worked-in...wholeheartedly well-done! :P

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I like yours the best.

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Nicely done!

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Most impressive, Barn!

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According to the BBC,

"German police have denied being "extras for Greta Thunberg" after false claims that her detainment at a protest in western Germany was staged. A viral post falsely claimed the climate activist being held by police was "all set up for the cameras". . . Some online have jumped onto these moments of officers and Ms Thunberg waiting around, to falsely claim that it is part of a staged photo opportunity. . . Many online also falsely claimed it was a "fake arrest" but police clarified that Ms Thunberg had not been arrested but had been briefly detained. . . Ms Thunberg has frequently been the target of conspiracy theories and false claims online, often by those who deny the existence of man-made climate change."

So, by my count, that is five uses of the word "false" (or "falsely") and one use of the phrase "conspiracy theory".


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Officially denied, so we know it's true. As if confirmation was required.

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"What you saw is not what you saw."

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Pretty funny really.

When exactly was the last time we could take anything seriously that the cops tell us? Hmmm?

Oh wait....I know.

It was the last time we could take a politician or climate alarmist seriously.

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Classic Orwellian crap. DON'T believe your eyes. Only believe what we tell you. Jeez. That photo op was classic. What a heinous little piece of crap she is. Ugh.

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The beebs level of deception is now so deep that their fave TOTP presenter would openly molest a child on live TV and get a pass.

The BBC through word salad and waffle are arguing that the claims made she was “fake ARRESTED” are false because she was in fact “detained”.

Bravo what an institution!!

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You said molest, but what you really meant was physical adoration buy a minor attracted person.

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I was wondering why they were just standing around. Initially thought they might be her security detail. Also wondered why she was holding hands with one of them.

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There you go - noticing reality and asking questions again. This has to stop!

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I know. I have this terrible habit, don't I? I just do what I do, and I do it.

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Well the kitten did point out that they were backup dancers not police, so the BBC is technically correct.

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Send Greta this false claim of CC.

( good article for anyone that can honestly read, so likely not for Greta) https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?utm_source=direct&r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jan 19, 2023
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It is really pretty shocking. I grew up with the BBC as my main source of news. I remember as a child in the 1970s, living overseas, listening to the BBC World Service news on the radio. In the 1980s and 90s, after leaving home (but back in the UK), I was a regular listener. I drifted away in the early 21st century.

However, I vividly remember one day - maybe 10 years ago - on a long journey in the car by myself, I thought I would turn on the radio and listen to the BBC news. And the more I listened, the more I thought "This is propaganda! You can tell their agendas by the stories they choose to cover and the way they cover them!"

And, needless to say, it is even more blatant in 2023 than it was then.

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I grew up listening to NPR. Many don't connect the fact that the defunding of public radio meant that SOMEBODY would step in to take over that large audience - Monsanto , the Kochs , etc.

The influence became so blatant in it's shilling , we stopped listening to $cience Friday because it was so obviously pandering to it's new sponsors.

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NPR stopped being relevant when car talk ended but yeah don't you love getting your news from the Ford Foundation? ;)

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I LOVED car talk !

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National Panhandlers Radio

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I used to be on NPR as a reporter. They’re embarrassing now

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Defunding? At most slightly changed how the propaganda strings were pulled. "Sponsored by [horrid corruptocracy]" and "Made possible by a grant from [pathologic pfoundation]" were always there.

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Best part of the whole game!

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I suppose it's the ratio of private vs corporate income that changed.

" He who has the gold makes the rules "

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What's really changed is what they can get away with. It didn't just suddenly get this way overnight. The roots were there. Like so many things, we just didn't see them for what they really were.

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There was quite a kerfuffle about it , but it was long ago , back when we taxpayers were the major funders .

Losing Sesame Street was a major talking point . The slack was picked up quickly by those with " other interests" than our well being or edification

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I HATE NPR! People at work would listen to it. My blood pressure would go through the roof. It was propaganda then, I'm sure it's MUCH worse now.

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A research doctor friend of mine listened to NPR for hours daily. I challenged him that I could tell him twenty true facts skeptical of CC, that he NEVER heard on NPR.

He accepted. This article red pilled him.


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Well it was good way back when I was a precocious teenager

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Yes I liked the late night world music , jazz , and such . We didn't have the access we have now with the internet.

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I had to hear it in the early 00s.

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Watch this former CEO of NPR talk about how he realized NPR was biased after believing for so long that they were neutral.


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It strikes me that NPR is far more insidious than the MSM (which it has become over time). The MSM must rely on ratings, which give the listener some voice in the content. But under the government grant and charitable foundation scheme, there is no consumer feedback at all. The funder is the only voice. They aren't buying eyeballs in quantity. They are in fact funding something that only a few people really appreciate which I suppose has a kind of elite appeal.

To misquote Will Smith, I say to the government: "Keep my media out your F***ing pocket!"

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The same with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and I had a similar experience to you about 10 years ago realizing it wasn’t news, it was propaganda. This was before Trudeau got in power, so the levers were pulled earlier.

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ABC in Australia is even worse, and it's a low bar!

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Brainwashing Britain with Covid. Or as Morecombe & Wise aptly put, Bring Back Comedy.

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For those of us who today are critical thinkers, do some research and maintain a very healthy skepticism towards the currently trending thing, it's sad to think that what we grew up with and to a large extent believed was probably always corrupt to a certain degree.

It doesn't seem to matter what the field of endeavor is but those who point out the truth or come up with radical new ideas are maligned, marginalized, mistreated or worse. It seems as though whatever is popular, it's probably a fake fantasy designed to lead you astray.

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The entire field of marketing is incentivized to gather you in as a client. what I’m seeing changed is acceptance and enablement of causes pushed by activists, purporting to reflect the needs of the downtrodden, marginalized, or just plain perverse. This funding is coming from our governments, allocated disproportionately by taxpayers who might not get behind the idea or might even actively oppose the idea. My dissonance is it has become ideologically driven by extreme points of view, or politicians, giving away money that is free to them but buys votes to keep them in power, and in their very desirable jobs. To me, it is the politicians that need to step back from promoting causes or passing favourable laws or instructions to judiciary or policing agencies to offer preferential treatment. I believe that people should be allowed to direct funds to causes they believe in not say the trans lobby to further its work on minor attracted people.

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Well put. I see this in action extensively and aggressively in the UK.

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I lived in the UK from 94 to 00. Woke up to the Shipping Forecast on Radio 4. Loved it. The listened to John Humphreys on the drive to work. He was a tough and pretty balanced news presenter. Of late, the BBC seems to have slid into just another fear mongering media outlet.

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Ah yes, the shipping forecast. And John Humphreys. I remember them well. Those were the days!

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Jan 19, 2023
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That's all we get now, everywhere we turn. What does that say about the integrity of the journalists who mouth these loaded words?

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It means if they mouth lies and stick to the narrative they get awarded the Pulitzer.

If they try to seek the truth and report even handedly they get awarded the pink slip.

That's a pretty good way to purge good journalist.

What else could we expect from these lazy donkeys that use the ubiquitous "Anonymous" and Wikipedia as their only two sources?

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Honor and integrity are empty words to those who've risen high in the profession.

Any culture that rewards obsequiousness and assigns no value to integrity deserves to perish.

Substack has been a revelation. So many citizen journalists diligently pursuing the truth has given me hope. People crave the truth. Our leaders traffic in lies. This is going to come to a head, I'm afraid.

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I have an amazing research Doctor friend. He work’s incredibly hard, but NPR is his only news source. ( They always talk so calmly, in a smoothly arrogant way)

I bet him I could write him an article on the Science and politics of Global Warming that would give him at least 20 cogent facts that he NEVER heard on NPR, and should have. If I was correct, he would admit that they were deeply biased. He read it. He admitted that not only was I correct, it was far more then 20. He is struggled with this red pill paradigm shift


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It's appalling how bad it has become. Or they pull it off the AP wire , which I read somewhere is based now in China ?

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Very interesting!! The coverage of the conflict in Syria had a big impact on me. My childhood listening to the BBC World service was in Lebanon, so I took an interest in Syria - and was listening to independent sources about what was going on there. And what I was getting from the BBC (& most of the rest of the UK media - though Robert Fisk of the Independent was an exception) was seriously misleading. And some of it was so obvious. The whole Bana Alabed twitter thing was so obvious. It was obvious that her tweets were written by her parents, and it was obvious that since they lived in the part of Aleppo that was controlled by extremists who would tolerate no dissent, that her tweets were just propaganda on behalf of those thugs. But the BBC pretended otherwise.

So when it comes to Ukraine, I skim the BBC headlines, but then head for more reliable and unbiassed sources to find out what is actually happening.

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They have admitted publicly that they have a leftist bias, which is obvious to those of us not living in caves on the dark side of the moon.

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But good news New Zealand's horse 🐴 , er,PM, has been put out to pasture.

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Why the long face when she resigned?!

Maybe it was because party leaders feared she'd lose reelection and told her it was well pasture time to go.

Giddyap and good riddance.

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Outstanding in her field, no doubt. Points for "pasture".

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Field *


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>the long face

I see what you did there.

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Did ya catch, "pasture prime?" That's a good one.

Edited for spelling. Someday, I will be a good typist. 🤣🤣

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Ha! Good one

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And replaced with what?

A WEF warthog?

Mind you...it has only been the last few years that it dawned on me that horses and warthogs share the same lineage.

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The one who said she was the source of all truth? 🤣.

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Her usefulness to her masters has run out and she will no longer be installed as PM.

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I heard Jussie helped to plan this production.

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Makes sense. They're a perfect partnership; they both have small dicks!


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Now Now

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Here's the full video, including one of the officers asking if he could take a selfie with her https://youtu.be/P47Ut3mcwWE

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It appears the police have their own film crew as well. Did you notice some of the ‘riot squad’ carrying cameras mounted on monopods?

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That’s hilarious at the end with the police stuck in the mud!

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😂 “muddled in mud.” Some things never change.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=11aXNrYGOgU&feature=youtu.be @7:20

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Pigs playing in mud.

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Ohh you went there! Tsk tsk.😏

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I would be furious if my tax dollars paid for police to be backup dancers like that

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But if you protest vaccine passports, lockdowns and face diapers the fascist state enforcers will happily rough you up, ride into a crowd with horses and fire rubber bullets.

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They hire out for bachelorette parties too...

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Male dancers are usually gay, too. All well and woke.

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They probably are anyway.

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You think they haven't been?

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You know, it’s I was thinking about her “you have stolen my childhood” crap speech the other day and how the kids whose childhood really has been stolen are the ones in Africa working to mine materials for the electric cars Greta wants 😑

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Someone should show her pictures of little kids, digging cobalt out of the ground with their hands . She’s really become adept at her art

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Do you really think she would care?

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Joan of Arc became Veruca Salt.

Who would've seen that coming?...;)

Come, sweet death if I ever have to hear one of her lectures again.

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I came across this yesterday and thought it perfect for the last 14 years of life, it is what we should all strive to be:

“She was truthful when lying was the common speech of men; she was honest when honesty was become a lost virtue; she was a keeper of promises when the keeping of a promise was expected of no one; she gave her great mind to great thoughts and great purposes when other great minds wasted themselves upon pretty fancies or upon poor ambitions; she was modest, and fine, and delicate when to be loud and coarse might be said to be universal; she was full of pity when a merciless cruelty was the rule; she was steadfast when stability was unknown, and honorable in an age which had forgotten what honor was; she was a rock of convictions in a time when men believed in nothing and scoffed at all things.

She was unfailingly true to an age that was false to the core; she maintained her personal dignity unimpaired in an age of fawnings and servilities; she was of a dauntless courage when hope and courage had perished in the hearts of her nation; she was spotlessly pure in mind and body when society in the highest places was foul in both—she was all these things in an age when crime was the common business of lords and princes, and when the highest personages in Christendom were able to astonish even that infamous era and make it stand aghast at the spectacle of their atrocious lives black with unimaginable treacheries, butcheries, and beastialities. Whatever thing men call great, look for it in Joan of Arc, and there you will find it.”

Mark Twain, Joan of Arc

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How serendipitous to come across this just now and juxtapose it to this tumultuous present era of ours. Great post indeed.

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Oooh. this is a great post.

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Performative arrests for street cred have been an activist trick since Alinsky at least, and have been choreographed affairs since the Weather Underground types stopped being underground and got themselves embedded in the power structure. They need to pretend they're somehow in opposition to Davos Man, but it's all so hollow and transparent. Empty ritual. Does anyone with a functioning brainstem still fall for this?

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very different treatment compared to the legitimate protesters against vaccine mandate or lockdowns in Australia or the Netherlands where someone got kicked in the head. Societies where protesters are treated differently according to their cause are rotten!!

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Like Canada, which I think is the poster child for exactly this you can protest by identity group or cause, but have a completely different reaction by the authorities and the media will bend narratives backwards in order to assist you if you’re in the correct intersectional oppression, group or are protesting a wef approved cause

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Or the summer riots of 2020 when if you protested .gov over reach you were a killer, but if you protested for St. George you were a saint? Aint it funny that happened when it happened. What is real anymore?

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The witch in the Gingerbread house in the forest she's claiming to save seems to be doing a fine job of fattening her up. Appears she hasn't missed any meals recently. But is pudgy cute going to be effective in scolding us audacious peasants? Methinks not!

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Performance activism....

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Yeah but I bet she sucks at Shakespeare

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Hmm, she must have left a pizza box out! 😂

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Gretta/Grendal is a masterpiece.

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What a phony! I'm going to stick it to her big in a few weeks for all the poor people in 3rd world countries she has killed. Stay tuned to my substack.

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“The blind majority has carried the lame Government to the edge of the abyss.”



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I can’t access your link

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The image is Honoré Daumier’s D’après Florian

“blind woman personifying Majority, carrying Ministery (personified by a paralytic) on her back whilst walking towards the edge of a cliff”

“1870 war was threatening” (pick a year) climate change is threatening.

I thought it appropriate, Greta on edge of coal mine, supporters cheering her on. It’s claimed she “defies German police” more like she is doing govt bidding.

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Post link

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It's a series I'm working on now. It will be on my substack, DrReidSheftall.substack.com as soon as I'm done. You can subscribe for free. It will also be on my twitter @RSheftall

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Much of everything we see is staged. This is a good example of that at work. Politicians donning their masks just prior to their appearance in front of cameras is another good example. We are actually getting used to these and discounting their significance. These stage events seem to have an effect on us even when we know they are staged. Sad, really.

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