Wow. 2-11 year olds who normally don’t experience symptoms or serious disease at all are experiencing “long COVID”. Also, impressive high verbal skills in that “they” can express it so well.

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Could it be that the long term lockdowns are just screwing with people's brains.... what else would you have to think about for all that time. Worse yet, "self reported" when they weren't Cov19 tested positive, is extremely disingenuous.

NAH, it's a lie.

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Great excuse for people, such as my sister, who has always been a hypochondriac, to further find excuses for not visiting my elderly mom, and actually work for a living. I see this as being the next "unemployment for life" generation coming up.....and you can't call something "LONG" if it's only been around for a year. It takes months to recuperate from pneumonia, but no one calls it "long" pneumonia!

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I have one of those too. Parents should have given her ‘Disability’ as a middle name.

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Oooh..."Debbie Disability"- like it! Thanks for suggestion! :-)

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Many of those claiming to suffer from long covid might be suffering from long hypochondria instead, but viruses can trigger autoimmune conditions in people (probably with underlying genetic susceptibility). I have two autoimmune conditions that started within weeks of my first (and, so far, only) flu infection. I will be taking medication for the rest of my life as a result.

Viruses are believed to trigger most autoimmune conditions (thyroid, Celiac, MS). They can attack the heart or liver or kidneys; and, sometimes, the only solution is transplant. Both influenza infection and the flu vaccine are implicated in Guillain-Barre syndrome.

For years, people (mostly women) with Fibromyalgia were told they were nuts. In fact, Fauci was one of the loudest voices claiming it was all in their heads. How's that for irony? Now, the medical community acknowledges Fibromyalgia is a neurological condition with probable infection or traumatic etiology in genetically susceptible people.

I agree that the response to this virus is wildly out of proportion. It broke a lot of people mentally. Some may never recover. But, there are likely people who have real (perhaps, lifelong) consequences from their C19 infections. We shouldn't group them all together.

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Covid-19 Induced Panic Syndrome (CIPS) is taking off. Patient 0 for this was Li Wenliang, the opthalmologist who did not have the credentials to misdiagnose Covid as SARS. His blowing of the whistle started the panic.

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I am almost sure that these kind of surveys were baked in to the psych-ops wing of the COVID opera.

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All my alternative healing books are full with postviral treatments. All of them published before covid. Mainstream usually denied any postviral feelings.

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I’m 💯 on board with all the anti-covid sentiment. I think it’s mostly bullshit. But I got covid. And I definitely have long covid. It’s a real thing. I’ve been practicing in the medical field for 16 years and I’m very in tune with my body, I eat well, work out daily. In the few months since covid I have chronic sinusitis and inflammation of my oropharnyx, no smell, Constant headache, and cognitive issues including difficulty with short term memory. With my background the best I can say is that it is likely caused by encephalitis (brain inflammation). While again, I think as with most things from this mess, it’s being overblown, but do not underestimate this virus. I am generally antivax, neither of my children have a single vaccine.... but given where I am today, in hindsight, the CV vax is looking pretty good.

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