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Or my favorite- the decision to treat no one until their lips turned blue and were rushed to the hospital!

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How ThAT very followed protocol alone did nOT alert every single person - a smAck in the face WTFU moment - we were/aRe in a pLandemic, is still beyond my comprehension. I've totally lost faith and trust in every single person, my entire family, I've been able to count on my entire life.

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I can potentially explain the "no treatment until your lips are blue."

Simple explanation: they want people to die.

Longer explanation: think about what happened to hospitals in 2020. They shut whole sections of the hospital down and delayed procedures because "pandemic." They assisted people in early death. And then... when people got sick with C0VID, they waited until the last minute to admit them to the emergency ward, then used an FDA approved procedure that killed them. Most were elderly; many died and saved the government money on SS and Medicare. So... a win. They even put CV patients in nursing homes to kill the elderly. And remember... the people in the heart ward, the cancer ward, and other wards were NOT working on CV patients. So the hospitals really had limited beds.

BTW... I know two people who were more than likely killed by the hospital. And... we were lucky. My husband got "CV pneumonia," aka pneumonia and went to the hospital twice. Big hospital was full and sent him home with meds that did nothing. Five days later we sent him by ambulance to a smaller regional hospital and he recovered in 2 days. God was looing out for us.

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Keep in mind that before our Plague Era, media routinely published gruesome stories on the medical errors that kill thousands every year.

Then miraculously all hospitals were run by and staffed with the saintly and wise.

Only difference here is the visibility. Hence the aggressive censorship; they never needed it before. People would read the sad stories of bungling butchery and turn the page. Suddenly it was affecting almost everyone they knew.

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Agreed. Hospitals need to be avoided at all costs. A dear friend all the way across the country picked up a cold from his grand-niece last Christmas. It turned into bad bronchitis, got worse, and he finally went to the hospital. I do not know much about what happened there, except for what I learned from his wife, which was damned little. He was intubated and put in ICU, was there for a week and more. Probably put on run-death-is-near. I know in my gut the hospital called it covid. He'd never been jabbed, but in his semi-comatose state, I have to wonder...he and his wife hated each other, they were in the midst of divorcing. I shall wonder all my days what she agreed to. Did she say, "Sure thing" when they told her he needed the vax, knowing that it was against his wishes? Anyway, each time he started to come out from his intubated state he became agitated and enraged at finding himself stuck full of tubes (the report says "aggressive"), and demanded to be released. They kept drugging him and putting him under! Finally he was deemed "well enough" to leave ICU. That morning he had a massive heart attack on his hospital bed and died. His wife, who was about to lose her mansion and sweet lifestyle, is now sitting pretty. It sure worked out well for her. His sisters are grief-stricken but find nothing questionable or outrageous about all of this. As for his kids - meh, they miss Dad, sure, but they have a toy-filled life to distract them, they both have new cars. I miss him, his friendship and his humor. We knew each other since we were three years old. And I will never stop wondering. I haven't seen his death certificate, but I'll bet every penny I have that it says he died "of covid".

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Agree: Hospitals need to be avoided at all costs.

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My doc did same thing, I got Delta Dec 2021. Had " covid pneumonia " and he would not treat it. NOTHING! Sorry pal can't do anything for you buddy! It's viral ,no treatment available. No antibiotics, no prednisone! Coughing so hard I collapsed a lung. He came to do his rounds in the hospital and I threw him out of my room! I LIVED! NO BONUS FOR HIM OR THE HOSPITAL! HAHA!!!!!!

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Just about true for me as well. The stupidity, ignorance, denial and blind compliance are staggering. I never dreamed people were so...so...

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And then treat them poorly

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My wife refuses to believe that this is the case. Links to official guidelines, protocols, etc. stating that no treatment would be given until you were sick enough to go to the hospital, will be GREATLY appreciated!

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My primary care doc told me very explicitly. Twice. Once in 2020: тАЬIf you get Covid, stay home. There is no treatment. If you canтАЩt breathe, go to the emergency room.я┐╝тАЭ And in 2021: тАЬIf you get Covid stay home. There is an monoclonal antibody treatment, but you donтАЩt qualify. And anyway theyтАЩre taking it off the market soon.тАЭя┐╝я┐╝я┐╝ This is Bay Area Calif.

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FWIW, my husband got CV in Nov. of 2020 that turned into pneumonia. They gave him antibody plasma. That had him home in 2 days. So there were medical procedures, even then. Central Ohio area.

I got over it using the Zelenko protocol, but we ran out of quercetin and couldn't find it locally.

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Yes I realized with those kinds of answers I needed to help myself. Got all the supplements and spare meds and took care on my own. And a new PCP is in the plan!

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Thanks, that generally confirms what I thought.

Clicking around the links on that page, we find that the CDC's treatment guidelines basically tell you to ride it out unless you're in a "high-risk" group, and then monoclonal antibodies or antivirals like Paxlovid come into play. They pooh-pooh supplements (vit D, vit C, zinc) and actively recommend against HCQ or ivermectin. ЁЯЩД


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I got over the original strain using quercetin (similar to HCQ) and zinc, as well as the other supplements. That will work, but it takes time.

BTW... let's call it "not from the pharmacy ivermectin" does work. You can find dosage information and much more info here:


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Thank you. Quercetin is great, I take it every day with zinc and oil of oregano as part of my prophylactic regimen.

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Unfortunately, I don't have any links. What I do have is personal experience. MANY coworkers and friends got Covid over the past 2.5 years. In those cases, they called me for advice. Step one was ALWAYS call your doctor to see what they would do. (I knew this was a losing battle in most cases - but I still thought this should be your first stop on the off chance you had an actual doctor who cared about your health and was willing to actually practice medicine.)

In the vast majority of the cases, the doctors would do NOTHING, so that is what I base this comment on. I would say this applies easily to at least a dozen people or so. Many friends couldn't get antibody treatment (even when they were still "approved"). Some couldn't even get Paxlovid. It was the most infuriating thing I had ever seen, and I can't unsee it now.

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It's as though in the entire history of the world, there'd been no prior afflictions with any of these various symptoms for which people would use various well-understood remedies/supplements/nutritional supports.

What troubled me most was the utter absence of common sense. You feel like crap--you just lie in your bed miserably until cardiac arrest or suffocation occurs?

People will take a gazillion OTC/supplement aisle remedies for the common cold but couldn't extend the idea just a wee bit towards a new respiratory virus? (Or presumed respiratory virus since the main action seems inflammatory and what was called pneumonia on scans seemed to have been lots of micro-clotting instead.)

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My case was mild (June 2022). My primary prescribed Paxlovid, which I refused. I am surprised that some could not get it, from what I've read, it's been mostly sitting on shelves due to underwhelming demand. Later in summer, here in USA they made it available over the counter (approved by Pharmacist.) Which seems a most curious option for a drug that requires a blood test to insure proper kidney function and more recently, has dangerous interactions with many commonly taken drugs.

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The two people I'm thinking of got Covid in the January - March timeframe when Paxlovid was relatively new. It sort of seemed that certain people were using certain criteria to limit it. At the time, I thought it might be the best thing available, if your doctor wouldn't give you anything else and you didn't have access to IVM or HCQ. However - just like the injections - the more information that came out, the more worthless it appeared to be.

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That jibes with what I've seen. I have a friend who got Covid late last year. The doctor told him to go to the emergency room if the symptoms kept worsening. Not a word about taking supplements or medication of any kind to fight disease progression: Let 'er rip! He ended up in the hospital for weeks and almost died.

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I even had 65+ year old friends.. and the doctors would say - No, you can't get antibody treatment (she was told they were being held for people at High risk).. the next time she couldn't get Paxlovid.

Another friend who was 70 was given nothing from his GP, but got his Allergist to prescribe Paxlovid.

But in general, folks got nothing. It was so distressing and disturbing. I ended up sending a list of supplements they could take, as their doctors were worthless. I can't forget this

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