My daughter's good friend (mid 50's) had colon cancer in early 2019, treated and was in remission. She got 2 Pfizer shots in May 2021, then booster in October 2021. Late November diagnosed with a recurrence of colon cancer, stage 4, spreading everywhere. Each scan she gets shows more tumors and they are everywhere in her body. It's like her immune system is totally non-functional now. She is near to going into hospice care and probably doesn't have long as her weight is down to 95. Her daughter tried to convince her to not get the shots. She didn't listen, but is sorry now as she finally does suspect the shots had something to do with this. It's heartbreaking to watch.
38 year old nephew had new heart issues. Work required him to get the vaxx. Died five days after the Pfizer jab.
Family still blames his prior drug use not the jab.
This is very sad news. Tragic
All of it. Just so very sad.
My daughter's good friend (mid 50's) had colon cancer in early 2019, treated and was in remission. She got 2 Pfizer shots in May 2021, then booster in October 2021. Late November diagnosed with a recurrence of colon cancer, stage 4, spreading everywhere. Each scan she gets shows more tumors and they are everywhere in her body. It's like her immune system is totally non-functional now. She is near to going into hospice care and probably doesn't have long as her weight is down to 95. Her daughter tried to convince her to not get the shots. She didn't listen, but is sorry now as she finally does suspect the shots had something to do with this. It's heartbreaking to watch.
If they want to get their story out, have them get in touch!