While a noticeable number more are going maskless outdoors and even on the train, we are still at statistical 100% mask usage in the Tokyo area despite the government recommending that masks NOT be worn out doors and now even indoors if not talking.
Two and a half years of this Faucing madness. Getting to the point where I am hoping to go mad so as to keep my blood pressure down.
While a noticeable number more are going maskless outdoors and even on the train, we are still at statistical 100% mask usage in the Tokyo area despite the government recommending that masks NOT be worn out doors and now even indoors if not talking.
Two and a half years of this Faucing madness. Getting to the point where I am hoping to go mad so as to keep my blood pressure down.
While a noticeable number more are going maskless outdoors and even on the train, we are still at statistical 100% mask usage in the Tokyo area despite the government recommending that masks NOT be worn out doors and now even indoors if not talking.
Two and a half years of this Faucing madness. Getting to the point where I am hoping to go mad so as to keep my blood pressure down.