This kind of obfuscation is very prevalent nowadays. You should try looking at well established databases for miscarriages, stillbirths and neonatal deaths, whereas previously the data was available on a monthly basis you now have to look very hard for even quarterly data, and in Australia it is now delayed by over 3 months.
This kind of obfuscation is very prevalent nowadays. You should try looking at well established databases for miscarriages, stillbirths and neonatal deaths, whereas previously the data was available on a monthly basis you now have to look very hard for even quarterly data, and in Australia it is now delayed by over 3 months.
This kind of obfuscation is very prevalent nowadays. You should try looking at well established databases for miscarriages, stillbirths and neonatal deaths, whereas previously the data was available on a monthly basis you now have to look very hard for even quarterly data, and in Australia it is now delayed by over 3 months.