And why is this happening now? Well, almost certainly because they were waiting for vaccination numbers to get high enough that they could now punish the unvaccinated with small enough disruption. In other words, they were waiting for vaccination numbers to get *high enough* so that they could create *new restrictions*. Does that sound like a pathway back to normalcy to you? Aren't things supposed to go in the other direction?
Do you think Biden will even bother to articulate some standard that could be reached at which point whatever new rules he creates go away? I bet he doesn't even try.
Agreed. They will want to get to internment camps of the sort going up in Aussie, in the apparent belief that camps will make the op sustainable over time. I still think they are pushing this too hard too fast and that represents a major vulnerability in the op. It op is right on the knife edge of running out of time.
Supposedly this was all supposed to happen when Afghanistan became the center of attention. I do believe Covid is decreases but seems they still want to put them in place. Anyone hear whether the WHITE HOUSE (isn't that racist?) is going to mandate them there?
Im a doc and if this gang rape proceeds they will try to deny medicare $ to any entity that accepts medicare payments whose staff isnt vaxxed . Thats 60% of my practice revenue. That would effectively disemploy me. Im an equal partner in a 4 man group. My 3 partners Have all been vaxxed in feb 2021. So i have a choice. Resist and drag them all down with me. Or resign. The rage and resentment is off the scales.
Back in 1965 organized medicine got into bed with the devil. Fed government devil promised $$$. Medicare was passed. Devil talked all nice and sweet and lulled medicine into a trance and slowly fastened on the shackles and manicles and iron maiden. And now fed government is whipping out its giant spiked phallus to rape us all where the sun dont shine.
well, and i'm just spitballing here and certainly not (ahem) advocating, um, anything but with so many doctors around who's to say where the vaccine went once it was in the syringe?
funny things happen sometimes. spills, missed arms, who knows?
Except I’d have to do this twice. But you’re right what hourly medical tech at Walmart could resist the promise of a $5000 payment now and then another in a month to squirt the vaccine in the garbage pail. But that’s really not the point right? Of course that would work. And I would really have no problem doing that. I’ve actually thought about it and rehearsed what I would say and how I would do it. And I’ve even investigated places to go we are I’d more likely be successful.
But that really isn’t the point is it.
If I did this I would just be pretending to be one of them.
^this - definitely contemplated the same.. but it would just pass the burden to somebody else + make the case for max vaxx numbers look even stronger. This is about standing up to oppression and authoritarian overreach and saying "no, I will not play your game. This isn't okay."
It will never end. Part of the angry accusations I keep getting is, "Why can't you just get along? Just lie and say you're vaccinated! Stop arguing! (as if, I'm asking everyone upon first meeting Are you vaccinated??? Are you vaccinated???)
It's how we've gotten to this point. No one will just draw the line and say NO!
Exactly. And the merry go round is coming...2 wont be enough...already in Austria and Croatia qualify for green pass you got to have 3rd jab of the poison..
how much do you think it would be worth to a vaccine tech to "accidentally " spill the vax. I will try to go to a place in a bad neighborhood and in a place where I have some privacy with the person giving the vax so I can say to them... hey I will give you $$$ if you just give me the card and waste that dose in the garbage. Ive certainly been rehearsing that... just one step closer to a Soviet kleptocracy where everything in your life depends on who you know and how close the center of power you are. Disgusting. How much should i offer 1000, 2000. belive me I've thought about it.
I guess I was incorrect in assuming you could just administer it yourself, and 'forge' someone else's name in your practice if need be. If the time ever comes, I plan on making a flesh-toned prosthetic cover for my arm with a barrier underneath. And, personally, I wouldn't go above $500.
They certainly did boil the frog slowly. But it's like The Sun Also Rises where Jake asks Bill how he went bankrupt. "Two ways," Bill replied, "gradually then suddenly."
In my Telegram chats, we talk about creating a parallel economy. I even mentioned to my chiropractor that I would continue to see him even if his license was revoked. Many people agree that we would support all unvaxxed health care professionals. I know it sounds utopian and the govt would probably go all Aussie on us (i.e. quarantine camps). I don't know. I'm 57 and quite healthy. And for the first time in my life, I'm getting professional training to operate and own a handgun. Many responsible gun owners here in Oregon. It's time to think outside of the box.
I'm so very very very sorry that you may be in this situation!!! 💔 As others have pointed out, it is like apartheid. You would have to team up with other vax-free docs to serve us patients. Except starting a new practice would of course be super difficult. This is all so wrong. 😡😡😡
Gato is right--unless we (every single one of us taking personal responsibility and not shuttling the task to "others") stands up and cries f this we are doomed. It's here and now, right now. Bring it on.
I don't know what to do honestly. Another huge argument with a neighbor today who... IMMEDIATELY has to know if I've been vaxed, I say no, and not 30 seconds it get dialed up to 12 and everyones angry, not speaking and "I don't want to be around you." Outside. On the sidewalk! lol
I'd ask them if I should wear a yellow star or a pink triangle to ... you know... let everyone know I spread disease but, that's a little too accurate and would encourage them.
I would so love to share that top meme with my IG friends. Would you mind? I would be happy to give you proper attribution. This nightmare just keeps going on and on. Your essays landing into my inbox always give me hope and I appreciate every word you write. Please keep it up.
The "vaccines" do not stop infection by or transmission of the Delta variant. The fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit and have similar viral loads to unvaxxed. The other variants of concern will likely evade vaxx immunity as well. Vaxx passports will fail because the "vaccines" are failing.
How many boosters are people willing to take? How often? For how long?
I'm not saying they won't try. I'm saying they're going to fail. And they're going to hurt a lot of people along the way.
The social contract was two shots and we all get to return to normal life. It didn't work. In some areas, it's as bad or worse than it was last year.
According to a CDC post I saw today, we are about half the country.
How many boosters will people take? As many as are offered. I am a PCP and I have people begging me for boosters. They are literally "shocked" when I tell them I think they might want to think twice about it. I am sure I will be reported soon and probably fired...if i am not fired for being unvaxxed first. I guess the clock is ticking either way.
I just saw a japanese origin paper showing the mu variant is complete vax immune. Is it clear enough the vax program is creating a dramatic worsening of COVID disease? Marek's. I increasingly think the unvaxed are at increasing risk which vaccination will only make collectively worse. What to do?
If this mass vaxx campaign spins off something even more dangerous, it will effect everyone vaxxed or unvaxxed. The idea that we were going to vaxx 7.5+ billion people was always laughable.
I feel the same. OTOH, as we used to say when I was a kid, "Don't write any checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash." Having to prove vaxx status to fly is an easy sell. What I am wondering is how those restrictions closer to home will evolve. Benito De Blasio is seeing many businesses ignore his attempts in The Apple. At the federal level it is hopeless, though. Hell, even in Florida, you still have to mask at the airport.
I'm not worried about living up to my principles. It's the only thing that allows me to sleep at night. If they want to deny me access to 'society', I'll happily join the black market and make sure it's WAY more fun.
Just like Thanos, the global elite made a fatal mistake: there are still people who remember the past and are willing to stand up for it. Give it another two or three generations and maybe freedom has already been bred out of the country. But not yet.
America used to be synonymous with Freedom. I live in California and that's not the first word I think of here.. I know nowhere is perfect but Florida/Texas sound increasingly compelling. Sweden does as well. Would hate to have to uproot and leave but if we don't succeed in saving our society.. where is the next best chance at a freer life? Small island nation off the beaten path? Sad that my perspective of freedom is 1. No forced medical participation. 2. No mask/lockdown mandates. 3. No censorship and a culture which cherishes diversity of thought / open discussion. Is that too much to hope for?
There's plenty of space in America that are too rural for the big wigs to bother with. They will have their hands full with trying to handle the cities.
Pick a nice small town in Montana or Colorado and have some popcorn.
How are airlines (for example) likely to respond when the Federal government arbitrarily cuts their market in half? Or even just by a third or a quarter? This will be a huge hit to an industry that employs hundreds of thousands (and more indirectly).
Maybe the regime doesn't care about the unvaccinated, but a whole lot of VACCINATED folks will be put out of work by that sort of move.
This is why I remain naively optimistic. I can't rule out that they're stupid enough to try it. But I suspect these "prongs" will be full of sound and fury, but basically toothless.
And if I'm wrong, there will be some grim amusement watching the train wreck happen.
Well, I admit airline industry accountancy is not my province. Of course, even without subsidies, it's one of the most heavily regulated industries there is, so the Feds can bully airlines into doing almost anything.
But perhaps not into committing suicide.
Let's put your question the other way around: is there currently an airline in the US that can survive a 50% -- or even 20% -- drop in demand?
Can the government provide enough subsidies to make up for that? Even if it can, what would it be subsidizing? Passenger volume still drops. We'd be paying for either idle capacity, or a Potemkin airline industry that shuffles half-empty planes around the country just to maintain its subsidies.
Granted, just because it's stupid and makes no sense doesn't mean the current regime wouldn't try it. But I'm mildly optimistic that even the airline industry would grow a spine when faced with that sort of hit.
More generally: the bigger and more destructive the government's intervention, the more enemies it makes, and that's a good thing.
Excellent point on federal subsidy for airlines. However, there is essentially no industry that carries people in the U.S. that makes money. My colleagues often say, "carrying people is not profitable," at least in the States. I have not looked at Europe or Asia, where the reliance--and frankly, quality--of public transit, particularly via train, is so much higher.
I'd bet on a vaccination or test requirement for domestic travel. And a new vaccine passport app with heavy leaning on academia and woke capital to pretty please mandate it wherever you are.
Wouldn't surprise me to see some convoluted pathway through federal law to try to either punish K-12 schools and colleges that don't require masking/vaccination, or reward those who do. But with this admin they'd much rather punish the dissenters.
Again, the very opposite of heading toward normalcy. Much of Europe seems, now, to actually want to get back to normal. The Democratic Party of the United States has no interest in getting back to normal, ever.
Apart from Denmark announcing to drop restrictions,
most other countries are sticking to their restrictions. Furthermore, every day you have to check from which region in Europe you can travel without restrictions.
You literally have to check every day to see if you will be able travel to another region
Governor Pritzker in Illinois has already mandated masks in schools. If a school ignores that he pulls the accreditation and ability to play sports competitively. He is mandating jabs for educators at all levels and all medical personnel.
Here's my report from mask-happy south suburban Chicago: shopping at my local Sam's Club, I came across 4 people completely sans mask, about 15 people, including staff, wearing the mask as a chin diaper, about another 7-10 wearing the mask as a sub-nasal covering. Et moi? I wear the mask on and off because I have RESIST! written on it. People look and I can see the warring and conflict in their eyes assuming they don't immediately look away. As soon as I see that they read it, I pull the mask down.
There’s a protest at Sherman hospital on Wednesday against medical mandates. Former heroes who live their jobs are at risk of being fired: Join Us In The Fight For Our Rights!
Say NO To The Mandate!!!
Advocate Aurora employees need your help! We are being threatened with termination if we do not comply with getting the experimental covid-19 vaccine. This goes against a basic human right to refuse a medication and or treatment. Please stand by our healthcare professionals as they have been for you!
When: Wednesday September 15th at 5pm
Where: In front of Advocate Sherman hospital in Elgin
Who: Anyone that is against the mandate
There are a lot of signs pre-made if anyone does not have one. There will also be coolers with bottles of water.
What have you (looking at you, Kool-aid drinkers) given up so far? What have you lost permanently (part of your children's' youth, part of your life, your happiness, social contacts, entertainments, freedoms, etc etc etc etc)? What has it gotten you in return? (answer: further down the rat hole). And no, none of it is the fault of right wing extremists, vax deniers, covid deniers, Sturgis bikers, unmasked students, college kids, etc etc etc. The fault lies with the shell attempting to enunciate the 6-pronged assault later today, and more importantly the massive machinery behind him. Time to stop blindly giving up important things for these tyrants perhaps? They don't give a rat's ass about you and your suffering masked kids. That should be beyond obvious by now. If you choose to follow your commitment bias and their propaganda rather than common sense, the next stop is Australia. Fasten your seat belts please.
I went to the dentist today. Masks no longer required, no question about vax status. Took a friend to a doctor’s appointment today. Masks still required but no questions about vax status and the doctor didn’t even bring it up with my unvaccinated friend. Another double vaxed friend has a minor surgery scheduled next week. She has to be covid-tested Saturday or surgery is canceled. Bizarro world. I have wondered if they can start canceling insurance if you’re not vaxed.
Insightful overall analysis of Propaganda in Age of Covid with Mark Crispin Miller. Very much on point. Easy to see why the Cult has gone to great lengths to silence this NYU professor.
Do you think with insurance renewal season coming there will be incentives to encourage vaccinations? Many employers will give a discount if the employee gets a physical every year. What is they give you a nice discount for COVID and flu vaccine acceptance?
iam a usaf veteran. for 30 years i signed a blank 'check' payable with my body for our liberty.
what has been perpetrated the past 18 months is contrary to what that check was written out for!
And why is this happening now? Well, almost certainly because they were waiting for vaccination numbers to get high enough that they could now punish the unvaccinated with small enough disruption. In other words, they were waiting for vaccination numbers to get *high enough* so that they could create *new restrictions*. Does that sound like a pathway back to normalcy to you? Aren't things supposed to go in the other direction?
Do you think Biden will even bother to articulate some standard that could be reached at which point whatever new rules he creates go away? I bet he doesn't even try.
Agreed. They will want to get to internment camps of the sort going up in Aussie, in the apparent belief that camps will make the op sustainable over time. I still think they are pushing this too hard too fast and that represents a major vulnerability in the op. It op is right on the knife edge of running out of time.
Supposedly this was all supposed to happen when Afghanistan became the center of attention. I do believe Covid is decreases but seems they still want to put them in place. Anyone hear whether the WHITE HOUSE (isn't that racist?) is going to mandate them there?
What do you want to bet it's going to be at least 5 things that already didn't work?
And they won't work again, because winter is coming.
yup. it's gonna be swiss cheese with vaxxpass on top.
...served via suppository.
Im a doc and if this gang rape proceeds they will try to deny medicare $ to any entity that accepts medicare payments whose staff isnt vaxxed . Thats 60% of my practice revenue. That would effectively disemploy me. Im an equal partner in a 4 man group. My 3 partners Have all been vaxxed in feb 2021. So i have a choice. Resist and drag them all down with me. Or resign. The rage and resentment is off the scales.
Back in 1965 organized medicine got into bed with the devil. Fed government devil promised $$$. Medicare was passed. Devil talked all nice and sweet and lulled medicine into a trance and slowly fastened on the shackles and manicles and iron maiden. And now fed government is whipping out its giant spiked phallus to rape us all where the sun dont shine.
well, and i'm just spitballing here and certainly not (ahem) advocating, um, anything but with so many doctors around who's to say where the vaccine went once it was in the syringe?
funny things happen sometimes. spills, missed arms, who knows?
Except I’d have to do this twice. But you’re right what hourly medical tech at Walmart could resist the promise of a $5000 payment now and then another in a month to squirt the vaccine in the garbage pail. But that’s really not the point right? Of course that would work. And I would really have no problem doing that. I’ve actually thought about it and rehearsed what I would say and how I would do it. And I’ve even investigated places to go we are I’d more likely be successful.
But that really isn’t the point is it.
If I did this I would just be pretending to be one of them.
this is always the hard part.
even defrauding such a system helps support it.
^this - definitely contemplated the same.. but it would just pass the burden to somebody else + make the case for max vaxx numbers look even stronger. This is about standing up to oppression and authoritarian overreach and saying "no, I will not play your game. This isn't okay."
It will never end. Part of the angry accusations I keep getting is, "Why can't you just get along? Just lie and say you're vaccinated! Stop arguing! (as if, I'm asking everyone upon first meeting Are you vaccinated??? Are you vaccinated???)
It's how we've gotten to this point. No one will just draw the line and say NO!
Exactly. And the merry go round is coming...2 wont be enough...already in Austria and Croatia qualify for green pass you got to have 3rd jab of the poison..
how much do you think it would be worth to a vaccine tech to "accidentally " spill the vax. I will try to go to a place in a bad neighborhood and in a place where I have some privacy with the person giving the vax so I can say to them... hey I will give you $$$ if you just give me the card and waste that dose in the garbage. Ive certainly been rehearsing that... just one step closer to a Soviet kleptocracy where everything in your life depends on who you know and how close the center of power you are. Disgusting. How much should i offer 1000, 2000. belive me I've thought about it.
I guess I was incorrect in assuming you could just administer it yourself, and 'forge' someone else's name in your practice if need be. If the time ever comes, I plan on making a flesh-toned prosthetic cover for my arm with a barrier underneath. And, personally, I wouldn't go above $500.
Lots of surveillance cameras around. What about claiming an allergy?
They certainly did boil the frog slowly. But it's like The Sun Also Rises where Jake asks Bill how he went bankrupt. "Two ways," Bill replied, "gradually then suddenly."
In my Telegram chats, we talk about creating a parallel economy. I even mentioned to my chiropractor that I would continue to see him even if his license was revoked. Many people agree that we would support all unvaxxed health care professionals. I know it sounds utopian and the govt would probably go all Aussie on us (i.e. quarantine camps). I don't know. I'm 57 and quite healthy. And for the first time in my life, I'm getting professional training to operate and own a handgun. Many responsible gun owners here in Oregon. It's time to think outside of the box.
I'm so very very very sorry that you may be in this situation!!! 💔 As others have pointed out, it is like apartheid. You would have to team up with other vax-free docs to serve us patients. Except starting a new practice would of course be super difficult. This is all so wrong. 😡😡😡
Exactly. There's no docs listed on the AAPS within 50 miles of me.
Gato is right--unless we (every single one of us taking personal responsibility and not shuttling the task to "others") stands up and cries f this we are doomed. It's here and now, right now. Bring it on.
I don't know what to do honestly. Another huge argument with a neighbor today who... IMMEDIATELY has to know if I've been vaxed, I say no, and not 30 seconds it get dialed up to 12 and everyones angry, not speaking and "I don't want to be around you." Outside. On the sidewalk! lol
Time to move to rural Texas.
I'd ask them if I should wear a yellow star or a pink triangle to ... you know... let everyone know I spread disease but, that's a little too accurate and would encourage them.
Biden has quite dismal approval rating right now…does the vax pass poll well? This is a horrible nightmare if our country complies.
i don't think he cares about polls. he was always a one termer.
Welp according to this a vax pass does poll well. 🙄
My theory is he goes 2 years so that Kamala can serve 2 terms plus 2 years, which is the longest one can serve as president.
They lie about everything. Polls are meaningless.
I would so love to share that top meme with my IG friends. Would you mind? I would be happy to give you proper attribution. This nightmare just keeps going on and on. Your essays landing into my inbox always give me hope and I appreciate every word you write. Please keep it up.
post it anywhere you like.
memes are for everyone.
the more the merrier.
The "vaccines" do not stop infection by or transmission of the Delta variant. The fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit and have similar viral loads to unvaxxed. The other variants of concern will likely evade vaxx immunity as well. Vaxx passports will fail because the "vaccines" are failing.
How many boosters are people willing to take? How often? For how long?
I'm not saying they won't try. I'm saying they're going to fail. And they're going to hurt a lot of people along the way.
The social contract was two shots and we all get to return to normal life. It didn't work. In some areas, it's as bad or worse than it was last year.
According to a CDC post I saw today, we are about half the country.
How many boosters will people take? As many as are offered. I am a PCP and I have people begging me for boosters. They are literally "shocked" when I tell them I think they might want to think twice about it. I am sure I will be reported soon and probably fired...if i am not fired for being unvaxxed first. I guess the clock is ticking either way.
I just saw a japanese origin paper showing the mu variant is complete vax immune. Is it clear enough the vax program is creating a dramatic worsening of COVID disease? Marek's. I increasingly think the unvaxed are at increasing risk which vaccination will only make collectively worse. What to do?
If this mass vaxx campaign spins off something even more dangerous, it will effect everyone vaxxed or unvaxxed. The idea that we were going to vaxx 7.5+ billion people was always laughable.
I cant see this ending in anything other than a total dollar collapse and mass civil unrest and violence
what is your best guess as to new restrictions? No travel if not vaccinated? Mandatory digital passports : paper no longer acceptable?
i expect a federal vaccine pass framework. it will be a database of databases and a core tech to underpin white label vaxxpasses.
they will push it as a public private partnership and go the fascist route rather than try to fight the consititution.
it'll be carrot and stick: free goodies for those that implement, no fed funds for those who do not.
this will force the airlines and the nursing homes and hospitals and universities into line. none can survive right now unsubsidized.
they may tag in the FAA and TSA.
At this point I'd rather stick something up my ass to travel, South Park style, than have to prove my status to fly.
I feel the same. OTOH, as we used to say when I was a kid, "Don't write any checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash." Having to prove vaxx status to fly is an easy sell. What I am wondering is how those restrictions closer to home will evolve. Benito De Blasio is seeing many businesses ignore his attempts in The Apple. At the federal level it is hopeless, though. Hell, even in Florida, you still have to mask at the airport.
I'm not worried about living up to my principles. It's the only thing that allows me to sleep at night. If they want to deny me access to 'society', I'll happily join the black market and make sure it's WAY more fun.
Just like Thanos, the global elite made a fatal mistake: there are still people who remember the past and are willing to stand up for it. Give it another two or three generations and maybe freedom has already been bred out of the country. But not yet.
America used to be synonymous with Freedom. I live in California and that's not the first word I think of here.. I know nowhere is perfect but Florida/Texas sound increasingly compelling. Sweden does as well. Would hate to have to uproot and leave but if we don't succeed in saving our society.. where is the next best chance at a freer life? Small island nation off the beaten path? Sad that my perspective of freedom is 1. No forced medical participation. 2. No mask/lockdown mandates. 3. No censorship and a culture which cherishes diversity of thought / open discussion. Is that too much to hope for?
There's plenty of space in America that are too rural for the big wigs to bother with. They will have their hands full with trying to handle the cities.
Pick a nice small town in Montana or Colorado and have some popcorn.
On the other hand:
How are airlines (for example) likely to respond when the Federal government arbitrarily cuts their market in half? Or even just by a third or a quarter? This will be a huge hit to an industry that employs hundreds of thousands (and more indirectly).
Maybe the regime doesn't care about the unvaccinated, but a whole lot of VACCINATED folks will be put out of work by that sort of move.
This is why I remain naively optimistic. I can't rule out that they're stupid enough to try it. But I suspect these "prongs" will be full of sound and fury, but basically toothless.
And if I'm wrong, there will be some grim amusement watching the train wreck happen.
is there currently an airline in the US that can survive without federal subsidy, support, and bail out?
because i fear that all the federales need to to bring them to heel is to threaten to stop propping them up.
Well, I admit airline industry accountancy is not my province. Of course, even without subsidies, it's one of the most heavily regulated industries there is, so the Feds can bully airlines into doing almost anything.
But perhaps not into committing suicide.
Let's put your question the other way around: is there currently an airline in the US that can survive a 50% -- or even 20% -- drop in demand?
Can the government provide enough subsidies to make up for that? Even if it can, what would it be subsidizing? Passenger volume still drops. We'd be paying for either idle capacity, or a Potemkin airline industry that shuffles half-empty planes around the country just to maintain its subsidies.
Granted, just because it's stupid and makes no sense doesn't mean the current regime wouldn't try it. But I'm mildly optimistic that even the airline industry would grow a spine when faced with that sort of hit.
More generally: the bigger and more destructive the government's intervention, the more enemies it makes, and that's a good thing.
Excellent point on federal subsidy for airlines. However, there is essentially no industry that carries people in the U.S. that makes money. My colleagues often say, "carrying people is not profitable," at least in the States. I have not looked at Europe or Asia, where the reliance--and frankly, quality--of public transit, particularly via train, is so much higher.
I think they'll have a testing component (HOPEFULLY) and not just strict no vaxx = no fly..
Gosh. Nightmare, indeed.
I'd bet on a vaccination or test requirement for domestic travel. And a new vaccine passport app with heavy leaning on academia and woke capital to pretty please mandate it wherever you are.
Wouldn't surprise me to see some convoluted pathway through federal law to try to either punish K-12 schools and colleges that don't require masking/vaccination, or reward those who do. But with this admin they'd much rather punish the dissenters.
Again, the very opposite of heading toward normalcy. Much of Europe seems, now, to actually want to get back to normal. The Democratic Party of the United States has no interest in getting back to normal, ever.
Europe is on path to normalcy? I don't think so!
Apart from Denmark announcing to drop restrictions,
most other countries are sticking to their restrictions. Furthermore, every day you have to check from which region in Europe you can travel without restrictions.
You literally have to check every day to see if you will be able travel to another region
(with vaccination!).
Governor Pritzker in Illinois has already mandated masks in schools. If a school ignores that he pulls the accreditation and ability to play sports competitively. He is mandating jabs for educators at all levels and all medical personnel.
To say I hate that pale imitation of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man is a severe understatement.
Too funny.
Taking bets on required vaccination status (digital passport) for all commercial flights. (Corporate jets, no requirement.)
Good bet. I would go as far as interstate transport of any kind, sadly
Like your hat!
Here's my report from mask-happy south suburban Chicago: shopping at my local Sam's Club, I came across 4 people completely sans mask, about 15 people, including staff, wearing the mask as a chin diaper, about another 7-10 wearing the mask as a sub-nasal covering. Et moi? I wear the mask on and off because I have RESIST! written on it. People look and I can see the warring and conflict in their eyes assuming they don't immediately look away. As soon as I see that they read it, I pull the mask down.
Oh I a performance artist now?
There’s a protest at Sherman hospital on Wednesday against medical mandates. Former heroes who live their jobs are at risk of being fired: Join Us In The Fight For Our Rights!
Say NO To The Mandate!!!
Advocate Aurora employees need your help! We are being threatened with termination if we do not comply with getting the experimental covid-19 vaccine. This goes against a basic human right to refuse a medication and or treatment. Please stand by our healthcare professionals as they have been for you!
When: Wednesday September 15th at 5pm
Where: In front of Advocate Sherman hospital in Elgin
Who: Anyone that is against the mandate
There are a lot of signs pre-made if anyone does not have one. There will also be coolers with bottles of water.
What have you (looking at you, Kool-aid drinkers) given up so far? What have you lost permanently (part of your children's' youth, part of your life, your happiness, social contacts, entertainments, freedoms, etc etc etc etc)? What has it gotten you in return? (answer: further down the rat hole). And no, none of it is the fault of right wing extremists, vax deniers, covid deniers, Sturgis bikers, unmasked students, college kids, etc etc etc. The fault lies with the shell attempting to enunciate the 6-pronged assault later today, and more importantly the massive machinery behind him. Time to stop blindly giving up important things for these tyrants perhaps? They don't give a rat's ass about you and your suffering masked kids. That should be beyond obvious by now. If you choose to follow your commitment bias and their propaganda rather than common sense, the next stop is Australia. Fasten your seat belts please.
I went to the dentist today. Masks no longer required, no question about vax status. Took a friend to a doctor’s appointment today. Masks still required but no questions about vax status and the doctor didn’t even bring it up with my unvaccinated friend. Another double vaxed friend has a minor surgery scheduled next week. She has to be covid-tested Saturday or surgery is canceled. Bizarro world. I have wondered if they can start canceling insurance if you’re not vaxed.
Insightful overall analysis of Propaganda in Age of Covid with Mark Crispin Miller. Very much on point. Easy to see why the Cult has gone to great lengths to silence this NYU professor.
Light the Beacons!!!
Do you think with insurance renewal season coming there will be incentives to encourage vaccinations? Many employers will give a discount if the employee gets a physical every year. What is they give you a nice discount for COVID and flu vaccine acceptance?
Can I get odds that they will make no mention of early treatment?