Don't worry. I already hate them with a matchless hate. And ain't it strange? All because of the most loving, noble-souled person I ever knew. The vax killed her. Taking her out of this world? I ain't never gonna forgive. I don't go red mist-behind-the-eyes too often, but...

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Heads need to roll for what they did.

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She was my friend of 51 years and had been the instrument* of my eventually having my life's treasure, and there are no words to fully encompass the rift in the fabric of the universe that she was made to suffer so monstrously.

edit: *One of the instruments, anyway, and the first of them.

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Aww that’s so sad. Big hugs to you. And may the pHarma-industrial complex rot in hell

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Every one of us has been harmed in one way or another by the awakening of Good Germans in the hearts of so many of our fellow citizens, and by the teleportation of Mengele and Eichmann into the heart of our bureacracy

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Couldn’t have put it better. My experience too, alas. So sorry you lost such a dear and long time friend. No forgiveness in my heart, ever.

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She was in the UK so I didn't see her more than three years of physical destruction myself. When her sister sent me a series of photos and I saw what she looked like at the end, I can't describe the horror. I had to steady myself and look again very closely to see that her eyes were herself as always.

So many people everywhere have seen this done to their precious ones. And yet no Western bureaucracy has fallen. Redfield for example found his courage once it was too late to matter.

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right there with you.

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Dear SCA; I’m sorry you came to it in this grievous way. Stay mad, brother. I will too. ——-Ross

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This fire won't be banked, there ain't no chance of that.

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Sister*. I ask your pardon, dear.

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Happens all the time. Weird my girlish charm doesn't make it through the pneumatic tubes of the interwebs.

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So sorry. I can't imagine that. I lost both parents and my brother just BEFORE the DeathVaxx. Is it wrong that I'm grateful for that?

Amy Sukwan just had a meme on her SS of the "red-misted eyes". So apropos.

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I am grateful too that my mother died before this our Plague Era.

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my parents lived through WW2 in Holland. Mom worked for the resistance underground to deliver food to those in hiding. Anyway, she got scarlet fever one year and had to sit in the sun for days, that was the cure.

She would have NEVER bought into this bull shit. I am grateful too that she was safely in Heaven. Daddy was way too obedient and compliant without her

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Every time someone on social media whined that their kid in NY or SF had to eat lunch outside in the cold etc. etc. I would think about people with experiences like that of your mom and how these spineless parents of our Plague Era are not worthy even to clean the toilets of people who know what Resistance actually means.

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my parents did not know each other during the war,. So each of them had a completely different experience. They shared every single thing with us. A lot of it was ugly, very bad. there were no good memories of those years. good things did happen, my uncle lived underneath the house in a hole under the living room floor. He made a tiny little radio that he could get news and information. some of it was in code. Interesting stories from him as well.

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I can imagine how your mother would've dealt with today's young women whining "he made a lewd joke to me..."

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My mom died in '03 from cancer...two weeks after her diagnosis. It's one of the reasons I know that medicine is very much an art at times, and that they can get things wrong. Dad died in '07 from complications rising from rheumatoid arthritis. I am also grateful they didn't have to go through this. I doubt my dad would ever have said "I demand accommodation for my disease." Rather, he would be one of those defying isolation (if he had been hospitalized) and demanding "normal" rather than "stay home/stay safe.

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You are making me cry too. I am so terribly sorry for your loss too.

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Thank you for your warm words. These comments sections have helped keep a lot of us reasonably sane throughout our Plague Era. And every time a stranger offers comfort to someone they don't know, on behalf of someone they didn't know--we can use as much good karma in the bank as possible, right?

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I believe in Karma bigtime!! Blessings!

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agree. Without all of you here... well, there would be a lot of suffering.

My heart breaks for the kiddos that had to endure the insanity and the shots

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The plague of our era exists primarily inside the beltway with outbreaks in Brussels and Davos.

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But that is some wide-spreading slime.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Don’t let the bitterness eat your soul! The best revenge is to live well.

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I appreciate your good thoughts.

Note, though, that hate can be a hot or a cold fire. Bitterness is just rancidity.

And the way we honor those who have been stolen from us by the actions of those in this post is not only to never forget but to ensure they ain't never gonna forget, neither. We can do that without poisoning the rest of our own lives.

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Caveat for the Stasi, that I'm Just thinking out loud here.

The best revenge is to have their evil meat bags impaled on one hundred thousand stakes, lining the approach to every government building in the world.

Or thrown into volcanoes.

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Well, can't we just toss 'em into large transparent escape-proof barrels of waterbugs?

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...Volcanoes. I like the optics a little better.

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It won't right their wrongs or bring back our loved ones; but it wouldn't hurt, right? 😁

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RFK for head of HHS. Bhattacharya at CDC, Means at FDA, and Makary at NIH. In order to MAGA, we need to MAHA.

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How about no CDC, no FDA and no NIH. I like that better

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Yes we need elimination of departments like Milei did in Argentina. Get govt out of health, out of education, out of welfare entirely. May this inspire you https://x.com/argmilei/status/1838729072991404086?s=61

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Rather than put new (presumably good) people to run corrupt agencies, why don't we eliminate the corrupt agencies and let the good people propose programs that would benefit society. Let all the swamp creatures see what it is like to get a real job.

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Their "real" job should be making license plates....

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I'm detecting the theme that I planned on suggesting.

Just say NO to the Alphabets!

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It would be very foolish to put reins of authority in RFK Jr.'s hands. Let him be an advisor to someone with a better temperament and steel will.

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However, first you need to find someone with a better temperament, a steel will, who knows the subject matter, the insiders, and the instigators, and be willing to put themselves in the line of fire (literally).

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The better temperament part shouldn't be so much of a challenge.

Some people, despite their own burning aspirations, are best as henchguys. Everyone has need of a clever thug at some point.

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The strong-willed crusader types are always problematic in leadership roles, mainly because their more intense focus results in bigger blind spots. Against the big medical/big pharma/big government alliance, the best leader would be a quiet, unassuming, but capable strategist without the official cabinet position. The Regime has done this quite successfully. The vast majority of Americans have no idea who is running the government, while the rest have some idea but are not 100% certain. It's hard to target someone who you don't see.

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“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

- C. S. Lewis


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Well, kettle/pot from that guy who tried to cure his neuroses by diving head-first into the cult that threatens eternal hellfire if you reject its doctrines. The cruelty of that monstrous version of God is quite something. Omnipotent moral busybodies indeed.

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In my view many of the strong-willed crusader types are over-endowed with misplaced swooniness over their own abilities and an unquenchable desire to be admired as the only one who can get the job done.

But "the ones you don't see" are just often the same club that never disbands. We know their names. But we keep electing people who keep thinking those "advisors" know what they're talking about.

And--much as I want the Democrats to lose--I wasn't very heartened by Trump praising Pompeo recently. The guy ain't learned nothing from his first dance.

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RFK Jr would be a far more effective attorney general, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

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I'm not sure if I like the Full Circle aspect of this appointment.

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Make Wonderful America Healthy Again Healthy Again. MWAHAHA!!

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I wouldn't call the suggestion that covid really exists a blind spot.

The reason his voice has always been important is because it was his work (actual science) that proved covid was circulating in California long before it became a staple of CNN and wasn't causing a visible signal in terms of excess deaths.

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Which Means at FDA? Where would you put the other one?

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"Public health" never should have been. You have your health, I have my health, every individual has their health. We don't have "group health." If you have high cholesterol, that doesn't mean I have high cholesterol. If I have meningitis, it doesn't mean you have meningitis. The government can't protect us from illness and disease, nor can the medical industrial complex. We need to end this idea of public health and each individual going back to taking responsibility for his or her own well-being. We certainly don't need government intervention into our personal medical decisions, nor do we need them forcing pharmaceuticals on us.

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Exactly why I never understood the flu shot! I don't get the flu why would I need a shot to prevent it? To keep everyone around you safe! Right 🙄. FU!

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Plus it’s another worthless jab. The flu shot does exactly zero to mitigate the flu. All remedies are found in nature. Pharma is just pumping poison into people for cash. Doctors are for the most part just drug dealers in white coats.

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Just take any individual good and put the words "public" or "instutionalized" in front of it, and you will create the opposite. Health becomes "public health", charity becomes "instutionalized charity" (welfare), education becomes "public education" (indoctrination), knowledge becomes "instutionalized knowledge" (falsehoods), and dialog becomes "public dialog" (propaganda). "Public" and "instutionalized" have become synonymous with "state controled".

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""Public" and "instutionalized" have become synonymous with "state controled".

I prefer "Government" to Public, which is kinda captured in the State Controlled phrase.

Government Schools.

Government Transportation.

Government Health.

Government Discourse.

Moderately related side note: The Customer in, say, Government Schools are no longer the Parents - if they ever were; it's a parent's job to Educate their children but most of us don't have a Chemistry Lab, nor are conversant in Latin, nor can they field an entire Orchestra.

Now, the customers are the Teachers and Administrators - the Government Employees. That's who Government serves. Not We the Little People.

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Take that another step and apply it to the practice of requiring government licenses, certification, registration in many trades and professions. Ostensibly for "public safety." Electricians, architects, realters, massage, nurses, etc. Public safety/health concerns, fiduciary responsibility concerns, etc. But what happens more often than not is the government approval is used for barriers to entry, fewer providers/same #customers = higher income/expense. AND...licensing/certification/registration means your profession/business takes on a silent partner with majority control.

Many businesses and professionals lost their ability to operate and earn a living in 2020-2022 fearful of losing their license, not fear of criminal enforcement in most cases. They didn't want to lose their licenses that were threatened and revoked for noncompliant. Their silent majority partner spoke. The unlicensed businesses, professions, self-employed had much more freedom and latitude to defy government edicts. As majority owners they could.

In Communist China every single business operates with the State as their silent majority partner that owns 51% of them. Without exception. That's how they blended economic enterprise with communism. Business operators and investors have profit incentive, keeping 49% of profits, not for nothing. But the State has final say over business decisions and can "veto" any decision they don't approve. Professional licensing/certification/registration in the US is de facto the same. But since it's to "protect the public" it's not blended communism. Nope.

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Departments of Public Health should have been eliminated the minute we had dependable clean water and sewage systems. Once we figured out not to shit in water we were going to drink, we had solved 98% of contagious disease. But government agencies *never* declare victory and go home. Cue the "Gentlemen, we have to protect our phony baloney jobs" gif!

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Public Health only exists because of the questionable theory of contagion. No contagion, no lockdowns, no control, no swindle, no profit.

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An ahistorical perspective. Public health has been a great tool for improving health and longevity overall. It has been the driver of sanitation,clean water and the near eradication of previously crippling/deadly diseases such as smallpox,tuberculosis,malaria,cholera et.al. The recent issues with COVID demonstrate a great need for honesty and accountability in the public health infrastructure, but total elimination of this function would be a grave error.

My opinion is that the mixture of politics and uncertainty associated with the pandemic allowed those with a lust for power and control to exploit confusion and panic of a rapidly spreading disease. Politicians and authorities were loathe to confess uncertainty/ignorance of effective responses to a novel virus, and reverted to base instincts. As my brother always says, when you mix politics with healthcare, you get politics.

So do not throw out 100+ years of success in a zeal to reform/ avenge recent mistakes. Most public health professionals and physicians/providers were scrambling to find solutions to immediate problems, and grasping for acceptable treatments. The vast majority did not profit personally or financially by following “expert” advice.

Now is the time for review and reflection on what actions were helpful, and which were ineffective. The tragedy would certainly be worse if no lessons can be learned.

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Your assumption is that people left to there own devices would simply flounder and die without some government alphabet agency in charge. This is insane. At one time all manner of innovation was done by individuals either seeking fame, fortune, or whatever other motivation. I’m pretty sure we would be just fine without the alphabet agencies in charge.

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You might want to rethink some of what you have said here. Smallpox was already on the decline *before* the advent of the smallpox vaccine. The principle of herd immunity was observed and asserted *before* any vaccines existed. There is more and more evidence emerging (many have done the research) to show that vaccines haven't necessarily benefited us at all, and they haven't been the drivers of eradicating disease.

Government has no business being involved in anyone's health decisions. And from a constitutional perspective, they have no authority to be.

While it could easily be argued that sanitation is an issue for State governments, it certainly does not belong to the federal government whose primary purposes are supposed to be foreign relations and trade, protecting our borders, and ensuring fair trade practices between the states. There is little more with which the Constitution tasks the federal government (but most people are mostly ignorant of the actual content of the Constitution and the extent to which it grants the federal government power).

I do not agree that we've had "100+ years of success", so we are coming from different perspectives. As to Covid, it wasn't simply an inability to admit ignorance - it was a desire to exert dominance. I wrote about it early on, as even Fauci had co-authored a public journal paper stating that it would be like a bad flu season. This was reformatted from a Facebook post I had made in March 2020 regarding Covid: https://open.substack.com/pub/curetsky/p/bringing-some-sanity-to-the-covid?r=xb9l8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Even the shots have no scientific backing, but that did not stop the "public health" officials from pushing that narrative and shutting down others. I wrote at length about the problems with the shots here: https://open.substack.com/pub/curetsky/p/why-i-always-believed-the-covid-shots?r=xb9l8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web because from a strictly immunologic perspective, they *can't* work, and they stand only to cause harm. Yet they're still being pushed and doctors still refuse to consider the harm they have caused and continue to cause. It's always anything but the shots. https://open.substack.com/pub/curetsky/p/medical-professionals-are-baffled?r=xb9l8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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There are absolutely NO reasons of any kind that support trusting the medical complex and anyone attached to it. All the "poxes" including teddy-pox are FAKE. If any of these poxes and viruses were real, we would have been extinguished years ago because big pharma has no solution to save anyone from anything.

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They don't want to cure anything. They want to sell drugs.

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You hit the nail there, Susan. That is all they want!

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Remember when Redfield lectured all of us about how the masks were as important as the forthcoming non-vaxx vaxx was in saving lives?

What a cocksucker.

Pardon my language.

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At least he acknowledges his mistake.

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Step in the right direction

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

It's a huge step. At least this shows that Redfield has some self-awareness and humility. The vast majority of the public health establishment still engage in the gaslighting that they were right, e.g., Fauci and Birx.

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More like a "CYA snitch" move. I doubt he's suddenly developed a case of "conscience".

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I think this is more likely. As noted elsewhere, if one was a bully on this issue, they'll be a bully on whatever issue they feel needs enforcment.

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I'd love more of that but, if they were bullies on this, they'll be bullies on The Next Big Thing.

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He's more likely recently summoned his inner-Nostradomus and is hedging his bets for next November's dead-donkey jamboree.

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Yeah, he was one of the very first to pretend mea culpa but I well remember him flogging masks, knowing it was a lie

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Redfield was more right than Trump. And very clever in how he spoke about masks and vaccines. He used the slippery language of an experienced bureaucrat someone with training in linguistics could spot at the time. I'll deconstruct this:


"In congressional testimony yesterday, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emphasized the value of face masks in preventing transmission of COVID-19. "These face masks are the most important, powerful public health tool we have," he told a Senate subcommittee while holding a cloth mask. "I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine."

As The New York Times notes, Donald Trump is notably less enthusiastic about face masks. Redfield "made a mistake" when he said masks provide better protection than vaccines, the president told reporters yesterday. While masks "may be effective," he said, a "vaccine is much more effective.""

FF Deconstruct

1 - "The most important, powerful public health tool we have."

The ONLY efficacy of masks was/is based in *Behavioral* Science (BS). Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPI). Pseudoscience, not medical science. The science of symbols and language that provoke a change in perceptions to effect a desired change in behavior. Epidemiologists employ BS to make the public fearful of public interactions in order to "slow the spread" they believe they must do to protect public health when there's an outbreak of disease. It's why the masks most everyone wore were called "placebo masks" in the medical community...right up until March, 2020.

Placebo = psychological fake out:


Those promoting mask NPI leaned into that definition of placebo that includes "soothing" a fearful public. When the reality was the NPI worked by "amplifying fear" (a BS term) because we were all diagnosed as suffering from "optimism bias" (another BS term) and weren't taking the declared health risk seriously enough for health officials. They wanted us scared of one another. Just like masked hijackers and bank robbers frighten us:

Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of fear

Scandanavian Journal of Psychology, November 19, 2009 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-9450.2009.00784.x

So when Redfield said those words about masking it was a tacit admission that the only tool they had was fear! The most powerful tool a government possesses. And there's a fine line between a tool and a weapon, only the intentions of the hands they're in distinguishes which.

2 - "this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine."

Another tacit admission that the COVID vaccine wasn't going to work. He knew what it was in development, that it was unproven, ineffective and had safety issues. And that you can't vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. He knew the same medical science that vaccine researchers knew about that...pre-2020.

Redfield's clever linguistics revealed that the only thing government could do with any potential at all during a pandemic was scare people apart. Not that it even was desirable or that terrorizing entire populations was without high cost. But a tacit admission that, in fact, when it comes to public health there's only fear that governments can peddle to mitigate flu-like disease. Isolate and avoid the world if you're sick or fear getting sick.

Just like everyone knew and did for every single flu season in history before 2020. Aside from the Spanish Flu, the results of that pandemic's restrictions were similarly disastrous. Written about by medical leaders at the time in their Lessons of the Pandemic. In which they said the best thing we can do is eat right, get fresh air, exercise, sunlight. And stay in good cheer, be a good neighbor and go to church for spiritual strength in hard times. Literally in the Lessons:


Lessons that we did not learn from history. Because there's too much money and power that the Big corporate profiteers and Big government social engineers benefit from by amplifying fear. Trump was horribly wrong about vaccines, and masks for that matter - neither are effective. As big a cocksucker Redfield is, if you drilled down inside his words he was more accurate than Trump.

Redfield used his bureaucratic fluency and mastery in linguistics to convey truth inside a tangled web of deception. Knowing the environment he was inside, Big corporation and Big government opportunists. Which takes someone highly trained in linguistics to decipher. Bureaucrat-ese.

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Remember this:

From Orwell's 1984:

"War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength."

War is peace is intended to show the unity in hatred of an enemy. Freedom is slavery encourages members to find freedom in serving the party, because they will not find it on their own. Ignorance is strength encourages members to rely on the strength of the party because they cannot possibly know as much.

That's why I enjoy wearing this "Ministry of Truth" t-shirt everywhere I go 👇


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Don't be like Airstrip One!

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Kamala will not touch these people. I hope to God that Trump will clean them out. It is an independent reason to vote for him rather than her, because what we are really deciding is whether the out-of-control Administrative State should continue. And it is why they will do, and have done, anything, anything at all, to stop him.

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Glad I had to sacrifice my freedom for the guy buying three packs of smokes and a 18 pack of shitty beer every day....but don't worry he had a masks on!

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I think the mask slipped and revealed who/what he truly is.

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I can't help but think that the only reason Redfield would make an admission like this is because he knows he's legally bulletproof. He's on the list of people who should be tried in a tribunal. So what's he done to guarantee his immunity so that he could openly admit this crime against humanity?

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Regardless, good for him for saying so. That's another crack in the dike of the psy-op.

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My problem is he's one of the criminals behind this conspiracy, and now he's acting like it was some kind of accident. He can't distance himself from his role in the biggest crime against humanity in world history, causing tens of millions of deaths (so far), and the biggest involuntary transfer of wealth from poor & middle class to billionaires ever. This is not trivial. This is like Hitler or Stalin saying "oh, sorry, I got it wrong" and expecting to walk away. I'm glad the narrative is breaking, but the damage is so big and the evidence against these people is so strong, they are at the point where they can only admit some degree of culpability and hope for forgiveness, or keep trying to gaslight and hope to make more $$$$$$ and run out the clock on being held accountable. Good that he chose the former, but still....

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There is no perfect justice in this world. We can only hope for a paradigm shift and a few ounces of flesh.

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That's just the kind of apathy we cannot afford. For a crime this big, there needs to be SOME kind of justice. No one asked for "perfect" but some indictments are in order. Or should we just have shrugged our shoulders over the Holocaust and let the criminals walk free? This is bigger than that was. And they will clearly do it again if there is no accountability.

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Redfield is trying to cover for his crimes.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

The danger is that the people responsible will lock arms, walk away, and do it again because their power in solidarity was great enough that they could just deny it all and uphold their narrative. If they are all trapped together looking down the barrel of criminal charges, that's what they are likely to do and get away with it.

Revenge doesn't really get us anything. What we need is confession of what has happened, and direction of ensuing public outrage toward building checks and balances to ensure that it never happens again.

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One interesting thing about Redfield was that he was saying back in Sept of 2020 that masks were better than the vaccine in protecting one from coronaviruses. And since masks can't work, he is right, because the shot caused negative efficacy.

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Guess Instant Varma's gonna get him.

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Lol, that was good!

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I see what you did there, nicely done.

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Are there any doctors like that? have they ever been? At least in the last x years, no doctor comes to house visit anymore. They have no idea how you live. You are being tested for blood pressure, sugar, heart beat, while you are not feeling well, which makes all these values too high. You get prescribed drugs that are so dangerous they should not even be on the market. You are not told what the ingredients are, the side effects, the risks. You are just a milking cow.

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Up until quite recently, nutrition education for doctors in medical schools was just introductory at best. I think that this is evolving now for the better now, but probably most Md's working at the federal alphabet agencies received their schooling in an earlier era.

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I would say yes and yes although they are few and far between. I think the last four years has shifted the mindset of many docs to go back to common sense health rather than medicine. We have started doc led exercise classes integrated with nutrition and lifestyle modification. Have seen people go from wanting a total knee to not needing one after learning that movement/good food is your friend.

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I enjoy being an ER doc. Thankfully, I went into the thing at a later age than most and already had a good BS meter. The BS meter helped me avoid things like the narcotic BS and prompted me to dig pages deep one lonely night while taking care of vaccinated covid patients to find gato who put words to my thoughts and gave me tools to resist. Everyone is correct to distrust the medical corporate complex and physicians. It is sad for me to say as I am in that world. Sometimes now I get a big knot in my gut going into work as I know I need to keep everyone safe that I see but also push away the administrative harm that tries to bring me down! I am encouraged in this forum reading about experiences and information that shape how I communicate with appropriately apprehensive patients sometimes on their worst day. I am thankful for all of you, keep the kitty's dish full to the top!

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Your honesty is refreshing. Thank you too!

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If only the Republicans had the brains to breed and elect more Rand Pauls.

What a wonderful world it would be.

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Sigatech stock down over 9% halfway through the trading day. Gee, I wonder what’s up with that. Hey Crowder, next time you’re going to drop a video about this kind of thing, give us a couple of days heads up.

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I'm approaching 70 years-old, and mostly fought against my own tendency to believe conspiracy theories...until COVID. You can only deny the evidence of your senses for so long. For most of my life I only saw a doctor when injured or sick. That changed dramatically when I went on Medicare, with an HMO plan. COVID made me start doing this odd, quasi-suspicious dance with my doctor. He regularly offers me statins and all manner of vaccines, most of which I politely decline.

I regularly buy Ivermectin from abroad, use "unapproved" substances like DMSO, and keep that information to myself. About 10 years ago I had an MD who was a blunt, somewhat intolerant and no nonsense guy. In declining some treatment or other I said to him: "If I follow your advice am I not going to die?" He gave me a little smile, we shared a knowing look and he said: "You got me there!" He has since retired, and I miss him. We "got" each other. I had changed my diet and nutrition over the course of our relationship, lost almost 100 lbs., and significantly lowered my LDL cholesterol (using an "unapproved" ketogenic diet) and he told me he wished he had more patients like me. If he only knew.... Now, in this surreal environment, I don't know what I can or can't say to my doctor.

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Have you seen A Midwestern Doctor's substack on DMSO? LinK: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dmso-could-save-millions-from-brain

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Thanks! I didn't see your comment in time.

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Yes! And thanks for the link for all of us, Swabbie!

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A Midwestern Doctor recently had an excellent article on DMSO. You can actually buy it on Amazon. I'm trying to find a doctor who is willing to research and tell me how much to take. It sounds remarkable.

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I would like to know that as well. I and my wife have used it topically for years for muscle strains, but the usage for something like a stroke would be good to dive into. One thing that is mentioned is running it along the sides of the neck catching the carotid arteries. I wonder if Mercola talks about this? Also just entering it in sites like pub med often get good info. or other sites also come up in the search.

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The DMSO Handbook for Doctors by Archie H. Scott (on Amazon) is a good place to start, too.

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When *we* thought "there should never have to be another Nuremberg Trial" *they* thought "we will never let them hold another Nuremberg Trial."

When will we prove 'em miscalculated?

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And yes, Trump should give RFK Jr an ax and a chopping block.

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Talking to my friend:

me - “I don’t trust public health anymore. They lie.”

him - “I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water.”

me - blinks eyes, dumbfounded

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Correct response: “Dude, there ain’t no baby, just dirty bathwater.”

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Yeah, they aborted the baby.

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“Show me the baby! Show me the baby!”

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