moneypox: more reasons to never trust another public health official
it's getting crowdered in here
if you thought you disliked jay k varma sufficiently, well, buckle up because i promise you: you don’t.
here’s another fine piece of shillery that confirms yet another widespread suspicion: that public health folks are happy to do darkside and “pay for promote” on dodgy drugs you don’t need.
gottlieb really went next level on this one, leaving as head of FDA in mid 2019 (in the middle of his term) right before joining the pfizer board right before pfizer launched it’s most profitable drug in history on the back of dodgy studies, dodgier efficacy, and corner cutting on safety and monitoring unlike anything i have ever seen as “emergency use” was rushed to marked by suppressing alternatives and burying all signs that mRNA vaccines are a disaster. it got so bad that the heads of the FDA vaccine division quit over it. the CDC was so compromised they did not even try to monitor the safety signal instead choosing to suppress it.
in a sane, well intentioned world, you’d think this would lead to some soul searching and institutional cleanup. nope. instead it was dinner bell for more misbehavior. this entire space is one big captured grift that makes folks in the fed/treasury/wall st revolving door like like pikers.
it’s fully amoral.
they do not care what they are pimping, only that they can scare you and pimp it.
amusingly, i joked last piece about:
well, it appears that:
they really do care about monkeypox
the reasons are even worse than i suspected. it’s not monkeypox, it’s moneypox.
be your own judge:
yeah, it’s really that bad. crowder’s team really got this guy’s number and the hilarity of him protesting “it was out of context!” last time seems poised to fall flat once more because wowsers, this is literal admission of criminal activity.
then man is helping to run a stock promote.
he knows FDA won’t approve the drug based on the data.
he’s pimping it anyway by keeping the media inflamed about somehting he knows not to be a real problem
it’s all to keep the stock from collapsing
if the SEC ever actually did its job, you’d think they might be pretty interested in this…
i’m just going to call it guys:
public health is dead.
it’s leaking out everywhere. (link for video)
they did not “make mistakes.” they were lying and they knew they were lying.
they lied to you because it benefitted them.
it’s really that simple.
the folks that climb to the top of these slime greased poles are not public servants, they’re public menaces. they are not in public health to be of service, they are there to serve themselves to the goodies on display at the corruption buffet. they are racking up royalties, book deals, sinecures, speaking fees, and ultimately, big fat private sector jobs and money streams. they are not about protecting you, they are about fleecing you.
and as we have all seen, america’s doctors have precious little in the way of critical thinking faculties and those that do get crushed under the boards and regulators who all slavishly follow this corrupt cavalcade of cronies and charlatans.
so how is one to find trust among this thieves’ forest of rookery?
actually, there’s a wonderfully easy heuristic.
here it is:
lifestyle is the best long term wellness treatment.
if they cared about your health, they'd ask about it.
if they cared about your health, they’d speak about nutrition and exercise and sleep.
they’d seek to make you healthy, not to push cures for aliments you could address without pharma.
the fact that US public health ignores this near totally and to the extent they engage, line up on the side of doing everyhting wrong, normalizing mental and physical malady, and pushing “we got a drug for that!” as panacea means they are not the solution, they are the problem and past a point a bad map is far worse than no map at all.
it’s high time these agencies were disbanded.
there’s no way their benefit to risk could pass a clinical trial. it’s gotten so bad that perhaps we need some “clinical court trials” to make object lessons of this huckster hive.
the fact that it is not already happening is a disgrace.
well, lookie here:
shame may not work on guys like jay, but it does work on the guys who hire guys like jay. the minute you lose value as a huckster to pack the rubes into the tent and separate them from their wallets, it’s “the bus, get under it.”
too bad, so sad.
Don't worry. I already hate them with a matchless hate. And ain't it strange? All because of the most loving, noble-souled person I ever knew. The vax killed her. Taking her out of this world? I ain't never gonna forgive. I don't go red mist-behind-the-eyes too often, but...
RFK for head of HHS. Bhattacharya at CDC, Means at FDA, and Makary at NIH. In order to MAGA, we need to MAHA.