And right now he is using our tax dollars to purchase the next bioweapon to use against us in some future season/year.

He's got so much blood on his hands.

How is every single state attorney general in the US too weak to prosecute Fauci?

RFK Jr made it easy for them, documented all the crimes, and pretty much wrote the > 400 page legal complaint in his recent book.

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Thank you. I have said all along that without prosecution/conviction this will continue with an increase in nastiness and viciousness. Fauci is a psychopath and a murderer.

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We can’t even get flagrant sex trafficking and child abuse properly prosecuted. Surely Ms. Maxwell should be able to provide a few leads?

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Yes, exactly.

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Another Red Flag on Dr Falsie. Have you ever seen him express one iota of empathy, regret or compassion whenever he has spoken? I find that very very strange.

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AMEN. I've been amazed that this literal monster is still not in supermax prison. At a minimum. Our "representatives" and "senators" are completely within the law and their rights to arrest this demon, and yet they don't. Disgusting.

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Not just RFK Jr. but David Martin, too; he has sent his dossier to all AGs, I believe.

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We drove into southwestern N.Y. state yesterday afternoon. We live in PA. At the grocery store in Chautauqua County there were 3 of us not wearing masks. Everyone else was, something I hadn't seen since the winter of 2020. The checkout person told me that N.Y. state is under a mask mandate until the middle of February, but that it is not being enforced, meaning it's voluntary. Just when I thought that people were catching on to the lies, hundreds of people shopping yesterday were masked up again.....against a common cold.

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In FL on vacation and it's appalling how many maskidiots there are here even outside. One can only hope that since mass delusional psychosis is trending on social media some of these people will wake up!

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Only 5-10% of the locals are masked indoors, rare to see anyone masked outside, in NE FL where I live. But many more are masked up in St. Augustine. They're the tourists.

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Other visitors? Miami/Boca? The several parts of FL I have been around are not masked at all.

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Possibly tourists, but all the servers in restaurants in Gainesville and Titusville are masked. You may have seen a comment I posted about engaging 2 restaurant employees about masks. The first gave the typical leftist "I am not interested in having this conversation" and ran, the second was simply a young sheep. Seriously, I'm stunned at how bad this is here a year later and how many covidians are wearing N95s, many of them outside. The wind was blowing 25 mph at the NWR this morning and there were people wearing them outside! How is it that 2 years into this people don't know that UV destroys viruses and the wind blows them away?! My husband doesn't want me asking these idiots if they are going to wear them for the rest of their lives, but I can barely hold myself back.

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It's cold in Ohio right now, but I saw someone flip flops and shorts in the bank this morning when it was 22. Whatever floats your boat.

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I”m in Williamson NY for a while - by Webster, 50 miles west of Syracuse.it’s apple country here. If I shop with the locals, not everyone dons a mask, I can see a smile on more than half of them. But if you venture into Wegmans, or the City of Rochester proper, the face diapers are everywhere. I steer clear of them all.

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In fact, it was the Wegman's in Lakewood, outside Jamestown, where we were!

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I just finished “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F Kennedy Jr. If people haven’t read that book then they really should. $3 on Kindle. I sent copies to everyone.

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Normally, I post url's where you can get stuff (books) for free, but not in this case, as RFK Jr. deserves every damn cent for his service to the world.

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And he’s donating it.

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yeah, well, you can't go wrong with a three buck ebook. It's when they want ten or twenty that gets me looking for alternatives. Some of us don't have much money in the book budget.

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for example, somewhere in this thread someone just recommended the book, Democracy the god that failed. The kindle book is 35 euros, about forty bucks.

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I may or may not get around to reading it (not sure I can stomach the vile corruption) but I bought it anyway—want to do my bit keeping it on the bestseller list.

Same with Berenson’s “Pandemia”.

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Yep. And I also got Scott Atlas' book A Plague Upon Our House. The trifecta of reading.

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Fauci knows what he is doing, which is reading the political winds and taking whatever position he thinks is best for himself. Anyone paying attention for the past 2 years would have quickly realized there's no position Fauci won't take as long as he thinks it will benefit him. Too bad the US was stuck with a Fauci instead of a Tegnell.

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Media covers for him. Fauci couldn't do it alone.

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Exactly. He is the consummate bureaucrat.

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But you know that if the sun dance *hadn’t* been performed every morning, the sun would not have come up, which is why we have to keep on doing it every day forever and ever and ever! 🌞🕺

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It might be even more sensitive to dance for the sun, at least it WILL go up !

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Hilariously true !

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yes, not everything comes up on demand anymore

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Speaking of, I saw a news article this morning where a Covid patient was treated with Viagra, to some success, it seems. FWIW, grain of salt, etc: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10362771/Nurse-wakes-28-day-Covid-coma-medics-VIAGRA.html

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The drug does work as a vasodilator, was originally tested for pulmonary hypertension. However, after reading the article, the "narrative" is intact- "Please take the injections, they worked so well for me!" GMAB!

The ongoing medical malpractice is becoming inexcusable, no early treatment with ivermectin, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, or later aggressive anti-cytokine storm mitigation. We had a similar case locally with a thirty-seven year old asthmatic sent home from ER, returns three days later, ICU, intubated, died, everyone encouraged to take more injections.

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Pure evil.

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And there’s no question it’s a cult. Here are the top 10 signs (https://www.theodysseyonline.com/signs-you-are-in-a-cult):

1. A single authoritative person or small group of people create rules to follow.

2. Your group is isolated or encouraged to stay and keep secrets within the in-group.

3. Critical thinking and questioning are met with resistance, deferment, and/or punishment.

4. Cults are totalistic.

5. Hostility, sanction, or aggression when leaving the group is brought up.

6. Formal ceremonies and rituals take place to indoctrinate and reaffirm beliefs communally.

7. “Love Bombing” or bipolar behavior.

8. Food, work, and social activity are monitored or controlled.

9. A sense of “community” is extremely valued above the comfort and desire of the individual.

10. Important decisions are influenced or made by the people in charge.

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Fauci is an influential puppet but that is all he is. There are forces greater than he is. Those forces may even engineer a limited hangout in which Fauci becomes a convenient sacrificial goat. None of that will negatively affect the power structures above Fauci. He will be the cutoff.

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Can you be more specific about whom these greater forces are?

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I think the most common ones are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (significant investors in and owners of vaccine patents) and then the global pharmaceutical giants being enriched, risk free from the vaccine madates. BMGF and Rockefeller Foundation seems to be funders of each of the co-opted, corrupted world health type organizations. All of this is being done for our own good becasue we are incapable of making informed self care decisions, that is why we are not required to give informed consent, Nuremberg and medical malpractice be damned. Just my two cents.

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have a look for the documentary "Monopoly; Who owns the world" on bitchute or rumble. In fact I'll do that for you


although there are many other copies. A careful watch of this documentary will answer your question. There are many other good documentaries on the subject, and I would be happy to point you to some, this one is a real good start.

And it's just public info and data. It's just hard to see through the brainwashing.

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Thanks! I will watch it.

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it's well worth it

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I would start by looking at the forces behind the The Bank for International Settlements or just look at the power at the top of the imperial pyramid. All our negative outcomes spring from the same source - the Global Predators.

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We are in the midst of a World Bank project (2020-25). That was why IMF offered Lukashenko nearly a billion to introduce "anti-covid measures" in Belarus, which he refused. On the face of it, a (strong)man of integrity, and still alive.

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Check out the World Economic Forum, especially Klaus Schwab (and his books "The Fourth Industrial Revilution" and "The Great Reset") as well as Jeffrey Sachs.

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For all of Fauci's outright evilness (read or listen to Kennedy's book) the man is a gifted politician. You don't last 40 years in Washington otherwise. He knows how to keep himself employed amidst epic personal failures. It's all about who plays the game the best in Washington, not about who actually performs well. We can only hope that this time he has gone too far with his constant exposure. And/or that he will finally be thrown under the bus by more powerful entities trying to save their own asses.

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Back in Dc we used to say, those bodies aren’t gonna throw themselves under the buses.

It’s going to be interesting to see who finally delivers that particular coup de grace.

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Fauci in Feb 2020: “Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands”


It’s hard to believe that anyone listens to Tony any more. I’d sooner have Joe Isuzu in charge of our pandemic response and public messaging on Covid.

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Or Mr Haney from Green Acres


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You asked what it would take? Certainly not another contradiction after all the justifications they've made for the previous ones. What has to happen is that people realize they've been duped, which leads to self doubt and lowering of self esteem, (why didn't I see it from the beginning?), guilt (omg I got my kids vaccinated), and ontological shock (things aren't what I thought they were for all these years.) It's not a matter of weighing the facts or destroying the lies. It's personal. Self-righteousness is a tough nut to crack. If you recognize it in yourself, it's easier to give people time.

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Try Dr. Robert Malone on rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com from Dec.9 in Tampa. He describes the mass hypnosis brainwashing which has taken place and recommends some management. The attached video is compelling. He confirms that presenting factual science is not useful, which I have experienced with my former colleagues, many of whom are not stupid.

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Patience and kindness

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Fauci is our Trofim Lysenko, the Soviet ag minister who was known for cultivating his celebrity status and demonizing his opponents.

Lysenko policy resulted in horrible mass starvation and 100s of actual scientists sent the gulags.

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Poor Dr. Fauci. All that can be done about those troublemakers who really belong in gulags is to get YouTube and Twitter to ban them. And then that just earns them an invitation to Joe Rogan! Speaking of Joe Rogan: if the US were a serious country (y'know, like the good ol' USSR back in the day), that dude Rogan would have been liquidated long before anyone knew who he was. Poor, poor Dr. Fauci. Gotta feel sorry for him.

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I wonder if the fame-loving Fauci could resist an invitation to be on Rogan’s podcast ?

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He's only able to get away with it because the so called "free" press has entirely shirked it's singular purpose and failed humanity.

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yeah, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch / press. Bought and paid for. This message is brought to you by Pfizer

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Agree. Complete abdication of responsibility.

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I think that’s giving waaaayyy too much power- to the press- over our thoughts.

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Depends on what you mean by "our" thoughts. Don't mistake the world for over selves. The influence popular media has on culture is massive. The influence mean stream media has on dominant narrative is massive. Propaganda and advertising works in general.

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Fauci is role playing Jim Jones, vax is the koolaid... so how to break the mass formation psychosis?

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A very adequate comparison. Only Fauxi fills his pockets and lives, while Jones had the decency to die for his own nightmare

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Northern Virginia is completely masked. Everyone is wearing a mask, even when alone, OUTSIDE.

I live in the western part of northern Virginia. 20 years ago, this area was conservative.

Not anymore. Now Loudoun County is full of lunatics.

I do not comply

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You forget...he IS science.

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he owns science, which is different

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His arrogance and hubris knows no bounds.

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If they didn’t change their minds when they heard about our taxpayer money being sent to Wuhan to study bat coronaviruses while circumventing US law, I don’t know what will. I mean honestly, anybody testifying in front of Congress saying that creating a bio weapon is worth the risk even if some harm comes from it- should be trying to convince us why we should spare their lives.

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