I would file this in my hard drive labeled "Things we knew were true from the start in spite of media gaslighting", but I'm all out of storage space.

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This is excellent, and another piece of literature to throw on the pile of evidence for "natural immunity exists, ya circus clowns." As someone with natural immunity and trying to navigate the rough seas of manipulative/coercive vaccination culture, I find myself with a personal interest. Cheers.

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el gato, I am trying to help in convincing our local board of education to NOT mandate use of masks for the coming school year. I found one of your blogs entitled "perpetuating the masquerade" which sites and article that convincing makes a case against masking. Unfortunately, this article was retracted by the publisher (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7680614/). I am wondering if you can provide references to any other data or worthy scientific articles that can help convince a pediatrician on the school board that masks should not be mandated.

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Check out Emily Burns and Mamasaurus Meg on Twitter, @Emily_Burns_V and


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I’m just a kitten but why was it retracted?

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Partially because the lead author misrepresented his credentials. There were also apparently false references. I can’t remember the entire retraction statement but you can find it if you read the link and see “RETRACTED” stamped all over it. Following the link to Elsevier, you can find the long, detail explanation of the Editor.

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There's not even consensus for existing vaccines: chickenpox vaccine is widely given in the USA presumably to head off future complications from chickenpox (minor) and shingles (major), while the UK NHS does NOT give the chickenpox vaccine, opining that natural immunity acquired at a young age when effects are minimal is adequate. Also, interestingly, the vaccine is reported to be 90% effective in children with efficacy tailing off as you age, so it greatly reduces but does not eliminate the risk. (Source: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/chickenpox-vaccine/)

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Decades of Removing wild type chicken pox infection via the varicella vax directly correlates to the increased rates of shingles the American population has today. The wild type natural booster has been eradicated, causing a decline in natural immunity .. thus creating the ‘need’ for a shingles vax . Interesting how that worked.

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hey cat, is the vax suppressing immune memory function in B and T-cells?

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Thank you for your work

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Here’s another follower of the vaxed-is-better religion, none other than NIH director Francis Collins. A sample of his immunological prowess: https://directorsblog.nih.gov/?s=Natural+immunity

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Listening Dr Malone he believes the mRNA and J&J style injections were quick to replicate the “spike” thinking it would trigger the response they needed. Is it possible this doesn’t actually produce the same real effects antenuated vaccines do?

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And yet this narcissistic creep, Fauci, dismisses natural immunity:

"’Vaccines, actually, at least with regard to SARS-CoV-2 [the coronavirus] can do better than nature,’ Fauci, America's leading infectious disease expert, said.”


What is his motive for pushing this?

Cui Bono?

Follow the money.

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also at 70 i have less to worry about the brain injuries feigl-ding says comes from infection while ignoringthe processes of the vaxxes do the same as the infection..... this is reason enough for youths to avoid the vaxxes.

hearing lots of vaccine 'breakthroughs'.. which is good news!

delta variant aside from the propagandists' fear mongering is less severe!!! cfr observed in uk is encouraging!

let's go about our lives and turn off the cdc and big pharma tools.

at 70 and generally healthy with a vaxx i would prefer to get a bit of natural immunity and will not do a booster if the tools give in the pfizers' shareholders interests.

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I've heard that only HPV vaccine has ever been proven to provide better immunity than natural infection. I'm now wondering if this is also based on measuring antibodies as a proxy?

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HPV and other viruses like herpes simplex and chicken pox are viruses that aren’t efficient at producing immunity. Once you have the infection, the viruses are usually in your body forever and can escape suppression by the immune system resulting ing localized recurring infection (herpes simplex- cold sores) and chicken pox- shingles). The HPV can integrate its DNA into cells of the cervix or pharynx and lead to cancer. There’s no evidence that infection with HSV 1 conveys immunity to HSV 2. Infection with one type of HPV does not prevent infection with any of the othe 200+

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HPV vaccine only prevents infection. Once you have high risk HPV, your immunity is irrrelevant regarding risk of d3veloping cervical cancer.

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Does this apply to laryngeal HPV.? Thanks for the info, but what do you think about the topic under discussion?

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After the last year and a half, I wonder whether the conclusion is based purely on lies.

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I can't see the motivation for lying about HPV. Hanlon's razor says you should assume incompetence rather than purposeful ill intent if incompetence is a likely explanation. They probably genuinely believe that antibodies are an indication of overall immunity. Their complete lack of understanding of the complexity of immunology is astounding.

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That goes for just about everybody including the three-letter agencies and the village idiots running this psyop. Immunologically inept.

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Jul 14, 2021
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Yep. Just another round of "look at those idiots over there" -- even though all the death charts are topped by blue states that sped up their curves by infecting all the at-risk at once.

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Those comments from those "liberals" show how narrow-mined they are, to say the least. Sweden didn't lockdown (BTW, Sweden was the poster boy of the "liberals", now is the country none of them wants to mention); the rest of the Nordics only did that briefly.

And on the other side of the Atlantic, Mexico didn't mandate a lockdown at a federal level (states were free to do as they wished), and Lopez Obrador isn't in the same league with Trump and Bolsonaro regarding political spectrum. And Nicaragua, whose government is the opposite of Bolsonaro's, didn't lockdown either. So yeah, I guess using their logic all of those countries (and I left out quite a few) are "Trump supporters".

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many people angry at trump supporters suffer some form of cognitive disorder, as well; many have one or more psychoses and tend to hate people who are more free and not lemming.

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Jul 14, 2021
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Jul 14, 2021
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why the framers of the constitution placed checks and balances and chose a representative form, they read thucydides, and roman republican history and why both went wrong

now the woke want stalin/mao type government.

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