a new set of estimates have emerged on past covid prevalence in the US. they purport to show that ~76% of americans have, by now, had covid.
this seems like a plausible number to me and having taken a quick look through their methods and sourcing, it seems like they took a reasonable approach, subject of course to all the limitations and estimations inherent in extrapolating a number like this (which are not insubstantial). this is a model, not a collected dataset, but it seems a fairly reasonable one.
graphic created by gatopal™ @kbirb who has done so much great work on data here.
what this shows is is a disease that’s over and going to wind down and go endemic.
how it fares in future years in terms of evading acquired immunity (it has certainly evaded vaccines already) is an open issue, but i think the odds on bet is that yes, it will be somewhat evasive, and no, that is not a threat to anyone.
it’ll be like other coronaviruses, widespread, mutating somewhat, and mild to the point of being more annoying that anything else. it’s going to become a cold.
children will get it at a time when it poses them almost no threat.
they will acquire immunity as they do to 50 other common childhood infections. they may get it again later, but it will be mild because the immunity, while not perfect, will be cross reactive.
the same will be true of the adults. i have heard of VERY few cases of SARSCOV-2 reinfection that were in any way severe. the odds on bet is that this will persist, just as it does in the other big 4 of circulating covid colds.
that means this is over and it’s time to stop paying attention, testing, freaking out, or even noticing.
it’s time to return to the classics of
take care of yourself and your health
if you feel ill, stay home
wash your hands
live your life
further hypochondria driven OCD is not public health.
it’s just damage.
(well, unless you work for moderna or pfizer…)
i know that many of you were skeptical that this is all about to fall apart and wind down, but it is. even the formerly shameless shills like CDC head rochelle walensky suddenly sound like they are trying to take the credit for the great barrington declaration…
adherents to a crumbling narrative change jerseys following what looks to be a gompertz curve.
the early stirrings are easy to miss if you are not paying attention.
welcome to the steep part.
suddenly, cases are a bad metric, hospitalizations are mostly incidental, deaths are focused in the highly comorbid, and we need targeted protection. huh.
even notions of natural immunity, that much maligned and obfuscated concept lo these last 22 months are suddenly in the air and being tracked and modeled by the very same people who were recently denying it and telling you that only vaccines could generate herd immunity.
look who built that model:
the covidian circus truly is packing up its tents and preparing to hightail it out of town.
the people who made this mess can read a poll as well as anyone.
even lori lightfoot is picking fights with teachers unions and demanding they get back into the classroom.
the massive, unprecedented public failure of these policies got too big to hide. everybody got vaxxed then got covid anyway. and everybody knows 20 people this happened to. you cannot hide that. it’s not a punch you can duck. if you wanna keep from being knocked out, you better roll with it…
the “these are not the droids you’re looking for” pivot to “the vaccines were just supposed to limit severity” fell on its face. far too many had the receipts. the internet became a wonderland of ubiquitous refutation. instead of fooling people, it gutted credibility. you only need to see a compilation like this once and your eyes snap open. there is no refuting it.
those pushing the “this surge is because not enough people got vaxxed” look ridiculous as the states with 95%+ vaxx rates in over 12’s see their hospitals reach new highs of covid count, driven mostly by over 65’s who are 99% vaxxed.
this is WHY authorities are having to finally pivot to “hospital counts are mostly “with” not “for” covid.” it’s their only non-laugh inducing play left and while they may be poor epidemiologists, they are excellent grifters, and they can see the way the wind is blowing.
most americans do not want to hear about “you need a 3rd booster, maybe a 4th, possibly an annual, and maybe this new magic omnicron booster we promise we’ll have (but that likely will never have a clinical outcomes trial) long after it stops being relevant” from the pharma kingpins who originally sold them “get two and become a dead end for the virus” and the politicians who told them that doing so meant “no masks and get your life back.”
and the narrative of vaxx as public duty is in tatters. if it does not stop spread, then it’s personal health.
even if you did have the right to force such things, there would be no point and ideas that it’s your duty to limit hospital use by getting jabbed rings hollow in a nation where 1/3 to 1/2 of ALL health spending is driven by obesity and obesity related diseases and yet we allow magazine to push pictures of fat people saying “this is healthy.”
the double standard becomes too absurd to sustain.
if liar’s pants really did catch on fire, this whole gang would be a sooty smudge of cinders by now.
and this is why they all need to “be like rochelle” and jump teams. the smart ones already have and even the dim are now catching on.
these are the same people who would happily promise “a missionary in every pot” if they thought their constituents were cannibals.
Perhaps I'm not being as good of a Christian as I should, but I honestly am not ready or willing to just "let bygones be bygones" over this whole mess. I don't care if Walensky and all these other public health officials and bureaucrats are pivoting on the narrative to cover their collective asses, or the people surrounding me inside and outside my family and "friends".
There will be plenty of "It was new and deadly; we HAD to DO something!" or "We worked with what scientist knew and it continually evolved, as Science is supposed to. This went exactly as to be expected." It will be the self-congratulatory cheers and back-slapping of a "job well done", (and despite the insurgency of the "non-vaxxed"), so there will be plenty of support within the media and Covidian echo chambers to allow them to feel good about themselves and the leaders they followed, as well as the lives they destroyed.
No, I will not forgive and forget at any level, though I will continue to live my life and make the best of it for me and my family.
I'm a Christian and there's no struggle here. From Vanguard, State Street, WEF, Gates Foundation, all the way down to my local school board, there must be swift and uncompromising justice, accountability, and the unmistakeable messages that this won't happen again. Not on our watch.
One of the most amazing things out of this madness is how the Black Mirror was held up to every single institution, and at every turn, these institutions were revealed for the infested, corrupt, wicked hives they've been allowed to become. There's a lot of good and positives to that.
I went to work on the homes in New Orleans a year after Katrina happened, 2006. It was summer in Louisiana, meaning ridiculously hot and humid. These houses had been sitting rotting, dark, closed for a year. Our team would go in and "gut" them down to the studs. I would take a hammer or crowbar to the rotting drywall, and these giant cockroaches, like the size of Post It notes that had been happily multiplying for a year, were suddenly exposed. It was disgusting yet also fascinating.
What we've peeled back over these past two years is much the same, and just like I got great satisfaction with smashing those roaches with that hammer, I'm about to take great satisfaction knowing the world - the regular, thinking, just world - is about to do the same with this breed of roaches.
Woah there, cowboy. This ain't over by a long shot. There's gonna be more and worse to come as the criminals see their project crumble. A cornered rat is dangerous.
No, I hear you @porsh, for sure. Not claiming victory in any way. This might be the most dangerous time. However, We need to unequivocally push back and not mince our words about what our intentions are. And I'm not one for victory laps anyway.
The cornered rat is extremely dangerous, and as we - the globe - seek to put the hammer down on these roaches, they will fight back and will take a lot of us out. There's no illusion there. But this is the war of our lifetime, and clear purpose of our intent needs to be spoken over and over, from the rooftops.
The more we talk about it, the clearer it becomes, the more it becomes real. But what's that look like between now and then? No clue. Carnage. Loss. Betrayal. Heartache. Let's be clear about that too. But push we must, suffer we must, because the alternative is too crushing to even think about.
Obama also had a solar panel factory because green jobs. I used to deliver water to it. It closed because the - winds of change, get it - blew in a different direction. It's possible these things get shuttered.
That said, we're facing a medical/environmental/tech industrial complex that isn't going anywhere but up and out. It's going to be almost impossible to disassemble the Borg. People are waking up, and there's definitely more of us than there are of them, but we need to be prepared to make sacrifices on whatever level of this game we're playing in.
I'm speaking first to myself, mind you and point that finger right back at me. Is it insurmountable? Too deeply entrenched? Most likely, yeah. But what other choice do we have? I'm not giving into hopelessness, because that's the first line of defense. It's their first move - crush hope.
Amen to all that!! I'm so angry at how they have tried to destroy our kids (all ages including young adults) by closing all doors on them: denying education, sports, social venues, etc. At the moment, I'm losing hope for my 17 y.o. Junior Olympian with high aspirations in his sport (track). I have stopped feeding his dreams because that could mean having to get jabbed in order to participate. The best college teams are seeking only vaxxed athletes despite the fact that males in that age group are at the highest risk for myocarditis and other heart problems. I'm fighting and being politically active in this very blue state, but husband and I must think of an exit strategy for our son. It's hard to remain hopeful.
I know, and I pray that come November, we'll see a Red wave take over the Dems supermajority here in Oregon. I just want the mandates revoked asap. Once we can breath easier, and our kids, teenagers and young adults are safe from the toxic jabs, we can reform the entire govt structure. Colleges are truly captured given their dependence on federal grants for research and all manner of pet projects. Thanks for your encouraging words!
Sorry and don't mean to be rude--just blunt: a life built on transitory sports glory dreams is going to be full of disappointment and regrets ever after, even for some of the lucky few who get to the medaling level.
Sports for the physical and mental joy of using one's instrument at its best-achievable level as self-perceived is one thing. Setting everything on being accepted to a team leads to sublimation of the individual to conforming to authority, no matter how foolish or vile. See: Olympic women's gymnastics. You need to help your son see beyond the college years and imagine a sustainable lifelong future.
I agree. He has other life goals, believe me. However, this kiddo has struggled academically (learning disabilities) and track is were he shines. Why should people with athletic gifts give up their dreams, especially at that age? He knows that athletic talent doesn't last forever but who's to say that he cannot become an amazing coach later in life? That is for him to decide not for bureaucrats to thwart.
There's a big difference between a realistic goal of coaching as a profession and focusing all one's emotions on the dream of Olympic glory and letting that guide one's educational choices and options. Far too many talented athletes recruited by schools for THEIR benefit, and not the student's, end up with no useful life skills to carry them forward. Could your son thrive in, say, a trades program at a community college and is that not part of his (and your) planning solely because of track?
Yes, surely you know your child best--far better than a commenter on a newsletter thread. But sometimes even a stranger can say something worth contemplating, if not necessarily acting on. Wishing your family safety, health and a good and happy future.
I appreciate it. He's been talking about getting into welding for a while. We have not discouraged him at all and my husband even showed him a chart with income potential for that trade. We're happy with whatever he chooses. I just want him healthy and happy. But will continue to fight the unnecessary and dangerous jabs for every single athlete and college student in my state. I just wish other parents would stand up for their kids.
I'm sorry @MLL. It's robbery and theft at the deepest, most core levels, and I hate that it's happening to you. One of the most dastardly, devastating things is to see potential not realized, and that's what's happening to you and your son. It crushes me to hear your sentence "I have stopped feeding his dreams..." As a parent of two - one who's on his way to begin looking at the long term - that kills me.
One thing to keep in mind, and it's not pretty, is that it may get to the point where there aren't enough vaxxed students to field a competitive team, either through injury, unvaxxed opting out of that life, or other. At some point, these programs are going to have to weigh the cost of "hmmm, do we stick with this failed vax ideology, or do we want to win." God, do I want that to be the fulcrum of thought, the sooner the better. Might be a pipe dream.
Regardless, I'm truly sorry for that place you're in, what you and your son are being robbed of, and look forward to the day when justice is served on these roaches.
at the pro level, sure. The issue is with college coaches that won't recruit purebloods. I already know of a kiddo (just getting over natural infection) who will get the jab so that he may be considered for a college track team. So sad.
Thanks so much for your heartfelt words! Luckily, he's still a junior in high school. My hope being that in another year, the entire covidian cult will have crumbled, and the midterms will yield a political shift in my state. I just want all mandates to be revoked permanently, and legislation like Florida's be signed to that we NEVER have to deal with this again. I do hold hope but I'm keeping it to myself. My m.o. is to bring joy and love to my kids' lives, so they know that we don't buy the msm hysteria. We are at war, and as long as we're all healthy, the rest of our goals can be put on hold for a little while. Right?
Keep hoping. Keep smiling, even through the tears and heartache. Keep your eyes fixed on love, even when it's impossible to feel love. Paint good landscapes for your kids so that they don't grow up feeling like the world is hopeless. Control what you can control, in your little circle, even though it might seem like it's a drop in the bucket. That's YOUR fight right now.
Those kids of yours, they're your mission. Remind them they're fierce, unique, humble, proud, compassionate, and capable of amazing things. Your job is to pile as much kindling around their hearts as possible, kindling that will create an enduring, blazing fire for the rest of us to see, and trust that when the time comes, that kindling WILL be lit up.
That's how I'm approaching my duties as a parent. I'm being real with my kids while doing my best to fortify their character and keep them from falling into despair. It's a fine line to walk, but walk it we must. They are our most valuable resource and mission #1. There are a lot of battles to fight now and in the future, and those battles are part of the larger war, but mission priority, in these years that we have them, are the kiddos.
ABSOLUTELY!! Every day that goes by with them by my side - healthy and vax-free - and with my husband's support is a big WIN. I am grateful to be surrounded (virtually) by people like you. You are 100% correct. Plus, the world will thank us one day for saving our God-given genetic pool. :D
I suspect that by March/April the vax mandates will be a thing of the past. There are two obvious reasons: First, they protect neither individuals nor the public at large and this is now becoming acknowledged by the Left as are the often vicious side effects of the jab. Second, if this entire sorry episode of societal lunacy does not fade away soon the Dems defeat in the Midterms will be worse than anyone now imagines. Exit strategy? Have him keep training, maybe get a job for a year and get the scholarship the following year.
Thanks for the glimmer of hope!! He is in an elite private club. For us parents, this is about his physical AND mental health as he keeps training but also makes friends in the process. He's very competitive. I don't wanna crush his dreams. So, we go along and say nothing about the limited college prospects for now. Fortunately, his a junior in high school. So, we have his senior year to figure this out. Thanks again for the much-needed dose of optimism!
The only reason hope is still a glimmer is because the light is still several months away. When I answered above I thought your son was a senior. I doubt if Covid will have any effect on his running.
God willing. AMEN! I also have a 19 y.o. college student who is taking a gap year. So, my fight is for all our young adults being coerced into this. But you're right, my son has 1 more year.
They've basically taken the group with the highest tolerance for stress and made them their enemies. You know how I know everyone reading this is mentally tougher than the majority of vaxxed? Because just an inch of everything we've lived through, the stress they've put us under for the last year to two years and they're willing to fold the entite narrative.
TOTALLY AGREE. They threw every lob at our heads and stole 2 years from us, for what, a cold? The lies!!! It's mass murder what they've done to criminalize ivermectin and early treatment...I will not forgive and will never forget.
A man breaks into your home that you share with your elderly parents, your spouse and your children. He kills your parents, and you forgive him. Then he looks at your spouse and children, without remorse and without repentance, and kills them too. You forgive him. Then he takes your life. What good was your forgiveness? Did you feel better about yourself while he was killing the rest of your family? Would God say to you, thank you for letting your family be slaughtered? Or would he say, why didn't you end the threat?
We are in the middle of a violent, fatal break-in and you are talking about forgiveness before anyone has taken the responsibility for the mayhem and no one has been held accountable. I have no obligation (or need) to forgive those who would destroy all those whom I love, without remorse and without repentance.
BTW we are not out of the woods yet. It only takes a few demented people to put into play atrocities that reasonable people thought would never happen again.
What is your point? Being punished for starting a world war is an acceptable reason for a psychopath to start another world war with a side of genocide?
I wasn't referring to the "marginally complicit" as they are not the ones responsible for unleashing this madness upon humanity.
When rats are cornered and then forgiven, they come back and continue to wreck your home. I've had two rats in my garage and attic. They were not forgiven, and they will not be coming back.
I am a Christian, or try to be. But there is nothing non-Christian about demanding accountability from powerful figures like Bill Gates, if that means protecting our neighbors from harm. Only Anabaptists think otherwise.
My family has been trying to get covid for a year. We just went to Florida, stayed in a hotel, even went to the Gator Bowl. All fully unvaccinated. Guess that zinc, Vit C and Vit D really do work! The kicker is that my kid's school, where the faculty are proudly touted as 100% vaccinated, had to open virtually after winter break because too many teachers were out with covid. Whomp-whomp.
My wife and daughter got sick for 2 days - a weird cold that had different symptoms than any they've had before. Both feeling fine now. I preach at them regularly to take their vitamins - sometimes they do. I suspect they caught it from me - I had enough of a headache one day to need to take a tylenol. Gotta love Zinc, Vit C, Vit D etc.
I got the double Moderna series 1 year ago since I'm a practicing physician and I thought it would really prevent infection/transmission, and I refuse to get any boosters since they're worthless now, so this cold and flu season I've been taking the Vit C/D/Zinc etc. I cared for my omicron stricken husband at Christmas and got nothing. I refused to test him and have him be a data point for the regime. Bedrest, tom yum soup, advil, vitamins, lots of tea. It was over in 4 days. Just a miserable head cold. Let's all get back to treating this as a cold and reopen everything!!! NO MORE MANDATES!!!!
Honest question: both the Pfizer and Moderna inserts stated the shots would reduce symptoms. They never promised to reduce infection or transmission. So why would you think that? Again, not snark. Truly interested.
Please, stop parroting. And read the f***ing "FDA briefing document" written by Pfizer on Dec. 10th 2020 regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, aka SHIT:
"Efficacy in preventing confirmed COVID-19 occurring at least 7 days after the second dose of vaccine was 95.0%, with 8 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group and 162 COVID-19 cases in the placebo group".
In November 2020 when the 6 month studies on both vaccines came out, they did show very high efficacy at preventing infection. Of course there was no time on our side, I work on people's faces and wanted to protect myself going forward. Now it's a very different data world and we have a year of hindsight. https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download
Your family’s quest for covid is being played out similarly…everywhere…good luck ! My husband and I, our four adult children, their spouses, and five grandchildren succeeded…you can too!
I'm immunocompromised, some in my family work in ICUs, none of us vaccinated. I'm the only one to get it and my by far greatest symptom has been continuing to test positive. I have not worn a mask in my home, I have not self isolated, I have continued to cook meals, they have continued to eat them.
I had an increased sense of smell for 8 days, a raspy voice for 2 days. That's it. No exhaustion, no fever, not even a headache. Without a test, which we all took prior to holiday visits, I never would have considered myself ill with anything. We were so surprised by my positive that we all kept testing, I've stopped but some in my household keep testing, still negative.
Meanwhile, the vaccinated family we had intended to visit (but didn't) have all tested positive and are miserable with it.
Pretty much what I've hypothesized. That they had likely been repeatedly exposed yet rose to the challenge and fought it off. I am mostly homebound, when at last I was exposed I "got" it but such a mild case as to have barely noticeable symptoms. We likely all have antibodies and t cells.
Great article. One of the problems many of us are still dealing with out here in idiotland is that, while the clowns at the top of this BS are reluctantly pivoting to the science, the school boards who have (as everyone knows by now) tyrannical control over the school systems, are populated by hypochondriac Karens who just can't let go of their covidiot compulsions and are always the last to get the message from "the experts."
Research how much money these schools are getting to "comply" with the narrative and that will explain it all. There's been literally multi-millions of dollars shelled out. We need to confront them with this and demand they send the money back.
The problem is even more fundamental than that. The true problem lies with a very large segment of society - I'd argue nearly fifty percent - who continue to believe the narrative and who still choose to live in fear.
I live in a very red county in a red state and although the vast majority of the population seem to be living as normal lives as possible, there are still those isolated hold-outs who insist on wearing masks. Things become more dystopian the closer you get to urban areas. Nothing truly will change until inroads are made to the collective consciousness of these people.
Sadly, there is no talking with them and MSM has been captured. Personal experience is probably all that we can rely on.
I miss the days when teaching was a talent and teachers actually were encouraged to drive students to think for themselves. My favorite teacher remains my high school philosophy teacher who shocked us by challenging our teenage conformist tendencies and forcing us to think outside the box. Looking back, I learned more from him than anything in the sh*tty university and law school I later attended.
particularly colleges. I'm torn about my high schooler elite athlete (Junior Olympian) having ZERO chances of getting into a college team because he is a pureblood. I'm angry and sad at the same time. I've stopped encouraging him because I rather have him alive than dead in the pursuit of his Olympic dreams. It's heartbreaking, really.
Wait them out. They will quietly drop their vaxx requirements. Remember, there are many top level (professional and olympic) athletes who have refused the vaxx.
In the UK where Team Expert - guardians of The Science™️ - who before Christmas predicted that there would be 3 000 hospital admissions a day from Omicron unless everyone in the land were chained to their beds until further notice, have had to consume large helpings of humble-pie since (of course) there were hardly any admissions from CoVid of any variety. And no way to hide or spin this.
More bizarrely, because of devolved powers in healthcare to Scotland & Wales, the loonies in charge there went full-on Pol Pot, introducing restrictions just short of lockdown. By contrast in England apart from masks and the usual dire warnings, Christmas & New Year celebrations went ahead as normal. And guess what? England is no worse off whatever crummy data set you want to believe than Scotland or Wales.
But no remission for the Scots & Welsh. Some people just won’t give in no matter the evidence from observation.
That is what makes me reserve my judgement regarding ‘beginning of the end’ - because it is unwise to assume that because I - and our blogmeister - are rational operators, that others are too, particularly the parasites in ‘government’.
And that’s the problem here. None of the CoVid measures were based in logic or reason, or modified by learning from observation, so no logic and reason or learning from observation can reverse them.
Swift (I think): You cannot reason a man out of something he did not reason himself into.
Yeah I watch that idiot of a 1st Minister of Wales spout off how Wales, Scotland and Norn Irn were the gold standards, not realizing, or being too stupid to realize (I'll go with the latter for now!) that as you say England is performing much better, open and all. As for the Republic of Ireland they just quashed 'mandatory jabs for all' and being +/-94% double jabbed have record 'cases' but as far as I can see hospitalizations and deaths have not gone up proportionally - I also read that 50% of tests are returning positive. What gets me is that the Irish PM is a doctor and should really know better, but then again he is just like most of the doctors anyway so I'm not really surprised. Take care.
Canada is insane. they just keep pushing for more and more mandates. just about vomited watching the 'covid town hall' on global bc last night. i don't know how they can sit there and spew that nonsense, actually stating that there are so many kids 5-11 in bc, and only this many have been jabbed, and still this many to go...blah blah blah. 'safe and effective.' right. i couldn't believe either how they were making jokes about what to call yourself depending on what jabs you'd been given. are you a mo-mo-pi? seriously?
I would end up in a hospital mental ward if i watched cbc, ctv , or global. I had to stop all cdn MSM by summer 2020. I have kids and i need to stay as strong as possible. I have removed myself almost completely from community activities. I can barely muster the energy to get groceries. We are swimming in a population overtaken with the propoganda and we have nowhere to go. I need a good immigration lawyer out of florida. Asap.
i know, it's bad. canadians are apparently a gullible lot! luckily, in the very small town in which i reside, most (not all) are starting to let go of the mask mandate at least. last winter, my cousin (in ON, me BC) were discussing relocating to Mexico; this winter, not so much as we can't really leave the country, so now just waiting to see wtf is going to happen. i couldn't get there last year when my mom died in mexico ('non-essential' travel, and all). if canada goes the route of mandated jabs for 100% of the population (as they are now suggesting), i will not comply. instead, i will refocus my efforts on getting out of canada, some how, some way....
what i want to know: how much money are our 'beloved' (snort!) leaders making off of this fiasco??!
Covidestim is great. They show their work. They might even be right. If omicron hadn't come about, we were still just one surge away from everybody having had it. Omicron is a beautiful tidal wave, that's carrying everybody in a 3 week period over the finish line. And it's also just a cold. Truly right now is the time to say - IT'S A COLD, just act like you did pre-2019. Stop stressing about everything.
the co=morbidity observations are same now as in march 2020. then we had to destroy the economy to not save gramma, but to ust trump. evertything since jan 2021 is creeping fascism...
Don't forget Chicago and New York City. Gato talks about Lori Lightfoot pushing the teachers union to get back to in person learning, but she's also still pushing the vax passport in the city as well as having those school children she's oh so concerned about being masked the entire day. I fear there will be select places still inthralled by the covid fear porn through all of 2022.
If we lived in a culture that revered honor above all (like Japan), the suicide rate among politicians/public health officials would be through the roof! Instead, these effers will probably hold ceremonies to pin medals on their chests for a job well done.
I tweeted el gato’s post at them this morning. Specifically, at Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito. Don’t know how much good that does. But maybe if, as you say, we ALL do it….
I’m not generally a vengeful person, but I sincerely hope those who most prominent in pushing lockdowns and school closures pay a heavy price. There has to be a penalty for malfeasance in this scale.
Some of them probably belong in prison. But, at any rate, all of the politicians and public health “scientists” who forced these terribly destructive policies on us should see their reputations in tatters.
I should have mentioned the propagandists in the news media who were gleeful cheerleaders for draconian restrictions and really served as a kind of praetorian guard for Tony Fauci… There are many examples, but the appalling Apoorva comes to mind.
It is highly conceivable that Omicron is simply the common cold manifesting in the poor innate immune systems of the vaxxed. No one seems to be placing any blame on the vaccine and there are masses of tweets talking about Omicron/Delta Long Covid symptoms that are probably more accurately vaccine side effects.
Yes! I talked to a close family member yesterday who believes all those athletes who are collapsing and dying are a result of long Covid. Which in their mind makes Covid more dangerous than it really is. She got Covid after being double vaccinated and blames her issues with memory on long Covid and never considered she might be vax injured. Seeing a lot of this elsewhere in my community.
It will be impossible to attribute cause if they can successfully remove the unvaccinated control group. Long Covid is like a back injury from a car accident; hard to prove it aint real.
For instance, look at this from the Financial Times:
David Sassoli, president of the European parliament, has died at the age of 65. He was admitted to hospital in his native Italy on December 26 after a “dysfunction of his immune system”, his spokesperson said, and passed away at 1.15am on Tuesday morning.
When have you ever read about someone going to hospital for "dysfunction of his immune system"? Hello!
While it is amusing to see "the experts" tiptoe backwards from the explosive mess they've made, I see the bureaucracies, the schools, the workplaces, still doing what they think is "the Science" erratically going from masking to testing and they don't know what they're doing. April 2020 is still where they're at. To call them Karens is one thing--they are enjoying their power trip and they will never let it go until WE TELL THEM TO STOP. It's sad to see the staff at the supermarkets masked continually for 2 years and it's done nothing. And I'm in "free Florida" which all it takes is seeing a family vacationing here from NJ double masked at the beach and I'm triggered....
I get triggered seeing young moms walking their 1st graders to the school near my house, all masked up while walking all by themselves!! WTF? I just wanna scroll down the window and yell: "TAKE IT OFF!! Let your kids breathe!". Sigh...the worse feeling is knowing that these are the parents who will happily line up their babies to get jabbed.
On the other hand, I just read a WSJ article saying several countries are going for a fourth shot, one country is buying enough doses for a fifth, and some officials are wondering if vaccinating everybody every three or four months is going to work. I mean I hope you are right, and thank you for the optimistic posts, but my head is splitting from all of this. I hope it ends soon…
Call me old-fashioned but I'm not buying the notion that you can "have" an (acute) disease and have, never have, any symptoms. I think, e.g., Dr Yeadon agrees with me (the reverse, rather).
"Asymptomatic Cases" was a principle plank of the PsyOp enabled by a so-call "test" that generated -and generates - vast numbers of false positives. Any honest history will come to understand the "Omicron wave" as a total artifact of the surge of self, family and private party planner imposed testing last month - bring the lag forward into the "record numbers" of early 2022.
They are pivoting like mad, but I’m still infuriated that the CT COVID data daily tracker in the last 2 weeks went from 74% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated to 68% are unvaccinated today. It’s obviously a bald faced lie, but it lets hospitals encourage the lie to be repeated, I want to stick this false data in my kitty litter box and then shove it in their mouths...
Where does one get data stating the contrary? I am genuinely asking... so far I hear lots of anecdotes from people (and mine align with them... haven't seen much of a difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed in my circles when it comes to outcomes on the whole with respect to omicron), but nothing on a large scale right now.
Look at the UK, where they actually have detailed and accurate data ok every citizen. Something like 70% of hospitalizations in the UK are vaccinated. Now, the unvaxxed still overindex for hospitalizations, but not to the absurd number claimed in the US
Must also consider the cohort bias in that overindexation that arises from the "too sick to get vaccinated." Berenson has been good on this issue. It's very hard to put a number on it but it is a factor.
As pessimist as I am, I have to say that this is the first time since March 2020 that it REALLY seems like they are ready to replace "Covid: The Movie" with another premiere with whose script we´ll be gaslighted for some years, which I am quite sure will be global warming.
I think my country´s case (Spain) is enlightening, because do you know who was the first/one of the first individuals who visited our Government President just after winning the elections? George Soros. And we have been following the globalist agenda point by point. So the fact that our President has said that he´s preparing a de-escalation for the next weeks in which "cases" will stop being counted, and Covid will be treated as a flu, is an interesting sign of moonwalking dance from those who pushed the craziest Covid measures.
Furthermore, as Gato says, old concepts that had been erased during the pandemic (immune system mainly, but also all-cause mortality, difference between "death BY/WITH Covid", etc.) are in the mouth of the stupidest among the stupidest media parrots.
Thank you so much, Gato, for your insightful posts. They keep me sane, although in Austria good ol‘ fascism is getting more prevalent each day. But I guess that‘s just the elite knowing that they are about to lose. Everything reminds me of the last days of WW2 when A.H. already knew that he had lost the war. Nonetheless he kept sending innocent men into their death…
(So, now I could be sued for comparing now with then for downplaying the Nazi time… No, I don‘t downplay anything here, I hope that the 1930/40s never return in full swing… But beginnings are definitely here. Unvaxxed have been in their own personal lockdown since over 2 months and it will be extended, well, undefinitely.)
„They“ already said this openly in public - and nobody from the hypnotized mass seemed to notice and/or care. In autumn in Düsseldorf, Germany, there was stated in big letters „Impfen = Freiheit“ (vaccination = freedom) on the Rheinturm (radio tower). But well, you know, there are ab-so-lu-tely NO similarities between now and then.
Yes, I saw that, and hoped it was a hoax. But when I looked into it, I saw that it was for real, and done in earnest.
Around the same time, my good friends in Köln announced the opening of their new café, to which the "vaccinated" are welcome. Then I knew they'd been taken by the enemy.
Thanks PolarNinja! Yes, it‘s heartening to see that people seem to wake up, I feel that each week the protests become bigger and bigger. Both - vaxxed and unvaxxed - march peacefully to show their non-consent although police sometimes try to provoke aggression and turmoil.
Well, rumors are that the mandate will be postponed to April or further back (due to „technical reasons“) but our „health“ minister told us yesterday (from his quarantine, as our triple vaxxed prime minister has tested positive 🤣 and has probably spread the virus throughout the parliament 😇) that it will be installed by Feb 1. I guess not, that‘s just part of the show. Everybody knows that supreme court will cancel the bill anyway as it is extremely faulty. And as global voices about Omikron being „the game-changer“ become louder and louder, even in MSM, I guess that the politicians will not want to go against these voices and thus risk to lose sympathy for future elections.
The current government has been - by far - the worst one. Incompetent, aggressive, patronizing, corrupt, and people begin to see this and not just reject this with a shrug. Let‘s see what time will bring. IF the mandate will be installed, hundred thousands of complaints will flood the bureaucratic body and bring everything to an immediate stop. Everybody knows this and therefore fear is big in our public sector 😄.
"The massive, unprecedented public failure of these policies got too big to hide. everybody got vaxxed then got covid anyway. and everybody knows 20 people this happened to. you cannot hide that."
One of my favorite quotes that has served as a mantra from the outset proves itself again. :~)
Love you Gato! Thank you for the dose of sanity every day. I refresh my emails just in the hope of receiving one of your therapy sessions. Also, i love your writing. It’s fire. Do you have a writing background? Just curious as id live to have a gato biography.
Some people need to go to prison for this and we can start with corrupted public servants pushing a narrative that has come down from the sky like the Hidenburg. Then we can move to entire governmental entities (public health agencies, city councils, boards of supervisors and the like) that continue even now to insist on vaccination to live your life, have a child in school or keep your job (check out L.A. and N.Y.C. if you don't believe me). Let's have that kind of reckoning with REAL consequences and then we'll see about moving forward and memory holing this two year mountain of bullshit.
As we draw down on this madness I get this sinking feeling that the killers are going to get away with it again. Maybe I just woke up in a mood, or having watched some news and saw the anchors were pissed about the loosening of restrictions more than their children being hurt. It is like when Harry Reid's answer to the lie he told about Romney's taxes (I hate Romney so I am not defending him). He said "It worked didn't it". And they moved on. Nobody is ever held accountable. This is so incredibly worse and top to bottom I think they will skate. The Chinese, the drug companies, Fauci, MSM, rat bastard politicians.
Sorry so glum. Tomorrow is a different day. Take your vitamins, get sun, hug the willing.
Of course they will skate. Even if they "lose" they will win because they control the narrative.
By way of recent example, look at how the history of the Iraq debacle has now been re-written and how Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, and other prominent neocons are being fêted by the Left and MSM. The same thing happened with Nixon and the revisionist history of the Vietnam War that began in the 80s under Reagan. The Afghanistan disaster similarly will be recast as a nation-building success when the Taliban co-sign contracts with western companies for exploitation of mineral resources.
Whenever I've engaged in (mostly futile) efforts to wake up friends, I generally end up saying:
"Repeat this n times:
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD',
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD',
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD'...
Now you have Dick 'n' Don's Excellent Adventure, featuring lucrative weapons testing on live targets, job security for Das Homeland's 'terror' industry, and many years of paid speaking tours".
Heard on radio last night that China moving into our base in Afghanistan. Glad we could be of service. Hope they can round up our ppl there and send them home.
For the life of me, I can't see why we haven't done random sampling of people for COVID. The self selection bias skews the data far away from any useful conclusions.
Some of us are very purposefully staying out of testing / reporting so as not to play the government’s games. I would not willingly participate in a random test and end up in their database.
That's fine, but I bet a testing organization could get a significant sample without you. You would be on the self-selection bias, which makes things skew.
A mass exodus from mass formation. It won't be easy for some though. Someone I know was lamenting the fact that (in his mind) the "anti-vaxxers" would feel vindicated by the emergence of omicron. He claimed that the shots were never meant to slow the spread, only to protect against severe outcomes. He also went on to profess that he is grateful for the science and will gladly line up to receive additional boosters or any new products that come recommended from pharma, CDC, etc. I'm hopeful that he will "be like Rochelle" but I think that it may take some time to consider things in a different light.
Yah, when I saw the Pfizer CEO say they would have an Omicron specific vaccine it left me scratching my head because, why do we need a vaccine for the common cold? And this holds especially true when you accept the fact that pretty much every human being on the planet is going to get Omicron and thus have natural immunity.
I hate to jinx it but sure feels like good momentum is taking place. It’s been a real head twister watching this craziness unfurl. I guess the Iraq war run up prepared me for this, and just like that we here all know people will soon act like they have been covid skeptics for this whole time. I guess that’s fine. Fjb though. F him forever.
Covid was brought to you by the self-same people who gleefully sacrifice babies on the alter of virtue, there is NO bottom with these folks. If Covid is over, then another foot will inhabit the bloody boot that is pushing your face into the mud, that's the plan and the only plan: Your face in the mud until you are dead.
(1) Go on TV pointing out that very few children that are counted as "COVID hospitalizations" are actually in the hospital because of COVID.
(2) Go on TV pointing out that most adults who are counted as "COVID hospitalizations" are actually in the hospital because of COVID
(3) Go on TV pointing out that many people who were counted as "COVID deaths" died onto *from* COVID but from something else and just tested positive for COVID
(4) Go on TV pretending 1 through 3 were not the beginning but that this only happened toward the end because of the vaccines.
We've seen one and two, I saw a clip from Walensky on Bret Baier's show being pressed about three. So we're moving. But it's four we really have to worry about if we never want this to happen again. We need to tear these people out of their positions of power because one through three were definitely true from the very beginning, they likely knew it, and they have brought our country and society to the brink of authoritarianism using fear of something we had no reason to fear (be cautious of, yes, but fear, no).
This morning's NYT newsletter is proclaiming that unvaxxed are being infected at much higher rates than vaxxed, and showing graphs from NYC and Seattle. This stands in stark contrast to what we've been seeing in the data from Denmark, UK, Canada, Germany, etc., where omicron is hitting the vaxxed harder. ... What's up with that? Funny business with data, I wonder?
Today's op-ed in the WSJ by Ramaswamy and Ramaswamy-- though it may rankle some in this community by stating that masks can be effective at limiting viral spread-- suggests, rightly, that continuing to try to suppress a mild variant is the most dangerous thing we can do right now. And they taught me something I didn't know: it was regular exposure to those with chicken pox that helped adults with prior immunity avoid shingles. Knowing the current fears about "long covid" or future illness for those who had covid, it is interesting to consider that regular exposures may be beneficial in the long run.
"though it may rankle some in this community by stating that masks can be effective at limiting viral spread"
This is my great fear -- the ultimate compromise will be that, yes, covid has now become a "normal" respiratory virus, no big deal, but masking is forever . . . after all, why should we not try to limit all respiratory viral spread using such a simple measure as a mask which no reasonable person can object to.
Please tell me convincingly that I am wrong (and my situation might be different than that of many others, since I live in the EU).
They'll have to hold me down and force a mask on me. I haven't (and will not) wear one. Period. But if someone wants to put a great big diaper on their face to supposedly "protect" *themselves* then more power to them. We can change this narrative (masking) so easily by not participating if we don't want to play along. The only problem I've had with "masks" is that it was forced on people. Otherwise, if not forced, I could care less. I think we will have masks forever, but I really think we can change it from mandatory to voluntary.
If you look at the JAMA opinion article written by Ezekiel Emanuel and other that someone referenced a couple of days ago, they suggest lumping ALL the respiratory viruses (like Corona, Influenza, RSV, etc.) into one group and act on THOSE “statistics” to decide health strategies. My feeling is, they’d use the mask/vax/isolation/shutdown exercise when the conglomerate reached some “dangerous” level, potentially being able to pull this every year (or at least every election year). 🤦
Aren’t there any Americans left who watch video of always-masked Chinese citizens and think, “how ridiculous that they comply with the communists constant mask-wearing! That’ll never happen here!”
I think you are right, and that is why I was pleased by the authors of the article, who assert that (assuming masking is effective at preventing people from getting highly transmissible but less virulent strains of the virus) it is a bad idea because it might lead to antigenic shift to a more virulent strain of the virus.
There's an obvious argument about not masking because it is ineffective; I was glad to see someone cogently arguing not doing it even if-- especially if-- it IS effective. Esp. because this argument also works for all other countermeasures employed thus far.
And yet hard left institutions are falling over themselves to rush booster mandates, Like clowns piling out of a clown car. They will not be satisfied until more children have been sacrificed.
In pro wrestling it’s called Heel/Face Turns. Big government trying to be Faces after everyone realizes they are the Heels. This is a very tough Turn to execute because everyone is seeing they are source of problem and with all the damage done, will never ever be seen in the same light again. They better hire Ric Flair as a consultant!! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn
I literally just asked myself yesterday when they CDC would endorse the Great Barrington Declaration now that they have latched on to the “75% of COVID deaths were in people who had at least 4 co-morbidities” fact and are using this to try to support vaccinations.
I hope that you are correct about this being over, but i have my doubts. In the same week that Lori Lightfoot picked the fight with the teacher's union, she instituted vaccine passports in Chicago. And, yesterday, JB Pritzker adopted the OSHA vaccine mandate as Illinois law. For the residents of Illinois, there seems to be no end in sight.
When, do you think, the testing regime is taken down? I think the virus is already endemic- we passed the pandemic phase last January. I think if we continue to test in the 2 million/day range, cases can never fall below 10-20K/day, and will average over the course of each following year at about 100,000/day, which will be used to justify further testing of contacts, which will then find more cases, rinse and repeat. It is almost a Gordian Knot situation that can't end without someone saying "enough testing" and axing the funding for it.
Herd immunity threshold depends on Ro. Ro for Omicron is Measles level -very high HIT will be near 100%. So might as well figure everyone is gonna get it. We were at 60-70% of population having nat immunity before Omicron. My estimates are that 40% of population is going to get Omicron. So.. we will be right there. Next year a different enough variant will come through and some people will get a cold. Also some people who've had previous infections, will also catch Omicron, and some won't ever catch it. But to your main point - this sucker is almost over. Weeks not months.
Gato...I agree with you in general, and in fact have been sharing your articles on this subject. But I am still waiting to see how this plays out in specific cases.
- I think we all agree that the red states will be fine.
- We probably also agree that things are not looking good in left-wing crazylands like New York City, San Francisco, etc.
- The areas that I am focusing on now are the blue-but-not-batshit-crazy-blue places like New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, Illinois, Maryland, Denver, Houston, etc. How do you see things playing out there?
Like I've been saying for a month or so, in real life vax passes will be big blue cities strangling themselves to death and everybody else ignoring covid completely.
I agree. I'm on the other side of PA @JuQu, outside of Pittsburgh. It's fairly liveable still, although there are plenty of battles to fight. But I encourage anyone looking to make a move to give Western PA a long look.
Philly is disgusting. It's the NYC of PA. It brings the entire state down. It's sad, because it's such an historic and important place. I long for it to be a place to visit, let alone be liveable. I drive through it once it twice a year on my way to Ocean City, NJ.
But where I am, on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, it's decent. Lots of brain-dead, lots of Covid cult members for sure. But there's still a lot of America here, and if you're looking for options, give Western PA a closer look. I'd love to flip the script here and return this side of the state back to fundamentals.
Philadelphia is nuts. Like SF and NYC but without the attraction ( other than the history). The blue burbs from which I just fled seem pretty normal. A tragedy is all the lost small businesses.
What is happening now with the O is perfect. In fact if COVID had never happened the O would not even be a news story. Sure, there would be a whole bunch of, "it is really going around" and "everyone at the office is sick" but very few would even call their doctor. My wife got Delta in August and we were already following the FLCCC protocol so she recovered in 7 days and I never got it. Yesterday my wife tested positive with cold ifi symptoms because the O is very different. I still have no symptoms......
As much as I hate to say this, if omicron will indeed be the end of all this nonsense it does seem like the vaccines brought us there. Maybe in a different way then expected, but in an unvaccinated community omicron would not have become dominant.
How so? Omicron is not a variant of Alpha. Ethical Skeptic has some great information on its origins and how it is an older virus than the original wuhan.
The main difference between delta and omicron is the fact that omicron is much better at infecting vaccinated people and that is probably what gave omicron the edge on delta. Omicron is not more contagious then delta for unvaccinated, but for vaccinated it is much more contagious.
The other thing that is strange is I knew very few people last year who had Covid and this year literally everyone around me has had it…myself included. That alone makes me think the vaccine made things worse. Our local hospital is still is putting out data showing that it is only unvaccinated people that are doing poorly.
I would love to see justice served and a lot of people from the cdc, fda, pharma and media go to jail. I think that's how serious this time has been in our country.
This episode may be a stepping stone though. Even if the narrative falls apart now, many might count it as a win. Pharma, people in the CDC and FDA made their money, and that money will be used to continue their reign of influence over doctors, scientists, universities, scientific journals and media. The propaganda was amazingly effective, they really got it down, it did what it was supposed to do.
I think more people will see the corruption for what it is, see the corporate media for what it is and turn towards other sources of information. Not quite as many people falling for it the next time. Not as many people will pin their hopes on a vaccine, and I imagine more people question vaccines in general now. That may be the best we get out of this. Time will tell.
Perhaps I'm not being as good of a Christian as I should, but I honestly am not ready or willing to just "let bygones be bygones" over this whole mess. I don't care if Walensky and all these other public health officials and bureaucrats are pivoting on the narrative to cover their collective asses, or the people surrounding me inside and outside my family and "friends".
There will be plenty of "It was new and deadly; we HAD to DO something!" or "We worked with what scientist knew and it continually evolved, as Science is supposed to. This went exactly as to be expected." It will be the self-congratulatory cheers and back-slapping of a "job well done", (and despite the insurgency of the "non-vaxxed"), so there will be plenty of support within the media and Covidian echo chambers to allow them to feel good about themselves and the leaders they followed, as well as the lives they destroyed.
No, I will not forgive and forget at any level, though I will continue to live my life and make the best of it for me and my family.
I'm a Christian and there's no struggle here. From Vanguard, State Street, WEF, Gates Foundation, all the way down to my local school board, there must be swift and uncompromising justice, accountability, and the unmistakeable messages that this won't happen again. Not on our watch.
One of the most amazing things out of this madness is how the Black Mirror was held up to every single institution, and at every turn, these institutions were revealed for the infested, corrupt, wicked hives they've been allowed to become. There's a lot of good and positives to that.
I went to work on the homes in New Orleans a year after Katrina happened, 2006. It was summer in Louisiana, meaning ridiculously hot and humid. These houses had been sitting rotting, dark, closed for a year. Our team would go in and "gut" them down to the studs. I would take a hammer or crowbar to the rotting drywall, and these giant cockroaches, like the size of Post It notes that had been happily multiplying for a year, were suddenly exposed. It was disgusting yet also fascinating.
What we've peeled back over these past two years is much the same, and just like I got great satisfaction with smashing those roaches with that hammer, I'm about to take great satisfaction knowing the world - the regular, thinking, just world - is about to do the same with this breed of roaches.
Woah there, cowboy. This ain't over by a long shot. There's gonna be more and worse to come as the criminals see their project crumble. A cornered rat is dangerous.
No, I hear you @porsh, for sure. Not claiming victory in any way. This might be the most dangerous time. However, We need to unequivocally push back and not mince our words about what our intentions are. And I'm not one for victory laps anyway.
The cornered rat is extremely dangerous, and as we - the globe - seek to put the hammer down on these roaches, they will fight back and will take a lot of us out. There's no illusion there. But this is the war of our lifetime, and clear purpose of our intent needs to be spoken over and over, from the rooftops.
The more we talk about it, the clearer it becomes, the more it becomes real. But what's that look like between now and then? No clue. Carnage. Loss. Betrayal. Heartache. Let's be clear about that too. But push we must, suffer we must, because the alternative is too crushing to even think about.
I could listen to you all day
Biden has funded a covid test factory that's not due to be completed and functional until mid 2024. They have no intention of allowing this to end.
Obama also had a solar panel factory because green jobs. I used to deliver water to it. It closed because the - winds of change, get it - blew in a different direction. It's possible these things get shuttered.
That said, we're facing a medical/environmental/tech industrial complex that isn't going anywhere but up and out. It's going to be almost impossible to disassemble the Borg. People are waking up, and there's definitely more of us than there are of them, but we need to be prepared to make sacrifices on whatever level of this game we're playing in.
I'm speaking first to myself, mind you and point that finger right back at me. Is it insurmountable? Too deeply entrenched? Most likely, yeah. But what other choice do we have? I'm not giving into hopelessness, because that's the first line of defense. It's their first move - crush hope.
Sorry. The evidence arriving has become too compelling. Truth can really affect people once they are aware.
Amen to all that!! I'm so angry at how they have tried to destroy our kids (all ages including young adults) by closing all doors on them: denying education, sports, social venues, etc. At the moment, I'm losing hope for my 17 y.o. Junior Olympian with high aspirations in his sport (track). I have stopped feeding his dreams because that could mean having to get jabbed in order to participate. The best college teams are seeking only vaxxed athletes despite the fact that males in that age group are at the highest risk for myocarditis and other heart problems. I'm fighting and being politically active in this very blue state, but husband and I must think of an exit strategy for our son. It's hard to remain hopeful.
I’m sorry your son’s dreams are being thwarted ! But I’d be so much sorrier to hear he acquired myocarditis !!!
This too, shall pass.
I know, and I pray that come November, we'll see a Red wave take over the Dems supermajority here in Oregon. I just want the mandates revoked asap. Once we can breath easier, and our kids, teenagers and young adults are safe from the toxic jabs, we can reform the entire govt structure. Colleges are truly captured given their dependence on federal grants for research and all manner of pet projects. Thanks for your encouraging words!
Sorry and don't mean to be rude--just blunt: a life built on transitory sports glory dreams is going to be full of disappointment and regrets ever after, even for some of the lucky few who get to the medaling level.
Sports for the physical and mental joy of using one's instrument at its best-achievable level as self-perceived is one thing. Setting everything on being accepted to a team leads to sublimation of the individual to conforming to authority, no matter how foolish or vile. See: Olympic women's gymnastics. You need to help your son see beyond the college years and imagine a sustainable lifelong future.
I agree. He has other life goals, believe me. However, this kiddo has struggled academically (learning disabilities) and track is were he shines. Why should people with athletic gifts give up their dreams, especially at that age? He knows that athletic talent doesn't last forever but who's to say that he cannot become an amazing coach later in life? That is for him to decide not for bureaucrats to thwart.
There's a big difference between a realistic goal of coaching as a profession and focusing all one's emotions on the dream of Olympic glory and letting that guide one's educational choices and options. Far too many talented athletes recruited by schools for THEIR benefit, and not the student's, end up with no useful life skills to carry them forward. Could your son thrive in, say, a trades program at a community college and is that not part of his (and your) planning solely because of track?
Yes, surely you know your child best--far better than a commenter on a newsletter thread. But sometimes even a stranger can say something worth contemplating, if not necessarily acting on. Wishing your family safety, health and a good and happy future.
I appreciate it. He's been talking about getting into welding for a while. We have not discouraged him at all and my husband even showed him a chart with income potential for that trade. We're happy with whatever he chooses. I just want him healthy and happy. But will continue to fight the unnecessary and dangerous jabs for every single athlete and college student in my state. I just wish other parents would stand up for their kids.
I'm sorry @MLL. It's robbery and theft at the deepest, most core levels, and I hate that it's happening to you. One of the most dastardly, devastating things is to see potential not realized, and that's what's happening to you and your son. It crushes me to hear your sentence "I have stopped feeding his dreams..." As a parent of two - one who's on his way to begin looking at the long term - that kills me.
One thing to keep in mind, and it's not pretty, is that it may get to the point where there aren't enough vaxxed students to field a competitive team, either through injury, unvaxxed opting out of that life, or other. At some point, these programs are going to have to weigh the cost of "hmmm, do we stick with this failed vax ideology, or do we want to win." God, do I want that to be the fulcrum of thought, the sooner the better. Might be a pipe dream.
Regardless, I'm truly sorry for that place you're in, what you and your son are being robbed of, and look forward to the day when justice is served on these roaches.
Maybe the story of NBA’s Kyrie Irving will offer some hope to the young athletes
at the pro level, sure. The issue is with college coaches that won't recruit purebloods. I already know of a kiddo (just getting over natural infection) who will get the jab so that he may be considered for a college track team. So sad.
My heart is breaking!
Thanks so much for your heartfelt words! Luckily, he's still a junior in high school. My hope being that in another year, the entire covidian cult will have crumbled, and the midterms will yield a political shift in my state. I just want all mandates to be revoked permanently, and legislation like Florida's be signed to that we NEVER have to deal with this again. I do hold hope but I'm keeping it to myself. My m.o. is to bring joy and love to my kids' lives, so they know that we don't buy the msm hysteria. We are at war, and as long as we're all healthy, the rest of our goals can be put on hold for a little while. Right?
Keep hoping. Keep smiling, even through the tears and heartache. Keep your eyes fixed on love, even when it's impossible to feel love. Paint good landscapes for your kids so that they don't grow up feeling like the world is hopeless. Control what you can control, in your little circle, even though it might seem like it's a drop in the bucket. That's YOUR fight right now.
Those kids of yours, they're your mission. Remind them they're fierce, unique, humble, proud, compassionate, and capable of amazing things. Your job is to pile as much kindling around their hearts as possible, kindling that will create an enduring, blazing fire for the rest of us to see, and trust that when the time comes, that kindling WILL be lit up.
That's how I'm approaching my duties as a parent. I'm being real with my kids while doing my best to fortify their character and keep them from falling into despair. It's a fine line to walk, but walk it we must. They are our most valuable resource and mission #1. There are a lot of battles to fight now and in the future, and those battles are part of the larger war, but mission priority, in these years that we have them, are the kiddos.
ABSOLUTELY!! Every day that goes by with them by my side - healthy and vax-free - and with my husband's support is a big WIN. I am grateful to be surrounded (virtually) by people like you. You are 100% correct. Plus, the world will thank us one day for saving our God-given genetic pool. :D
@ MLL I don't have children but feel for you. As one of the few non injected nurses it's a battlefield out there.
Thanks, dear!! Stay strong.
I suspect that by March/April the vax mandates will be a thing of the past. There are two obvious reasons: First, they protect neither individuals nor the public at large and this is now becoming acknowledged by the Left as are the often vicious side effects of the jab. Second, if this entire sorry episode of societal lunacy does not fade away soon the Dems defeat in the Midterms will be worse than anyone now imagines. Exit strategy? Have him keep training, maybe get a job for a year and get the scholarship the following year.
Thanks for the glimmer of hope!! He is in an elite private club. For us parents, this is about his physical AND mental health as he keeps training but also makes friends in the process. He's very competitive. I don't wanna crush his dreams. So, we go along and say nothing about the limited college prospects for now. Fortunately, his a junior in high school. So, we have his senior year to figure this out. Thanks again for the much-needed dose of optimism!
The only reason hope is still a glimmer is because the light is still several months away. When I answered above I thought your son was a senior. I doubt if Covid will have any effect on his running.
God willing. AMEN! I also have a 19 y.o. college student who is taking a gap year. So, my fight is for all our young adults being coerced into this. But you're right, my son has 1 more year.
And he'll be 18 before you know it and may just duck out and get some shots
Glorious metaphor !
there must be swift and uncompromising justice
Nope. I now have deep institutional hatred.
Totally agree. No matter what, we cannot let this just "go away". These monsters must be held to account for their crimes.
They've basically taken the group with the highest tolerance for stress and made them their enemies. You know how I know everyone reading this is mentally tougher than the majority of vaxxed? Because just an inch of everything we've lived through, the stress they've put us under for the last year to two years and they're willing to fold the entite narrative.
TOTALLY AGREE. They threw every lob at our heads and stole 2 years from us, for what, a cold? The lies!!! It's mass murder what they've done to criminalize ivermectin and early treatment...I will not forgive and will never forget.
Someone must pay for what they've done to the children.
Even worse, they are preparing to inject them if they are not stopped.
They don't seem to have any qualms about dancing on our graves.
Michael Hiltzik: Why Shouldn't We Dance on the Graves of Anti-Vaxxers?
We will need to speak the truth in love and explain how we saw the truth through the lies. Saying “I told you so” is not going to win anyone over.
When we refuse to forgive, we heap coals on our own head.
Wise wise words! Tough to live by, but still wise wise words !!!
Read Emerald's post and tell me why we should forgive those responsible. Remember, today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's fact.
I want accountability for those who have knowingly perpetrated evil upon others. That does not negate forgiveness.
It is up to us to forgive, that is scripture. If you harbor hate in your heart, it destroys you, not those you hate.
Jesus has offered us forgiveness for our sins and salvation from the punishment we deserve for those sins. In turn we are also called to forgive.
Please reflect on how Jesus taught the disciples how to pray by reviewing the Lord’s Prayer.
God bless
A man breaks into your home that you share with your elderly parents, your spouse and your children. He kills your parents, and you forgive him. Then he looks at your spouse and children, without remorse and without repentance, and kills them too. You forgive him. Then he takes your life. What good was your forgiveness? Did you feel better about yourself while he was killing the rest of your family? Would God say to you, thank you for letting your family be slaughtered? Or would he say, why didn't you end the threat?
We are in the middle of a violent, fatal break-in and you are talking about forgiveness before anyone has taken the responsibility for the mayhem and no one has been held accountable. I have no obligation (or need) to forgive those who would destroy all those whom I love, without remorse and without repentance.
Have you forgiven Adolf yet?
BTW we are not out of the woods yet. It only takes a few demented people to put into play atrocities that reasonable people thought would never happen again.
Wasn't it the case that the world's insistence on punishing Germany after WWI helped set the stage for Adolf to rise to power, though?
What is your point? Being punished for starting a world war is an acceptable reason for a psychopath to start another world war with a side of genocide?
Of course that's not my point!
My point is that not leaving the marginally complicit (of which there are many) an out is dangerous.
As another poster said above (porsh, I believe it was), "A cornered rat is dangerous."
I wasn't referring to the "marginally complicit" as they are not the ones responsible for unleashing this madness upon humanity.
When rats are cornered and then forgiven, they come back and continue to wreck your home. I've had two rats in my garage and attic. They were not forgiven, and they will not be coming back.
I am a Christian, or try to be. But there is nothing non-Christian about demanding accountability from powerful figures like Bill Gates, if that means protecting our neighbors from harm. Only Anabaptists think otherwise.
Accountability and forgiveness are not mutually exclusive.
We don’t show people Christ by seeking only retribution.
Amen. But we do not show people Christ by letting predators run free.
Amen to that! First group we need to go after is the media. In my mind these are the biggest criminals.
Yep, nailed it.
My family has been trying to get covid for a year. We just went to Florida, stayed in a hotel, even went to the Gator Bowl. All fully unvaccinated. Guess that zinc, Vit C and Vit D really do work! The kicker is that my kid's school, where the faculty are proudly touted as 100% vaccinated, had to open virtually after winter break because too many teachers were out with covid. Whomp-whomp.
My wife and daughter got sick for 2 days - a weird cold that had different symptoms than any they've had before. Both feeling fine now. I preach at them regularly to take their vitamins - sometimes they do. I suspect they caught it from me - I had enough of a headache one day to need to take a tylenol. Gotta love Zinc, Vit C, Vit D etc.
I got the double Moderna series 1 year ago since I'm a practicing physician and I thought it would really prevent infection/transmission, and I refuse to get any boosters since they're worthless now, so this cold and flu season I've been taking the Vit C/D/Zinc etc. I cared for my omicron stricken husband at Christmas and got nothing. I refused to test him and have him be a data point for the regime. Bedrest, tom yum soup, advil, vitamins, lots of tea. It was over in 4 days. Just a miserable head cold. Let's all get back to treating this as a cold and reopen everything!!! NO MORE MANDATES!!!!
Honest question: both the Pfizer and Moderna inserts stated the shots would reduce symptoms. They never promised to reduce infection or transmission. So why would you think that? Again, not snark. Truly interested.
Honest answer.
Please, stop parroting. And read the f***ing "FDA briefing document" written by Pfizer on Dec. 10th 2020 regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, aka SHIT:
"Efficacy in preventing confirmed COVID-19 occurring at least 7 days after the second dose of vaccine was 95.0%, with 8 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group and 162 COVID-19 cases in the placebo group".
thanks for the memory jog, I read this all a long time ago, it was published in november 2020 and the fda reported in december 2020
In the UK it seems the media and government decided the jabs would stop infection and transmission.
In November 2020 when the 6 month studies on both vaccines came out, they did show very high efficacy at preventing infection. Of course there was no time on our side, I work on people's faces and wanted to protect myself going forward. Now it's a very different data world and we have a year of hindsight. https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download
Tylenol is a powerful liver toxin. It shouldn't even be on the market. You should look for a safer pain reliever. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC4913076/
Your family’s quest for covid is being played out similarly…everywhere…good luck ! My husband and I, our four adult children, their spouses, and five grandchildren succeeded…you can too!
A crappy head cold with body aches…done!
I mean, I don’t really know what else we can do at this point 😂
I'm immunocompromised, some in my family work in ICUs, none of us vaccinated. I'm the only one to get it and my by far greatest symptom has been continuing to test positive. I have not worn a mask in my home, I have not self isolated, I have continued to cook meals, they have continued to eat them.
I had an increased sense of smell for 8 days, a raspy voice for 2 days. That's it. No exhaustion, no fever, not even a headache. Without a test, which we all took prior to holiday visits, I never would have considered myself ill with anything. We were so surprised by my positive that we all kept testing, I've stopped but some in my household keep testing, still negative.
Meanwhile, the vaccinated family we had intended to visit (but didn't) have all tested positive and are miserable with it.
you're probably all immune with antibodies and Tcells, but yours are not as robust being immunocompromised. you are a mini herd of immunity!
Pretty much what I've hypothesized. That they had likely been repeatedly exposed yet rose to the challenge and fought it off. I am mostly homebound, when at last I was exposed I "got" it but such a mild case as to have barely noticeable symptoms. We likely all have antibodies and t cells.
Great article. One of the problems many of us are still dealing with out here in idiotland is that, while the clowns at the top of this BS are reluctantly pivoting to the science, the school boards who have (as everyone knows by now) tyrannical control over the school systems, are populated by hypochondriac Karens who just can't let go of their covidiot compulsions and are always the last to get the message from "the experts."
Research how much money these schools are getting to "comply" with the narrative and that will explain it all. There's been literally multi-millions of dollars shelled out. We need to confront them with this and demand they send the money back.
The problem is even more fundamental than that. The true problem lies with a very large segment of society - I'd argue nearly fifty percent - who continue to believe the narrative and who still choose to live in fear.
I live in a very red county in a red state and although the vast majority of the population seem to be living as normal lives as possible, there are still those isolated hold-outs who insist on wearing masks. Things become more dystopian the closer you get to urban areas. Nothing truly will change until inroads are made to the collective consciousness of these people.
Sadly, there is no talking with them and MSM has been captured. Personal experience is probably all that we can rely on.
Funny how those who teach often learn the slowest.
I miss the days when teaching was a talent and teachers actually were encouraged to drive students to think for themselves. My favorite teacher remains my high school philosophy teacher who shocked us by challenging our teenage conformist tendencies and forcing us to think outside the box. Looking back, I learned more from him than anything in the sh*tty university and law school I later attended.
Exactly!! This is terrifying.
particularly colleges. I'm torn about my high schooler elite athlete (Junior Olympian) having ZERO chances of getting into a college team because he is a pureblood. I'm angry and sad at the same time. I've stopped encouraging him because I rather have him alive than dead in the pursuit of his Olympic dreams. It's heartbreaking, really.
Wait them out. They will quietly drop their vaxx requirements. Remember, there are many top level (professional and olympic) athletes who have refused the vaxx.
Fortunately, he's a junior in high school. One more year to go. Thanks for the encouragement!!
In the UK where Team Expert - guardians of The Science™️ - who before Christmas predicted that there would be 3 000 hospital admissions a day from Omicron unless everyone in the land were chained to their beds until further notice, have had to consume large helpings of humble-pie since (of course) there were hardly any admissions from CoVid of any variety. And no way to hide or spin this.
More bizarrely, because of devolved powers in healthcare to Scotland & Wales, the loonies in charge there went full-on Pol Pot, introducing restrictions just short of lockdown. By contrast in England apart from masks and the usual dire warnings, Christmas & New Year celebrations went ahead as normal. And guess what? England is no worse off whatever crummy data set you want to believe than Scotland or Wales.
But no remission for the Scots & Welsh. Some people just won’t give in no matter the evidence from observation.
That is what makes me reserve my judgement regarding ‘beginning of the end’ - because it is unwise to assume that because I - and our blogmeister - are rational operators, that others are too, particularly the parasites in ‘government’.
And that’s the problem here. None of the CoVid measures were based in logic or reason, or modified by learning from observation, so no logic and reason or learning from observation can reverse them.
Swift (I think): You cannot reason a man out of something he did not reason himself into.
Yeah I watch that idiot of a 1st Minister of Wales spout off how Wales, Scotland and Norn Irn were the gold standards, not realizing, or being too stupid to realize (I'll go with the latter for now!) that as you say England is performing much better, open and all. As for the Republic of Ireland they just quashed 'mandatory jabs for all' and being +/-94% double jabbed have record 'cases' but as far as I can see hospitalizations and deaths have not gone up proportionally - I also read that 50% of tests are returning positive. What gets me is that the Irish PM is a doctor and should really know better, but then again he is just like most of the doctors anyway so I'm not really surprised. Take care.
Well said.
Note: to generate the trademark character for Th'Pandemic™, Th'Science™, etc:
Windows: Alt+0153, Mac: Option+2
I think it's here:
Same boat here in canada. I see this happening in the US. Not here. My kids are doomed for the foreseeable future.
Canada is insane. they just keep pushing for more and more mandates. just about vomited watching the 'covid town hall' on global bc last night. i don't know how they can sit there and spew that nonsense, actually stating that there are so many kids 5-11 in bc, and only this many have been jabbed, and still this many to go...blah blah blah. 'safe and effective.' right. i couldn't believe either how they were making jokes about what to call yourself depending on what jabs you'd been given. are you a mo-mo-pi? seriously?
I would end up in a hospital mental ward if i watched cbc, ctv , or global. I had to stop all cdn MSM by summer 2020. I have kids and i need to stay as strong as possible. I have removed myself almost completely from community activities. I can barely muster the energy to get groceries. We are swimming in a population overtaken with the propoganda and we have nowhere to go. I need a good immigration lawyer out of florida. Asap.
i know, it's bad. canadians are apparently a gullible lot! luckily, in the very small town in which i reside, most (not all) are starting to let go of the mask mandate at least. last winter, my cousin (in ON, me BC) were discussing relocating to Mexico; this winter, not so much as we can't really leave the country, so now just waiting to see wtf is going to happen. i couldn't get there last year when my mom died in mexico ('non-essential' travel, and all). if canada goes the route of mandated jabs for 100% of the population (as they are now suggesting), i will not comply. instead, i will refocus my efforts on getting out of canada, some how, some way....
what i want to know: how much money are our 'beloved' (snort!) leaders making off of this fiasco??!
Im frightened. Truly frightened.
Take deep breaths, and try to stay centred/grounded. Let go of the fear. It does not serve us in this. Find your strength, and stay in it. Resolve.
We should not let the covidian circus pack their tents and quietly hightail it out of town. These guys need to be held accountable and punished.
Covidestim is great. They show their work. They might even be right. If omicron hadn't come about, we were still just one surge away from everybody having had it. Omicron is a beautiful tidal wave, that's carrying everybody in a 3 week period over the finish line. And it's also just a cold. Truly right now is the time to say - IT'S A COLD, just act like you did pre-2019. Stop stressing about everything.
the co=morbidity observations are same now as in march 2020. then we had to destroy the economy to not save gramma, but to ust trump. evertything since jan 2021 is creeping fascism...
I WANT to believe it's ending. But then I look at Israel, Australia, California. They're doggedly (pardon the expression) rejecting reality.
Don't forget Chicago and New York City. Gato talks about Lori Lightfoot pushing the teachers union to get back to in person learning, but she's also still pushing the vax passport in the city as well as having those school children she's oh so concerned about being masked the entire day. I fear there will be select places still inthralled by the covid fear porn through all of 2022.
And after all the bluster AND an 'extra' 1000 covid patients in the last couple weeks, Chicago hospitals are LESS FULL today than they were then!
Yesterday it was under 80% full!
AND, canada!
If we lived in a culture that revered honor above all (like Japan), the suicide rate among politicians/public health officials would be through the roof! Instead, these effers will probably hold ceremonies to pin medals on their chests for a job well done.
the SOTU Address has been pushed till March because Bidiot will parade and boast at how he conquered the virus. And the barking seals will clap.
Spring works every time.
ohhhh...love that nickname! Will borrow it from now on. ;-)
Somebody needs to tell SCOTUS.
We ALL need to tell SCOTUS
I tweeted el gato’s post at them this morning. Specifically, at Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito. Don’t know how much good that does. But maybe if, as you say, we ALL do it….
I’m not generally a vengeful person, but I sincerely hope those who most prominent in pushing lockdowns and school closures pay a heavy price. There has to be a penalty for malfeasance in this scale.
Some of them probably belong in prison. But, at any rate, all of the politicians and public health “scientists” who forced these terribly destructive policies on us should see their reputations in tatters.
I should have mentioned the propagandists in the news media who were gleeful cheerleaders for draconian restrictions and really served as a kind of praetorian guard for Tony Fauci… There are many examples, but the appalling Apoorva comes to mind.
It is highly conceivable that Omicron is simply the common cold manifesting in the poor innate immune systems of the vaxxed. No one seems to be placing any blame on the vaccine and there are masses of tweets talking about Omicron/Delta Long Covid symptoms that are probably more accurately vaccine side effects.
Yes! I talked to a close family member yesterday who believes all those athletes who are collapsing and dying are a result of long Covid. Which in their mind makes Covid more dangerous than it really is. She got Covid after being double vaccinated and blames her issues with memory on long Covid and never considered she might be vax injured. Seeing a lot of this elsewhere in my community.
It will be impossible to attribute cause if they can successfully remove the unvaccinated control group. Long Covid is like a back injury from a car accident; hard to prove it aint real.
For instance, look at this from the Financial Times:
David Sassoli, president of the European parliament, has died at the age of 65. He was admitted to hospital in his native Italy on December 26 after a “dysfunction of his immune system”, his spokesperson said, and passed away at 1.15am on Tuesday morning.
When have you ever read about someone going to hospital for "dysfunction of his immune system"? Hello!
I believe el gato has posted about negative efficacy.
While it is amusing to see "the experts" tiptoe backwards from the explosive mess they've made, I see the bureaucracies, the schools, the workplaces, still doing what they think is "the Science" erratically going from masking to testing and they don't know what they're doing. April 2020 is still where they're at. To call them Karens is one thing--they are enjoying their power trip and they will never let it go until WE TELL THEM TO STOP. It's sad to see the staff at the supermarkets masked continually for 2 years and it's done nothing. And I'm in "free Florida" which all it takes is seeing a family vacationing here from NJ double masked at the beach and I'm triggered....
I get triggered seeing young moms walking their 1st graders to the school near my house, all masked up while walking all by themselves!! WTF? I just wanna scroll down the window and yell: "TAKE IT OFF!! Let your kids breathe!". Sigh...the worse feeling is knowing that these are the parents who will happily line up their babies to get jabbed.
Heartbreaking. 😢
On the other hand, I just read a WSJ article saying several countries are going for a fourth shot, one country is buying enough doses for a fifth, and some officials are wondering if vaccinating everybody every three or four months is going to work. I mean I hope you are right, and thank you for the optimistic posts, but my head is splitting from all of this. I hope it ends soon…
I struggle to buy that big a number, because earlier literature indicated 30-50% had prior immunity.
The bottom line is probably no one remains with significant vulnerabilities to this virus or variants.
If the vaccines have damaged people such they are vulnerable & wouldn’t have been?
Not good. But it’s no longer a transmissible Pandemic.
And certainly not an “emergency”
Call me old-fashioned but I'm not buying the notion that you can "have" an (acute) disease and have, never have, any symptoms. I think, e.g., Dr Yeadon agrees with me (the reverse, rather).
"Asymptomatic Cases" was a principle plank of the PsyOp enabled by a so-call "test" that generated -and generates - vast numbers of false positives. Any honest history will come to understand the "Omicron wave" as a total artifact of the surge of self, family and private party planner imposed testing last month - bring the lag forward into the "record numbers" of early 2022.
They are pivoting like mad, but I’m still infuriated that the CT COVID data daily tracker in the last 2 weeks went from 74% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated to 68% are unvaccinated today. It’s obviously a bald faced lie, but it lets hospitals encourage the lie to be repeated, I want to stick this false data in my kitty litter box and then shove it in their mouths...
Where does one get data stating the contrary? I am genuinely asking... so far I hear lots of anecdotes from people (and mine align with them... haven't seen much of a difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed in my circles when it comes to outcomes on the whole with respect to omicron), but nothing on a large scale right now.
Look at the UK, where they actually have detailed and accurate data ok every citizen. Something like 70% of hospitalizations in the UK are vaccinated. Now, the unvaxxed still overindex for hospitalizations, but not to the absurd number claimed in the US
Must also consider the cohort bias in that overindexation that arises from the "too sick to get vaccinated." Berenson has been good on this issue. It's very hard to put a number on it but it is a factor.
As pessimist as I am, I have to say that this is the first time since March 2020 that it REALLY seems like they are ready to replace "Covid: The Movie" with another premiere with whose script we´ll be gaslighted for some years, which I am quite sure will be global warming.
I think my country´s case (Spain) is enlightening, because do you know who was the first/one of the first individuals who visited our Government President just after winning the elections? George Soros. And we have been following the globalist agenda point by point. So the fact that our President has said that he´s preparing a de-escalation for the next weeks in which "cases" will stop being counted, and Covid will be treated as a flu, is an interesting sign of moonwalking dance from those who pushed the craziest Covid measures.
Furthermore, as Gato says, old concepts that had been erased during the pandemic (immune system mainly, but also all-cause mortality, difference between "death BY/WITH Covid", etc.) are in the mouth of the stupidest among the stupidest media parrots.
All this is excellent news.
Thank you so much, Gato, for your insightful posts. They keep me sane, although in Austria good ol‘ fascism is getting more prevalent each day. But I guess that‘s just the elite knowing that they are about to lose. Everything reminds me of the last days of WW2 when A.H. already knew that he had lost the war. Nonetheless he kept sending innocent men into their death…
(So, now I could be sued for comparing now with then for downplaying the Nazi time… No, I don‘t downplay anything here, I hope that the 1930/40s never return in full swing… But beginnings are definitely here. Unvaxxed have been in their own personal lockdown since over 2 months and it will be extended, well, undefinitely.)
If I were over there with you guys -- and I wish I were -- I'd being saying to the Corona-Braunhemden: Impfung Macht Frei.
„They“ already said this openly in public - and nobody from the hypnotized mass seemed to notice and/or care. In autumn in Düsseldorf, Germany, there was stated in big letters „Impfen = Freiheit“ (vaccination = freedom) on the Rheinturm (radio tower). But well, you know, there are ab-so-lu-tely NO similarities between now and then.
Yes, I saw that, and hoped it was a hoax. But when I looked into it, I saw that it was for real, and done in earnest.
Around the same time, my good friends in Köln announced the opening of their new café, to which the "vaccinated" are welcome. Then I knew they'd been taken by the enemy.
The realization hurts
Thanks PolarNinja! Yes, it‘s heartening to see that people seem to wake up, I feel that each week the protests become bigger and bigger. Both - vaxxed and unvaxxed - march peacefully to show their non-consent although police sometimes try to provoke aggression and turmoil.
Well, rumors are that the mandate will be postponed to April or further back (due to „technical reasons“) but our „health“ minister told us yesterday (from his quarantine, as our triple vaxxed prime minister has tested positive 🤣 and has probably spread the virus throughout the parliament 😇) that it will be installed by Feb 1. I guess not, that‘s just part of the show. Everybody knows that supreme court will cancel the bill anyway as it is extremely faulty. And as global voices about Omikron being „the game-changer“ become louder and louder, even in MSM, I guess that the politicians will not want to go against these voices and thus risk to lose sympathy for future elections.
The current government has been - by far - the worst one. Incompetent, aggressive, patronizing, corrupt, and people begin to see this and not just reject this with a shrug. Let‘s see what time will bring. IF the mandate will be installed, hundred thousands of complaints will flood the bureaucratic body and bring everything to an immediate stop. Everybody knows this and therefore fear is big in our public sector 😄.
"The massive, unprecedented public failure of these policies got too big to hide. everybody got vaxxed then got covid anyway. and everybody knows 20 people this happened to. you cannot hide that."
One of my favorite quotes that has served as a mantra from the outset proves itself again. :~)
The truth is incontrovertible.
Malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end, there it is.
~ Winston Churchill. ~
Amen !!!
Love you Gato! Thank you for the dose of sanity every day. I refresh my emails just in the hope of receiving one of your therapy sessions. Also, i love your writing. It’s fire. Do you have a writing background? Just curious as id live to have a gato biography.
Love not live. Typo.
Could use a little help up here in Canada next, captain underpants shows no sign of changing his tune
captain underpants! hahahahahaaa! he's gone from socks to underpants in the blink of an eye ;-) i think we could use more than a little help....
Don't let them forget what they've said -- and done.
Some people need to go to prison for this and we can start with corrupted public servants pushing a narrative that has come down from the sky like the Hidenburg. Then we can move to entire governmental entities (public health agencies, city councils, boards of supervisors and the like) that continue even now to insist on vaccination to live your life, have a child in school or keep your job (check out L.A. and N.Y.C. if you don't believe me). Let's have that kind of reckoning with REAL consequences and then we'll see about moving forward and memory holing this two year mountain of bullshit.
As we draw down on this madness I get this sinking feeling that the killers are going to get away with it again. Maybe I just woke up in a mood, or having watched some news and saw the anchors were pissed about the loosening of restrictions more than their children being hurt. It is like when Harry Reid's answer to the lie he told about Romney's taxes (I hate Romney so I am not defending him). He said "It worked didn't it". And they moved on. Nobody is ever held accountable. This is so incredibly worse and top to bottom I think they will skate. The Chinese, the drug companies, Fauci, MSM, rat bastard politicians.
Sorry so glum. Tomorrow is a different day. Take your vitamins, get sun, hug the willing.
Of course they will skate. Even if they "lose" they will win because they control the narrative.
By way of recent example, look at how the history of the Iraq debacle has now been re-written and how Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, and other prominent neocons are being fêted by the Left and MSM. The same thing happened with Nixon and the revisionist history of the Vietnam War that began in the 80s under Reagan. The Afghanistan disaster similarly will be recast as a nation-building success when the Taliban co-sign contracts with western companies for exploitation of mineral resources.
Whenever I've engaged in (mostly futile) efforts to wake up friends, I generally end up saying:
"Repeat this n times:
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD',
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD',
'Iraq is refining uranium, Saddam has WMD'...
Now you have Dick 'n' Don's Excellent Adventure, featuring lucrative weapons testing on live targets, job security for Das Homeland's 'terror' industry, and many years of paid speaking tours".
Rinse, lather, repeat.
Well. Sigh. Thanks for the reminder EJS ; /
Heard on radio last night that China moving into our base in Afghanistan. Glad we could be of service. Hope they can round up our ppl there and send them home.
A convo for another place to be sure.
Vitamins ✅ sunshine ✅ Hugs to you!
Vitamins ✅ sunshine ✅ Hugs to you!
For the life of me, I can't see why we haven't done random sampling of people for COVID. The self selection bias skews the data far away from any useful conclusions.
Some of us are very purposefully staying out of testing / reporting so as not to play the government’s games. I would not willingly participate in a random test and end up in their database.
That's fine, but I bet a testing organization could get a significant sample without you. You would be on the self-selection bias, which makes things skew.
A mass exodus from mass formation. It won't be easy for some though. Someone I know was lamenting the fact that (in his mind) the "anti-vaxxers" would feel vindicated by the emergence of omicron. He claimed that the shots were never meant to slow the spread, only to protect against severe outcomes. He also went on to profess that he is grateful for the science and will gladly line up to receive additional boosters or any new products that come recommended from pharma, CDC, etc. I'm hopeful that he will "be like Rochelle" but I think that it may take some time to consider things in a different light.
Oh boy! Your friend overdosed on the koolaid !
Yah, when I saw the Pfizer CEO say they would have an Omicron specific vaccine it left me scratching my head because, why do we need a vaccine for the common cold? And this holds especially true when you accept the fact that pretty much every human being on the planet is going to get Omicron and thus have natural immunity.
I hate to jinx it but sure feels like good momentum is taking place. It’s been a real head twister watching this craziness unfurl. I guess the Iraq war run up prepared me for this, and just like that we here all know people will soon act like they have been covid skeptics for this whole time. I guess that’s fine. Fjb though. F him forever.
Covid was brought to you by the self-same people who gleefully sacrifice babies on the alter of virtue, there is NO bottom with these folks. If Covid is over, then another foot will inhabit the bloody boot that is pushing your face into the mud, that's the plan and the only plan: Your face in the mud until you are dead.
I see a four step process:
(1) Go on TV pointing out that very few children that are counted as "COVID hospitalizations" are actually in the hospital because of COVID.
(2) Go on TV pointing out that most adults who are counted as "COVID hospitalizations" are actually in the hospital because of COVID
(3) Go on TV pointing out that many people who were counted as "COVID deaths" died onto *from* COVID but from something else and just tested positive for COVID
(4) Go on TV pretending 1 through 3 were not the beginning but that this only happened toward the end because of the vaccines.
We've seen one and two, I saw a clip from Walensky on Bret Baier's show being pressed about three. So we're moving. But it's four we really have to worry about if we never want this to happen again. We need to tear these people out of their positions of power because one through three were definitely true from the very beginning, they likely knew it, and they have brought our country and society to the brink of authoritarianism using fear of something we had no reason to fear (be cautious of, yes, but fear, no).
This morning's NYT newsletter is proclaiming that unvaxxed are being infected at much higher rates than vaxxed, and showing graphs from NYC and Seattle. This stands in stark contrast to what we've been seeing in the data from Denmark, UK, Canada, Germany, etc., where omicron is hitting the vaxxed harder. ... What's up with that? Funny business with data, I wonder?
They 'adjust' the data to get the risk ratios for Seattle. The hard data shows in the last 30 days vaxxed are:
63% of cases
46% of hospitalizations
39% of deaths
How they adjust that to get the numbers they show, we don't have a clue.
Today's op-ed in the WSJ by Ramaswamy and Ramaswamy-- though it may rankle some in this community by stating that masks can be effective at limiting viral spread-- suggests, rightly, that continuing to try to suppress a mild variant is the most dangerous thing we can do right now. And they taught me something I didn't know: it was regular exposure to those with chicken pox that helped adults with prior immunity avoid shingles. Knowing the current fears about "long covid" or future illness for those who had covid, it is interesting to consider that regular exposures may be beneficial in the long run.
"though it may rankle some in this community by stating that masks can be effective at limiting viral spread"
This is my great fear -- the ultimate compromise will be that, yes, covid has now become a "normal" respiratory virus, no big deal, but masking is forever . . . after all, why should we not try to limit all respiratory viral spread using such a simple measure as a mask which no reasonable person can object to.
Please tell me convincingly that I am wrong (and my situation might be different than that of many others, since I live in the EU).
They'll have to hold me down and force a mask on me. I haven't (and will not) wear one. Period. But if someone wants to put a great big diaper on their face to supposedly "protect" *themselves* then more power to them. We can change this narrative (masking) so easily by not participating if we don't want to play along. The only problem I've had with "masks" is that it was forced on people. Otherwise, if not forced, I could care less. I think we will have masks forever, but I really think we can change it from mandatory to voluntary.
I don’t think you’re wrong.
If you look at the JAMA opinion article written by Ezekiel Emanuel and other that someone referenced a couple of days ago, they suggest lumping ALL the respiratory viruses (like Corona, Influenza, RSV, etc.) into one group and act on THOSE “statistics” to decide health strategies. My feeling is, they’d use the mask/vax/isolation/shutdown exercise when the conglomerate reached some “dangerous” level, potentially being able to pull this every year (or at least every election year). 🤦
Aren’t there any Americans left who watch video of always-masked Chinese citizens and think, “how ridiculous that they comply with the communists constant mask-wearing! That’ll never happen here!”
I think you are right, and that is why I was pleased by the authors of the article, who assert that (assuming masking is effective at preventing people from getting highly transmissible but less virulent strains of the virus) it is a bad idea because it might lead to antigenic shift to a more virulent strain of the virus.
There's an obvious argument about not masking because it is ineffective; I was glad to see someone cogently arguing not doing it even if-- especially if-- it IS effective. Esp. because this argument also works for all other countermeasures employed thus far.
Challenges help immunity.
The U.S. ave. is probably higher as many who got it, never tested, and sure as hell didn't report it to anyone. We sure didn't when hubby got it!
I can vouch for at least 12 non-testers/ non-reporters
And yet hard left institutions are falling over themselves to rush booster mandates, Like clowns piling out of a clown car. They will not be satisfied until more children have been sacrificed.
Feels like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but from here until the end of the tunnel, is a river of crappy sewage
In pro wrestling it’s called Heel/Face Turns. Big government trying to be Faces after everyone realizes they are the Heels. This is a very tough Turn to execute because everyone is seeing they are source of problem and with all the damage done, will never ever be seen in the same light again. They better hire Ric Flair as a consultant!! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn
I literally just asked myself yesterday when they CDC would endorse the Great Barrington Declaration now that they have latched on to the “75% of COVID deaths were in people who had at least 4 co-morbidities” fact and are using this to try to support vaccinations.
I hope that you are correct about this being over, but i have my doubts. In the same week that Lori Lightfoot picked the fight with the teacher's union, she instituted vaccine passports in Chicago. And, yesterday, JB Pritzker adopted the OSHA vaccine mandate as Illinois law. For the residents of Illinois, there seems to be no end in sight.
When, do you think, the testing regime is taken down? I think the virus is already endemic- we passed the pandemic phase last January. I think if we continue to test in the 2 million/day range, cases can never fall below 10-20K/day, and will average over the course of each following year at about 100,000/day, which will be used to justify further testing of contacts, which will then find more cases, rinse and repeat. It is almost a Gordian Knot situation that can't end without someone saying "enough testing" and axing the funding for it.
I stole your comment about being poor epidemiologists but excellent grifters (gave you credit) on Twitter. True words, never said!
In other words,we on the verge of herd immunity. Do I get you right?
Herd immunity threshold depends on Ro. Ro for Omicron is Measles level -very high HIT will be near 100%. So might as well figure everyone is gonna get it. We were at 60-70% of population having nat immunity before Omicron. My estimates are that 40% of population is going to get Omicron. So.. we will be right there. Next year a different enough variant will come through and some people will get a cold. Also some people who've had previous infections, will also catch Omicron, and some won't ever catch it. But to your main point - this sucker is almost over. Weeks not months.
60 + 40 = 100. Are you saying that absolutely everybody has to have COVID for there to be herd immunity? Did vaccines have no effect at all?
Gato...I agree with you in general, and in fact have been sharing your articles on this subject. But I am still waiting to see how this plays out in specific cases.
- I think we all agree that the red states will be fine.
- We probably also agree that things are not looking good in left-wing crazylands like New York City, San Francisco, etc.
- The areas that I am focusing on now are the blue-but-not-batshit-crazy-blue places like New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, Illinois, Maryland, Denver, Houston, etc. How do you see things playing out there?
Like I've been saying for a month or so, in real life vax passes will be big blue cities strangling themselves to death and everybody else ignoring covid completely.
I agree. I'm on the other side of PA @JuQu, outside of Pittsburgh. It's fairly liveable still, although there are plenty of battles to fight. But I encourage anyone looking to make a move to give Western PA a long look.
Philly is disgusting. It's the NYC of PA. It brings the entire state down. It's sad, because it's such an historic and important place. I long for it to be a place to visit, let alone be liveable. I drive through it once it twice a year on my way to Ocean City, NJ.
But where I am, on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, it's decent. Lots of brain-dead, lots of Covid cult members for sure. But there's still a lot of America here, and if you're looking for options, give Western PA a closer look. I'd love to flip the script here and return this side of the state back to fundamentals.
Philadelphia is nuts. Like SF and NYC but without the attraction ( other than the history). The blue burbs from which I just fled seem pretty normal. A tragedy is all the lost small businesses.
It also never fails to blow my mind that there are still plenty of people out there saying ‘they never told us it would stop the virus!’
Absolutely mind boggling.
What is happening now with the O is perfect. In fact if COVID had never happened the O would not even be a news story. Sure, there would be a whole bunch of, "it is really going around" and "everyone at the office is sick" but very few would even call their doctor. My wife got Delta in August and we were already following the FLCCC protocol so she recovered in 7 days and I never got it. Yesterday my wife tested positive with cold ifi symptoms because the O is very different. I still have no symptoms......
As much as I hate to say this, if omicron will indeed be the end of all this nonsense it does seem like the vaccines brought us there. Maybe in a different way then expected, but in an unvaccinated community omicron would not have become dominant.
How so? Omicron is not a variant of Alpha. Ethical Skeptic has some great information on its origins and how it is an older virus than the original wuhan.
The main difference between delta and omicron is the fact that omicron is much better at infecting vaccinated people and that is probably what gave omicron the edge on delta. Omicron is not more contagious then delta for unvaccinated, but for vaccinated it is much more contagious.
I sure hope El Gato is right. When I hear authoritarians talk about protecting the vulnerable, all I can visualize are mandates.
The other thing that is strange is I knew very few people last year who had Covid and this year literally everyone around me has had it…myself included. That alone makes me think the vaccine made things worse. Our local hospital is still is putting out data showing that it is only unvaccinated people that are doing poorly.
I think someone forgot to bring the Pope up to speed…he may have missed the last memo.
I would love to see justice served and a lot of people from the cdc, fda, pharma and media go to jail. I think that's how serious this time has been in our country.
This episode may be a stepping stone though. Even if the narrative falls apart now, many might count it as a win. Pharma, people in the CDC and FDA made their money, and that money will be used to continue their reign of influence over doctors, scientists, universities, scientific journals and media. The propaganda was amazingly effective, they really got it down, it did what it was supposed to do.
I think more people will see the corruption for what it is, see the corporate media for what it is and turn towards other sources of information. Not quite as many people falling for it the next time. Not as many people will pin their hopes on a vaccine, and I imagine more people question vaccines in general now. That may be the best we get out of this. Time will tell.
That video should come with a warning - top hated individuals spewing absolutely nothing but lies.