The vaccines that they will produce will be fake.

But the viruses will be real.

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imagine the sort of mind that could come away from the last 3 years thinking:

"clearly, we need to move faster, test less, and cut more safety corners."

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That's the same minds who gave us the previous bioweapon

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Or the ones who wore masks alone in a car.

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those are not "minds" at all

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TODAY I crossed paths with a fellow dog Walker wearing a mask, 7 AM, alone, outside. I thought, “that poor dog.”

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C'mon man, they outsourced the production of this one to China, so it was the usual poor quality, basically a bad flu.

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Have a sociopath over for tea and cookies? Invite him or her to run the nation? The WEF? The WHO?

What could possibly go wrong there??


Houston, we have a problem!

No sane people left in power anywhere. Sigh.

Time to find your foxhole.

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bill gates?

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Oct 19, 2022
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Never forget, though, that we the people gave the power to them.

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Except when unelected, arose through the omnipresent peter principle, stole their way in, gerrymandered, lied, overtook the weak, struck fear among the gullible or Godless...

Once in power it is hard to dislodge them.

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And governments. Nothing new under the sun. The weaponry just keeps getting uglier.

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Check this out. Explains why the vaccines CANT work.


Check out this thread at Thread Reader App. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1580662628434661376?refresh=1666114819

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In the Beginning I was walking around telling people there was no way they would be able to produce a successful vaccine for this coronavirus. It had not been done successfully before, and there was no indication it would be managed this time. And actually it hasn't, has it? The article I would refer people to was this one: https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2020-04-17/coronavirus-vaccine-ian-frazer/12146616

I would be very interested to know what Prof. Frazer thinks of all that's been going on with these "vaccines" the world has been subject to.

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The first article is very informative. It echos the reality that many of the fatalities from COVID are obese/overweight individuals. Arguably, promoting a sedentary lifestyle during lock down only amplified the scourge of Obesity in Western society. I appreciate your honest insights.

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When I hear about "moving at the speed of science", all I can think of is "PUSH THE TEMPO"


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Nice video. When I think of the speed of science I think thorough. Otherwise I think... Push the Button - Chemical Brothers!

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Link to the article?

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Is this real?

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Real? I'm trying to find the Riley Griffin article. I'm not able to find it. Can you?

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Continuing to not think this is real!

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This is bullshit.

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I can imagine the thinking. There are over 100B reasons. That number is just for one company. Saw Pfizer and Moderna are racing to get a flu mRNA shot going. Yay.

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that's the sort of mind that could think making a "better" covid virus is actually a good idea

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Please provide a link to the artical of Riley Griffin about Biden. Thanks

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Thanks. Like I said elsewhere the article is behind a paywall so I still think it's, at a minimum, not able to be evaluated as not bullshit.

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I have a Bloomberg subscription and the article is real

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Thanks for your support on this... It's so unbelievable that I just wanted to read it for myself! I guess Biden is a much bigger bafoon than I thought.

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Thanks for trying but still paywalled... But, that's ok... What Biden wants and what happens will be two different things!

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I don’t know what happened. The link I used has no paywall. Sorry it did not work for you. I’ll try once more to see if it will work:


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Nope... Still paywall.

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Ok... I found it... Behind a paywall. I still think it's bullshit! Just toooooo stupid!

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You can bypass the firewall at this website Archive.today

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I think it all depends on what the definition of "fake" is.

Will the future vaxxes give immunity? I doubt it. So in that respect, they are fake.

However, I doubt that they will be "ineffective." They will not stop whatever disease of the moth is released. But they will do... things, but unfortunately, those "things" will be bad. Like causing myocarditis. Heart attacks. Strokes. Cancer. And so on.

IMHO, the vaxx is the weapon. The virus is the means to get people to agree to take the weapon.

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Yes, the vax is the weapon

And so is the virus

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I'm afraid this means the vaccines already exist. Ten (or as many as are needed) for every man, woman and child.

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There were 250 in the pipeline several years ago.

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Right now, I know someone managing clinical trials for mRNA flu, pneumonia and shingles. God only knows what other mRNA ideas they have in the pipeline.

mRNA will cure everything.

just like stem cells did.

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oopsy russia leaked one in boston somehow!

and dont forget polio isnt even a real virus, its toxic poisoning

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"viruses will be real" - write that up and you're guaranteed 1.7K comments - minimal!

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Hahaha! I loved that debate

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The viruses will be the trojan horse for the jabs.

Let’s not call these things vaccines.

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tested on mice...

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Check this out. Explains why the vaccines CANT work.


Check out this thread at Thread Reader App. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1580662628434661376?refresh=1666114819

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One day vaccines will be on the shelf of lobotomy, shock therapy, bloodletting etc.

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“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory’,” Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!’ ”

“But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean “a nice knock-down argument,’” Alice objected.

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

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My, my, my.

Literature could teach so much, if we just let it!

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Reading is racist, come on.

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Oh no. I forgot. Sigh. Can I still use my lighter, or must I rub two sticks together to light the stove? I'm sorry, I forgot the new rules from the NWO! ; ))

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But didn't you hear? Eating crickets raw is better for you than eating them cooked! Because gov't CARES about you, they made all the major media announce this during the same 2-day news cycle. Plus, CA is mandating no more stoves in new housing....because CLIMATE and YOUR HEALTH--win-win!

Sigh here, too.

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Dumptian truth if there ever was.

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The pharmaco-politico-corporate authoritarianism is out of control. The past two years have been nothing but the gradual encroachment of a bio-medical surveillance apparatus into normal life on fraudulent pretenses.

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And yet the masses willingly accept and embrace this authority without question. Then question You for daring to question the "authority".

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I had a talk today with a friend who is a nurse who likes psychology.

In her opinion, all of this obedience is just a real world example of the Milgrem experiment. Do what authority tells you to do, no matter what.

I can't say that I completely disagree with her.

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The faster they compress things, the easier it will be to blame vax effects on the new-release pathogen itself. Problem now is we have different curves for 2022 vs. 2020, even with the butchered data available.

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But we're not going to let it, are we.

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"(unless you’re starting with one you already knew about because you made it yourself…)"

My thoughts exactly. "We built that!"

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The Boston Brahmin Strain with 80% CFR is what they REALLY mean by Build Back Better™.

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Wouldn't that be "Build Back Browner"?

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I have already decided: No (time to decision: 1.3 seconds)

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And once they break the ice and get them on the childhood schedule and we know they don't ever have to test a new concoction, well the puzzle pieces start fitting even nicer. I wonder how fast CA will adopt the shots. probably Jan 1st 2023

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going to be so interesting watching pfizer get sued for pfraud in the EU over this while the US tries to mandate it for kids.

wow is that gonna be a bad look.

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I never thought I'd live to see the day where I was the one saying "this policy we have in the US is insane, why can't we do it more like Scandinavia?"

Strange times.

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I agree, those Europeans are SAVAGES!!!

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It's been on the NHS childhood vaccine schedule here in the UK for months now. They added it quietly without any public debate.

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They really, really want children to die.

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I think either die, and / or become infertile or permanently harmed in other ways. Cognitive problems? Aspects of consciousness? We just don't know. But yes, the emphasis is on (predominantly Western) children.

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If the ACIP adds the jabs to the childhood schedule, the hill is higher.

But fraud vitiates any claim of liability protection, regardless of the ACIP decision.

This is a fight that will last our lifetimes, perhaps.

We cannot given up.

We cannot back down.

This debacle wasn't a series of screw ups. It was a plan, and they are executing to it.

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I believe DC already has the mandate in place to kick in for Jan. 2023. It's like they've known all along that the vaccines would be approved for the childhood schedule.

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I wonder how many parents will comply.

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Well, most parents simply can't home school.

However, if enough decide to join forces (say hire a retired teacher for a half dozen students) it may hurt the school system, which will hurt the teachers, which will make the teachers union double plus unhappy.

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Oct 18, 2022
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The problem is the whole family would need to be fully committed and convinced the vaxx is that harmful. Most families don't have that level of consensus. They have the awake 'nutcase' and then typically the rest of the family who sees no problem. Very hard to commit to 'extreme' choices in that context.

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The underlying problem with this whole raft of stupidity is the idea of entering an 'era of pandemics'. WHO records 4 in 100 years, including Covid, and Swine (less deaths than normal flu). Ignoring COVID, none have killed as many in a year as TB alone does every year. Spanish flu (>100 yrs ago) was in pre-antibiotic, pre-ICU, pre-all modern medicine era. The only way we can be entering an 'era of pandemics' is if (1) lunatics or malfeasants develop and release new pathogens, or (2) we pretend from here-on that every viral variant is a potential pandemic and declare an emergency (which is the intent of much of the pandemic preparedness industry).

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Glad you said this! It's what I've been thinking but didn't know how to say so eloquently. And it's baffling that the public would accept the idea that constant pandemics are going to be our new normal with no scientific explanation why. Apparently you can just say 'climate change' as a justification for anything and minds are so numbed they ask for no evidence.

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IT's a really lucrative way forward if you are on the train

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We are "entering an era of pandemics" because those in the WHO are in bed with the WEF. The WHO wants control of our national pandemic responses-- there's a treaty you know-- and once we give that up to the WHO, well, it's easy for the WEF to sweep in and take control.

There will be a never ending emergency until we get used to being locked in our houses, provided with UBI and having food sent to us by drone.

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We will not let that happen.

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Unfortunately the WHO is really just a tool of others. The World Bank and G20 re driving he PPR agenda now, while people watch the WHO. They have already committed about a bunch of money through a new financial instrument for pandemics. So yes, the WEF, and others, but its commercially driven more than WHO driven perhaps...

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All the 'emergency powers' and insane theatrical behavior were all "because pandemic" in 2020. Now it will all be "because maybe pandemic".

FOR YEARS I have complained about those bs 'news' stories that talk about "what might happen" and "how might this go" and "what reaction might X country have to Y action." Opining and soothsaying billed as actual news. But it has obviously primed the public to accept crap like, well, one day you MIGHT get a sniffle and it MIGHT be deadly so you better.... I am SO SICK of the manipulation on one side and the useful-idiotness and gullibility on the other.

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(1) Yep

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If the elections put Republicans in control of Congress, we must put as much pressure as possible on them to:

1) investigate the origins of Covid

2) investigate the clotshots

3) enact laws to reign in, or eliminate, the federal agencies involved in this disaster. Also, enact laws to keep this from EVER happening again.

5) trials to punish anyone involved in wrongdoing.

The above need to be done in a way that does not confuse the public.....so that everyone knows exactly what has happened, who was involved, why it was wrong, and how to avoid it in the future .

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I surely hope so, but from what I can see Republicans in Washington are too invested in its establishment to do that. Left and Right are merely pistons attached to the State engine. It's the engine that has to be dismantled - which is why 2A is so contentious and why we have more and more draconian efforts for the People to obey. I would like to think a non-violent approach is doable but lately I'm not so sure. We may have to physically defend ourselves from this absurd and hostile rogue government.

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Non-violent, but backed up by the threat of kinetic action, if forced to use it. There's a reason the Founders put 2A in there.

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Why Biden is so hellbent on rebanning the so-called-by-the-ignorant 'assault weapons'. But not knives, cars, or fists. Not shotguns, neither.

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BigPharma & the other big Corporate lobbies already owns 99% of our (s)elected officials. The only way is to clean sweep the fucking house & the senate and start over with 99% of senators & representatives who haven't ever been in national office before. I'd be willing to keep Ron Johnson and entertain the idea of a couple in each legislative branch to lead them, but that's it. And it would be great if we can get rid of both the Democrap & Rethuglican parties too. We are gonna have to go back to paper ballot voting & human counting too. If it comes down to fingers dipped in indelible ink to ensure 1 citizen & 1 vote, so be it. Yeah, it'll be a mess. But it can't possibly be any worse than letting the bastards keep genociding us while they're robbing us blind of our tax monies...

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Rand Paul, Jim Jordan... there are some good ones. Not many, but some.

It is possible, easy even, to build a fully-automatic voting system that is 100% accurate and nearly impossible to fraud. Easier, in fact, than making one that is an engine of fraud. Much easier -- one thing computers excel at is counting. Fast and 100% accurate.

But in this political climate, that may not be feasible; we elected our Student Council presidents with paper ballots and we can elect Presidents that way too.

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Agreed. We be very difficult to do with the media/big tech/higher education entities lips attached to the asses of those perpetuating this fraud.

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"“The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us that the issue is not if, but when, the next biological incident will occur,” the new strategy states." Incident? I know, right. You're working as hard and as fast as you can on the next "incident". It's almost ready, so now we need a framework to streamline the cashflow. The show must go on!

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There is no constitutional basis or authority underpinning most of the government alphabet agencies. The federal government has no business whatsoever being involved in healthcare in any way, shape, or form. There was a time when the Tenth Amendment kept the government in check - it restricts the federal government from expanding itself or its own powers and authority, at least, on paper. If we, the people, had stood up a long time ago and said, "no," we would not be dealing with this at all. Undoing the bureaucracy will be far more difficult than would have been preventing it from the start.

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OK, it's time for a breakaway civilization. We may not be able to escape the planet's gravity well just yet, but by heavens we surely need to break away from our damned governments before they kill and/or enslave us all...

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We need to start connecting offline before we're unable to connect online.


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Convention of States OR TEXIT. Those are the best choices I've found (but am open to ideas)!

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Why don’t we try the coming election first?

I want to see what happens.

With inflation and other economic numbers this bad, honest elections should have republicans taking the House and the Senate......at the very least the House.

If democrats retain control of both House and Senate, that will be circumstantial evidence pointing to vote fraud.

At that point we will have to consider other available options......

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Can't disagree with that. Just looking farther ahead in case the results are suspect OR the R's win , but proceed to be all talk (but do nothing).

Actually my FAVORITE choice is the Convention of States as it has the ability to rein in the Federal government no matter who wins.

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Or Floridexit?! In all seriousness, this raging debate over the centralization of biomedical power feels like the runup to Bloody Kansas c. early 1850s. Except this time, it is the decentralizers on the correct side of history.

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Can we agree that FLEXIT is preferred to Floridexit? Is just has that ring to it. ; )

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Lol yes, I defer to your much wittier moniker.

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I only mention TEXIT as it's a movement already underway, with that group trying to get it on the ballot next year (I think).

Even though I don't live there, I 100% support it as we need as many options as possible.

I actually think if they left, other states would follow suit.

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I wonder if Crist will miraculously oust Desantis.

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A Texit or Florexit won't help anyone except those who reside in those 2 states. Maybe it's time for the entire South to "Rise Again". I hear Russia's willing to consider new member states too. Maybe the Left Coast would be interested in that! https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-invites-us-states-secede-152546096.html However, as a Southerner, I believe I'd probably be in the majority by saying "Thanks for the offer, but we'd rather try CSA 2.0"....

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This is just another money laundering scam.

Under this pile of bullshit, the pharmaceuticals would’ve gotten a contract to produce and sell 330 million doses of monkeypox vaccine already.

I told those liberal morons they’d rue the day government got involved in healthcare.

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Oct 18, 2022
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It’s probably the end of humanity. Too bad no one cares.

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I said this earlier on another article. Three groups of people in the world right now:

-vaxxed and content

-vaxxed and afraid


If all the vaxxed meet an unpleasant end, the vaxxed will be the only ones left. Will they end up envying the dead?

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This country is being run by a bunch of criminals. How we fix that, I don’t know.

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You know the answer to that. We all do.

It's us, or them. You want to be predator, or prey?

The vaxxed sheeple are already the prey. I'm not interested in becoming one of those. GloboCorp, WEF & their Government lackeys are already predators - and consider themselves to be "the apex predators". There's not that many of them though, compared to all of us "laissez-faire omnivores". If I'm not mistaken, originally that french term meant something along the lines of "leave alone" - which is what we would prefer to be. But when times get hard, omnivores can and will turn into predators. Lots of them....

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THIS is the question. And the criminals seem to be in positions of power EVERYWHERE!

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These plans are so patheticly juvenile, no one can take any of this seriously.

130 day vaccine?

12 hour tests?

$88 Billion in mandatory funding fornthe idiots who screwed up the last response.

Time for all you rank-and-file DOJ, FDA, NIH, CDC, FBI, NPR workers who read these posts to get on the right side of history, you know that these actions by the Feds, if carried out, will be the casue of the next Civil War.

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Get to know your local sheriff. The Feds vs The States will be an ongoing battleground.

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