The dam breaks when those who chose poorly and suffered the consequences start blaming the real culprits responsible and stop making the target of their ire those who chose wisely.
I had a friend who after the second shot had her blood pressure hit the stratosphere. She had high blood pressure before the vaccine, but it went insane after.
t might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets? Here’s a quick reminder: (0:42 is my favorite. Covid kills him instantly and he turns into a zombie quickly enough to break his fall!)
Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.
As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?
Spot on. The Chinese faked us out so badly with these comedy videos (that I literally laughed at the first time I saw them) that we (the western world) dropped everything we had learned about virology and flu-like illnesses in the hundred years since the Spanish flu pandemic, discarded all of the carefully-crafted epidemiological contingency plans for the pandemic outbreak of a flu-like illness, and got us to do everything we knew was ineffective at best and outright deadly at worst. They got us to impose lockdowns that have killed some 200,000 Americans, and they got us to vaccinate much of the civilian population and our entire armed forces with a poison that makes people more susceptible to the disease itself, if it doesn't just kill them outright. The death toll from the vaccines is probably on the order of 300,000, and like the death toll from the lockdowns, it's still going.
I think it'll happen more quickly than people think. The people in power right now are not students of history. They are not aware of how quickly the mob can turn against them.
totally agree. Once brainwashed...the success rate of recovery would be similar to that of pedophiles. Or sorry...I meant to say "child sexually attracted.".
"Those willing to get vaccinated differ mainly in their agreement with the mainstream narrative and have a higher score in the Covid Orthodoxy Scale, they read significantly less original scientific publications and consume more information through public media channels (TV and radio)."
Well, no kidding! And these people who read less scientific publications are the ones exhorting those of us who do to "follow the science," by which they mean the pre-chewed narrative that the propagandists in the media have assured them is The Science.
We don't "follow the science", we use "The Scientific Method". There ain't no "trust, believe or follow" in it. Falsifiability & Repeatability are the words in it.
We are those silly buggers insisting, to the chagrin of the Covidians, that science is a process and not an institution. They bemoan us thinking that science is a way of thinking and not a pre-written compendium of incontrovertible facts (for us to believe without question) curated and attested to by trusted scientists (whose authority on such matters is also to be believed without question).
That's what the so-called MIT study revealed, to the chagrin of the Covidian high priests, who bemoan the lack of discretion of the study authors in using language that can so easily be "weaponized" by "cranks" like us.
If objective truth is, to them, a weapon that they fear will be used against them, one may wonder which side really is the side of the "cranks."
The headline screenshot in this post: "Covid a more likely cause of surge in footballers collapsing with heart problems than vaccines, *Scientists* believe. *Scientists* criticize sports pundits that continue questioning *wisdom* of having vaccination against Covid."
They have had that in the works (patented circa 2002). In initial trials, it killed all the hamsters within 2 hours. However, with CDC recommendation, the FDA has approved it for all ages, including in utero. Commonly noted, completely coincidental, occurrences include brain bleeding and incontinence.
Brain bleeding and incontinence ARE normal conditions to be expected in healthy 15-to-40-year olds, particularly if they engage in professional sports, active lifestyle, or climate change.
Beat me to it but your speed in general leads me to believe you have for real 'Bewitched' powers and twitch your nose to research & write in three places at once! "coinciditis outbreak" :~)
"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going. Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."
That was a beautiful tribute to the unvaccinated. As one who has chosen to remain unvaccinated, in spite of the relentless pressure, and having spent last Christmas alone, it gives me strength to carry on.
My husband and I talk about this all the time now. We fully recognize that we were privileged to be in a position to refuse - despite our extended family shunning us or the comments made by politicians, bosses (mine) and co-workers (mine again) or even children (two of ours). We were able to do this because we were on the same page intellectually and philosophically and neither of us were ever at risk for losing our jobs. I will be forever grateful to G-d for sparing us this particular "cup." I do worry incessantly about our children who did submit, both willingly and unwillingly.
I was not in a privileged position and yet I refused. There was no question, it was no debate for me. I knew I was giving up a good salary, because although I got a religious exemption, I would not mask or test. (Of course, there are now lawsuits against forcing people to do this. I long said this was further discrimination, and turns out some courts are seeing it that way too.)
I now make half of what I made, have no bennies or insurance, lost some friends and colleagues. Things are much tougher for me, materially, now.
Would I do it again?
I said this the other day: You can't take safety to the grave. But you can take your integrity.
Thank you for making this incredibly important point. Personal circumstances certainly enabled greater defiance and easier refusal for some of us. However, the omnipresent social discrimination, targeted at refusers, impacted even the most reclusive of us, and in very personal ways.
Yes, personal (financial) circumstances helped, but that just made me feel more responsibility to speak out at work, for those who couldn't (well they could - it's just the financial cost would be higher).
But even having a financial firewall against the onslaught didn't help when your family turned against you. Don't think I'll ever be able to forget that.
Yes, this is the hardest pill to swallow (especially when everyone now wants to pretend like they weren't the ones ostracizing people for their choice).
Yes ... I can half forgive my friends as most of them literally stayed home for 1.5 years... meaning I wasn't specifically singled out. They didn't see anyone.
My family is harder, so much so.. I'm no longer sure I want to see them for the holidays... I struggle with how I'm going to handle this come Thanksgiving and Christmas.
John, if you are a praying man, I would say take this one to G-d and ask Him to soften your heart. But I do understand your reluctance to forgive. I deeply long for justice but would be lying if I didn't say I rub the idol of anger frequently.
I hear you and know that you are right. I have managed to ratchet down outright RAGE to something closer to anger and disappointment. But here is where I truly stumble:
Deep down, I know (feel) that if the circumstances were just slightly different (meaning I lived in Canada or Australia or if Fauxi would have had the power to drag me out of my home for disobeying, I now know they would have done nothing, and just turned their backs and allowed it).
This is what I can't get past. I have seen who they really are and can't unsee it. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else, but even if I can get past the anger, I'm not sure I can get past that.
Thank you for allowing me to just say something out loud - even to people I will most likely never know or meet.
There have been two things in the past 5 years that have brought great clarity - the election of Donald Trump (and the media and the political class's reaction to it) and Covid. As you said, there are now things that can't be unseen. I'm sure there are many of us who share your experience, John. I pray we can all find peace.
Thankfully I was approved for a religious exemption, so I still have my employment. I was prepared to walk away from my 17+ year job if they denied the request. My parents thought I was crazy (and probably still do), but my wife and daughter agreed with me and supported my position. My immediate family remains unjabbed and determined to stay that way. I'll sell my house and property and move into a travel trailer before I'll let any employer or government coerce me into taking an experimental injection!
The dam can also fail because thousands and thousands of us chip away at it. So chip away my little truth soldiers. Every word typed, every thing spoken out loud, is another pebble removed from their dam lies.
I treat mask mandates as a form of lockdowns. I haven't gone for an annual physical or a routine teeth cleaning for more than a year because I would have to put on a mask. To a degree, lockdowns still block me from getting health care. I don't really need it cause I'm rather healthy and not old. But it's still there.
Wearing them at the dentist office is the goofiest of all mandates. I mean, we are sitting there with our mouths wide open for 45 minutes but they want you to wear one as you walk from reception to the exam chair??
and dentists around here have been requiring some kind of dental dam at the back of the throat to totally block any virus from escaping into the room (I guess) -- so uncomfortable, so unnecessary, so stupid, and gag me! We do have to breathe.... hopefully the virus doesn't escape through our nostrils and kill the hygienist.
Going to the eye doctor.... the mask over the nose, mouth and chin fogs up the prescription contraption so you can't get an accurate prescription.... what is the point?
It's very abusive, just not worth it.... one day (soon?) this nuttiness will be over.
Holy cow! I am going to count my self lucky, then. I could not tolerate any kind of dental dam (ugh - just the thought). I have a hard enough time getting my bite wings done without gagging.
thankfully we are healthy and maybe even healthier, because we are now avoiding doctors. You know how to clean your teeth, right? You probably don't "need" to go as often as you have been led to believe you do.... kind of like those "well child" visits....
The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome has gone down because parents were not taking their children to their “well child” visits due to the Covid disruptions!
You’d be surprised the number of people that “know how to clean their teeth” and end up with periodontal disease, or frequent cavities.
I use an oral B electric toothbrush and floss two or three times a day, also rarely drink anything with sugar, and have had one cavity in my life, but there are people out there that have a much harder time and do need to be seen at more frequent intervals.
I go every 4 months (and put up with the goofy mask mandate only for the dentist) because despite my consistent and thorough oral hygiene, the chemistry in my mouth builds tartar and plaque. We really need to treat our teeth and gums well because they are crucial to good, long-term health and vitality.
Just a suggestion and not medical advice.. try oil pulling. Basically swish sesame seed oil (15-20ml) in your mouth for 12-15min, until you can tell the consistency has changed. Then swish with warm salted water (more salt the better) and then brush your teeth as normal immediately. Remember to spit the oil into the toilet bowl and not the sink, to prevent clogging. You should see significant difference by the 2nd time (daily task) you do it. Previously did annual teeth cleaning, haven't gone for a decade now...
I've heard of this practice. If you don't mind me asking - what differences did/do you see? I'm thinking of doing a little trial and see if my dentist notices anything.
Wife needed an urgent root canal and was able to hold it off for 6 months. My live-in helper had super sensitive teeth, couldn't eat or drink anything cold.... after a few weeks, I guess enough remineralization had occurred and she's at normal tolerance now. I feel like my gums are stronger, though if there's no issue, I only end up doing it once every couple of months. One of my kids had noticeable bad breath and I told her to try it... and it cleared up with 2 treatments. So wide range of positive effects.
I went 19 years without going to a dentist and when I went last year my teeth were fine. The dentist told me she couldn´t tell that I had not been to a dentist for that long. I guess I´m just lucky.
A lot of it must be genetic. Possibly also diet related... but I have gone multiple stretches in my life without seeing a dentist, stretches of approx 5 years. Yes it took the hygienist a lot longer than usual to clean my teeth, and there was bleeding, but no cavities. I have had 2 cavities in my life and they both occurred when I was in high school drinking 5 cokes a day and eating French fries daily. I was also on my mother's benefit plan and went to regular hygiene appointments every 6 months.
Since I aged out of my Mother's coverage, I have gone those long stretches without seeing a dentist or hygienist and not had any cavities. I don't avoid sugar, but I don't drink sodas as a rule and I avoid seed oils as much as is reasonable. I have never been one to floss, I just started doing it maybe 2 times a week over the past year, and I only started using an electric toothbrush about 3 years ago. It has been approximately 15 years since I have had regular checkups. I don't see how hygiene could have had anything to do with whether or not I've developed cavities.
Typically, unless someone is an absolute mess they are either going to be prone to gum disease, or cavities, but not both (within reason). People who typically build a lot of calculus on their teeth have more mineral content in their saliva and a higher pH environment. This is helpful for remineralizing enamel, but is problematic for health of the gums/bone because it’s impossible to completely clean the surface of calculus, which is essentially hardened biofilm. When you are young, you get away with a lot of habits that you won’t as you age. Flossing and regularly having your teeth cleaned aren’t necessarily critical when you’re a kid, but it will catch up with you in your 40s/50s/60s... it’s a lot like strength training, you don’t ‘have to’ lift weights to be fit in your twenties, but you’ll regret it when you age. When you’re born you look like your parents, when you’re old you look like your choices.
I think this is probably mostly true, but probably not the whole story. I am referring to the either/or statement about gum disease vs cavities. I am not sure everyone is prone to either or.
I love this answer, b/c I had a dentist once that said "There are two kinds of mouths--gum problems, or cavities." I loved the simplicity of this, and the way he said it all deadpan, but everyone I told thought the guy must be a terrible dentist for boiling things down this way! He wasn't great, imo--not the best nor the worst I've had--but I'm glad you've confirmed what he said.
I think you're right about genetics. I'm 55 now and I've only had two cavities in my life (both in my wisdom teeth because I am one of those unusual people who has all 32 teeth and didn't need braces which means, according to my kids, that I have a big mouth :)). Anyway, I get super frustrated because I do brush twice a day, don't drink sugary drinks, chew sugar free gum and floss every day and still, tartar and plaque. My dentist says it's just my chemistry (and apparently handed down to my kids too).
Cool, all 32 teeth! It's a wonder to run into someone with a well shaped jaw, you should show your kids some Weston A. Price data and see what they think😉
Maybe not immediately, but bacteria can enter through the gums. There is a great book called "The Clot Thickens" and the author actually looks at dental disease as one of the factors contributing to cardiac issues.
Lucky you. My dentist's office is located between the two world-famous universities located in the same town. Sanity won't soon return to a place like this.
We’ve been mask optional in my dental office since last fall. I still wear mine any time I’m around patients because some of the old people are more comfortable with it and I can live with that, but it’s been surgical mask only for me since last March.
just praying the dam bursts soon so hopefully some doctors somewhere will try to help those injected with this garbage. before it's too late. and anecdotally there has been a little rash of deaths of my 50-something peers again just the past few weeks. sudden unexpected deaths all.
FWIW, for some perhaps unknown reason, ivermectin seems to ameliorate many of the C19 vaxx 'side effects.' YMMV, but waiting for the docs (scared to death by FDA) to do something might well be a long, long wait.
Correct, sorry for too many 'internet abbreviations.' In my field of electrical engineering, like most technical fields rife with acronyms, there's an expression along the lines of "Oh no, not another TLA!" TLA = Three Letter Acronym .😉
Certainly not if it means admitting they were wrong. That is the ultimate, cardinal, unforgivable sin in the world of the Anointed. To maintain their status requires that they be infallible. Anything that does go wrong by definition is someone or something else's fault. Even if it is obvious to us benighted that it is the fault of the Anointed.
Imagine if you will, that the Public Health Authorities would've said:
By implementing these experimental measures, we anticipate that 10 million people will die (I believe it will be orders of magnitude higher) from the effects of the lockdowns alone, etc.
Isn't that the same thing as saying we are going to KILL 10 million people?
For that matter just say it's 1 million people. Maybe average Joe's would've taken pause?
I wonder if that may have prevented the Nestea plunge into an empty deep-end?
Do you recall the term "Teflon Memory?" That's what Gore Vidal said when he talked about the majority of American citizens when it comes to history or politics. JP Sears made a great little video about Bribe'n's 1988 presidential campaign,BTW. We may still learn about politics and politicians from Mark Twain as well!
Face diapers on soldiers during WW II? ... Gen. Patton wearing a face mask?? ...Scared of the 'rona?! ...or our pioneer ancestors in covered wagons?...The media has collaborated in creating the snowflake syndrome. Hypnosis is a weapon of the DS.
Because when I point out the idiocy, they point out that I'm making my life so much harder by being upset about it, or fighting it, and then infer that I am naive for expecting sense from pols, gov't institutions, etc. For not just going along, like everyone else, who are all just shrugging and saying "Not the battle I choose."
and so ironic that we the unvaccinated were the ones threatened with having to pay a health insurance penalty surcharge for our refusal to get vaccinated.
Well, we may be the only ones left alive and in good health to pay.....
still employed, still as healthy as ever. Whereas most of my fellow jabbed employees are constantly at the doctor for this diagnostic test or that complaint, or followup, or these various new medications for cardiac or other conditions, or not yet diagnosed for their extreme exhaustion and brain fog...
In our health system, when a person comes into the hospital for whatever reason, they will only be released when they are at a stable state (we don't kick them out if there's a danger of them destabilizing and dying at home, and those who are dying stay in the ward until a hospice spot can be arranged). This is a kind-hearted system.
What does that mean now with hematological disturbances suddenly more common? People who come in for entirely different conditions are laying weeks longer in the hospital because their low blood values are unsolved.
I admit, I've been butthurt for awhile over our health insurance system that is allowed to charge 3x as much for a person in their 60s as in their 20s, based solely on the number of their age. Never mind that I am far healthier (knock wood) than most younger people, and I gauge this by my interaction with the world, by the number of illnesses and doctor visits I have, by how my senses function, by how well I move, my energy level, my various indicators like blood readings and blood pressure, my ability to function cognitively, my ability to cope with and enjoy life, and my lack of any sort of aches and pains. No smoking, I pay attention to my lifestyle habits. I refuse to get the flu and COVID vaccines. I don't get sick. And yet.... up until I reach medicare age, I can be charged a ton more. It feels bogus and unfair to me.
But charging unjabbed -for-COVID people more??? Doesn't that seem a bit counterintuitive??? Like charging nonsmokers more....
As you imply, it's not about health; it's about money.
Deferred care as an excuse doesn’t really work anymore when healthy people suddenly drop dead while swimming or in their sleep or cancer that wasn’t there six months ago kills you.
Indeed. I now know directly and indirectly: one guy in his 40s (a co-worker of my partner's) who died of a stroke in January; my partner's elderly great-aunt who died of cardiac arrest in her kitchen in the weeks following her booster (Nov 2021), having previously been incredibly healthy for her age; the brother of an acquaintance (early 40s) who was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in April of this year, having previously had no symptoms; a neighbour who crashed her car after having a "heart incident" and blacking out (she's fine but told not to drive for 3 months)...
Just how are any of these due to deferred care? At some point people have got to look at these articles and realise they don't square up with reality.
A friends sister in law keeled over, no warning, at a restaurant. She did a face plant in her meal. She didn’t die, but what does this portend? At the hospital they said she was dehydrated. Yeah, right. At a restaurant, while eating, with a glass of water in front of her.
Could you please write about paxlovid? I work in out patient healthcare and we see a lot of Covid. People call me and ask if they can buy it OTC (needs a prescription) and they have the idea is that it’s like a cold remedy or something. It’s not! I don’t trust paxlovid any more than I do the vax. More of the same toxic product foisted off on us.
Paxlovid was only tested on healthy 45 year olds who were unvaccinated. There is a video out there of Dr. Drew speaking with Dr. McCollough about how it is being over prescibed with unknown after effects...Ivermectin was much safer according to McCollough
Yes, true that 45 does not make a clinical trial. Yet the government is promoting paxlovid. When Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Albert Bourla got Covid, they made sure to tell us that they were on paxlovid. Why, for an experimental drug when there are other drugs that treat Covid very successfully? Yet they will never speak on those. I believe that we will see serious side effects from paxlovid too, in time, due to the nature of the drug.
So is this mRNA tech inherently, or the COVID spike protein it's making the body produce? Because if the former, I'm a little cagey about the coming flood of mRNA "vaccines" for other diseases...
mRNA is an utterly unsafe modality. it's massively toxic, does not work, and has a terrible propensity to trigger auto immune issues.
but the spike protein for which it's coding is ALSO a huge problem. it's massively CG enriched relative even to the GoF hotwired viral spike from covid and laden with pseudouridine that is TLR evasive. (see link in piece at the end)
this is a devastating combo.
i have no idea what they are loading the new vaxxes with as payload. could well be more of the same mistakes.
Pseudouridine is a component of the mRNA not the spike protein. It slows or prevents degradation of the mRNA, leading to much higher levels of expression of spike protein, which probably continues for much longer than has been admitted, possibly indefinitely if the mRNA is nondegradable or is reverse-transcribed into DNA.
Listening to Dr. Malone talk about the tech behind mRNA, it’s supposed to be keyed to your genetic profile & tailored to fit you as an individual. Not mass produced for a one size fits all. As to it’s practicality & usefulness, I got nothing.
You mean waiting in line at a county park and having some random person making $9 and hour jab you with a needle was a bad idea??? Who coulda guessed??? Seemed totally normal to me.
They've got these "jab vans" in my part of London that drive around and pitch up in random spots, like a park or a market or next to a row of shops. These 20-year-olds in bright blue shirts then proceed to ask passers-by: "Have you had all of your covid vaccines?" And they point to a dingy tent with a foldout chair and some bored-looking guy around the same age wearing an unbuttoned lab coat.
They give these jobs here to medical students, for instance, and pay them 4x the normal level that a student would get. We put one of them on the Echo machine recently for fun -- young guy in incredible physical shape who's had 4 shots -- and we find heart dysfunction with myocarditis.
I'm still amazed at how in the before times, you went to a lab to get blood work drawn, tested, etc. In 2020, we're getting testing in parking lots and street corners and expecting high quality results. Ok. LOL
Thank you for posting that. When mRNA shots for COVID were proposed/announced, I went back and found an article I remembered reading about Moderna and mRNA - "Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine" (circa 2017). A couple of lines from the article stand out "But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects". It also discusses the danger of repeated doses of mRNA used in its gene therapy treatment, which is why Moderna changed its focus to vaccines to avoid the repeated dosage problem (as you may recall, before being redefined, "vaccine" used to mean a single shot to provide immunity, so no repeated doses). When the mRNA vaccines were rolled out, I looked for articles or information as to how the pharmaceutical companies had addressed and resolved those known problems, but I have yet to find any explanation.
They're really doubling down on Twitter that it's covid and/or long covid causing this, not the vaxxes. They're not outright addressing the excess mortality but are throwing out all kinds of shit about covid/long covid causing heart, cancer, and stroke deaths. Jerome Adams, Topol, and Ding are all over it. Check out Adams' recent retweets of Topol.
That’s the beauty of the 💉 - how do you link it to the outcome that can’t be argued....very very long drawn out process ... this is going to be another smoking lawsuit timewise
If I was a personal injury lawyer who was looking for a multi-million dollar case and saw this data I'd be salivating. Someone is going to hit it big in a shot injury judgment suit. Fraud will be easily proven. I guarantee you there are hundreds of lawyers working on this now. It's just going to take time.
I think the only way of getting people to really comprehend what has taken place is through multiple, class action lawsuits. For the first time in my life I am rooting for "ambulance-chasing" attorneys.
Some states have what's called a guaranty fund to pay claims if an insurance company goes tits up, but it isn't set up to handle overwhelming numbers of bankrupt companies.
The dam breaks when those who chose poorly and suffered the consequences start blaming the real culprits responsible and stop making the target of their ire those who chose wisely.
I'm only 56, but I doubt even with a long life, I'll live long enough to see that.
I'm a just a skosh younger; I'm going to giv'er a college try.
I dunno, I'd expected at least a few years before either lack of efficacy or side effects manifested but seems it's already happening.
I had a friend who after the second shot had her blood pressure hit the stratosphere. She had high blood pressure before the vaccine, but it went insane after.
On one of those excess deaths:
The irony, is that the sequelae of the lockdowns and the vaxx will probably overwhelm the hospital systems.
The original objective that was a total farce...may come true because of the farce.
There won't be an end zone and the goal post will get moved so fast that everyone will forget we're having the world's longest instant replay.
Yeah we all saw the Chinese videos of people collapsing in the street but that didn't actually happen here until they started jabbing people.
have you looked at those videos and pictures and seen how perfectly they're centered?
It was so obvious. How do people miss this shit?!
My favorite is the one of the guy who breaks his fall with his arms.
LOL yes! He dies and turns into a covid zombie so fast that he breaks his fall. Truly a terrible, terrible disease.
t might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets? Here’s a quick reminder: (0:42 is my favorite. Covid kills him instantly and he turns into a zombie quickly enough to break his fall!)
Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.
As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?
Spot on. The Chinese faked us out so badly with these comedy videos (that I literally laughed at the first time I saw them) that we (the western world) dropped everything we had learned about virology and flu-like illnesses in the hundred years since the Spanish flu pandemic, discarded all of the carefully-crafted epidemiological contingency plans for the pandemic outbreak of a flu-like illness, and got us to do everything we knew was ineffective at best and outright deadly at worst. They got us to impose lockdowns that have killed some 200,000 Americans, and they got us to vaccinate much of the civilian population and our entire armed forces with a poison that makes people more susceptible to the disease itself, if it doesn't just kill them outright. The death toll from the vaccines is probably on the order of 300,000, and like the death toll from the lockdowns, it's still going.
I'm keeping this one.
Right on!
Strategic execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy on the medical industrial complex.
They've perfected it. Divide, divert, demonize and dependence.
Some refer to that as a Hurry Up Offense.
I think it'll happen more quickly than people think. The people in power right now are not students of history. They are not aware of how quickly the mob can turn against them.
It seems like once in power it doesn't even occur to them.
See ceausescu+last+speech.
Excellent example of "my people love us." No they don't.
Well, I’m ready. When does it start?
I'm certain that that will never happen... The reason is simple, the herds of modern moron slaves DO NOT KNOW who the culprits actually are!
Yes, they make it obvious with their opinions and dismissals of those they disagree with.
I wrote about this just the other day...
Clearly this is a deep-rooted trait of modern degenerate uman animals so I can't see this CHANGING any century soon!
Yes, most likely will not change.
totally agree. Once brainwashed...the success rate of recovery would be similar to that of pedophiles. Or sorry...I meant to say "child sexually attracted.".
Interesting poll. The original non-believers have turned into the most ardent believers through succumbing.
From the linked page:
"Those willing to get vaccinated differ mainly in their agreement with the mainstream narrative and have a higher score in the Covid Orthodoxy Scale, they read significantly less original scientific publications and consume more information through public media channels (TV and radio)."
Well, no kidding! And these people who read less scientific publications are the ones exhorting those of us who do to "follow the science," by which they mean the pre-chewed narrative that the propagandists in the media have assured them is The Science.
We don't "follow the science", we use "The Scientific Method". There ain't no "trust, believe or follow" in it. Falsifiability & Repeatability are the words in it.
Thanks Ibn al-Haytham & Sir Francis Bacon
If you can't question it, it's not science, it's PROPAGANDA.
We are those silly buggers insisting, to the chagrin of the Covidians, that science is a process and not an institution. They bemoan us thinking that science is a way of thinking and not a pre-written compendium of incontrovertible facts (for us to believe without question) curated and attested to by trusted scientists (whose authority on such matters is also to be believed without question).
That's what the so-called MIT study revealed, to the chagrin of the Covidian high priests, who bemoan the lack of discretion of the study authors in using language that can so easily be "weaponized" by "cranks" like us.
If objective truth is, to them, a weapon that they fear will be used against them, one may wonder which side really is the side of the "cranks."
"pre-chewed narrative"!!! Good observation.
Like the gum, ABC NEWS= Already Been Chewed
Good catch.
It’s exactly the same for muh “climate eMuRgEnCY
Which *scientists*?
The headline screenshot in this post: "Covid a more likely cause of surge in footballers collapsing with heart problems than vaccines, *Scientists* believe. *Scientists* criticize sports pundits that continue questioning *wisdom* of having vaccination against Covid."
I doubt it. Comply-itis and Obey-itis are mental and social diseases.
I'm stealing "coinciditis"!
this coinciditis seems to be contagious, i wonder if they are developing a vaccine for it?
They have had that in the works (patented circa 2002). In initial trials, it killed all the hamsters within 2 hours. However, with CDC recommendation, the FDA has approved it for all ages, including in utero. Commonly noted, completely coincidental, occurrences include brain bleeding and incontinence.
Yes, the eye leakage is another commonly noted coincidence.
Brain bleeding and incontinence ARE normal conditions to be expected in healthy 15-to-40-year olds, particularly if they engage in professional sports, active lifestyle, or climate change.
Let's hope so. Then we can enjoy:
"All these people dropping like flies? What a coinciditis! I'm grateful for being jabbed and 12x boosted or it would have been far worse."
They'll try to convince people that all those dropping flies were only half dead.
they are just resting
This patient is clearly psychosomatic.
Nice! I'll upvote that myself.
in a shocking coincidence i heard some are getting it 3 or 4 times
Of course.
They'll be posting on twitter that they've tested positive for coinciditis which they were vaccinated against.
Makes perfect sense!
And their coinciditis would have been so much worse if they’d not been vaxxed.
The covidian prayer.....
It would have been much
lucky i got the vaccine or the coinciditis might have been much worse!
That would only lead to Long Coinciditis.
we have all been suffering from that for about 2 years!
How did you know? 😂
Serendipitousnessly... 🤷♂️
“Pachyderm in the parlor” and especially ”big book of biology excuses” should be handy. So bad. 😼
I call it coincidosis. Sure to chronicity
Coincidosis??? They make a mouthwash for that. 👍
Yeah, by trying to shut our mouths.
did you mean COINcidosis?
Beat me to it but your speed in general leads me to believe you have for real 'Bewitched' powers and twitch your nose to research & write in three places at once! "coinciditis outbreak" :~)
😹 If that were the case, I'd have finished my thousand articles in progress by now 😆
I’m stealing “pachyderm in the parlor”!
Paint VAERS data and 2020 election results on the sides and you can walk that baby right out the front door. No one will see it.
I'm stealing "big book of biology excuses"!
I have the condensed 1-page flow-chart: "Ideopathic"
That's srrrrriously genius!!! 😄
Exactly the first thought I had when I saw it! What a perfect word!
MESSAGE TO THE UNVACCINATED by an unknown author:
"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going. Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."
They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks.
Notice that Joe Biden kicked those people OUT of the army.
That was a beautiful tribute to the unvaccinated. As one who has chosen to remain unvaccinated, in spite of the relentless pressure, and having spent last Christmas alone, it gives me strength to carry on.
My husband and I talk about this all the time now. We fully recognize that we were privileged to be in a position to refuse - despite our extended family shunning us or the comments made by politicians, bosses (mine) and co-workers (mine again) or even children (two of ours). We were able to do this because we were on the same page intellectually and philosophically and neither of us were ever at risk for losing our jobs. I will be forever grateful to G-d for sparing us this particular "cup." I do worry incessantly about our children who did submit, both willingly and unwillingly.
I was not in a privileged position and yet I refused. There was no question, it was no debate for me. I knew I was giving up a good salary, because although I got a religious exemption, I would not mask or test. (Of course, there are now lawsuits against forcing people to do this. I long said this was further discrimination, and turns out some courts are seeing it that way too.)
I now make half of what I made, have no bennies or insurance, lost some friends and colleagues. Things are much tougher for me, materially, now.
Would I do it again?
I said this the other day: You can't take safety to the grave. But you can take your integrity.
Thank you for making this incredibly important point. Personal circumstances certainly enabled greater defiance and easier refusal for some of us. However, the omnipresent social discrimination, targeted at refusers, impacted even the most reclusive of us, and in very personal ways.
Yes, personal (financial) circumstances helped, but that just made me feel more responsibility to speak out at work, for those who couldn't (well they could - it's just the financial cost would be higher).
But even having a financial firewall against the onslaught didn't help when your family turned against you. Don't think I'll ever be able to forget that.
Yes, this is the hardest pill to swallow (especially when everyone now wants to pretend like they weren't the ones ostracizing people for their choice).
Yes ... I can half forgive my friends as most of them literally stayed home for 1.5 years... meaning I wasn't specifically singled out. They didn't see anyone.
My family is harder, so much so.. I'm no longer sure I want to see them for the holidays... I struggle with how I'm going to handle this come Thanksgiving and Christmas.
John, if you are a praying man, I would say take this one to G-d and ask Him to soften your heart. But I do understand your reluctance to forgive. I deeply long for justice but would be lying if I didn't say I rub the idol of anger frequently.
I hear you and know that you are right. I have managed to ratchet down outright RAGE to something closer to anger and disappointment. But here is where I truly stumble:
Deep down, I know (feel) that if the circumstances were just slightly different (meaning I lived in Canada or Australia or if Fauxi would have had the power to drag me out of my home for disobeying, I now know they would have done nothing, and just turned their backs and allowed it).
This is what I can't get past. I have seen who they really are and can't unsee it. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else, but even if I can get past the anger, I'm not sure I can get past that.
Thank you for allowing me to just say something out loud - even to people I will most likely never know or meet.
There have been two things in the past 5 years that have brought great clarity - the election of Donald Trump (and the media and the political class's reaction to it) and Covid. As you said, there are now things that can't be unseen. I'm sure there are many of us who share your experience, John. I pray we can all find peace.
Thankfully I was approved for a religious exemption, so I still have my employment. I was prepared to walk away from my 17+ year job if they denied the request. My parents thought I was crazy (and probably still do), but my wife and daughter agreed with me and supported my position. My immediate family remains unjabbed and determined to stay that way. I'll sell my house and property and move into a travel trailer before I'll let any employer or government coerce me into taking an experimental injection!
G-d bless you and your family, Jim.
thank you for this
Thank you
Thank you, I feel like a huge burdened has been lifted.
Thanks for taking the time to find this.
Inspiring, thanks.
Thank you for sharing this.
Could not find it on you tube, saved it
I couldn't either. If someone finds it, can they post it here. Thank you.
The dam can also fail because thousands and thousands of us chip away at it. So chip away my little truth soldiers. Every word typed, every thing spoken out loud, is another pebble removed from their dam lies.
well said!
I treat mask mandates as a form of lockdowns. I haven't gone for an annual physical or a routine teeth cleaning for more than a year because I would have to put on a mask. To a degree, lockdowns still block me from getting health care. I don't really need it cause I'm rather healthy and not old. But it's still there.
I use a fake mask from when I have to wear one. Can breathe through it.
I do not even want to wear one of those. No, No & No, to criminal and illegal, unscientific mandates!!
Wearing them at the dentist office is the goofiest of all mandates. I mean, we are sitting there with our mouths wide open for 45 minutes but they want you to wear one as you walk from reception to the exam chair??
and dentists around here have been requiring some kind of dental dam at the back of the throat to totally block any virus from escaping into the room (I guess) -- so uncomfortable, so unnecessary, so stupid, and gag me! We do have to breathe.... hopefully the virus doesn't escape through our nostrils and kill the hygienist.
Going to the eye doctor.... the mask over the nose, mouth and chin fogs up the prescription contraption so you can't get an accurate prescription.... what is the point?
It's very abusive, just not worth it.... one day (soon?) this nuttiness will be over.
Holy cow! I am going to count my self lucky, then. I could not tolerate any kind of dental dam (ugh - just the thought). I have a hard enough time getting my bite wings done without gagging.
It’s purely theater.
thankfully we are healthy and maybe even healthier, because we are now avoiding doctors. You know how to clean your teeth, right? You probably don't "need" to go as often as you have been led to believe you do.... kind of like those "well child" visits....
The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome has gone down because parents were not taking their children to their “well child” visits due to the Covid disruptions!
This is very interesting 🤨
No vaccine has EVER been tested for long term safety. Not one!
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
You’d be surprised the number of people that “know how to clean their teeth” and end up with periodontal disease, or frequent cavities.
I use an oral B electric toothbrush and floss two or three times a day, also rarely drink anything with sugar, and have had one cavity in my life, but there are people out there that have a much harder time and do need to be seen at more frequent intervals.
-a dentist
I go every 4 months (and put up with the goofy mask mandate only for the dentist) because despite my consistent and thorough oral hygiene, the chemistry in my mouth builds tartar and plaque. We really need to treat our teeth and gums well because they are crucial to good, long-term health and vitality.
Just a suggestion and not medical advice.. try oil pulling. Basically swish sesame seed oil (15-20ml) in your mouth for 12-15min, until you can tell the consistency has changed. Then swish with warm salted water (more salt the better) and then brush your teeth as normal immediately. Remember to spit the oil into the toilet bowl and not the sink, to prevent clogging. You should see significant difference by the 2nd time (daily task) you do it. Previously did annual teeth cleaning, haven't gone for a decade now...
I've heard of this practice. If you don't mind me asking - what differences did/do you see? I'm thinking of doing a little trial and see if my dentist notices anything.
Wife needed an urgent root canal and was able to hold it off for 6 months. My live-in helper had super sensitive teeth, couldn't eat or drink anything cold.... after a few weeks, I guess enough remineralization had occurred and she's at normal tolerance now. I feel like my gums are stronger, though if there's no issue, I only end up doing it once every couple of months. One of my kids had noticeable bad breath and I told her to try it... and it cleared up with 2 treatments. So wide range of positive effects.
I went 19 years without going to a dentist and when I went last year my teeth were fine. The dentist told me she couldn´t tell that I had not been to a dentist for that long. I guess I´m just lucky.
A lot of it must be genetic. Possibly also diet related... but I have gone multiple stretches in my life without seeing a dentist, stretches of approx 5 years. Yes it took the hygienist a lot longer than usual to clean my teeth, and there was bleeding, but no cavities. I have had 2 cavities in my life and they both occurred when I was in high school drinking 5 cokes a day and eating French fries daily. I was also on my mother's benefit plan and went to regular hygiene appointments every 6 months.
Since I aged out of my Mother's coverage, I have gone those long stretches without seeing a dentist or hygienist and not had any cavities. I don't avoid sugar, but I don't drink sodas as a rule and I avoid seed oils as much as is reasonable. I have never been one to floss, I just started doing it maybe 2 times a week over the past year, and I only started using an electric toothbrush about 3 years ago. It has been approximately 15 years since I have had regular checkups. I don't see how hygiene could have had anything to do with whether or not I've developed cavities.
Typically, unless someone is an absolute mess they are either going to be prone to gum disease, or cavities, but not both (within reason). People who typically build a lot of calculus on their teeth have more mineral content in their saliva and a higher pH environment. This is helpful for remineralizing enamel, but is problematic for health of the gums/bone because it’s impossible to completely clean the surface of calculus, which is essentially hardened biofilm. When you are young, you get away with a lot of habits that you won’t as you age. Flossing and regularly having your teeth cleaned aren’t necessarily critical when you’re a kid, but it will catch up with you in your 40s/50s/60s... it’s a lot like strength training, you don’t ‘have to’ lift weights to be fit in your twenties, but you’ll regret it when you age. When you’re born you look like your parents, when you’re old you look like your choices.
Ain't it the truth!
I think this is probably mostly true, but probably not the whole story. I am referring to the either/or statement about gum disease vs cavities. I am not sure everyone is prone to either or.
My statement had two qualifiers “typically” and “unless an absolute mess”. There are very few things in life that always/never happen.
I love this answer, b/c I had a dentist once that said "There are two kinds of mouths--gum problems, or cavities." I loved the simplicity of this, and the way he said it all deadpan, but everyone I told thought the guy must be a terrible dentist for boiling things down this way! He wasn't great, imo--not the best nor the worst I've had--but I'm glad you've confirmed what he said.
I think you're right about genetics. I'm 55 now and I've only had two cavities in my life (both in my wisdom teeth because I am one of those unusual people who has all 32 teeth and didn't need braces which means, according to my kids, that I have a big mouth :)). Anyway, I get super frustrated because I do brush twice a day, don't drink sugary drinks, chew sugar free gum and floss every day and still, tartar and plaque. My dentist says it's just my chemistry (and apparently handed down to my kids too).
Cool, all 32 teeth! It's a wonder to run into someone with a well shaped jaw, you should show your kids some Weston A. Price data and see what they think😉
I guess they will find out that periodontal disease can lead to death.
Maybe not immediately, but bacteria can enter through the gums. There is a great book called "The Clot Thickens" and the author actually looks at dental disease as one of the factors contributing to cardiac issues.
I completely agree.
This is a tsunami coming, that is just one small concentric circle at the moment. Wait until that wall of death and disease hits the shore.
Whew, sobering imagery but I fear accurate.
Not sure where you live, but here in Macon GA nobody at the dentist office wears a mask and they don't require you to.
Lucky you. My dentist's office is located between the two world-famous universities located in the same town. Sanity won't soon return to a place like this.
We’ve been mask optional in my dental office since last fall. I still wear mine any time I’m around patients because some of the old people are more comfortable with it and I can live with that, but it’s been surgical mask only for me since last March.
I have an appointment next week. I am hoping with the recent update to CDC guidelines, my dentist will have changed his policies.
just praying the dam bursts soon so hopefully some doctors somewhere will try to help those injected with this garbage. before it's too late. and anecdotally there has been a little rash of deaths of my 50-something peers again just the past few weeks. sudden unexpected deaths all.
FWIW, for some perhaps unknown reason, ivermectin seems to ameliorate many of the C19 vaxx 'side effects.' YMMV, but waiting for the docs (scared to death by FDA) to do something might well be a long, long wait.
Can I guess? YMMV, your mileage may vary?
Correct, sorry for too many 'internet abbreviations.' In my field of electrical engineering, like most technical fields rife with acronyms, there's an expression along the lines of "Oh no, not another TLA!" TLA = Three Letter Acronym .😉
Ivermectin is an approved treatment for rosacea.
Just sayin'
And shedding side effects..
Studies on cancer
They won’t be able to help. They follow orders from the CDC. The CDC definitely won’t help.
Certainly not if it means admitting they were wrong. That is the ultimate, cardinal, unforgivable sin in the world of the Anointed. To maintain their status requires that they be infallible. Anything that does go wrong by definition is someone or something else's fault. Even if it is obvious to us benighted that it is the fault of the Anointed.
Imagine if you will, that the Public Health Authorities would've said:
By implementing these experimental measures, we anticipate that 10 million people will die (I believe it will be orders of magnitude higher) from the effects of the lockdowns alone, etc.
Isn't that the same thing as saying we are going to KILL 10 million people?
For that matter just say it's 1 million people. Maybe average Joe's would've taken pause?
I wonder if that may have prevented the Nestea plunge into an empty deep-end?
Rod Serling would've seen right through the lies of the Pharma-Govt from the get go!
Time to review "They Live."
exactly! great memory
Do you recall the term "Teflon Memory?" That's what Gore Vidal said when he talked about the majority of American citizens when it comes to history or politics. JP Sears made a great little video about Bribe'n's 1988 presidential campaign,BTW. We may still learn about politics and politicians from Mark Twain as well!
Mark Twain was prescient.
“Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reasons.”
One of the few things he couldn't account for, with human nature, is the fact that people would actually put diapers on their faces.
Can you imagine?! ...George Washington wearing a chin diaper?
He'd take off his wig and wear the diaper like a beret to make fun of the cowards.
Face diapers on soldiers during WW II? ... Gen. Patton wearing a face mask?? ...Scared of the 'rona?! ...or our pioneer ancestors in covered wagons?...The media has collaborated in creating the snowflake syndrome. Hypnosis is a weapon of the DS.
They'd be so ashamed, they'd donkey punch us.
Have you ever had an actual snowflake tell you you're the snowflake for pointing out how stupid all this nonsense has been?
Actually, yes.
Because when I point out the idiocy, they point out that I'm making my life so much harder by being upset about it, or fighting it, and then infer that I am naive for expecting sense from pols, gov't institutions, etc. For not just going along, like everyone else, who are all just shrugging and saying "Not the battle I choose."
It's so twisted!
Yes. Or; "i just want to live my life".
One of my favorite free thinking, critical rebels.
and so ironic that we the unvaccinated were the ones threatened with having to pay a health insurance penalty surcharge for our refusal to get vaccinated.
Well, we may be the only ones left alive and in good health to pay.....
still employed, still as healthy as ever. Whereas most of my fellow jabbed employees are constantly at the doctor for this diagnostic test or that complaint, or followup, or these various new medications for cardiac or other conditions, or not yet diagnosed for their extreme exhaustion and brain fog...
and they want ME to be the one to pay more?
In our health system, when a person comes into the hospital for whatever reason, they will only be released when they are at a stable state (we don't kick them out if there's a danger of them destabilizing and dying at home, and those who are dying stay in the ward until a hospice spot can be arranged). This is a kind-hearted system.
What does that mean now with hematological disturbances suddenly more common? People who come in for entirely different conditions are laying weeks longer in the hospital because their low blood values are unsolved.
You, the healthy insurance payer, pays for that.
I admit, I've been butthurt for awhile over our health insurance system that is allowed to charge 3x as much for a person in their 60s as in their 20s, based solely on the number of their age. Never mind that I am far healthier (knock wood) than most younger people, and I gauge this by my interaction with the world, by the number of illnesses and doctor visits I have, by how my senses function, by how well I move, my energy level, my various indicators like blood readings and blood pressure, my ability to function cognitively, my ability to cope with and enjoy life, and my lack of any sort of aches and pains. No smoking, I pay attention to my lifestyle habits. I refuse to get the flu and COVID vaccines. I don't get sick. And yet.... up until I reach medicare age, I can be charged a ton more. It feels bogus and unfair to me.
But charging unjabbed -for-COVID people more??? Doesn't that seem a bit counterintuitive??? Like charging nonsmokers more....
As you imply, it's not about health; it's about money.
For a further analysis on UK excess deaths and ambulance call-outs, see here.
Yes I recommend this substack post. Great data.
Deferred care as an excuse doesn’t really work anymore when healthy people suddenly drop dead while swimming or in their sleep or cancer that wasn’t there six months ago kills you.
People have short memories. It'll be blamed on loooooong covid.
Short memories, incurious minds, blind allegiance.
Indeed. I now know directly and indirectly: one guy in his 40s (a co-worker of my partner's) who died of a stroke in January; my partner's elderly great-aunt who died of cardiac arrest in her kitchen in the weeks following her booster (Nov 2021), having previously been incredibly healthy for her age; the brother of an acquaintance (early 40s) who was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in April of this year, having previously had no symptoms; a neighbour who crashed her car after having a "heart incident" and blacking out (she's fine but told not to drive for 3 months)...
Just how are any of these due to deferred care? At some point people have got to look at these articles and realise they don't square up with reality.
A friends sister in law keeled over, no warning, at a restaurant. She did a face plant in her meal. She didn’t die, but what does this portend? At the hospital they said she was dehydrated. Yeah, right. At a restaurant, while eating, with a glass of water in front of her.
Deferred care:
if the stretcher had just been there sooner, the famous athlete who dropped dead on the field wouldn't have dropped.
Good point. What was deferred when someone with no history of heart disease keels over at dinner in front of his family.
Could you please write about paxlovid? I work in out patient healthcare and we see a lot of Covid. People call me and ask if they can buy it OTC (needs a prescription) and they have the idea is that it’s like a cold remedy or something. It’s not! I don’t trust paxlovid any more than I do the vax. More of the same toxic product foisted off on us.
Paxlovid was only tested on healthy 45 year olds who were unvaccinated. There is a video out there of Dr. Drew speaking with Dr. McCollough about how it is being over prescibed with unknown after effects...Ivermectin was much safer according to McCollough
Yes, true that 45 does not make a clinical trial. Yet the government is promoting paxlovid. When Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Albert Bourla got Covid, they made sure to tell us that they were on paxlovid. Why, for an experimental drug when there are other drugs that treat Covid very successfully? Yet they will never speak on those. I believe that we will see serious side effects from paxlovid too, in time, due to the nature of the drug.
So is this mRNA tech inherently, or the COVID spike protein it's making the body produce? Because if the former, I'm a little cagey about the coming flood of mRNA "vaccines" for other diseases...
it's both.
mRNA is an utterly unsafe modality. it's massively toxic, does not work, and has a terrible propensity to trigger auto immune issues.
but the spike protein for which it's coding is ALSO a huge problem. it's massively CG enriched relative even to the GoF hotwired viral spike from covid and laden with pseudouridine that is TLR evasive. (see link in piece at the end)
this is a devastating combo.
i have no idea what they are loading the new vaxxes with as payload. could well be more of the same mistakes.
industry loves mRNA because it's easy to make.
but it's an awful way to do a drug.
Pseudouridine is a component of the mRNA not the spike protein. It slows or prevents degradation of the mRNA, leading to much higher levels of expression of spike protein, which probably continues for much longer than has been admitted, possibly indefinitely if the mRNA is nondegradable or is reverse-transcribed into DNA.
It's STILL an experiment, to avoid the liability.
Even if we do eventually get access to a fully approved vaccine, it will still be "experimental."
No thank you.
Listening to Dr. Malone talk about the tech behind mRNA, it’s supposed to be keyed to your genetic profile & tailored to fit you as an individual. Not mass produced for a one size fits all. As to it’s practicality & usefulness, I got nothing.
You mean waiting in line at a county park and having some random person making $9 and hour jab you with a needle was a bad idea??? Who coulda guessed??? Seemed totally normal to me.
They've got these "jab vans" in my part of London that drive around and pitch up in random spots, like a park or a market or next to a row of shops. These 20-year-olds in bright blue shirts then proceed to ask passers-by: "Have you had all of your covid vaccines?" And they point to a dingy tent with a foldout chair and some bored-looking guy around the same age wearing an unbuttoned lab coat.
They give these jobs here to medical students, for instance, and pay them 4x the normal level that a student would get. We put one of them on the Echo machine recently for fun -- young guy in incredible physical shape who's had 4 shots -- and we find heart dysfunction with myocarditis.
I'm still amazed at how in the before times, you went to a lab to get blood work drawn, tested, etc. In 2020, we're getting testing in parking lots and street corners and expecting high quality results. Ok. LOL
YES! More proof of the TOTAL THEATER.
Aren’t the mRNA vaccines a trifecta—isn’t t the LNP also bad news?
Remember how Moderna switched to 'vaccines' because repeated mRNA shots was killing all the animals?
I do.
Thank you for posting that. When mRNA shots for COVID were proposed/announced, I went back and found an article I remembered reading about Moderna and mRNA - "Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine" (circa 2017). A couple of lines from the article stand out "But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects". It also discusses the danger of repeated doses of mRNA used in its gene therapy treatment, which is why Moderna changed its focus to vaccines to avoid the repeated dosage problem (as you may recall, before being redefined, "vaccine" used to mean a single shot to provide immunity, so no repeated doses). When the mRNA vaccines were rolled out, I looked for articles or information as to how the pharmaceutical companies had addressed and resolved those known problems, but I have yet to find any explanation.
They're really doubling down on Twitter that it's covid and/or long covid causing this, not the vaxxes. They're not outright addressing the excess mortality but are throwing out all kinds of shit about covid/long covid causing heart, cancer, and stroke deaths. Jerome Adams, Topol, and Ding are all over it. Check out Adams' recent retweets of Topol.
Btw, coinciditis cracks me up.
My standard answer to “it was the covid I had that caused this” that most got AFTER vaccination or boosters… Oh you mean post spike toxicity?
That’s still no reason to take the vax, given it doesn’t prevent covid or long covid by any objective measure.
You are preaching at the choir man, I bought the “stops transmission” lie but stopped at two
That’s the beauty of the 💉 - how do you link it to the outcome that can’t be argued....very very long drawn out process ... this is going to be another smoking lawsuit timewise
The people I know suffering from constant illness following their boosters are saying their doctors say they have long COVID.
If I was a personal injury lawyer who was looking for a multi-million dollar case and saw this data I'd be salivating. Someone is going to hit it big in a shot injury judgment suit. Fraud will be easily proven. I guarantee you there are hundreds of lawyers working on this now. It's just going to take time.
I think the only way of getting people to really comprehend what has taken place is through multiple, class action lawsuits. For the first time in my life I am rooting for "ambulance-chasing" attorneys.
Which companies will be the targets of these types of lawsuits? Are any of them publicly traded?
Well, with everything being money in the end, I'd guess them evil insurers are gonna be the only saviors we get.
Yup, gotta have someone with some skin in the game. And from what I can tell, the skin the insurers have in this game is pretty significant.
Gonna be an avalanche to dwarf all snowfalls ever since the beginning of solid water.
Can the insurers collapse and then are there re-insurers? Is this like the failed loans in 2008? I'm sensing deja vu...
Well, you know, they may collapse, even the re-insurers, but those 'too big to fail' will get bailouts... deja vu all over again indeed.
Some states have what's called a guaranty fund to pay claims if an insurance company goes tits up, but it isn't set up to handle overwhelming numbers of bankrupt companies.
This is shaping up to be arguably the greatest fight in history:
The insurance racket lobby vs. the pharma racket lobby.
Best stock up on popcorn now.
Wow. You are right.