news about elevated death rates is leaking out
and we're running out of excuses to deflect blame
you’re probably not going to see a great deal about this in the US press, but it’s starting to leak out in places like the UK where the hand in glove aspect of mainstream media and state is not quite as complete.
we are, however, still mired in ideas of “unexplained” which feels like a bit of a figleaf and media and state alike are grasping around for “reasons” that are not too damaging for narrative. and easy early one onto which to latch is “lockdowns did this” and treating it as some sort of hangover effect.
the argument largely goes like this:
and while there is likely some truth to it, this explanation does not seem terribly satisfactory.
you can certainly increase deaths by swamping care and preventing early detection of risks, but it does not generate this kind of rise in overall mortality. these claims are associative, but lack any clear linkage.
it feels like a mantra being spoken over and over to focus the mind away from what might actually be going on and to “plead poor to get more funding” which is, of course, the oldest trick in the public services book. (and one that seems less than convincing when there sure still seems to be plenty of dosh for the diversitycrats and their endless woke depredations)
these deaths look concentrated in cancers and heart conditions. both are known side effects of the covid vaccines. both were warned against endlessly but these warnings were ignored.
in their place, we got sustained campaigns of gaslighting like the infamous “everything causes heart attacks in young people now” and the myth of covid caused myo and pericarditis that has since been disproven.
and so the story had to change from this to something new.
and as can be seen above, we’re onto “lockdown deferred care” as “explication du jour” but i doubt this one will hold up either.
the fact is that we’ve been casting around all year for some explanation that the public will buy that explains the truly dissonant state of what’s going on in the all cause deaths arena. and the public is rapidly running out of credulity.
you only get to change your answer to this question so many times before no one listens to you anymore and the retrenchment back to “blaming policy” instead of the dozens of exogenous causes that have one by one failed to pan out and fallen by the wayside represents a start of the move into “endgame.”
this is the beginning of the acceptance of policy culpability and that’s a very meaningful change.
and it’s going to set up the next shoes to fall. and there are some no fooling around clodhoppers getting ready to drop…
the data on heart risk and heart damage from covid vaccines is pretty unequivocal at this point. they have been discontinued in the young in many countries because the risk clearly outweighs the benefit and the elevated death rates are concentrated in the young and healthy, precisely those who seem to bear the worst brunt of this adverse event.

and the newfound lack of trust is really showing up in spades. nobody is getting their under 5’s vaxxed. the rate is about 2.8% in the US. we have finally wised up to the “this is not good risk reward for the young and healthy and never was.”
and it’s not like that was ever subtle.
and once suspicion starts, it tends to grow
but the real doozie lies here in the tireless and desperately needed work being done by gatopal™ ethical skeptic who has done such an excellent job of pulling together data from disparate sources to replace the CDC data that’s not being reported because of “updates.”

and as can be readily seen, the alignment of this cancer variance and the excess non-covid natural death is quite tight and both go near vertical in trend commencing week 14 2021. (MMWR = mortality and morbidity weekly report)
it’s useful to understand what else was happening then:
(and you’d expect a bit of lag here, maybe a week or two on heart issues, perhaps more on cancer)
it appears we may have another coinciditis outbreak on our hands.
the next surge of vaccine dosing was in nov-dec 2021 and that coincides with the next sudden spike in cancer and death. these were the boosters. and there is strong reason to suspect that boosters had considerably higher adverse events effect than prior doses. in march, we see a “4th dose” round coming through and yet again see surge after the deep dip when vaccination stopped in feb-mar 2022.
i have not run a regression here, but this eyeballs in awfully compelling fashion and as we have specific, indented biological reason to expect linkage, causality seems a dominant assumption to “spurious correlation.” and we’re in a point where data really needs explication.
there is an awfully large pachyderm in the parlor here.
and you can’t just toss a dustcloth over it.
at some point, it’s going to have to be called by name.
too many linkages and timings are FAR too exact and the “big book of biology excuses” is getting pretty threadbare.
and the costs are about to blow out.
people with heart damage will pop every round of vaxxes. the cancer issue will likely just keep rising as the CG enriched nature of the mRNA vaxxes takes its toll.
and who is going to pay for it? who is going to take care of the bills for heart treatment and cancer?
the payors are seeing this spike and i know they are because several have told me. they also know full well what’s doing it and who they want to go after, but the liability shields prevent it.
how much water can build up behind this dam before it breaks?
The dam breaks when those who chose poorly and suffered the consequences start blaming the real culprits responsible and stop making the target of their ire those who chose wisely.
I'm stealing "coinciditis"!