So glad you wrote about this today, I couldn't decide if I should or not. Most of these things were already known, but it's great to see them finally getting some publicity. Those of us who have gone over the (heavily redacted) FOIA emails know exactly what we'd find with transparency -- a "conspiracy" to cover up the illegal gain of function research we were funding in Wuhan.

A very very cynical person (or cat) might even think that keeping Rand Paul in the minority (and thus away from any real teeth in hearings) was worth stuffing some ballot boxes.

Luckily, as more information comes out, more people are demanding accountability. And not the UK covid commission style where they investigate themselves. Give me, our gracious host, Bill Rice, and a handful of other Substackers full access to communications between the 'experts' and we'd blow this thing apart by Monday morning. (Too bad we don't have a real media that's interested in that!)

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An even more cynical person might think that, once again, it will be swept under the rug. At which point… only executions in the street will bring these loathsome globalist maggots to justice.

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They're certainly not above murder, that's for sure.

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Cannot like this post; substack denies my heart!


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WORKAROUND! You have to reload the page AFTER tapping the heart once. It only looks like it didn’t work. But when you reload the page the heart is red. (Unless you tapped it twice before reloading.)

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So, it's not just me... I initially got to 'like' some here and there, but it seems to run out of ink, lol...

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Was able to like the first few posts & nothing further.

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I found if you went out of the article & then went back in, you could like some more posts & then the same thing would happen again.

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Ditto. Could like the first two only.

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In the last week or so, I've noticed on a LOT of substacks the "like" thingy doesn't work. Double hmmmm......

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Me too

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I swear, I just saw your 20 Likes shrink to 14 when I reloaded the page.

It wouldn't let me "Like" it, either.

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I've been having that problem as well. Me thinks somebody is tinkering with Substack

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There actions have spoken louder than their lying words

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Weird that the people behind the censorship and media & advertising blitz weren't ACTAULLY interested in figuring out the truth.


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Because they are owned. Cute you think the media is real. It’s a propaganda machine. Always has been.

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They should all be put in Epstein’s cell for safe keeping. If they all somehow grow very depressed and “hang themselves”, well, oopsie

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Yes let’s, and time it with a serendipitous surveillance camera malfunction

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or these guys could start jumping out of windows as the heat gets turned up on them. They should die like they lived,,,in shame.

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Very weird; I tried several times to "Like" your comment, refreshing the page between times. My "Like" was finally accepted, but it took some doing. Anyway, well said. Tragically true.

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That is what it will take. Nothing will happen to all these dnakes

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* (Too bad we don't have a real media that's interested in that!)

You ARE the real media!

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The Republicans are furious. You can tell because the letter they are drafting to fix this problem is even more sternly worded than usual.

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This one should have a Laugh option. Furious and "sternly worded". That will show those dirty dogs. With apology to all dogs that get dirty.

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The rate of a centralized government is expanding too quickly! Try our Government Lite™ option.

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The first Australian COVID commission was for the purpose of reviewing the contracts: did we order enough? Did we buy the right products from the right manufacturers? Did we pay the right price? Did we distribute well? Did we serve the "underserved" populations?

Absolutely NOTHING about the crimes committed against citizens, despite the efforts of One Nation's Malcolm Kendrick and the very excellent Gerard Rennick.

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Unfortunately, nothing ever happens. Who’s going to prosecute this guy for destroying evidence and circumventing federal law? Merrick Garland?

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As I have said over at Unreported Truths, we happy few Darkhorse listeners from the early days knew how to connect the dots between these shady actors. Let’s not forget to throw in Jeremy Farrar whose name was redacted in Fauci emails who’s a real power broker. To me Fauci is just a skilled middle management sociopath.

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The captured MSM doesn't seem to be interested in the WHO? Treaty, either.

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Don't know why my "like" doesn't register. But here's another "like".

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May I just thank all you cats and kittens, especially the Gato Grande, for helping me through the last few years of pariah-hood. When neighbours were shouting "where's your mask", and I was not able to go to local restaurants because I hadn't taken the jab, at least I had all of you to keep me (and my guy) from feeling too alone. Couldn't have done it without you all.

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Agree! A million times!

Thank you all

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not alone

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May 17
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MSM is not dead--it can be bought on Amazon and elsewhere. People use it for arthritis and inflammation.

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Mrs. "the Knife"

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God bless incompetence.

I can't help but think of the Reddit post where Paul Combetta, Hillary Clinton’s network host, asked how to delete emails:

“I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email…Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out.… Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished?” (https://observer.com/2016/09/hillary-clintons-network-host-asked-reddit-how-to-delete-very-vip-emails/)

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No you can't. There's probably even some mathematical relationship between the size of a bureaucracy and how stupid it is.

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C Northcote Parkinson wrote the book - literally - on that topic. It's only 120 pages or so, the original had illustrations too. "Parkinson's Law" never fails to infuriate bureaucrats to this day.

Perfect example, for me: Sweden's health care sector. We now have more admin-type full-time employees than MDs.

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Also Britain's NHS for sure. Here's my take on it from a recent essay:

"...my theme here is that it would seem that our modern advanced societies are just stuck with their modern equivalent of Dickens’ Circumlocution Office. Stuck with both its dreary nannying state bureaucracy and its late-stage-capitalist blah blah.... What could realistically be done about the general Kafkaesqueness of the interface between us as individuals and The System? The question is “Where does the essential task of holding society together end and.... fluff and overregulation begin?” You could vote maybe for a government Bureaucracy Czar charged with ruthlessly stripping away all unnecessary bits of it....but we all know how that would end...." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/take-me-to-your-experts

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Please. These are just little shows they put on to give us false hope that we actually have people fighting for us. We dont. Give me a shake when one of these criminsls gets anything more than a scolding.

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When the cautious el gato malo talks about claws being extended, it’s time to check our cynicism at the door and be prepared for a rumble.

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There is zero chance that any of these people will pay any price for any of this. We are four years in and Fauci is still interviewed on talk shows like hes a hero.

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Is there anything we citizens can do at this point to make sure they do pay? Maybe we should all be buying some plane tickets and meet up outside where they are and show them how many of us are watching closely, and demanding justice.

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It’s called a revolution. Who knows if we ever really had one or it’s all lies. Sisamnes comes to mind. Look it up.

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Why are so few talking about nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band?)



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Because it’s too much for the little slaves to wrap their feeble minds around. Unless you provide entertainment Doritos and beer they don’t get what is really being done to them. Hence slaves.

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Well, I for one am delighted to see this beautiful, humiliating and revealing little video clip. Any day that's a bad day for these evil reptiles is a good day for me. Keep 'em coming!

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On the personal level, none of this matters. My friends that thought I was a conspiracy kook are not aware of this or care about it. I’ll never get a sincere apology or an attempt at reconciliation. The pain of lost relationships will never be healed. This is the true harm that these people unleashed. The only thing this does is reinforce the fact that their harm is permanent. I have no joy in what’s occurring now.

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There will be new friends for us.

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We can't get our dead ones back and new is not really improved.

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We would not have lost our former friends if we were still mutually resonant. If we had them back now, we'd notice that. Expect to meet more suitable ("improved") friends, have confident patience, and it will happen!

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I'm talking about dead friends murdered by the vax. No one can replace them, nice as any new ones might be.

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You might as well call it suicide as murder. Did you take the vax? If not, that was the parting point. You'll meet them again, though, and they'll be your friends again.

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You are truly missing the mark here.

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And not all are physically dead…but emotionally dead as well. I miss them….they're gone forever, in their past state.

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This was unfortunately a severe stress test and many failed it.

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Those lost relationships may hurt, but those who abandoned or demonized you for standing for truth and principle are best lost.

I didn't lose relationships, but some were affected as I watched those I love march to the Convid drumbeat off a cliff, and I'll never be able to see them in the same light (while I love them just as much). And I can no longer trust the judgment of medical doctors I liked and trusted a lot before they caved to the fear porn and propaganda.

It's always good to see the truth, to see people exposed and unveiled, but deep sadness can't be avoided.

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“It is always good to see the truth, to see people exposed and unveiled, but deep sadness can't be avoided. “

This is a great summary of how I feel.

I so appreciate people from all spheres being unveiled. That was an actual blessing (but painful).

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So true, and it brings home the meaning of those sayings "a blessing in disguise" and "the truth hurts." My prayer has been for so long that lies be exposed and truth be revealed. That's all we really need, and in such a way that no one can miss it. It's a tall order to expect it to happen all at once, but lies being exposed is inevitable, really, and at least it does happen by degrees.

We just need to remember that a broken heart is an open heart, and let our love keep pouring out of it.

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This is so true. I lost my job of 40 years for an organization I believed in utterly and assumed I would work for until death did us part. I fell in love with the town that hosted the event

(Charleston, SC), bought real estate there and longed to move there one day, which I did in 2018. I had friends there and the community that came with being the longest serving member of the artistic staff of an internationally renowned arts festival. My assistant had been with me for the last 30 of my 40 years!

All that went poof overnight when I refused the Covid shot even though I had in past years made them rewrite my contract to remove the language requiring a tetanus shot!

Now, I’m not sure why we live here anymore. I don’t trust my neighbors to not throw bricks through my windows should they ever learn that we are unvaccinated, I won’t go to the concerts held by the festival that were my greatest annual joy, no one from the festival ever contacted me to see how I was doing after having my life’s work ripped from me and I’ll never have the long history and shared memories with “new friends” that I had with old ones.

The festival is in preproduction right now and we are out of town since I am uncomfortable being there when it’s in residence. The pain of my loss is indescribable.

Yes, I have my health and my integrity but my life is vastly smaller than it was.

It’s devastating to learn that the people you would have trusted your life to weren’t worth the paper they were printed on.

The government (and “science”) did this to us and neither can be forgiven or trusted again ever.

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I get you. I have so many people I will never look at the same again. I had to change my will and who would the care of my daughter, if needed. Talk about a test. So many failed.

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i love the people who say "if i had been around in the late 30's early 40's, i would have taken in anne frank." forget taking her in- they would have called the gestapo and reported her just to score some brownie points and a few more calories on a ration card!

i knew something was seriously wrong when a former employee called me one night from NYC. my best friend up in NY had died on 4/1/20, really early in the pandemic. her mistake was going to a hospital where they gave her a cranked up PCR test and slapped her on a ventilator. she was feeling ok; she just wanted a covid test and the hospital was the only place that had them. she had oxygen tanks at home that she could have used had she gotten in trouble. anyway, she died- there wasn't even remdesivir then- and this woman called me up to commiserate.

i never hold a cell phone to my head so she could hear the ambient noise on my speaker phone. my neighbors were out in their back yard on a lovely night.

the woman in NY panicked and asked "what's that noise?"

i told her my neighbors were out in their yard and she demanded that i call the police and report them. now, she just happens to be jewish and i'm willing to bet that her family tree got a bit chopped down because people in WW2 germany reported their neighbors. i was stunned.

i suppose it's only genocide when it happens to your tribe.

i asked her "if i do that, when this is over, can i expect to live next to them as a neighbor?" and i got off the phone quick. i haven't spoken with her since and i probably never will again. she was ordering groceries from Fresh Direct and leaving the things out in the hall to off-gas.

there are so many people you can't forgive. i don't care if people were scared and took the shots. i have friends who volunteered for the moderna trial. but the people who posted on facebook "i can't wait for unvaccinated people to hurry up and die already?" the people who denied medical care to unvaccinated people? people who wouldn't let their relatives come over for thanksgiving? jimmy kimmel? the arts festival that fired me after 40 years?

no, these are horrible people and they don't get a pass.

i'm happy that chris cuomo has come around and now takes ivermectin. but previously he had said on television that people who promoted ivermectin needed to be called out and shamed. sure, now he says he didn't know that IVM was safe and effective and the vaccines weren't BUT i knew it and i'm just a forcibly retired theatrical costume maker. he's a TV reporter. couldn't he have done a bit of homework? has the job of a TV reporter become so meaningless that all you have to do is mindlessly read the prepared propaganda someone hands you? the NIH website states that IVM is antiviral. any idiot could look it up and maybe he should have before he got all judgemental and talked of shaming people.

exactly, you don't want your daughter in the hands of a weak willed lunatic with no spine or moral character. i'm sure you had a plan, people in mind and then they proved to be unworthy.

i just wanted to live here, restore this house and work for the festival.

my assistant of 30 years is probably down here now. she still works for the festival and that's not what i hold against her. the year they dumped me, she showed up one day with stuff from my desk all boxed up. she didn't bother to call or text first. we only knew someone was outside because our security cameras alerted us. we went to see what was happening and there she was!

when i asked her how the festival had gone, she went into rhapsodies about how she had worked with the most wonderful, talented, greatest people as if 30 years with me had been chopped liver. i founded and ran a top NYC broadway costume shop. people clamored to work with me; college professors wanted their best students to intern with me. the festival had replaced me with a wardrobe lady from a tour.

i knew things hadn't gone well- a friend of mine was working at the backstage door and she acted as a spy for me. interns quit and one day the theater called me to see if i would help in an emergency! i said i would eat ground glass first.

then a costume designer who i had worked with in NY was there with his show and he was pretty shocked to find that i wasn't there. he took me out for dinner one night and said he had always heard such glorious things about the festival but my replacement was just a wardrobe lady; she could get things washed and sorted but she wasn't an all around costumer. she couldn't make a costume better in a fitting, she couldn't solve problems.

my former assistant went on to say that i had made my choice and the festival had honored my choice and moved on and that there was no discrimination. none of this is what i would have expected from someone i considered a friend and colleague. our relationship of 30 years ended with a callous sentence.

in fact, the governor of SC did think there was discrimination and signed a bill into law making it illegal to even ask if a person was vaccinated. the festival was demanding for admission 2 shots and a booster after 5 months, masks and photo IDs, something that if you suggested might be useful for a presidential election would get you branded by the woke mob as a racist!

obviously, the people who bought tickets under those protected conditions were super frightened hypochondriacs who didn't want to be anywhere near an unvaccinated person. suddenly, the governor changed their deal, made it illegal for the festival to demand anything from anyone. unvaccinated people might be sitting next to you and they might kill you!!!! trust me, no unvaccinated people bought tickets, after being so insulted but plenty of ticket holders asked for refunds since they were too afraid to be around "them."

people tell me that they don't even bother to go anymore. the festival is just fishing for DEI credits, doing mediocre works that pander to a tiny very vocal group of angry "victims."

sorry, today was the opening so this is very strongly on my mind.

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Sorry for your disappointment in these people. You are right on all counts. I start to forget how bad what they did was, but it doesn't take much for me to get angry again. I only have a few friends and thankfully by best friend since 6 years old, was on the same page. She was not very political or opinionated about the government or mandates. Just a health conscious person who doesn't scare easily.

You need to get back to theater somehow, anyone with this much passion for it, has to be good!

My daughter's favorite class in school is always whatever professor is most passionate about their subject. The more they love it, the more interesting it becomes for her.

You have a lot to teach and pass on.

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The weak and stupid in society bring everyone down. I tried warning them people did not listen. At this point I do not care what happens to them as they are a detriment to the rest of us. And will continue to drag the rest of us into the toilet with them. My POV at this time is good riddance. Their excuses were selfish so who cares. If they have a shit about you. They would have listened.

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I don’t want stupid friends. Boring people

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All my friends from 5 high schools on FB hate Trump and love injections. I just can’t go to anymore reunions.

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More great work! Thanks.

No matter what they brewed up, 99.9% of people survived it; even more did, given that they killed so many with vents, sedatives and Remdesivir.

I'd like people to know of this book, where I say I never feared whatever they cooked up.


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I don't get a dime for saying this, but Mark is one of the best Covid writers out there. Worth the relatively low price. I am giving them for Christmas/Hanukkah gifts this year. Hope some of those that really need to will read them...the writing is engaging enough they just might.

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They have been skirting the laws on FOIAs for years now. And they have been getting away with it. Sadly, I don't believe that they will be held accountable for this, or for anything else.

Sure, they'll hold hearings and members of congress will grill them. But they will never be held accountable. They'll either move to a cushy pharma job, retire, or fail upward.

I have been watching these agencies for several years prior to covid. They have been corrupt for decades. I don't see anything changing. Trump or Biden won't do anything. It will take RFKJR to make a change. But I don't see them ever letting him take power.

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RFK. Lmfao. Kennedies are one of the powerful families in this world. He is one of them like the rest fool. Research him. He collects half a mil salary a year tax free from the CHD fund. Meanwhile never winning any lawsuit he’s brought out. Just tying it up in court. One of his 3 wives died mysteriously. He’s anti gun pro vax. I mean ffs man. Look at his past. He comes right out and says these things. Kevin spacey master pedophile and one evil MF. Endorses him. Leopards don’t change their spots. Do you live under a rock where you can’t see the truth of this DB.

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Pro vax?!????!!!!???l Please edit above comment. He is anti gun.

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Please fuck off. Ever hear of the first amendment, or does that apply only to you hypocrites? Maybe do some reading outside of your fan boy club. He supports stronger gun laws, including universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons. The stupidity just doesn't stop with you NPC's https://thegunzone.com/what-is-rfk-jr-ʼs-stance-on-gun-control/ And he was pro-vac, till he found he got a support system and a CHD stipend when he changed his stance. The Kennedies work for the powers that be, so does Trump, And so does Biden. Do you get this. Do you get that we have been compromised.

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You’ve got many of your facts wrong but ok.

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No I think you do.. I mean do you useful idiots ever look back at his early days. Or just the shit they are broadcasting now. They tell you what you want to hear, I bet men had their way easily with both of you.. You believe all the shit you hear.. ffs.

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Whatever. Another “OMG ! someone from the government lied and destroyed evidence”, kabuki dance.

Until heads roll, twitching bodies swing, or these assholes spend the rest of their existence in a 4×8 windowless concrete box, it’s all fake and an affront to all versions of the word justice.

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-Many of us were aware that they were guilty of mass murder, profiteering, and powergrabbing, and lying and obfuscating as hard as they could to cover up the facts, but this reveals, for all the world to see, that they were also stupid. I really can't think of a punishment severe enough...

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Call your senators and congressmen. Fauci, Collins, Hotez, ADM Adams, Gottlieb, Daszak, Walensky, and Baric ... these frauds deserve the same fatal treatment they imposed on millions. The next US AG must quickly indict, move to convict, and they must be sentenced. These evil bastards do not deserve to take another breath on this earth. They created the virus when it was illegal to do so, they purposefully collaborated with Pharma and media to demand the only cure (mRNA gene therapy), while denying lifesaving medications and treatments. They de-licensed honorable and world renowned doctors. They killed many good people. And they lied. They lied and then tried to obfuscate the truth. They must face the most severe consequences - and that is life in prison or capital punishment. These people are the worst of human kind.

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My congressman is Adam Schiff. One might as well call Stalin to protest the KGB.

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Do you think Trump could come out today and tell us he will make COVID justice the centerpiece issue of his presidency?

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If he did, the deep state would only ratchet up the resistance.

Let him run his campaign, and then, drop the hammer. Promise less, produce/provide more.

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Man. Evil dipshits all the way up through this chain of command.

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"In government, the scum rises to the top."

~Friedrich Hayek

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The cynic in me says this won't make any difference. The Covidians I know (relatives, former friends) won't know about this or bother to look into it, because they get all their news from CNN and NPR, and will refuse to look at any links I send them. The criminals behind all this will continue to have nice cushy jobs and make tons of money with speaking engagements where they promote themselves as heroes of the Scamdemic.

I could be wrong, though. I'm just very wary of any kind of hopium these days, even when it comes from our side.

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Heaven forbid I malign NPR. Shocked looks all around.

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This, as we love to be able to say in software development, is a thing of joy and beauty.

Let us hope this is the spark that sets the smoldering fire raging into a funeral pyre that consumes every last one of these bastards.

My cynicism given the last four years means that I won't be holding my breath, but then I have been enjoying the increasingly frequent wafts of smoke anyway.

Burn, baby burn.

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Congress will not do anything. This is for show while they rev up the next NIH fake pandemic virus.

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Ben Franklin wrote that "Judas sold only one man, [Benedict] Arnold three millions." How many have Fauci & Company killed or maimed to date worldwide? Arnold was able to escape to Canada and England to evade American justice. I want to see the plandemic leaders in jail for life and each one bankrupted from Fauci to pharmaceutical companies and their corporate board members. Then, all the other government "going along" enablers from military doctors to county health departments heads also in jail or at least picking up trash along highways every weekend for many years. Make them all pass remedial math, biology and chemistry classes at high school level.

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I'd like to see Fauci and the other perps condemned to a small cell and required to wear a mask 24/7

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