Good! But I won't be either. The current "administration" is very much like the fictitious "hydra" monster. Identify and cut off one of its heads, and two grow back in their place. I am convinced that no human being can repair what's wrong with our country right now. If (IF) it is to be repaired, it will require our Heavenly Father's guidance and touch we have allowed Him to be kicked out of our courts, schools and even one of the two dominant political parties.
Great. Now, do you simply stand by and watch children gain lifelong heart issues or do you call your state's governor and say no more? Do you call your local school district and say no requirements?
Because there are many rooms in God's house, and there are 74 million children wondering who is here to protect them.
Look y’awl, there’s going to be no let-up on coercion. This pandemic state has been tried with Swine Flu and CV-1. This is too far along and still too many ppl are going along to get along. That dynamic will have to change before anyone gets stoned in the courtyard.
Prof. F. Boyle has a plan, says it can't be DOJ, says only way is States AG ... Grand Jury, prosecute for murder. He has been doing interviews, here is one on Bitchute.
Motsumi - I certainly hope someone has a (workable) plan. Thanks for the link. I hope it succeeds --- in spades! That would be a start; a good start, but just a start.
Sadly, living in Commiefornia I hold no hope for our AG [read Gruesome's lapdog] to do anything. They have all drunk the koolaid and are trying to force it down everyone's throats.
How is Comey not in prison? Brennan? Strzok? Ohr? Clapper? Lisa Page? Glenn Simpson? Hillary Clinton? Marc Elias? Tony Podesta? Andy McCabe? Rosenstein? George Halper? Dmitri Alpertovich? Christopher Steele? And all of that is really just one scandal. Name another and you'll find dozens who are immune to prosecution. We don't have a justice system. We have the illusion of a justice system.
Ahhh. But remember back to the beginning? Remember when they were trying to burnish Comey's image as a "just the facts" gumshoe? How did they describe him? He was a "Boy Scout." You saw that everywhere. And, he was a "registered Republican."
That was before all the shenanigans started to appear, before the 'no reasonable prosecutor' Clinton exoneration. But it made my antenna go up instantly. 'Hmmmmm. The MSM wants us to believe this guy's an honest broker? Obviously, the opposite must be true."
Both parties are guilty of criminal action; not just recently, but throughout political history. A third viable party is sorely needed; a fourth and fifth as well.
So this really puts dating of events even further back that I imagined. I had always thought the real insurrection was on November 3rd, but now I am thinking it was even 10 months before, somewhere happening, certainly while the riots and looting were occurring
I cannot even think about that experience with dogs. I wish I never read that stuff. However, torturing animals is a sign of psychopathy. Some psychopath killers started by torturing animals... maybe that says something about Fauci.
Completely sick. Now think about how if they'd do this, they'll go ahead and give a high risk, senseless shot to a child. There are 74 million children in the US and they want all of them to take this vac. This is really wrong.
The man who got The Most Votes in History™ barbecues brown babies on the other side of the planet and his health czar tortures beagles and considers himself the personification of science, and both want the nation's children to be forced into the largest medical experiment in history.
What will it take for people to finally stop electing and lionizing fucking monsters?
Very much this. None of this horrorshow has nearly the amount of public support that the TV would have you believe. Don't blame the victims, libertate, and don't just swallow the perps' narrative.
We no longer live under lawfully constituted representative government. That must be faced squarely. Now the real question is, under these conditions, what remains of the consent of the governed? How far must that be withdrawn?
I'm glad this has come out but ALL scientists need to be held accountable for these atrocities against animals. They would have known about the beagle experiments ages ago, but only now do they expose it as it suits their agenda.
People did know. I remember reading about it on alternative media sites at least a year or more ago. The fact that fake news has decided to report it now means it is useful for the powers that be to do so now.
very good point. White Coat Waste has been investigating this kind of thing for years. If it takes Fauci down, good. But none of this (not the covid shit either) goes away just by outing yet another psychopath.
To get some idea of the contemporary "quality of research", look at a recent CDC "research article", that claims without blinking an eye, that total mortality among the vaccinates is ONE THIRD of the mortality of similar unvaccinated.
So the covid shot is somehow a magic immortality cocktail that confers superhuman ability to avoid illness, car crashes, violence, food poisoning, heart attacks, and more?
If so, why is not national mortality dropping by perhaps 50% in accordance with vaccination rates, but is rising?
That article is a fraud and I explain this in detail here:
I appreciate it when it’s relevant to the topic at hand and have discovered many Substackers whose work I appreciate that way, including Igor’s. I think there’s a difference between those who self-promote in a non sequitur fashion and those who contribute something meaningful to the overall conversation.
I have discovered other people's substacks also, by reading comments that are interesting or intelligent, then clicking their substack link that is shown next to their name on their interesting or intelligent comments.
As far as I can remember, none of them posted links to their substacks.
I do understand your point and am sensitive to it myself but have also shared links to my own articles when it’s pertinent to the conversation, and many have appreciated that. I realize it’s a delicate balance but don’t begrudge others for sharing links, especially if it saves me the trouble of hunting for a specific article.
I know that you specifically have a great substack. And if you posted links that are related to Fauci, CDC, or research, I would personally appreciate it and take a peek. I no longer remember how I found your substack, but it was probably through a link in comments and I am glad I looked. Now some other substacks, were not as great, but I appreciate a chance of discovering something new.
Sure. Having taken the time to explain I find his practice (which I have seen too often now) unappealing, instead of taking my feedback on board, this person tries to convince me his articles are interesting.
I guess this further reinforces my lack of desire to read his articles. Each to their own I guess.
I like Chudov's substack. I'm happy to subscribe. I welcome anybody who adds a link. I find it easier than tracking them down by clicking on their substack. I judge authors by their comments--not whether they post a link or not. But maybe I'm too gullible.
I get where you’re coming from, Stoichastic, as I, too, have a tendency to resist any whiff of salesmanship, but I do appreciate those who are authentically participating and sharing resources that relate to the discussion. Substack is a big place, and I have been grateful to discover many meaningful connections through the comments at kindred Substackers’ blogs when otherwise I wouldn’t have known about them. I do hope that once you start writing your own posts, you will share links if they’re relevant to the topic being discussed ☺️
You can think about it differently, this gives you a chance -- and not a demand -- to look at something that possibly is something interesting. For example, I just took a look at your substack. Looks like you have not posted any articles yet, but if you do, I would love to know about it if they are related to the topic.
Helps to build community, if the link is pertinent, and helps to keep out kunlangeta if the link is not. My inbox has exploded thru finding others in this community in comments and links. I also identify the ones to avoid by the same method.
Sorry Igor's comment and reference is on-point. I too dislike comments that simply point to a substack and a few people are guilty of that. In terms of the CDC research topic, his point is well made and backed up by more data.
I could wish that the substack spaces were better indexed and curated but they aren't and Google seems to ignore places like Substack and Medium where interactions and learned commentary improve understanding. I know I have learned a lot in these spaces. I also can simply skip over the spam-like links often littering commentary.
You actually have a good point. Substack is great when it comes to providing a platform for free speech.
It is "less great" at letting people discover interesting content, at letting people see what their favorite writers wrote, and at letting us explore what is out there. I hope that it will improve over time.
I literally have a dedicated browser window with 6 substacks or so, that I refresh periodically to see if something interesting was posted. That is suboptimal, shall I say.
As of now, I do appreciate people posting relevant articles in comments, although I am cognizant of the danger of over-promoting myself.
i have zero issue with people posting links to relevant, on topic info. this includes links to things they wrote. it's often easier and more complete than trying to re-write or summarize complex ideas and sets of links.
i welcome it.
what i do NOT welcome are these 30 comment poo flinging contests about who should get to post what. it's useless clutter and annoying.
so: let's keep the information flowing and let's not bury it under zero value add squabbling.
if that were the case cdc excess deaths would be running well below "upper threshold estimated". Since vaxxes took effect, during the spring seasonal lull, excess deaths barely touched the upper threshold and then rose to much larger gap in august 2021 than summer surge 2020. albeit, delta seemed to start its summer surge a few weeks later.
every random event is blamed on npi's or vaxxes in branch covidian whose cathedral is in cdc.......
the sample population is a running collaboration between cdc and 9 health care organization.... population sample scam!
the cut off date for sample is 31 may 2021: in many jurisdictions the vast majority of vaxxed were >65 in may since the deployment went age and co morbidity first....
to resolve questions maybe there are 20k death certificates to match and see why pfizer did 'better' than non vaxxed.
when you find implied coincidence you go deeper!
when do we get the why vaxxed people survive car crash reports....
This is the most I can read about this situation. It is too traumatic for me. I used to belong to the Humane Society of the US (they are captured by government and special interests) and I dropped my membership because reading their stuff was traumatic and made me feel powerless.
Birdingmom - I echo Goose's comment. Thank you for your tender heart. A previous post about this from el gato was extremely, and I do mean extremely, difficult to read through. Nightmarish stuff.
Yes, he warned us and so I deleted without reading. My son is also a subscriber and he texted me to tell me not to read it. My husband moves animals that have been killed on the road for me so they won't get hit again. He knows how hard it is for me to do it. Being highly sensitive (only 15-20% of the population) is rough in this world. I'm constantly groaning with the creation. Thanks for the kind words.
Diana, hopefully others leaving comments can answer that question. I don't know the answer.
Candidly, I've become quite jaundiced about donating unless I'm convinced the funds will be used properly. It's not always easy to determine.
I will say that I spent more than a decade volunteering at our local animal shelter for odd jobs like kennel cleaning, dog walking (simply training them to be on a leash helps their adaptability and mowing / weed eating. Fortunately, for me and the critters they rescued, our shelter was very close to a no-kill operation, but that also meant they were perpetually over loaded. Many folks "foster" a rescued animal until such time as they get adopted. I couldn't do that job because I know I would become too attached in the process, but I met many folks who loved that task.
I also spent nearly that much time in a minor role of driving rescued animals (mostly dogs, but an occasional cat, rabbit and even a goat!) toward their adoptive or forever homes. Even dogs that had no training (or worse, the bad treatment by previous "owners") somehow knew (I don't know how, but THEY KNEW) we were trying to help them and they tried to overcome their own fears and timidity to help us help them.
Neither of those volunteer "jobs" is for the faint of heart or extremely sensitive, because, at least partly, it becomes incredibly obvious that there is an endless supply of abandoned and abused animals out there. On the other hand, it can also be a rewarding "job."
I once delivered a single dog to it's new adoptive family. The dog was *extremely* shy and withdrawn. Early in the relay transport, the poor dog would not even walk when the drivers stopped to give it a potty break to stretch its legs. However, when the dog met the husband she was quite friendly and she fairly leapt into the wife's arms and literally hugged the ladies neck! How do they know? Memories like that still bring me close to tears as it did that man and woman.
I can barely read from the tears. I could never do that job. It would kill me from a broken heart (I go as far as rescuing strays and am the proud indentured servant to 7 cats). However, I am so grateful there are stronger people who are able to do it. Thank you for every single creature you helped.
midama - I forgot to say THANK YOU for helping rescue those strays. I've always been a dog person and never thought I'd become so attached to the two cats I adopted more recently ... but I have!
I’ve always loved animals like crazy. Growing up, my grandmother’s house was always overrun with cats and a couple of dogs. The kind of eclectic, rowdy home where there might be an unseen puddle of urine in the corner and, barefoot as all kids used to be, we would accidentally step on it, complain, and keep walking to get it off. I know how “house of madness” it sounds but what I’m trying to convey is that the cats literally had the run of the place.
Apparently, it was already that way while my mom was growing up. Cats and dogs and most animals instinctually know who is a friend and a foe (even lizards allow us to catch them and put them outside- away from the cats). And these days, mom is the target home of a couple of cats that bring their litters to her every few months (but won’t allow themselves to be caught so they can be spayed). The count is at around 16 at this point, I think. So I come about my cat habits honestly, through a royal bloodline of cat servants.
Thank you midama, it actually helped to fill a bit of a hole in my own heart, but it isn't for everyone. During the transportation of rescued animals, I occasionally came in contact with several "high-kill" shelters as stop-over/pick-up points. I could not have volunteered or even spent much time in one of those.
Sorry, I'm late to the game on this one because it was already 11:30 when I saw your question. Goose has some of the best advice - checking Charity Navigator and other charity evaluations. I could tell two stories about HSUS that convinced me they will never get another penny of my money. But I'll just say this much: I documented abuse at a no-kill shelter I volunteered at for 7 years. The state HSUS person would not even acknowledge it. As a veterinarian told me once, they don't care about hoarding or abuse as long as the animals are off the street.
I've encountered a lot of people in animal rescue groups and sadly, most of them are mentally ill and need (but don't get) treatment. There was a great deal of Munchausen by Proxy going on at the shelter I was. It's really sick and heartbreaking.
All of us who love animals want to make a difference, but too much of the time, these are broken systems and if you point out a problem, YOU become the problem and they make life miserable for you until you leave. It was a revolving door with volunteers at that shelter.
Okay, that's rather off topic, but a similar experience to what S's Cat says below and I agree completely with those comments about donating. We support a lot of charities and ministries and we are careful where we give b/c integrity is huge to us. If we see less going to programs than administration and fund-raising, we bail. All of that information should be public and if it's not, you know they are not worthy of being supported.
I personally support local organizations run by amazing individuals in my community who have a proven record of rescuing feral, injured, and orphaned animals. Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy (, for example, and the associated Riversong Sanctuary are run by absolute heroes. I have called on River in multiple rescue situations, including when a litter of just-born feral kittens lost their mama to a dog attack 😭 I put the woman caring for them in touch with River, and she bottle-fed them goat milk and ended up keeping them at her sanctuary (they were a little developmentally delayed due to going without nourishment for over 24 hours at such a tender age but are happy and alive, thanks to her).
She heads the Department of Bioethics at the NIH and also the Section on Human Subjects Research (which sounds so awful). I’m no expert but maybe there’s something iffy here, as with everything else.
ty for sending the link. Perhaps she should do her human subjects research starting with her husband testing the gain of function theories on him before testing them on us.
Governments have slaughtered well over 250 million souls in the last century or so, mostly their own citizens.
The US government is among the most corrupt, duplicitous and rapacious in history.
The idea that anyone who works for it could be engaged in actual ethics, medical or otherwise, rather than a paid regime apologist, is simultaneously horrific and comical.
I worked for the govt for several years. Due to laziness, attitudes of entitlement and disrespect for tax payers money, I left. Just could not stomach it. I was so ethical I was a problem for them.
It came to mind today that we don't see people double-mask or talk about it anymore. Not Fauci, not any other authorities I'm aware of. But he does in this photo, so it must be old.
My housekeeper still double masks sometimes. I tried it myself, but I can't breathe. I decided it's over kill. Instead I bought "sports masks" on Amazon. They are really soft and flimsy. It's possible to breathe through them. (We have to wear masks in NYC where I live)
Yes, but I will be fined if I don't wear them. Better to just buy a flimsy mask that feels soft as silk and has little holes so the air gets in. It's still awful, I know, but at least the police won't bother me.
I saw one at a local hospital when I went with my mother for an appointment she had. It was a male nurse I think. I looked at him like I just spotted Bigfoot.
As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research.
Fauci’s enormous yearly disbursements allow him to control the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the entire planet.
Fauci uses this incredible financial to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists - whose careers and institutions he has the power to advance, reward, or ruin.
These same doctors then appear on network news shows, late-night talk shows, publish op-eds on influential media sites and always defend the narrative of Big Pharma.
However, there is a problem. Fauci is a narcissistic ego-driven pathological liar. He's also the Josef Mengele of our generation. He is the new Angel Of Death.
He launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. A tried and tested tactic that he has successfully duplicated in the latest pandemic.
Fauci orchestrated fraudulent studies, and then pressured U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he knew to be worthless against AIDS. Are yes, this is starting to sound all too familiar...
The FDA deemed AZT too toxic for human use. Many researchers today argue AZT killed far more people than AIDS. Thanks to Fauci’s corrupt intervention, AZT, at $10,000 per patient per year, became history’s most expensive commercial drug — one that made billions for GlaxoSmithKline.
Can a few dozen Beagle puppies topple this monster? I doubt it.
Slipped through a crack in Australia, they are getting sloppy! :)
"Due to the large number of adverse events being reported throughout Queensland we are unable to routinely contact every reporter individually. Someone from the Public Health Unit in your area may contact you or your health provider if they require more information for reporting and surveillance purposes."
The US experiment in self-governance has failed. When you cannot trust the people you send to Capitol Hill to protect your interests, when they subvert your wishes and twist your ideals to suit their own whims, what is there left to do?
Don't let this go. Twitter is out there citing a fact check saying Fauci had no role with the beagles EXCEPT thats not what Snope says.
""However, it is unclear whether Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at NIH, personally approved the project."" Unclear does not prove he did not approve it.
Further "In this case, it is likely true that research conducted at UGR was at least in part funded by NIAID and NIH with taxpayer dollars, though it is unclear whether such allocations were personally approved by Fauci."
So it is again called unclear... but it is being used by Twitter to definitively say he didn't.
Why doesn’t ANYONE report the detailed CDC data showing virtually NO EXCESS DEATHS from all respiratory causes in 2020 or 2021. All the excess deaths are in Alzheimers and Circulatory diseases. How can that be if COVID is a cause???
i think it's being specifically excluded from those counts.
"Estimated numbers of deaths due to these other causes of death could represent misclassified COVID-19 deaths, or potentially could be indirectly related to COVID-19 (e.g., deaths from other causes occurring in the context of health care shortages or overburdened health care systems). Deaths with an underlying cause of death of COVID-19 are not included in these estimates of deaths due to other causes, but deaths where COVID-19 appeared on the death certificate as a multiple cause of death may be included in the cause-specific estimates. For example, in some cases, COVID-19 may have contributed to the death, but the underlying cause of death was another cause, such as terminal cancer. For the majority of deaths where COVID-19 is reported on the death certificate (approximately 95%), COVID-19 is selected as the underlying cause of death."
So no excess cancer deaths? No excess renal deaths? Come on, man, this data undermines everything the CDC has said about COVID. Supposedly most people with COVID die of pneumonia, but this data refutes that. Please take another look. I value your contributions to the fight against tyranny and State misinformation.
How is Fauci not in prison yet?
Because he is a Democrat.
thats the question of the year
As far as I can tell or have heard, no one has even filed any official charges against him, let alone requested a warrant for arrest.
Rand Paul sent the DOJ a criminal referral against Fauci.
I won't be holding my breath waiting for that corrupt hack Garland to anything.
Good! But I won't be either. The current "administration" is very much like the fictitious "hydra" monster. Identify and cut off one of its heads, and two grow back in their place. I am convinced that no human being can repair what's wrong with our country right now. If (IF) it is to be repaired, it will require our Heavenly Father's guidance and touch we have allowed Him to be kicked out of our courts, schools and even one of the two dominant political parties.
Put not your trust in princes.
~Psalm 146:3
Amen to that, libertate! My trust is in The King of Kings and only in him.
Thank you for that scripture!!
Great. Now, do you simply stand by and watch children gain lifelong heart issues or do you call your state's governor and say no more? Do you call your local school district and say no requirements?
Because there are many rooms in God's house, and there are 74 million children wondering who is here to protect them.
exactly, same guy who sent FBI after parents...good grief.
Look y’awl, there’s going to be no let-up on coercion. This pandemic state has been tried with Swine Flu and CV-1. This is too far along and still too many ppl are going along to get along. That dynamic will have to change before anyone gets stoned in the courtyard.
Prof. F. Boyle has a plan, says it can't be DOJ, says only way is States AG ... Grand Jury, prosecute for murder. He has been doing interviews, here is one on Bitchute.
Motsumi - I certainly hope someone has a (workable) plan. Thanks for the link. I hope it succeeds --- in spades! That would be a start; a good start, but just a start.
Sadly, living in Commiefornia I hold no hope for our AG [read Gruesome's lapdog] to do anything. They have all drunk the koolaid and are trying to force it down everyone's throats.
How is Comey not in prison? Brennan? Strzok? Ohr? Clapper? Lisa Page? Glenn Simpson? Hillary Clinton? Marc Elias? Tony Podesta? Andy McCabe? Rosenstein? George Halper? Dmitri Alpertovich? Christopher Steele? And all of that is really just one scandal. Name another and you'll find dozens who are immune to prosecution. We don't have a justice system. We have the illusion of a justice system.
Because they are Democrats.
Ahhh. But remember back to the beginning? Remember when they were trying to burnish Comey's image as a "just the facts" gumshoe? How did they describe him? He was a "Boy Scout." You saw that everywhere. And, he was a "registered Republican."
That was before all the shenanigans started to appear, before the 'no reasonable prosecutor' Clinton exoneration. But it made my antenna go up instantly. 'Hmmmmm. The MSM wants us to believe this guy's an honest broker? Obviously, the opposite must be true."
Not sure I understand how this helps.
Good luck, hoss.
Both parties are guilty of criminal action; not just recently, but throughout political history. A third viable party is sorely needed; a fourth and fifth as well.
The Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party is in the midst of taking over the LP in an effort to make it, you know, actually libertarian. long as you are part of the lunatic fringe, you have a free pass.
he is na operative...
totalitarian progressives own him for creating the panic used to prostitute the 2020 election.
So this really puts dating of events even further back that I imagined. I had always thought the real insurrection was on November 3rd, but now I am thinking it was even 10 months before, somewhere happening, certainly while the riots and looting were occurring
Unbelieveable how he is being protected from any prosecution. Anyone else lying in congress would be long on the block. What is it with this man ?
Comrades Brennan and Clapper blatantly lied to Congress and got away with it.
It should be clear to all by now that in the lovely progressive-corporatist State that afflicts us, some swine are more equal than others.
I cannot even think about that experience with dogs. I wish I never read that stuff. However, torturing animals is a sign of psychopathy. Some psychopath killers started by torturing animals... maybe that says something about Fauci.
I cannot read any of it. I do not even want to know the details.
I am afraid I might stroke out from shock and utter sadness.
animal abusers turn to abusing children.
Completely sick. Now think about how if they'd do this, they'll go ahead and give a high risk, senseless shot to a child. There are 74 million children in the US and they want all of them to take this vac. This is really wrong.
By “us,” this double-masked, duplicitous, two-faced Janus means the sociopathic orchestrators of the mass deception being inflicted on the world.
fantastic comment MAA
The man who got The Most Votes in History™ barbecues brown babies on the other side of the planet and his health czar tortures beagles and considers himself the personification of science, and both want the nation's children to be forced into the largest medical experiment in history.
What will it take for people to finally stop electing and lionizing fucking monsters?
When will enough finally be enough?
i truly believe his day is coming...took much to long but be patient a bit longer.
I hope you are right.
me too Alba, I can't lose hope or it is game over:{
stop voter/counting fraud....
Very much this. None of this horrorshow has nearly the amount of public support that the TV would have you believe. Don't blame the victims, libertate, and don't just swallow the perps' narrative.
We no longer live under lawfully constituted representative government. That must be faced squarely. Now the real question is, under these conditions, what remains of the consent of the governed? How far must that be withdrawn?
I'm glad this has come out but ALL scientists need to be held accountable for these atrocities against animals. They would have known about the beagle experiments ages ago, but only now do they expose it as it suits their agenda.
People did know. I remember reading about it on alternative media sites at least a year or more ago. The fact that fake news has decided to report it now means it is useful for the powers that be to do so now.
very good point. White Coat Waste has been investigating this kind of thing for years. If it takes Fauci down, good. But none of this (not the covid shit either) goes away just by outing yet another psychopath.
this is another diversion. like yellen talking taxing balance sheets..
keep the nattering nabob after everything but
how they are decimating capitalism....
To get some idea of the contemporary "quality of research", look at a recent CDC "research article", that claims without blinking an eye, that total mortality among the vaccinates is ONE THIRD of the mortality of similar unvaccinated.
So the covid shot is somehow a magic immortality cocktail that confers superhuman ability to avoid illness, car crashes, violence, food poisoning, heart attacks, and more?
If so, why is not national mortality dropping by perhaps 50% in accordance with vaccination rates, but is rising?
That article is a fraud and I explain this in detail here:
I am adding my voice to the chorus that are saying it's self-serving to clog other people's blogs with links to your own as you pretend to comment..
I do not want to see your articles advertised as pretend comments, and the practice is making me avoid your substack deliberately.
Just an anecdata point.
I appreciate it when it’s relevant to the topic at hand and have discovered many Substackers whose work I appreciate that way, including Igor’s. I think there’s a difference between those who self-promote in a non sequitur fashion and those who contribute something meaningful to the overall conversation.
I have discovered other people's substacks also, by reading comments that are interesting or intelligent, then clicking their substack link that is shown next to their name on their interesting or intelligent comments.
As far as I can remember, none of them posted links to their substacks.
I do understand your point and am sensitive to it myself but have also shared links to my own articles when it’s pertinent to the conversation, and many have appreciated that. I realize it’s a delicate balance but don’t begrudge others for sharing links, especially if it saves me the trouble of hunting for a specific article.
I know that you specifically have a great substack. And if you posted links that are related to Fauci, CDC, or research, I would personally appreciate it and take a peek. I no longer remember how I found your substack, but it was probably through a link in comments and I am glad I looked. Now some other substacks, were not as great, but I appreciate a chance of discovering something new.
Thank you, Igor, and I was delighted to welcome you ☺️
Sure. Having taken the time to explain I find his practice (which I have seen too often now) unappealing, instead of taking my feedback on board, this person tries to convince me his articles are interesting.
I guess this further reinforces my lack of desire to read his articles. Each to their own I guess.
I like Chudov's substack. I'm happy to subscribe. I welcome anybody who adds a link. I find it easier than tracking them down by clicking on their substack. I judge authors by their comments--not whether they post a link or not. But maybe I'm too gullible.
I get where you’re coming from, Stoichastic, as I, too, have a tendency to resist any whiff of salesmanship, but I do appreciate those who are authentically participating and sharing resources that relate to the discussion. Substack is a big place, and I have been grateful to discover many meaningful connections through the comments at kindred Substackers’ blogs when otherwise I wouldn’t have known about them. I do hope that once you start writing your own posts, you will share links if they’re relevant to the topic being discussed ☺️
FWIW I have seen nobody post links to article that are not on-topic. This is the topic of the day.
You can think about it differently, this gives you a chance -- and not a demand -- to look at something that possibly is something interesting. For example, I just took a look at your substack. Looks like you have not posted any articles yet, but if you do, I would love to know about it if they are related to the topic.
I won't be spamming other people's articles with links to my own.
Why is it spam? If I like your comment, I think it's helpful that you provide a link. But I see you have one, but haven't yet posted.
Easier to be jaded and tear others down than take on risk to create something
Helps to build community, if the link is pertinent, and helps to keep out kunlangeta if the link is not. My inbox has exploded thru finding others in this community in comments and links. I also identify the ones to avoid by the same method.
Sorry Igor's comment and reference is on-point. I too dislike comments that simply point to a substack and a few people are guilty of that. In terms of the CDC research topic, his point is well made and backed up by more data.
I could wish that the substack spaces were better indexed and curated but they aren't and Google seems to ignore places like Substack and Medium where interactions and learned commentary improve understanding. I know I have learned a lot in these spaces. I also can simply skip over the spam-like links often littering commentary.
You actually have a good point. Substack is great when it comes to providing a platform for free speech.
It is "less great" at letting people discover interesting content, at letting people see what their favorite writers wrote, and at letting us explore what is out there. I hope that it will improve over time.
I literally have a dedicated browser window with 6 substacks or so, that I refresh periodically to see if something interesting was posted. That is suboptimal, shall I say.
As of now, I do appreciate people posting relevant articles in comments, although I am cognizant of the danger of over-promoting myself.
I guess I don't need to read someone else's opinion or analysis to know the NIH et al are doing revolting "research" of questionable value.
That fact is already firmly established in my mind.
let me add some opinion here:
i have zero issue with people posting links to relevant, on topic info. this includes links to things they wrote. it's often easier and more complete than trying to re-write or summarize complex ideas and sets of links.
i welcome it.
what i do NOT welcome are these 30 comment poo flinging contests about who should get to post what. it's useless clutter and annoying.
so: let's keep the information flowing and let's not bury it under zero value add squabbling.
In principal I agree, but I don't think that's the situation here. It is a legitimate comment & links to the detailed supporting article.
It's not like the dude who pops up over & over the here & elsewhere posting the same covid is "a religion" & linking to his same irrelevant article.
if that were the case cdc excess deaths would be running well below "upper threshold estimated". Since vaxxes took effect, during the spring seasonal lull, excess deaths barely touched the upper threshold and then rose to much larger gap in august 2021 than summer surge 2020. albeit, delta seemed to start its summer surge a few weeks later.
every random event is blamed on npi's or vaxxes in branch covidian whose cathedral is in cdc.......
scroll down to chart!
except the seasonal events and bad event in blue states which are ignored.
vaers data is not caesar's wife.....
the sample population is a running collaboration between cdc and 9 health care organization.... population sample scam!
the cut off date for sample is 31 may 2021: in many jurisdictions the vast majority of vaxxed were >65 in may since the deployment went age and co morbidity first....
to resolve questions maybe there are 20k death certificates to match and see why pfizer did 'better' than non vaxxed.
when you find implied coincidence you go deeper!
when do we get the why vaxxed people survive car crash reports....
This is the most I can read about this situation. It is too traumatic for me. I used to belong to the Humane Society of the US (they are captured by government and special interests) and I dropped my membership because reading their stuff was traumatic and made me feel powerless.
thank you for your tender heart.
Birdingmom - I echo Goose's comment. Thank you for your tender heart. A previous post about this from el gato was extremely, and I do mean extremely, difficult to read through. Nightmarish stuff.
Yes, he warned us and so I deleted without reading. My son is also a subscriber and he texted me to tell me not to read it. My husband moves animals that have been killed on the road for me so they won't get hit again. He knows how hard it is for me to do it. Being highly sensitive (only 15-20% of the population) is rough in this world. I'm constantly groaning with the creation. Thanks for the kind words.
Where do you recommend we donate instead?
Diana, hopefully others leaving comments can answer that question. I don't know the answer.
Candidly, I've become quite jaundiced about donating unless I'm convinced the funds will be used properly. It's not always easy to determine.
I will say that I spent more than a decade volunteering at our local animal shelter for odd jobs like kennel cleaning, dog walking (simply training them to be on a leash helps their adaptability and mowing / weed eating. Fortunately, for me and the critters they rescued, our shelter was very close to a no-kill operation, but that also meant they were perpetually over loaded. Many folks "foster" a rescued animal until such time as they get adopted. I couldn't do that job because I know I would become too attached in the process, but I met many folks who loved that task.
I also spent nearly that much time in a minor role of driving rescued animals (mostly dogs, but an occasional cat, rabbit and even a goat!) toward their adoptive or forever homes. Even dogs that had no training (or worse, the bad treatment by previous "owners") somehow knew (I don't know how, but THEY KNEW) we were trying to help them and they tried to overcome their own fears and timidity to help us help them.
Neither of those volunteer "jobs" is for the faint of heart or extremely sensitive, because, at least partly, it becomes incredibly obvious that there is an endless supply of abandoned and abused animals out there. On the other hand, it can also be a rewarding "job."
I once delivered a single dog to it's new adoptive family. The dog was *extremely* shy and withdrawn. Early in the relay transport, the poor dog would not even walk when the drivers stopped to give it a potty break to stretch its legs. However, when the dog met the husband she was quite friendly and she fairly leapt into the wife's arms and literally hugged the ladies neck! How do they know? Memories like that still bring me close to tears as it did that man and woman.
I can barely read from the tears. I could never do that job. It would kill me from a broken heart (I go as far as rescuing strays and am the proud indentured servant to 7 cats). However, I am so grateful there are stronger people who are able to do it. Thank you for every single creature you helped.
midama - I forgot to say THANK YOU for helping rescue those strays. I've always been a dog person and never thought I'd become so attached to the two cats I adopted more recently ... but I have!
I’ve always loved animals like crazy. Growing up, my grandmother’s house was always overrun with cats and a couple of dogs. The kind of eclectic, rowdy home where there might be an unseen puddle of urine in the corner and, barefoot as all kids used to be, we would accidentally step on it, complain, and keep walking to get it off. I know how “house of madness” it sounds but what I’m trying to convey is that the cats literally had the run of the place.
Apparently, it was already that way while my mom was growing up. Cats and dogs and most animals instinctually know who is a friend and a foe (even lizards allow us to catch them and put them outside- away from the cats). And these days, mom is the target home of a couple of cats that bring their litters to her every few months (but won’t allow themselves to be caught so they can be spayed). The count is at around 16 at this point, I think. So I come about my cat habits honestly, through a royal bloodline of cat servants.
Giant smile!
Thank you midama, it actually helped to fill a bit of a hole in my own heart, but it isn't for everyone. During the transportation of rescued animals, I occasionally came in contact with several "high-kill" shelters as stop-over/pick-up points. I could not have volunteered or even spent much time in one of those.
Animal people are exceptional people.
Check out charity navigator-it rates all the charities and how the money is spent. excellent site.
You touched my heart.
Sorry, I'm late to the game on this one because it was already 11:30 when I saw your question. Goose has some of the best advice - checking Charity Navigator and other charity evaluations. I could tell two stories about HSUS that convinced me they will never get another penny of my money. But I'll just say this much: I documented abuse at a no-kill shelter I volunteered at for 7 years. The state HSUS person would not even acknowledge it. As a veterinarian told me once, they don't care about hoarding or abuse as long as the animals are off the street.
I've encountered a lot of people in animal rescue groups and sadly, most of them are mentally ill and need (but don't get) treatment. There was a great deal of Munchausen by Proxy going on at the shelter I was. It's really sick and heartbreaking.
All of us who love animals want to make a difference, but too much of the time, these are broken systems and if you point out a problem, YOU become the problem and they make life miserable for you until you leave. It was a revolving door with volunteers at that shelter.
Okay, that's rather off topic, but a similar experience to what S's Cat says below and I agree completely with those comments about donating. We support a lot of charities and ministries and we are careful where we give b/c integrity is huge to us. If we see less going to programs than administration and fund-raising, we bail. All of that information should be public and if it's not, you know they are not worthy of being supported.
I personally support local organizations run by amazing individuals in my community who have a proven record of rescuing feral, injured, and orphaned animals. Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy (, for example, and the associated Riversong Sanctuary are run by absolute heroes. I have called on River in multiple rescue situations, including when a litter of just-born feral kittens lost their mama to a dog attack 😭 I put the woman caring for them in touch with River, and she bottle-fed them goat milk and ended up keeping them at her sanctuary (they were a little developmentally delayed due to going without nourishment for over 24 hours at such a tender age but are happy and alive, thanks to her).
And they are coming for 5 -11 yo... Are we free-range or factory-farmed? It's all about to unfold. Can't stay on the sidelines anymore.
Isn’t his wife in medical ethics? Gotta wonder about dinner table conversation.
She heads the Department of Bioethics at the NIH and also the Section on Human Subjects Research (which sounds so awful). I’m no expert but maybe there’s something iffy here, as with everything else.
ty for sending the link. Perhaps she should do her human subjects research starting with her husband testing the gain of function theories on him before testing them on us.
they dont know how to spell ethics
Governments have slaughtered well over 250 million souls in the last century or so, mostly their own citizens.
The US government is among the most corrupt, duplicitous and rapacious in history.
The idea that anyone who works for it could be engaged in actual ethics, medical or otherwise, rather than a paid regime apologist, is simultaneously horrific and comical.
I worked for the govt for several years. Due to laziness, attitudes of entitlement and disrespect for tax payers money, I left. Just could not stomach it. I was so ethical I was a problem for them.
With the FDA, so not really ethical
Nothing too terrible could happen to that monster.
Thanks. That’s a word I never knew I never wanted to learn.
Same here
Whatever happens, I just want it to be televised on some manner. Hell, I'd even open a TikTok account of it was broadcast on there.
It came to mind today that we don't see people double-mask or talk about it anymore. Not Fauci, not any other authorities I'm aware of. But he does in this photo, so it must be old.
You're lucky you don't have double maskers around you. I still see some.
I see people wearing masks in the rain - does that count?
People fatigue of things quickly the longer they are mandated.
My housekeeper still double masks sometimes. I tried it myself, but I can't breathe. I decided it's over kill. Instead I bought "sports masks" on Amazon. They are really soft and flimsy. It's possible to breathe through them. (We have to wear masks in NYC where I live)
The masks are bad for you and don’t protect anyone
Yes, but I will be fined if I don't wear them. Better to just buy a flimsy mask that feels soft as silk and has little holes so the air gets in. It's still awful, I know, but at least the police won't bother me.
Oooh! sorry. I know what you mean. sorry.
Masks don't do anything useful.
I saw one at a local hospital when I went with my mother for an appointment she had. It was a male nurse I think. I looked at him like I just spotted Bigfoot.
I shudder to think that, very likely, nothing will ever befall this fauci motherf****r, aka mengele 2.0.
I don’t want to play anymore if it all leads to a big nothing burger.
He got away with this stuff before
el gato, that was an extremely hard post to read and follow -- but, it needed to be made public.
What’s this? Did PDJT know?
As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research.
Fauci’s enormous yearly disbursements allow him to control the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the entire planet.
Fauci uses this incredible financial to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists - whose careers and institutions he has the power to advance, reward, or ruin.
These same doctors then appear on network news shows, late-night talk shows, publish op-eds on influential media sites and always defend the narrative of Big Pharma.
However, there is a problem. Fauci is a narcissistic ego-driven pathological liar. He's also the Josef Mengele of our generation. He is the new Angel Of Death.
He launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. A tried and tested tactic that he has successfully duplicated in the latest pandemic.
Fauci orchestrated fraudulent studies, and then pressured U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he knew to be worthless against AIDS. Are yes, this is starting to sound all too familiar...
The FDA deemed AZT too toxic for human use. Many researchers today argue AZT killed far more people than AIDS. Thanks to Fauci’s corrupt intervention, AZT, at $10,000 per patient per year, became history’s most expensive commercial drug — one that made billions for GlaxoSmithKline.
Can a few dozen Beagle puppies topple this monster? I doubt it.
Someone needs to put a leash around Fauci's throat and teach him how to beg, not for food, but for mercy and forgiveness.
he wont get any.
Not without asking for it and repentance.
he has too much hubris to ask. either way, I would never forgive him. Some things are beyond the pale and cumulatively, he has done too much damage.
He doesn't think he needs any; he's too arrogant. He is a petty potentate.
China owns him.
Slipped through a crack in Australia, they are getting sloppy! :)
"Due to the large number of adverse events being reported throughout Queensland we are unable to routinely contact every reporter individually. Someone from the Public Health Unit in your area may contact you or your health provider if they require more information for reporting and surveillance purposes."
Exactly.. how long before they arrest him? How many more individuals must die before they call quits?
Dr. F. Boyle has a plan.
The US experiment in self-governance has failed. When you cannot trust the people you send to Capitol Hill to protect your interests, when they subvert your wishes and twist your ideals to suit their own whims, what is there left to do?
We still have plenty of lampposts and good strong ropes. It's not like this has never happened before in history.
Dogs, children? Waiting for the “it’s Russian disinformation” from the media.
“The BBC identified Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline as 1 of the companies that provided the experimental drugs for the tests"
John Solomon's written report on the matter -
Free the dogs! Cage Fauci.
Fauci must know some secret that he threatens to tell if anyone upsets him.
Maybe we'll soon be saying, "Fauci didn't kill himself." We can hope, anyway ;-)
Bingo. My thoughts exactly. An
great meme, gato!!!
Plus there's that decade of experimenting on foster children with AIDS drugs without consent...
are you kidding me? this I did not know about but will go to bed super pissed off tonight.
Don't disgrace the sweet beagle picture with the torturer of dogs.
Yuck. That image requires a chaser; Zappa provides -
look up the definition of sociopath. that's him.
he should have his body parts into access of those flies with no escape...then just give him the jab and see if it cures...
Don't let this go. Twitter is out there citing a fact check saying Fauci had no role with the beagles EXCEPT thats not what Snope says.
""However, it is unclear whether Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at NIH, personally approved the project."" Unclear does not prove he did not approve it.
Further "In this case, it is likely true that research conducted at UGR was at least in part funded by NIAID and NIH with taxpayer dollars, though it is unclear whether such allocations were personally approved by Fauci."
So it is again called unclear... but it is being used by Twitter to definitively say he didn't.
with you being a cat and all, I am glad you have put aside your historical rivalry with dogs to publicize this matter.
Perhaps he should be the next "beagle" in future NIH research. Oh, wait, that would be cruel and against the law.
Bad Cat,
Why doesn’t ANYONE report the detailed CDC data showing virtually NO EXCESS DEATHS from all respiratory causes in 2020 or 2021. All the excess deaths are in Alzheimers and Circulatory diseases. How can that be if COVID is a cause???
Go to the “Options” section, click on the “ Weekly Number of Deaths by Cause Group” button then on the “Update Dashboard” button.
none of those categories seem to include covid.
i think it's being specifically excluded from those counts.
"Estimated numbers of deaths due to these other causes of death could represent misclassified COVID-19 deaths, or potentially could be indirectly related to COVID-19 (e.g., deaths from other causes occurring in the context of health care shortages or overburdened health care systems). Deaths with an underlying cause of death of COVID-19 are not included in these estimates of deaths due to other causes, but deaths where COVID-19 appeared on the death certificate as a multiple cause of death may be included in the cause-specific estimates. For example, in some cases, COVID-19 may have contributed to the death, but the underlying cause of death was another cause, such as terminal cancer. For the majority of deaths where COVID-19 is reported on the death certificate (approximately 95%), COVID-19 is selected as the underlying cause of death."
So no excess cancer deaths? No excess renal deaths? Come on, man, this data undermines everything the CDC has said about COVID. Supposedly most people with COVID die of pneumonia, but this data refutes that. Please take another look. I value your contributions to the fight against tyranny and State misinformation.
Here's some juicy vaccine side-effect data. Let's get digging!
The next jab will be the fetus in utero, if he/she is allowed to live that long.
scummy, scummy man-type entity. Not fully human, I think.
Look at those goddamn masks on that evil face.
I cannot even deal with this story. Every time I see something about it, my heart sinks into my heels and I have to turn away.
Should keep him leashed and muzzled at all times
and do not let him have any ivermectin!