It’s hard to wrap your head around people actually being this evil. You know it exists, but to see it laid out and realize that people went through with such monstrous acts.. it’s difficult to imagine actual human beings doing something so vile.
Much of the last 4 years takes forethought. However malice and incompetence are often bedfellows. Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence.
It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mass murder to cover up the incompetence.
Malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered. I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor....or Sheftalls razor.
Often the most dangerous situation is, when people are participating in small actions that brush with evil, but don't breach it, and think they are doing "good"., i.e., the way children were treated during particular with the masks...or with the depravity being normalized at school these days.
This can be applied to myriad situations, because this type of evil has a long arc and is not easily detected by normal people...until sometimes too late. They can not see that each brush leads, if given enough time, to a critical mass, in which the aggregate of each individual action can lead to unspeakable evil.
IMO, there is no reason evil and incompetence can't coexist. In fact evil can and has emerged as a byproduct of systems/organizations self-arranged by unthinking utter incompetence.
Worse than intentional evil, I think it is the rather prosaic human incompetence, large egos and greed mixed with some sheer idiocy, all coupled with the God complex of being a powerful unelected bureaucrat, and voila: you get this clusterf*ck. And as said hundreds of times before, the people who called Fauci their doctor and complied are not looking to find out the truth. They want to move on, knowing they were “correct”. If there is the massive death wave coming post turbo cancer that some virologists have predicted there may be some truth…but the same people are already setting Disease X up as the culprit.
Thing is, the vaxxxxed will be the ones nailed by "disease X." It will be difficult to hide that truth.
I am so thankful the wifely babe and I resisted the pressure from all over, immense pressure, to not get vaxxxxxed.
Howard Kunstler interviewed Geert Vanden Bossche, a guy who has been spot-on all during the covid thing, and Dr. Bossche has some ominous predictions about the fully vaxxxxxed, like death predictions, massive deaths, in the coming months.
Have his predictions been spot-on though? I haven't read up on him lately but seems to me he's long been forecasting some sort of catastrophic restarting of the pandemic, at least for the vaccinated. As far as I can tell -- and correct me if I am wrong -- this hasn´t happened. At what point do we say Geert was wrong?
Agreed about the vaxx injuries. One of my vaxxed friends has had several small strokes. His partner was recently hospitalized with a blood clot, supposedly caused by Covid. Were these vaxx injuries? I´m sure the thought has never entered my friends minds. They´re both on the older side so it is possible these things would have happened anyways -- who knows?
He´s definitely a smart guy and I think his heart is in the right place. What is he saying now? Does he still think I more dangerous variant is coming down the pike?
Jesus, get some glasses and start reading outside Substack! Dr Frankenstein ( 'Gurt' as a science lover said below) worked with Bill & Melinda's Foundation and for Curevac and Pfizer and I don't remember who. Tired of Insider Believers like you all. Call Astrud Stuckelgberger and whine your faith story, she has the ears for that.
These things take TIME! That's why they should NEVER be done at "Warp Speed"! mRNAs have been around for a long time have always been problematic. A major red flag that caused me to decline the Vaxx.
Yeah, like Trump with Warp Speed maybe? Or like Putin with the SPO (Special Carnage Operation) he still trying to buckel uo in Ukraine? This is a real madhouse here. Babaye!
Isn't the human ability to "duck and cover" amazing? As our children suddenly keel over and die...we want to explain it away as just you know...ordinary "heart attacks"....or maybe "climate change"...incredible....
.......Or the child allegedly killed himself playing the popular internet SELF KNOCKOUT GAME AKA "Autoasphixia" , but the parents never had a autopsy done so they'll never have to face the distinct possibility that maybe it WAS the clot$hot they thought was such a great thing to "protect" him that may have actually killed their child. Cover story?
I believe it to be likely a mix of pure evil (a tiny minority) and a gaggle of useful idiots overcome with fear dancing along. People like Walensky and Cohen are virtually retarded. They simply don’t know any better.
You mean..."retarded" like the guards herding people into the ovens during the holocaust....telling them they were getting a "shower"....I am sorry...but you are wrong to let them off the hook. No one achieving those offices is that "retarded"....
evil..yes. Complicit? bet. but innocent? No fking way...They knew. They always knew.
You have got to be kidding me. They got through med school and did not realize what they were doing???? give me a break.
Sometimes it is hard thesedays to tell the difference between someone who is actually RETARDED from one who is adept at bluffing and blowing a smokescreen over what is actually a very strategic and sophisticated game of "PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY."
I always feel relieved when I read comments like yours, Kathleen, in that you are insisting that the people who pulled the scamdemic off be held accountable. Yes, some ignorant people lower down the food chain got swept up in the fraud, but people at the level of Walensky and Cohen were/are doing exactly what they were hired to do - with complete awareness.
However, I do have to point out something else. I won't get many (if any) likes for this comment, but this is not a popularity contest.
You have used a reference to "guards herding people into the ovens during the holocaust....telling them they were getting a 'shower'" to illustrate your point. Many of the best people exposing the lies of the covid fraud use the Nazi metaphor to drive their message home - and of course I understand what they mean, and what you meant in your comment.
The irony is that the holocaust narrative, as taught to us all in public school and through myriad Hollywood movies, is a lynchpin in the propaganda that holds our current world order in place. It's so hard to see through it, and it took me years, so I'm not criticizing your personally so much as just using your otherwise excellent comment to point this out.
Consider how Israel is genociding Gaza in real time... and yet the Jews are still screaming "victim." It's in their nature, they truly can't help themselves. But at some point we need to start calling them on their lies.
This 2-minute video, Jewish Heroes Battling Covid, is instructive:
How do you know you are not repeating anti-Israel propaganda by uncritically using the word genocide to describe the war in Gaza?
And what is in whose nature? I think we can all agree there have been many cultures, empires and states that glorify military might and fervently embrace ethno-nationalism. And they use past wrongs to justify current actions. Is the Israeli state some sort of outlier? I don't think so.
But if you're implying that ordinary Jewish people should all be perceived this way and faulted for what is going on then I will have to very much disagree.
Also, why don't you spell out what you claim we've been misled about regarding the Holocaust? I keep an open mind. I know there are theories that question the specific use of gas chambers. I know the 6m figure is contested in some circles. But there were ghettoes, and concentration camps, and progroms, and Einsatzgruppen. This is documented and there are still many alive today whose relatives experienced this.
How do you know you are not repeating pro-Israeli propaganda by uncritically using the word war to describe the genocide in Gaza? (A war usually involves two armies - the Palestinians don't have one.)
Is the Israeli state some sort of outlier? Yes, it is. The Jews have a very unique history. Starting from the fact that they have remained a nation for millennia, with or without a land base to support that nation.
What exactly is an "ordinary" Jew? Whenever I hear about a Jew who speaks against the larger group's hostility to the rest of us, they seem quite extraordinary to me. (Not to mention they will invariably be smeared as a "self-hating Jew.")
Regarding the holocaust - all that really needs to be said is that discussing it too much can actually land you in jail, and at very least socially cancelled. No one denies ghettoes or concentration camps. The point is that the wildly exaggerated stories we are told are based on eye-witness accounts and don't hold up to any forensic scrutiny - which is why we are not allowed to discuss the subject in any depth. Then, the wildly exaggerated stories are used in perpetuity as a Get Out of Jail Free card by the supposed victims whenever any of God's-Not-Chosen people call them out on their crimes.
It's a litmus test for critical thinking to see how far one can honestly explore these issues. It's not the kind of indoctrination one overcomes overnight.
This is a long and confusing reply....some people "deny" that the "holocaust" with the gas chambers ever happened....In my younger years I came to know an elderly man with numbers tattooed on his arm. He seldom spoke about his "holocaust" experience. The Jewish family that he stayed with said it was indeed the case. He had survived some sort of German "camp". I cannot say what really happened to him. But he had a lot of anxiety. He was supported by a Jewish charity who paid for his room somewhere. I believe something terrible happened to him. I could not swear it was THE holocaust. Who knows.
As far as my personal experience-- my husband's family went back and searched for long lost relatives in Europe and found not a trace. Did they go into the ovens? Who knows? People say there is no actual traces of the existence of these "ovens"...maybe they did not exist. What I have learned about the experience of the Jews is this:
They always have been taught at a very young age to read...and they are known as "the people of the book". So because they were literate-- as every Jew must learn to read the Torah...they often were hired to do the account books of rich land owners etc. And so the Jews got blamed when the peasants "revolted" against the dire circumstances of their mean and degrading existences. The "elites"--whoever they are---always find ways of turning the violence away from themselves--so the Jews were pointed out as responsible for their wretchedness. Of course there are "bad" Jews....just as there are "bad" Christians---evil, like good, comes from every walk of life. Albert Bourla is a Jew. Bill Gates is not a Jew.
I remember my husband's grandmother used to walk to the Schule every Saturday-- even during snow storms and icy sidewalks. My mother-in-law would follow about a block behind in the case she fell. These people were kind especially for those who worked for them--But I suppose there are always others that were not so benevolent.
Using the horror happening is Gaza to scream hatred about Jews is just what the "elites" desire. We should all be pointing fingers and hating each other instead of looking for the real authors of all the misery...
Right now....more people have died from these "vaccines" than both world wars put together. Now is NOT the time to focus on division among ourselves. As Reiner Fuellmich has stated--"These criminals must be brought to justice"....
This conversation started with you saying people with medical degrees that went along with the covid narrative knew what they were doing, and should be held accountable. On this, I agree with you 100%.
I shared a video with you that contained the following statement: “In the global fight against Covid-19, the Jewish people, who make up a tiny percentage of the world’s population, have had an outsized impact in the difficult battle to protect lives as scientists, chief medical officers, and top health care officials…”
The video was not produced by a fringe group of raving anti-semites. It was produced by the Genesis Prize Foundation of Israel, in honour of their latest recipient, Jewish Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Instead of concurring that yes, these people need to be held to account, you answered with a long, winding reply about how maybe the holocaust is really true because someone has a tattoo.
After all, the people who benefit the most from that story keep telling you stories about it, so it must be true.
You pointed out that non-Jews like Bill Gates have been involved in the covid lie. Very true. One could also say, not all Jews have been involved in the covid lie. Very true too.
But these two truths do not cancel out the truth of what was said by Jews in the 2-minute video link I sent you: “In the global fight against Covid-19, the Jewish people, who make up a tiny percentage of the world’s population, have had an outsized impact in the difficult battle to protect lives as scientists, chief medical officers, and top health care officials…”
Instead of addressing this, you countered with an emotionally laden story supporting the holocaust narrative. In other words, when I brought up Jewish malfeasance, you played the Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free holocaust card.
As I said, thank you for proving my point.
It’s all well and good to say, “Now is NOT the time to focus on division among ourselves.” But if we’re ignoring the fox in the henhouse, saying that he is one of us, we’re not going to get very far.
The holocaust narrative we have been indoctrinated into believing is the lynchpin of our current world order. Pull it out, and all the lies start to unravel.
Think of the minimum amount of effort it took to find out that serum antibodies elicited by intramuscular injection cannot ever stop a respiratory infection or that masks cannot stop transmission if aerosolized viruses etc..The sheepish idiocy is stacked higher than Shaggy's sandwiches.
I dont want to second guess you, Owain.....what IS the difference between a shitweasel and a weasel? Like that between a drop bear and a koala? Or a RHINO and a LEFTAPOTAMUS? You tell me...!
The "think they are doing 'good' " types include many if not most at the top and throughout of these government and health organizations. The human capacity for self delusion knows no bounds. They all get so high on their own supply and have zero peripheral vision out to the rest of the world so they engage in a cult like behavior and belief system. I am quite sure the Mandy Cohens, Deborah Birks, Francis Collins of that world and others we plainly see as either buffoons or evil sociopaths, truly think there was an extremely high IFR virus ripping thru the world at "Warp Speed" and the only way to combat it was an amazing new high-tech vaccine. The book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay sites many examples of this cult/mob like behavior, such as the Crusades, Witch mania, the Dutch Tulip Bubble and more. Unfortunately, as Mackay states "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."
They definitely live in a delusional bubble and they believe every word, no matter how outrageous or even impossible. Take natural immunity for example. For merely mentioning it, my sister went nuts on me. “My opinions are based on SCIENCE”. Punch line, she’s a science teacher. Still waiting for that apology. I won’t hold my breath.
Napoleón once said “never attribute to malice that which was most likely incompetence” .. indeed, the oops, I pushed the wrong button or pulled the wrong lever, leading to catastrophe, to be followed up by covering up this oversight might have some bearing on this whole scenario.. but how do we reconcile the Wuhan funding of GOF and especially the $$$ that have flowed via royalties .. including unpaid ones leading to this lawsuit
"They" are playing the masses....always. We send our children into "their" "their" companies to kill us with harmful drugs while "they" say it is a "vaccine"..."they" mandate this vaccine in the we have to choose between taking a deadly shot and letting your children starve...Not unlike SOPHIE'S CHOICE.....remember that horror story? Well apparently it never stops.
It took decades to get this many traitors installed in "permanent" government. Now, permanent government is at all levels. Homelessness? Guess what - that's grifting off your money, too. Especially in CA where our a-hat Gov. has raised it to a fine art. It doesn't take brains to be a government employee, either. Mostly people who are unable to get a "real" job in the private sector because they're unqualified.
I knew a little about this, as I passed a Civil Service exam in the early 1970s with a perfect score; no errors. I had been given advice to work for the phone company - excellent pay, benefits. The lady behind the counter said she wished she could hire me, process me, but I was the wrong color. California "fell" decades ago.
Julian Assange blew the whistle on the "Bush" family. ICYMI, look up "Scherff" family. You should find it from that, but if not, here is the link.
I hear you. Newsom has implemented his WEF training, that's for sure. They all want to dump Prop 13's protections. IF that happens, I'll be forced out. Somewhat handicapped, partially sighted, I've been dragging my feet on that score, opting to fight back hard, since it's all I have. Some family has fled to the Rocky Mountain area, some to the South. 3 elders remain, of which 2 are dying from the jab. I "get it" that you left and I may be forced out, but it makes it so much harder for those remaining to fight the good fight.
I have one cousin in SD, still teaching, amazingly enough. Most of my family are D's and don't know the danger we're in. Sadly.
IF you don't mind, what area of the US did you move to to find your freedom and happy again? LOL. Thanks.
I'm happy for you and your family! You've got a better Governor, too, who knows how to fight back and actually seems to care about the residents.
The woman who has her own business, "Dear Reader" lives in FL, also. She now sells her quick reads to libraries, instead of going directly to readers. I highly recommend her book club. She has several categories, Mystery, Thriller, Fiction, Classic, etc. etc.
Were you worried about tornadoes? Have you experienced one yet? Has to be a bit of a relief, I would think, to not worry about a big quake.
The timeline suggests that it was the other way around...Evil first, incompetence second. Oft-played scenarios like Event 201 existed to make sure that fear and vaccine uptake would be high, and availability of real information regarding potential treatments and their risks would be low. And, indeed, as it became obvious, as it was in Jan 2021, that there were too many side effects of the Vaccine, did anyone in power say "wait a minute?" No, they doubled down. They KNEW, and they put this stuff on the CHILDREN's Schedule. They MANDATED, without respect for Natural immunity, taking people's livelihoods. Government suppression of the TRUTH. All AFTER anyone looking carefully could see the harms. That's EVIL.
The incompetence was in the medical establishment and physicians, and everyone else in the delivery chain too, the "functionaries," affected by the mind virus of fear to see around the corner of official pronouncements to the truth from El Gato and so many others.
That's why most people will never believe it. They do not believe such evil could exist in the world. They are the idealists who believe in aspiring toward an earthly utopia. We have made so much progress, they say. Surely, nothing like this could ever happen. Unfortunately, they were all caught off guard and thought the warning from family and friends was crazy talk.
Hopefully you are not alone. I lost my "innocence" when I watched the WTC demolished on live T.V. People just sat there and nodded their heads. I was absolutely horrified and couldn't believe the level of self-deceit which had to be operating. Still is operating. Will having a child drop dead after a "jab" change anyone? I really can no longer predict any outcome....World is twirling off its orbit as far as I am concerned.
I totally agree with you. My question to these people is- what has actually changed? What reforms have been made? None. Things are simply much worse. Everyone saw Dopesick on Hulu and assumes because someone made a tv show about it, that it can’t happen again. Oops. Meanwhile, RFK should be my sisters dream candidate. But me sharing some information about his campaign is “so aggressive”. She will vote Biden and probably watch our mom drop dead 24 hours after an RSV jab and rest easy at night, knowing that she is the good and smart sibling. Too bad about Vic, he lost his mind
After the Hamas attack in Israel, my reaction was "No fucking way did the Israelis not know that was about to happen. So they allowed 1200 of their own people to be slaughtered in order to have an excuse to do whatever they want in Gaza."
My wife said "No one could be that evil."
But I'm sure they were that evil. Also helped to distract from the sudden death by heart attack of eight-year-old Israeli toxxine poster boy Yonatan Erlichman.
I'll never forget story about Yonatan much heartbreak everywhere.
But the death of that little boy should have shocked people out of their slumber....In my experience, however, nothing much has changed since then. Endless smoke screening---unfathomable denial....massive carnage takes center screen as high school athletes and even younger children "die suddenly"
Even harder to see how many are more than willing to 'forgive and forget', just move on, it's okay, mistakes were made. That's why they will get away with it. That's also why it will happen again in some way.
Yes indeed it has happened again. A strategic military supply bridge suddenly collapses for no reason. See Dr. Peter McCullough's substack for the full scoop on how this could never have "just happened"....but was planned and carried out with catastrophic precision.
In times past, people capable of doing what these creatures did were called ghouls. Evil, depraved to the point of no longer being human. And folks, if they are not held responsible, and punished accordingly, it will happen again...and again...and again...
great great show. Based on a book, I believe Graham Greene....terrific book and an examination of how corruption is spawned and continues to expand in our world impacting the innocent and the defenseless. Also see THE CONSTANT GARDENER by Greene.
That's been one of the most astonishing aspects of this whole debacle; that we have on this planet people who are willing and eager to sell out all of humanity for a few coins.
In trying to understand how a person can be truly evil, I wondered if it is because doing evil is intoxicating. So intoxicating that you want more, more, more.
Yes, they are evil and they're VERY organized...... but we're onto them! (in the words of Calhoun Tubbs:) Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it go!
We're surprised one and all, though it's been prophesied
How the mighty shall fall while the meek doth rise
Never could we have guessed the full extent of God's plan
It demands participation of each woman and man
It's about time that we opened up our eyes
It's hard to believe that crime is so organized
We never expected to see such a sight
Even grandma cried out, “Lawd, the hippies were right!”
Agents of Darkness battle Children of Light
And they're writing new chapters in this age old fight
If one steals from others in the darkness of night
Soon comes the day when they’re exposed to the light
So keep saying your prayers, put on the armor of God
Keep shining your light on corruption and fraud
Yes, keep saying your prayers, put on the armor of God
I have no idea if they are actually "aliens," but it's clear by their behavior and their copious statements that they believe themselves to be superior beings to whom laws do not apply and who believe they've anointed themselves the authority to force everyone to do as they tell us. I don't know exactly who's "in charge" but the hierarchy of who seems to be leading the agenda includes Klaus, King Charles, and the usual suspect billionaires. These might just be the public faces given the role to voice the agenda decided elsewhere though. It's clearly been going on a long time.
"After the heartbreaking death of his father, Najadi took a sabbatical from his banking career and started investing in bitcoins. But his father’s killing still remains at the top of his head. He decided to showcase his father’s assassination in a movie called The Najadi Assassination. A film that exposes the Malaysian 1MDB Scandal. Swiss Filmmakers Michael Steiner and Andrea Neuhaus are part of his team, and he will be producing the project. In 2006, he produced another Swiss blockbuster movie, Grounding, the Last Days of Swissair, directed by Michael Steiner. The film was touted as the best Movie in Swiss Film-making history.
After his father’s brutal assassination, Najadi’s inner activist woke up. Since then, he has been vocal about the injustice happening around him. After having Covid vaccinations, Najadi fell sick and, through several tests, learned that he had experienced a reaction and now suffers from an autoimmune disease. He immediately took action against this and filed a lawsuit against Pfizer’ because he had taken 3 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Pascal Najadi is part of the Litigation lawsuit Ana McCarthy filed on March 6, 2023, with the New York State Supreme Court Manhattan NYC vs. Pfizer Inc. New York.
As they say, life is an ocean; it goes up and down, which vividly applies to Pascal Najadi’s life. He started his career as a successful and diligent banker who became a dynamic activist. Not even in his wildest dreams, Najadi had imagined that his life would be shaped like this. However, the man of steel, Najadi, never gave up. For over a decade, he has been fighting for justice for his father’s murder and working incessantly to voice the injustice in the world. His ability to pinpoint lies and injustice is the reason for his valor and bravery."
It’s the over the top nature of these demons that allows them to skate away, scot free. It seems so absurd to the normies. “That can’t possibly be happening!!!!”
Is it evil? I don't know. A lot of bad stuff, looks pretty evil to me. But another way to look at it is greed meets opportunity. Greed has many forms but thirst for wealth and power go hand in hand. Some see power as a means to achieve wealth, while some see wealth as a means to obtain power. The premise that power corrupts seems relevant. The result is evil - but readily rationalized as "just what everybody would do given the opportunity".
"NEVER AGAIN" really is holocaust survivor Vera Sharav has so bitterly pointed out. "They" are doing it again. Gleefully and shamelessly killing as many as they can...for what? For the thrill of it? As attorney Reiner Fuellmich stated before he was "arrested" by criminals and put into jail in Germany--"It is impossible for normal people to understand or even believe that some of us are quite capable of the very worst sort of atrocities such as those we saw happening under Hitler"....That's their cover...that's how "they"(whoever these demons are) get away with it. Look at Anthony Fauci's innocent little mug. Can you believe that he is a monster who not only facilitated this current genocide....but also killed orphans with AZT in a previous incarnation. That is right. He had tubes attached to their stomachs and he pumped little children full of deadly poison to die slowly.
I am amazed at the ability of the truly evil to carry on completely nonplussed even as they are being confronted publicly about the truth of their conduct.
I hate to break it to everyone but there will be no accountability. Accountability will not be sought because, let's face it, 95% of the population is "complicit" because of their compliance.
If those who know what happened was wrong don't have the balls to tell their children they did them wrong, then how can you expect for them to want accountability for those who are criminally complicit?
And who's going to tell these people they should consider reflecting? Their most stable state is exactly what it was during covid: Pretend nobody is pretending.
The best we're going to do is not let these MF'ers write history. It'll be yet another joyless victory, but a W nonetheless.
Silence is also the byproduct of being clubbed senseless by the ever-increasing magnitude of the scandal-du-jour that picked up velocity and magnitude during the St. Obama epoch. It's no longer a "Teapot Dome" affair or the gift of a vicuña coat. This NIH business makes the crimes of Tesch and Stabenow's manufacture and profit from the production of Zyklon-B pale in comparison. Looks like Germany may be getting back on track. It's not evil that is so intoxicating, it's power. The power which derives from having acquired unimaginable amounts of money.
Someplace else on substack I pondered wherever Pride was the greatest sin, more than Greed. Of course they’re interlinked, yet the former, which really drives Status-seeking behavior, seems to summon the most ambitiously ruthless of humans to do the most heinous acts. In any case, thanks for your post
They'll get away with it, just as the "Masters of the Universe" got away with it in 2008. In fact, the 2 disasters might be linked together.
It's looking more and more to me that 2008 was Year Zero for our Revolution. With their pockets stuffed with ill-gotten gains, our Oligarchs set out to remake the world in their image.
My “progressive” friends were gushing over Obummer the other night. I asked what he did again to punish the demons who robbed the country blind and made so many homeless. Blank stare. I informed them that Goldman Sachs appointed his cabinet. No reply of course.
Oh yes...Kenyan commie Obama was in on this from the start. There are numerous rumors--and I don't know how much credit or discredit to give them...that the "Obamas" are gay and Michelle's name is Michael. People say they knew them both in college. Can this be possible?...After I saw the photo of NZ pm Arden...with her balls showing through her dress I started to think anything could be possible. Including having gay/transgenders as our president and first lady. Please don't misjudge me as I am not a hater of anyone. We have old and dear friends who are "gay".... but they never tried to present themselves as anything else. They are straightforward people who maybe are born that way...who knows? Anyone who is not a pedophile has the perfect right to whatever sexual orientation they choose with willing partners. But do I want them teaching my kids gym class? Another can of worms i suppose. My kids are 40 years old right now and will have to make that kind of decision I imagine. So glad I don't have to.
Obama was a Janus. All smiles and soaring rhetoric on the outside, nothing but a divisive DNC and security state operative behind closed doors. With time, I see how harmful his time in office was.
My only hope for this episode is that the sides to this NIH - BioNTech dispute are so hubristic that they fail to settle out of court and instead proceed to litigation. Then we might learn something interesting in a public forum.
I understand greed. I understand the desire to profit. I'll never understand the fanaticism of middle manager types that made the greed so profitable. I think even Fauci and his ilk were surprised at how well their plan worked.
I don't think middle managers like these guys are if any real value in industry.
These middle managers survive because they never pay a price for their bad investments but have managed to profit handsomely on a, well, good _financial_ investment.
They were playing with We the Little People House money.
exactly like the guards in the concentration camps. They will have to stand trial. Following orders cannot be an excuse for murdering small children are dieing of the "vaccine" How many babies will they kill before we stop them?
Mar 23, 2024Celia Farber, then an intrepid young reporter for SPIN magazine, was the only journalist to question the official narrative and dig into the science of AIDS. She reported on the "evidence" that was being continually cited and repeated by health officials and the press, the deadliness of AZT, and Dr. Fauci's trials on children, infants ...
I have never been, and will never be, a Marxist. However, it is easy to understand at this point, given the Pelosis and the Faucis and the Collinses and the Bancels, how people despise anyone with wealth and assume it was stolen off their backs (at best) or at their direct personal expense (increasingly the case). At this point, I want to ask anyone with a jet where, exactly, the money came from.
I think this might be one of the appeals of celebrity and athlete wealth to the public. At least it seems to be clear where all the money came from.
Yes. This exactly why making it political was necessary. It was to remove Trump....but more so to make both sides want to move on. One half can not be reasoned with. The other half doesn't want to deal with the "static".
It's also why the daily humiliation of wearing masks was so important. Who wants to relive debasing you and/or your children for two years...for no reason?
Jan 2017: “Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”
Was that a prediction or a scheduling notice? Mark your calendars, we are going to kill you, if not with the virus, then with the cure.
Here is the video of him saying it. Who knows why? So he could be "right?" Or to justify getting funding for the vaccine development and production before the rest of us knew about the "surprise outbreak?" Just guessing.
ha ha. Yes making sure all hands are on deck for the final devastating "depopulation event" forecast by said Dr. Evil himself Fauci....who also enjoys torturing beagles to death by having them eaten alive by bugs as they are immobilized with bags on their heads. Sick bastard. I bet he would stroll about rubbing his hands together watching them writhe in agony. Does he love to see our young men and women athletes collapse on camera as well? Only his disgusting wife Christine Grady who headed up the "ethics committee" there for years can tell us the intimate details of his sick enjoyment of our torture and demise. Death is too small a punishment for their likes.
Not only that, but if you mention the "vaccine" as a possible cause of death, you are ridiculed and called every name imaginable. Vontae Davis, a former NFL player died at 35 years old yesterday and people who even mentioned the "vaccine" as possibly contributing to his death were being torn to pieces. How dare they! Strange how the same people who ridicule you for bringing up the "vaccine" now are the ones who were ridiculing you for being "selfish" and not taking it in the first place. Hmm...
please buy and share Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN. I do not believe anyone can look at the dozens of innocent faces belonging to KIDS less than 30 years old....all of whom dropped dead for "no known reason" and not experience extreme rage. We have been attacked. Our children are dying and people are "afraid"...what worse thing could happen than to have your child just drop dead playing soccer or basketball or riding his/her bike. When this happens to a celebrity player like Damar Hamlin...the media makes a lame attempt by bringing in obvious actors to appear on camera. His heart broken family stares out glumly at the cameras.....probably too devastated to refuse their "pay off" for his death.
Also--remember Nurse Tiffany Dover from Tn....She passed out on live television while receiving her "save and effective vaccine" and the cameras were quickly turned off. She made a "reappearance" again as a nurse but it was a very shabby "fake-up".....the second "nurse Dover" was about 50 lb heavier and had a totally different hairline and eye color. Someone found a "death notice" of her on-line...her husband remarried a few years later. What a scam.
Resembles the Damar Hamlin stupidity in every detail....
I think that was the top motive for sure. Try to crush Trump's excellent economy and justify mail-in ballots to facilitate fraud.
But $100 billion in toxxine sales is also motivating.
And I have to suspect that bumping off all those old people by using the virus, suppression of HCQ and ivermectin, death protocols in the hospitals, etc was also a big motive for the Social Security planners.
1. My democratically elected representatives are doing the best they can to help the body politic create a life of prosperity and dignity.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
2. My city government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
3. My county government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
4. My state government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
5. My national government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
6. I believe that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence from either another star system or dimension not of our world.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
7. Presently, the Federal Government takes about four months of an American’s labor as TAX.
QUESTION: How much of their pay checks should the American workers be allowed to keep?
a. 100%
b. 90%
c. 80%
d. 70%
e. 60%
f. 50%
g. 40%
8. In 1976 The United Nations conducted a study and found that four people could live comfortably in a 600 sq. ft. shelter with one bath and one toilette. As part of the UN's efforts to make things better for humanity, they plan to shelter hundreds of millions of deserving third world homeless people in the under utilized houses located in the industrialized world. For example, a retired American couple with an 1,800 sq. ft. house will be required to take in ten homeless people. The UN has publicly stated its plans to enforce this program as soon as possible....
QUESTION: So, how do you feel about getting some exotic new house guests?
a. this is a good thing, sharing
b. I shall pretend that it isn't happening
d. your lying, they would never do this to us
e. I will ignore your hatred
f. I will get active politically and fight this insanity
Congress and the Legislative Branch
9. Is the following statement true:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
10. Is the following statement true:
Many of the laws they vote on are in excess of two thousand pages.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
11. Is the following statement true:
Since the Representative cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
12. Is the following statement true:
Thus, the Representatives have forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
13. Is the following statement true:
Representative government is obsolete, it does not work for us.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
14. Are you willing to read, comprehend and vote on ten pages per day of a 2000 page law in order to assist your democratically elected representative in the legislative operation that will determine the conditions of your future life? (making new laws?)
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
15. Do you agree:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
16. Do you agree:
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
Wake up, people. You’ve been played. Racketeering 101. Far too many “coincidences” to be a chance infection from a bat to a pangolin to a wet market to “Patient Zero” (coincidentally a WIV researcher - je probably fancied fish - bat pangolin fricassé)...
You must get Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN and have them peruse the faces of sports players, high school students and even well-known athletes who have now suddenly keeled over dead. In their obituaries is listed as "CAUSE UNKNOWN"...I think we all know the "cause" of these deaths now. When do the genocide trials begin for people such as Albert Bourla...and the rest of the scum bags. They knew these "vaccines' were going to kill people right from the start. Check out Dr. Mike Yeadon's website if you don't believe me.
I have always maintained covid and 2008 should be prosecuted under the rico statutes. But unless we fund countrywide the class action lawsuit,,9nly the p diddys will get prosecuted
I am sure everything was on the up and up. All the money they made was donated to Ukraine as a humanitarian gesture.. So move along, nothing to see here.
Just like driving the economy off the cliff while the FED (and the too well fed) tell us the economy is fine. The new symbol of our times should become the Baltimore Francis Scott Key bridge collapse as they sail the ship of state into the bridge support.
It’s hard to wrap your head around people actually being this evil. You know it exists, but to see it laid out and realize that people went through with such monstrous acts.. it’s difficult to imagine actual human beings doing something so vile.
Yeah but it was the "functionaries" too.
Much of the last 4 years takes forethought. However malice and incompetence are often bedfellows. Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence.
It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mass murder to cover up the incompetence.
Malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered. I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor....or Sheftalls razor.
Often the most dangerous situation is, when people are participating in small actions that brush with evil, but don't breach it, and think they are doing "good"., i.e., the way children were treated during particular with the masks...or with the depravity being normalized at school these days.
This can be applied to myriad situations, because this type of evil has a long arc and is not easily detected by normal people...until sometimes too late. They can not see that each brush leads, if given enough time, to a critical mass, in which the aggregate of each individual action can lead to unspeakable evil.
IMO, there is no reason evil and incompetence can't coexist. In fact evil can and has emerged as a byproduct of systems/organizations self-arranged by unthinking utter incompetence.
Worse than intentional evil, I think it is the rather prosaic human incompetence, large egos and greed mixed with some sheer idiocy, all coupled with the God complex of being a powerful unelected bureaucrat, and voila: you get this clusterf*ck. And as said hundreds of times before, the people who called Fauci their doctor and complied are not looking to find out the truth. They want to move on, knowing they were “correct”. If there is the massive death wave coming post turbo cancer that some virologists have predicted there may be some truth…but the same people are already setting Disease X up as the culprit.
Thing is, the vaxxxxed will be the ones nailed by "disease X." It will be difficult to hide that truth.
I am so thankful the wifely babe and I resisted the pressure from all over, immense pressure, to not get vaxxxxxed.
Howard Kunstler interviewed Geert Vanden Bossche, a guy who has been spot-on all during the covid thing, and Dr. Bossche has some ominous predictions about the fully vaxxxxxed, like death predictions, massive deaths, in the coming months.
Have his predictions been spot-on though? I haven't read up on him lately but seems to me he's long been forecasting some sort of catastrophic restarting of the pandemic, at least for the vaccinated. As far as I can tell -- and correct me if I am wrong -- this hasn´t happened. At what point do we say Geert was wrong?
It is happening now, when you include the turbo cancer deaths.
yeah. agree. but it's still galactic calamity...just the sheer numbers alone.
globally millions upon millions have been injured from the miracle juice.
Agreed about the vaxx injuries. One of my vaxxed friends has had several small strokes. His partner was recently hospitalized with a blood clot, supposedly caused by Covid. Were these vaxx injuries? I´m sure the thought has never entered my friends minds. They´re both on the older side so it is possible these things would have happened anyways -- who knows?
@ Becoming the Rainbow -
Geert Vanden Bossche has not always been exactly correct; however, he does self correct with explanations along the way. I trust him.
He´s definitely a smart guy and I think his heart is in the right place. What is he saying now? Does he still think I more dangerous variant is coming down the pike?
Jesus, get some glasses and start reading outside Substack! Dr Frankenstein ( 'Gurt' as a science lover said below) worked with Bill & Melinda's Foundation and for Curevac and Pfizer and I don't remember who. Tired of Insider Believers like you all. Call Astrud Stuckelgberger and whine your faith story, she has the ears for that.
I thought it would be much sooner, too. Maybe, we lack patience. Geert may be playing the long game.
These things take TIME! That's why they should NEVER be done at "Warp Speed"! mRNAs have been around for a long time have always been problematic. A major red flag that caused me to decline the Vaxx.
Yeah, like Trump with Warp Speed maybe? Or like Putin with the SPO (Special Carnage Operation) he still trying to buckel uo in Ukraine? This is a real madhouse here. Babaye!
Heard that interview as well. Scary if only it comes half true.
Did you see the new EEG Apple air pod headphones.. They read your brain waves.. Patented..
Thanks Angie
It will wipe out entire families. 😐
Isn't the human ability to "duck and cover" amazing? As our children suddenly keel over and die...we want to explain it away as just you know...ordinary "heart attacks"....or maybe "climate change"...incredible....
.......Or the child allegedly killed himself playing the popular internet SELF KNOCKOUT GAME AKA "Autoasphixia" , but the parents never had a autopsy done so they'll never have to face the distinct possibility that maybe it WAS the clot$hot they thought was such a great thing to "protect" him that may have actually killed their child. Cover story?
SPOT ON! Human nature: A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.
Yes. Nailed it
This link drive you to an advertisement. It is click bait.
Thank you for pointing that out.
Fortunately, I never click on any URL from google or youtube, but others might.
there is another person "Angie" who I believe is doing the same thing.
be wary
I believe it to be likely a mix of pure evil (a tiny minority) and a gaggle of useful idiots overcome with fear dancing along. People like Walensky and Cohen are virtually retarded. They simply don’t know any better.
You mean..."retarded" like the guards herding people into the ovens during the holocaust....telling them they were getting a "shower"....I am sorry...but you are wrong to let them off the hook. No one achieving those offices is that "retarded"....
evil..yes. Complicit? bet. but innocent? No fking way...They knew. They always knew.
You have got to be kidding me. They got through med school and did not realize what they were doing???? give me a break.
Sometimes it is hard thesedays to tell the difference between someone who is actually RETARDED from one who is adept at bluffing and blowing a smokescreen over what is actually a very strategic and sophisticated game of "PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY."
And from those who are easily deceived by anyone wearing a white doctor's coat
My Mom was one of those.
I always feel relieved when I read comments like yours, Kathleen, in that you are insisting that the people who pulled the scamdemic off be held accountable. Yes, some ignorant people lower down the food chain got swept up in the fraud, but people at the level of Walensky and Cohen were/are doing exactly what they were hired to do - with complete awareness.
However, I do have to point out something else. I won't get many (if any) likes for this comment, but this is not a popularity contest.
You have used a reference to "guards herding people into the ovens during the holocaust....telling them they were getting a 'shower'" to illustrate your point. Many of the best people exposing the lies of the covid fraud use the Nazi metaphor to drive their message home - and of course I understand what they mean, and what you meant in your comment.
The irony is that the holocaust narrative, as taught to us all in public school and through myriad Hollywood movies, is a lynchpin in the propaganda that holds our current world order in place. It's so hard to see through it, and it took me years, so I'm not criticizing your personally so much as just using your otherwise excellent comment to point this out.
Consider how Israel is genociding Gaza in real time... and yet the Jews are still screaming "victim." It's in their nature, they truly can't help themselves. But at some point we need to start calling them on their lies.
This 2-minute video, Jewish Heroes Battling Covid, is instructive:
How do you know you are not repeating anti-Israel propaganda by uncritically using the word genocide to describe the war in Gaza?
And what is in whose nature? I think we can all agree there have been many cultures, empires and states that glorify military might and fervently embrace ethno-nationalism. And they use past wrongs to justify current actions. Is the Israeli state some sort of outlier? I don't think so.
But if you're implying that ordinary Jewish people should all be perceived this way and faulted for what is going on then I will have to very much disagree.
Also, why don't you spell out what you claim we've been misled about regarding the Holocaust? I keep an open mind. I know there are theories that question the specific use of gas chambers. I know the 6m figure is contested in some circles. But there were ghettoes, and concentration camps, and progroms, and Einsatzgruppen. This is documented and there are still many alive today whose relatives experienced this.
How do you know you are not repeating pro-Israeli propaganda by uncritically using the word war to describe the genocide in Gaza? (A war usually involves two armies - the Palestinians don't have one.)
Is the Israeli state some sort of outlier? Yes, it is. The Jews have a very unique history. Starting from the fact that they have remained a nation for millennia, with or without a land base to support that nation.
What exactly is an "ordinary" Jew? Whenever I hear about a Jew who speaks against the larger group's hostility to the rest of us, they seem quite extraordinary to me. (Not to mention they will invariably be smeared as a "self-hating Jew.")
Regarding the holocaust - all that really needs to be said is that discussing it too much can actually land you in jail, and at very least socially cancelled. No one denies ghettoes or concentration camps. The point is that the wildly exaggerated stories we are told are based on eye-witness accounts and don't hold up to any forensic scrutiny - which is why we are not allowed to discuss the subject in any depth. Then, the wildly exaggerated stories are used in perpetuity as a Get Out of Jail Free card by the supposed victims whenever any of God's-Not-Chosen people call them out on their crimes.
It's a litmus test for critical thinking to see how far one can honestly explore these issues. It's not the kind of indoctrination one overcomes overnight.
This is a long and confusing reply....some people "deny" that the "holocaust" with the gas chambers ever happened....In my younger years I came to know an elderly man with numbers tattooed on his arm. He seldom spoke about his "holocaust" experience. The Jewish family that he stayed with said it was indeed the case. He had survived some sort of German "camp". I cannot say what really happened to him. But he had a lot of anxiety. He was supported by a Jewish charity who paid for his room somewhere. I believe something terrible happened to him. I could not swear it was THE holocaust. Who knows.
As far as my personal experience-- my husband's family went back and searched for long lost relatives in Europe and found not a trace. Did they go into the ovens? Who knows? People say there is no actual traces of the existence of these "ovens"...maybe they did not exist. What I have learned about the experience of the Jews is this:
They always have been taught at a very young age to read...and they are known as "the people of the book". So because they were literate-- as every Jew must learn to read the Torah...they often were hired to do the account books of rich land owners etc. And so the Jews got blamed when the peasants "revolted" against the dire circumstances of their mean and degrading existences. The "elites"--whoever they are---always find ways of turning the violence away from themselves--so the Jews were pointed out as responsible for their wretchedness. Of course there are "bad" Jews....just as there are "bad" Christians---evil, like good, comes from every walk of life. Albert Bourla is a Jew. Bill Gates is not a Jew.
I remember my husband's grandmother used to walk to the Schule every Saturday-- even during snow storms and icy sidewalks. My mother-in-law would follow about a block behind in the case she fell. These people were kind especially for those who worked for them--But I suppose there are always others that were not so benevolent.
Using the horror happening is Gaza to scream hatred about Jews is just what the "elites" desire. We should all be pointing fingers and hating each other instead of looking for the real authors of all the misery...
Right now....more people have died from these "vaccines" than both world wars put together. Now is NOT the time to focus on division among ourselves. As Reiner Fuellmich has stated--"These criminals must be brought to justice"....
Thank you for proving my point, Kathleen.
This conversation started with you saying people with medical degrees that went along with the covid narrative knew what they were doing, and should be held accountable. On this, I agree with you 100%.
I shared a video with you that contained the following statement: “In the global fight against Covid-19, the Jewish people, who make up a tiny percentage of the world’s population, have had an outsized impact in the difficult battle to protect lives as scientists, chief medical officers, and top health care officials…”
The video was not produced by a fringe group of raving anti-semites. It was produced by the Genesis Prize Foundation of Israel, in honour of their latest recipient, Jewish Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Instead of concurring that yes, these people need to be held to account, you answered with a long, winding reply about how maybe the holocaust is really true because someone has a tattoo.
After all, the people who benefit the most from that story keep telling you stories about it, so it must be true.
You pointed out that non-Jews like Bill Gates have been involved in the covid lie. Very true. One could also say, not all Jews have been involved in the covid lie. Very true too.
But these two truths do not cancel out the truth of what was said by Jews in the 2-minute video link I sent you: “In the global fight against Covid-19, the Jewish people, who make up a tiny percentage of the world’s population, have had an outsized impact in the difficult battle to protect lives as scientists, chief medical officers, and top health care officials…”
Instead of addressing this, you countered with an emotionally laden story supporting the holocaust narrative. In other words, when I brought up Jewish malfeasance, you played the Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free holocaust card.
As I said, thank you for proving my point.
It’s all well and good to say, “Now is NOT the time to focus on division among ourselves.” But if we’re ignoring the fox in the henhouse, saying that he is one of us, we’re not going to get very far.
The holocaust narrative we have been indoctrinated into believing is the lynchpin of our current world order. Pull it out, and all the lies start to unravel.
Brainwashed and deluded. I doubt that all of them acted in complete consciousness and malice.
Greed, power and FOMO.
...and jealousy and schadenfreude. Dark triad.
Think of the minimum amount of effort it took to find out that serum antibodies elicited by intramuscular injection cannot ever stop a respiratory infection or that masks cannot stop transmission if aerosolized viruses etc..The sheepish idiocy is stacked higher than Shaggy's sandwiches.
I like your pseudonym!
Yeah........retarded like Fauci. Dumb like a fox.
Or a shitweasel...their cousins, plain ole weasels, are pretty cunning and crafty.
I dont want to second guess you, Owain.....what IS the difference between a shitweasel and a weasel? Like that between a drop bear and a koala? Or a RHINO and a LEFTAPOTAMUS? You tell me...!
FauXi gives weasels a bad name.
That's my take on it. A few psychopaths, a lot of useful idiots driven by greed, ideology and/or fear, with a healthy admixture of karenism.
That's my take too.
The psychopaths like Pfauci definitely need to be hanged, both to serve justice and to protect the rest of us.
Some version of that is my take as well. And the evil ones need to be brought to account.
The "think they are doing 'good' " types include many if not most at the top and throughout of these government and health organizations. The human capacity for self delusion knows no bounds. They all get so high on their own supply and have zero peripheral vision out to the rest of the world so they engage in a cult like behavior and belief system. I am quite sure the Mandy Cohens, Deborah Birks, Francis Collins of that world and others we plainly see as either buffoons or evil sociopaths, truly think there was an extremely high IFR virus ripping thru the world at "Warp Speed" and the only way to combat it was an amazing new high-tech vaccine. The book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay sites many examples of this cult/mob like behavior, such as the Crusades, Witch mania, the Dutch Tulip Bubble and more. Unfortunately, as Mackay states "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."
This is nothing new.
Well said
They definitely live in a delusional bubble and they believe every word, no matter how outrageous or even impossible. Take natural immunity for example. For merely mentioning it, my sister went nuts on me. “My opinions are based on SCIENCE”. Punch line, she’s a science teacher. Still waiting for that apology. I won’t hold my breath.
Excellently put.
Very true, Ryan. And the end result is the same.
Napoleón once said “never attribute to malice that which was most likely incompetence” .. indeed, the oops, I pushed the wrong button or pulled the wrong lever, leading to catastrophe, to be followed up by covering up this oversight might have some bearing on this whole scenario.. but how do we reconcile the Wuhan funding of GOF and especially the $$$ that have flowed via royalties .. including unpaid ones leading to this lawsuit
Never attribute to incompetence what earns anyone millions of dollars.
"They" are playing the masses....always. We send our children into "their" "their" companies to kill us with harmful drugs while "they" say it is a "vaccine"..."they" mandate this vaccine in the we have to choose between taking a deadly shot and letting your children starve...Not unlike SOPHIE'S CHOICE.....remember that horror story? Well apparently it never stops.
It took decades to get this many traitors installed in "permanent" government. Now, permanent government is at all levels. Homelessness? Guess what - that's grifting off your money, too. Especially in CA where our a-hat Gov. has raised it to a fine art. It doesn't take brains to be a government employee, either. Mostly people who are unable to get a "real" job in the private sector because they're unqualified.
I knew a little about this, as I passed a Civil Service exam in the early 1970s with a perfect score; no errors. I had been given advice to work for the phone company - excellent pay, benefits. The lady behind the counter said she wished she could hire me, process me, but I was the wrong color. California "fell" decades ago.
Julian Assange blew the whistle on the "Bush" family. ICYMI, look up "Scherff" family. You should find it from that, but if not, here is the link.
good link. yeah. i'm familiar I escaped my home town in San Diego 12 years ago.
they ruined it. couldn't take the madness anymore.
I hear you. Newsom has implemented his WEF training, that's for sure. They all want to dump Prop 13's protections. IF that happens, I'll be forced out. Somewhat handicapped, partially sighted, I've been dragging my feet on that score, opting to fight back hard, since it's all I have. Some family has fled to the Rocky Mountain area, some to the South. 3 elders remain, of which 2 are dying from the jab. I "get it" that you left and I may be forced out, but it makes it so much harder for those remaining to fight the good fight.
I have one cousin in SD, still teaching, amazingly enough. Most of my family are D's and don't know the danger we're in. Sadly.
IF you don't mind, what area of the US did you move to to find your freedom and happy again? LOL. Thanks.
I moved to the Sarasota area in Florida. Never been happier.
I'm happy for you and your family! You've got a better Governor, too, who knows how to fight back and actually seems to care about the residents.
The woman who has her own business, "Dear Reader" lives in FL, also. She now sells her quick reads to libraries, instead of going directly to readers. I highly recommend her book club. She has several categories, Mystery, Thriller, Fiction, Classic, etc. etc.
Were you worried about tornadoes? Have you experienced one yet? Has to be a bit of a relief, I would think, to not worry about a big quake.
The timeline suggests that it was the other way around...Evil first, incompetence second. Oft-played scenarios like Event 201 existed to make sure that fear and vaccine uptake would be high, and availability of real information regarding potential treatments and their risks would be low. And, indeed, as it became obvious, as it was in Jan 2021, that there were too many side effects of the Vaccine, did anyone in power say "wait a minute?" No, they doubled down. They KNEW, and they put this stuff on the CHILDREN's Schedule. They MANDATED, without respect for Natural immunity, taking people's livelihoods. Government suppression of the TRUTH. All AFTER anyone looking carefully could see the harms. That's EVIL.
The incompetence was in the medical establishment and physicians, and everyone else in the delivery chain too, the "functionaries," affected by the mind virus of fear to see around the corner of official pronouncements to the truth from El Gato and so many others.
"Evil first, incompetence second."
It's hard to find good help these days. *sigh*
Sounds like we agree on all points.
Apologies if I replied twice. Watch this fascinating discussion showcasing pure evil, using the vax to conquer the human mind. Explains a lot. Not sure if incompetence played a role.
Watch this fascinating discussion that illustrates pure evil for sure, not sure if incompetence played a part.
"Much of the last 4 years takes forethought."
So, more a Grey Swan Event than a Black one. *nods*
That's why most people will never believe it. They do not believe such evil could exist in the world. They are the idealists who believe in aspiring toward an earthly utopia. We have made so much progress, they say. Surely, nothing like this could ever happen. Unfortunately, they were all caught off guard and thought the warning from family and friends was crazy talk.
I've had trouble believing there was such evil myself, but the last four years has disimbued me of that notion.
Hopefully you are not alone. I lost my "innocence" when I watched the WTC demolished on live T.V. People just sat there and nodded their heads. I was absolutely horrified and couldn't believe the level of self-deceit which had to be operating. Still is operating. Will having a child drop dead after a "jab" change anyone? I really can no longer predict any outcome....World is twirling off its orbit as far as I am concerned.
My children's generation look at 9/11 and see the obvious, at least my daughter and her friends. It's sad, I was so innocent at her age.
I totally agree with you. My question to these people is- what has actually changed? What reforms have been made? None. Things are simply much worse. Everyone saw Dopesick on Hulu and assumes because someone made a tv show about it, that it can’t happen again. Oops. Meanwhile, RFK should be my sisters dream candidate. But me sharing some information about his campaign is “so aggressive”. She will vote Biden and probably watch our mom drop dead 24 hours after an RSV jab and rest easy at night, knowing that she is the good and smart sibling. Too bad about Vic, he lost his mind
After the Hamas attack in Israel, my reaction was "No fucking way did the Israelis not know that was about to happen. So they allowed 1200 of their own people to be slaughtered in order to have an excuse to do whatever they want in Gaza."
My wife said "No one could be that evil."
But I'm sure they were that evil. Also helped to distract from the sudden death by heart attack of eight-year-old Israeli toxxine poster boy Yonatan Erlichman.
I'll never forget story about Yonatan much heartbreak everywhere.
But the death of that little boy should have shocked people out of their slumber....In my experience, however, nothing much has changed since then. Endless smoke screening---unfathomable denial....massive carnage takes center screen as high school athletes and even younger children "die suddenly"
Yeah, it was very suspect to say the least.
Another name for being deeply sunk in delusion......
Even harder to see how many are more than willing to 'forgive and forget', just move on, it's okay, mistakes were made. That's why they will get away with it. That's also why it will happen again in some way.
Yes indeed it has happened again. A strategic military supply bridge suddenly collapses for no reason. See Dr. Peter McCullough's substack for the full scoop on how this could never have "just happened"....but was planned and carried out with catastrophic precision.
In times past, people capable of doing what these creatures did were called ghouls. Evil, depraved to the point of no longer being human. And folks, if they are not held responsible, and punished accordingly, it will happen again...and again...and again...
Yes, they must be hanged.
Sounds like it's time to go long on Big Lamppost.
It would be a waste of good rope. Dum-dum bullets would be cheaper ...
A really "hot lot" of the vaxx would be ironically perfect, but that would violate the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments.
They didn't teach history where you went to school?
Remember the classic 1949 film The Third Man starring Orson Welles as the villain? Just as evil. Must watch.
great great show. Based on a book, I believe Graham Greene....terrific book and an examination of how corruption is spawned and continues to expand in our world impacting the innocent and the defenseless. Also see THE CONSTANT GARDENER by Greene.
That's been one of the most astonishing aspects of this whole debacle; that we have on this planet people who are willing and eager to sell out all of humanity for a few coins.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
In trying to understand how a person can be truly evil, I wondered if it is because doing evil is intoxicating. So intoxicating that you want more, more, more.
It's because some people at the top are EVIL psychopaths.
They thrive in an environment of malice/destruction/ depravity/ cruelty.
Individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity.
Yes, they are evil and they're VERY organized...... but we're onto them! (in the words of Calhoun Tubbs:) Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it go!
We're surprised one and all, though it's been prophesied
How the mighty shall fall while the meek doth rise
Never could we have guessed the full extent of God's plan
It demands participation of each woman and man
It's about time that we opened up our eyes
It's hard to believe that crime is so organized
We never expected to see such a sight
Even grandma cried out, “Lawd, the hippies were right!”
Agents of Darkness battle Children of Light
And they're writing new chapters in this age old fight
If one steals from others in the darkness of night
Soon comes the day when they’re exposed to the light
So keep saying your prayers, put on the armor of God
Keep shining your light on corruption and fraud
Yes, keep saying your prayers, put on the armor of God
Keep shining your light on corruption and fraud
Thanks for sharing. I never heard that one. Very good...and true
Thanks. I wrote that one- only the intro was Calhoun Tubbs, played by In Living Color's David Alan Grier back in the 80's.
I'm not sure the cabal identify as human. I'm pretty sure they identify as superior beings and see humans as mere pests, and there are too many of us.
So you think they are "aliens"?...who exactly are the "cabal"? Are you talking about Klaus et al?
Check this guy out....
Pascal Najahdi....
I have no idea if they are actually "aliens," but it's clear by their behavior and their copious statements that they believe themselves to be superior beings to whom laws do not apply and who believe they've anointed themselves the authority to force everyone to do as they tell us. I don't know exactly who's "in charge" but the hierarchy of who seems to be leading the agenda includes Klaus, King Charles, and the usual suspect billionaires. These might just be the public faces given the role to voice the agenda decided elsewhere though. It's clearly been going on a long time.
quote from his website:
"After the heartbreaking death of his father, Najadi took a sabbatical from his banking career and started investing in bitcoins. But his father’s killing still remains at the top of his head. He decided to showcase his father’s assassination in a movie called The Najadi Assassination. A film that exposes the Malaysian 1MDB Scandal. Swiss Filmmakers Michael Steiner and Andrea Neuhaus are part of his team, and he will be producing the project. In 2006, he produced another Swiss blockbuster movie, Grounding, the Last Days of Swissair, directed by Michael Steiner. The film was touted as the best Movie in Swiss Film-making history.
After his father’s brutal assassination, Najadi’s inner activist woke up. Since then, he has been vocal about the injustice happening around him. After having Covid vaccinations, Najadi fell sick and, through several tests, learned that he had experienced a reaction and now suffers from an autoimmune disease. He immediately took action against this and filed a lawsuit against Pfizer’ because he had taken 3 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Pascal Najadi is part of the Litigation lawsuit Ana McCarthy filed on March 6, 2023, with the New York State Supreme Court Manhattan NYC vs. Pfizer Inc. New York.
As they say, life is an ocean; it goes up and down, which vividly applies to Pascal Najadi’s life. He started his career as a successful and diligent banker who became a dynamic activist. Not even in his wildest dreams, Najadi had imagined that his life would be shaped like this. However, the man of steel, Najadi, never gave up. For over a decade, he has been fighting for justice for his father’s murder and working incessantly to voice the injustice in the world. His ability to pinpoint lies and injustice is the reason for his valor and bravery."
It’s the over the top nature of these demons that allows them to skate away, scot free. It seems so absurd to the normies. “That can’t possibly be happening!!!!”
Is it evil? I don't know. A lot of bad stuff, looks pretty evil to me. But another way to look at it is greed meets opportunity. Greed has many forms but thirst for wealth and power go hand in hand. Some see power as a means to achieve wealth, while some see wealth as a means to obtain power. The premise that power corrupts seems relevant. The result is evil - but readily rationalized as "just what everybody would do given the opportunity".
Just approach the gates at Dacau. How soon they forget.
"NEVER AGAIN" really is holocaust survivor Vera Sharav has so bitterly pointed out. "They" are doing it again. Gleefully and shamelessly killing as many as they can...for what? For the thrill of it? As attorney Reiner Fuellmich stated before he was "arrested" by criminals and put into jail in Germany--"It is impossible for normal people to understand or even believe that some of us are quite capable of the very worst sort of atrocities such as those we saw happening under Hitler"....That's their cover...that's how "they"(whoever these demons are) get away with it. Look at Anthony Fauci's innocent little mug. Can you believe that he is a monster who not only facilitated this current genocide....but also killed orphans with AZT in a previous incarnation. That is right. He had tubes attached to their stomachs and he pumped little children full of deadly poison to die slowly.
They have blood on their hands and a special place in hell awaits these reprobates.
Misery loves company .... from times immemorial ...
I am amazed at the ability of the truly evil to carry on completely nonplussed even as they are being confronted publicly about the truth of their conduct.
"Who cares. Next item of business. Laughter."
Sayin it again: it is time to defund NIH, FDA, CDC.
Defund who
...and more...
How does one crowdfund an assassination? And are bulk discounts available?
I hate to break it to everyone but there will be no accountability. Accountability will not be sought because, let's face it, 95% of the population is "complicit" because of their compliance.
If those who know what happened was wrong don't have the balls to tell their children they did them wrong, then how can you expect for them to want accountability for those who are criminally complicit?
And who's going to tell these people they should consider reflecting? Their most stable state is exactly what it was during covid: Pretend nobody is pretending.
The best we're going to do is not let these MF'ers write history. It'll be yet another joyless victory, but a W nonetheless.
Just being a pragmatists.
Silence is consent.
Silence is also the byproduct of being clubbed senseless by the ever-increasing magnitude of the scandal-du-jour that picked up velocity and magnitude during the St. Obama epoch. It's no longer a "Teapot Dome" affair or the gift of a vicuña coat. This NIH business makes the crimes of Tesch and Stabenow's manufacture and profit from the production of Zyklon-B pale in comparison. Looks like Germany may be getting back on track. It's not evil that is so intoxicating, it's power. The power which derives from having acquired unimaginable amounts of money.
Someplace else on substack I pondered wherever Pride was the greatest sin, more than Greed. Of course they’re interlinked, yet the former, which really drives Status-seeking behavior, seems to summon the most ambitiously ruthless of humans to do the most heinous acts. In any case, thanks for your post
Fear of being part of the Out Group is palpable.
Yep. You're exactly right. Nailed it.
There was a movie called “6 Underground” that hit on this theme.
Good one! ROFL
They'll get away with it, just as the "Masters of the Universe" got away with it in 2008. In fact, the 2 disasters might be linked together.
It's looking more and more to me that 2008 was Year Zero for our Revolution. With their pockets stuffed with ill-gotten gains, our Oligarchs set out to remake the world in their image.
My “progressive” friends were gushing over Obummer the other night. I asked what he did again to punish the demons who robbed the country blind and made so many homeless. Blank stare. I informed them that Goldman Sachs appointed his cabinet. No reply of course.
Oh yes...Kenyan commie Obama was in on this from the start. There are numerous rumors--and I don't know how much credit or discredit to give them...that the "Obamas" are gay and Michelle's name is Michael. People say they knew them both in college. Can this be possible?...After I saw the photo of NZ pm Arden...with her balls showing through her dress I started to think anything could be possible. Including having gay/transgenders as our president and first lady. Please don't misjudge me as I am not a hater of anyone. We have old and dear friends who are "gay".... but they never tried to present themselves as anything else. They are straightforward people who maybe are born that way...who knows? Anyone who is not a pedophile has the perfect right to whatever sexual orientation they choose with willing partners. But do I want them teaching my kids gym class? Another can of worms i suppose. My kids are 40 years old right now and will have to make that kind of decision I imagine. So glad I don't have to.
Obama was a Janus. All smiles and soaring rhetoric on the outside, nothing but a divisive DNC and security state operative behind closed doors. With time, I see how harmful his time in office was.
My only hope for this episode is that the sides to this NIH - BioNTech dispute are so hubristic that they fail to settle out of court and instead proceed to litigation. Then we might learn something interesting in a public forum.
I would think FOIA requests might turn up some interesting information in the meantime.
I understand greed. I understand the desire to profit. I'll never understand the fanaticism of middle manager types that made the greed so profitable. I think even Fauci and his ilk were surprised at how well their plan worked.
Those middle managers were "just following orders."
I don't think middle managers like these guys are if any real value in industry.
These middle managers survive because they never pay a price for their bad investments but have managed to profit handsomely on a, well, good _financial_ investment.
They were playing with We the Little People House money.
exactly like the guards in the concentration camps. They will have to stand trial. Following orders cannot be an excuse for murdering small children are dieing of the "vaccine" How many babies will they kill before we stop them?
Serious Adverse Events - Chelsea Green Publishing
Mar 23, 2024Celia Farber, then an intrepid young reporter for SPIN magazine, was the only journalist to question the official narrative and dig into the science of AIDS. She reported on the "evidence" that was being continually cited and repeated by health officials and the press, the deadliness of AZT, and Dr. Fauci's trials on children, infants ...
Humanity ...
I have never been, and will never be, a Marxist. However, it is easy to understand at this point, given the Pelosis and the Faucis and the Collinses and the Bancels, how people despise anyone with wealth and assume it was stolen off their backs (at best) or at their direct personal expense (increasingly the case). At this point, I want to ask anyone with a jet where, exactly, the money came from.
I think this might be one of the appeals of celebrity and athlete wealth to the public. At least it seems to be clear where all the money came from.
"I have never been, and will never be, a Marxist."
As long as there are lazy, untalented, envious people in the world, someone will still think Marxism is a good idea.
"given the Pelosis and the Faucis and the Collinses and the Bancels, how people despise anyone with wealth and assume it was stolen off their backs"
It was stolen off their backs. This wouldn't be possible in a Free Marker Economy, but here we are.
That’s my point. Given the existence of these lizards, it’s easy to understand why people get sucked into envy rage.
The looting of you and us via govt and fed reserve is how they get rich. It 8s even bigger than2008...and your ss pension and savings are next
Unfortunately you are correct.
Wait until people find out fiat currency is a financial weapon.
Might as well admit the game once a lot of people want to forget about it, right?
Yes. This exactly why making it political was necessary. It was to remove Trump....but more so to make both sides want to move on. One half can not be reasoned with. The other half doesn't want to deal with the "static".
It's also why the daily humiliation of wearing masks was so important. Who wants to relive debasing you and/or your children for two years...for no reason?
Jan 2017: “Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”
Was that a prediction or a scheduling notice? Mark your calendars, we are going to kill you, if not with the virus, then with the cure.
Could you note where that came from please? Why did Fauci want to go and spoil the “surprise” by announcing it like that? 🙄
Here is the video of him saying it. Who knows why? So he could be "right?" Or to justify getting funding for the vaccine development and production before the rest of us knew about the "surprise outbreak?" Just guessing.
Scheduling notice
ha ha. Yes making sure all hands are on deck for the final devastating "depopulation event" forecast by said Dr. Evil himself Fauci....who also enjoys torturing beagles to death by having them eaten alive by bugs as they are immobilized with bags on their heads. Sick bastard. I bet he would stroll about rubbing his hands together watching them writhe in agony. Does he love to see our young men and women athletes collapse on camera as well? Only his disgusting wife Christine Grady who headed up the "ethics committee" there for years can tell us the intimate details of his sick enjoyment of our torture and demise. Death is too small a punishment for their likes.
Give him the "Beagle Treatment "
Perhaps to justify getting funding?
Not only that, but if you mention the "vaccine" as a possible cause of death, you are ridiculed and called every name imaginable. Vontae Davis, a former NFL player died at 35 years old yesterday and people who even mentioned the "vaccine" as possibly contributing to his death were being torn to pieces. How dare they! Strange how the same people who ridicule you for bringing up the "vaccine" now are the ones who were ridiculing you for being "selfish" and not taking it in the first place. Hmm...
please buy and share Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN. I do not believe anyone can look at the dozens of innocent faces belonging to KIDS less than 30 years old....all of whom dropped dead for "no known reason" and not experience extreme rage. We have been attacked. Our children are dying and people are "afraid"...what worse thing could happen than to have your child just drop dead playing soccer or basketball or riding his/her bike. When this happens to a celebrity player like Damar Hamlin...the media makes a lame attempt by bringing in obvious actors to appear on camera. His heart broken family stares out glumly at the cameras.....probably too devastated to refuse their "pay off" for his death.
Also--remember Nurse Tiffany Dover from Tn....She passed out on live television while receiving her "save and effective vaccine" and the cameras were quickly turned off. She made a "reappearance" again as a nurse but it was a very shabby "fake-up".....the second "nurse Dover" was about 50 lb heavier and had a totally different hairline and eye color. Someone found a "death notice" of her on-line...her husband remarried a few years later. What a scam.
Resembles the Damar Hamlin stupidity in every detail....
Bots are agenda specific and an outrage on many social medias
Good point
"It was to remove Trump"
That is precisely the reason for the world wide covid hoax - truth
Except they already had it planned out...with wasn't just an was PLANNED LONG BEFORE.
Yep. In an address to the WHO 2/25/2009:
But it was in the works for decades before that.
I think that was the top motive for sure. Try to crush Trump's excellent economy and justify mail-in ballots to facilitate fraud.
But $100 billion in toxxine sales is also motivating.
And I have to suspect that bumping off all those old people by using the virus, suppression of HCQ and ivermectin, death protocols in the hospitals, etc was also a big motive for the Social Security planners.
Trump? Oh no .... MAGA GAS CAR???
this is exactly the time to make the move
Filed neatly under, "You Can't Make This Stuff Up!"
NIH (publicly funded) develops a technology.
BioNTech (privately funded) commercializes that technology.
Pfizer (privately funded) licenses that technology.
CDC (ostensibly publicly funded but receiving direct pharma investment) promotes the product that uses that technology.
POTUS (publicly senile) mandates the use of the product that uses that technology.
Everyone counts their money.
CNN counts the dead, but not the people dead because of the product that uses that technology.
In the words of Florida Evans, "Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!"
Baric never receive any scrutiny of any kind, dude has to be a CIA cutout all on his own
Citizen Voter general questions
1. My democratically elected representatives are doing the best they can to help the body politic create a life of prosperity and dignity.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
2. My city government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
3. My county government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
4. My state government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
5. My national government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
6. I believe that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence from either another star system or dimension not of our world.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
7. Presently, the Federal Government takes about four months of an American’s labor as TAX.
QUESTION: How much of their pay checks should the American workers be allowed to keep?
a. 100%
b. 90%
c. 80%
d. 70%
e. 60%
f. 50%
g. 40%
8. In 1976 The United Nations conducted a study and found that four people could live comfortably in a 600 sq. ft. shelter with one bath and one toilette. As part of the UN's efforts to make things better for humanity, they plan to shelter hundreds of millions of deserving third world homeless people in the under utilized houses located in the industrialized world. For example, a retired American couple with an 1,800 sq. ft. house will be required to take in ten homeless people. The UN has publicly stated its plans to enforce this program as soon as possible....
QUESTION: So, how do you feel about getting some exotic new house guests?
a. this is a good thing, sharing
b. I shall pretend that it isn't happening
d. your lying, they would never do this to us
e. I will ignore your hatred
f. I will get active politically and fight this insanity
Congress and the Legislative Branch
9. Is the following statement true:
The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
10. Is the following statement true:
Many of the laws they vote on are in excess of two thousand pages.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
11. Is the following statement true:
Since the Representative cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
12. Is the following statement true:
Thus, the Representatives have forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
13. Is the following statement true:
Representative government is obsolete, it does not work for us.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
14. Are you willing to read, comprehend and vote on ten pages per day of a 2000 page law in order to assist your democratically elected representative in the legislative operation that will determine the conditions of your future life? (making new laws?)
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
15. Do you agree:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
16. Do you agree:
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
a. yes
b. no
c. undecided
Wake up, people. You’ve been played. Racketeering 101. Far too many “coincidences” to be a chance infection from a bat to a pangolin to a wet market to “Patient Zero” (coincidentally a WIV researcher - je probably fancied fish - bat pangolin fricassé)...
I keep telling people- EVERYTHING the government is screaming about is a grift steeped in idiocy.
You must get Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN and have them peruse the faces of sports players, high school students and even well-known athletes who have now suddenly keeled over dead. In their obituaries is listed as "CAUSE UNKNOWN"...I think we all know the "cause" of these deaths now. When do the genocide trials begin for people such as Albert Bourla...and the rest of the scum bags. They knew these "vaccines' were going to kill people right from the start. Check out Dr. Mike Yeadon's website if you don't believe me.
I have always maintained covid and 2008 should be prosecuted under the rico statutes. But unless we fund countrywide the class action lawsuit,,9nly the p diddys will get prosecuted
I am sure everything was on the up and up. All the money they made was donated to Ukraine as a humanitarian gesture.. So move along, nothing to see here.
Just like driving the economy off the cliff while the FED (and the too well fed) tell us the economy is fine. The new symbol of our times should become the Baltimore Francis Scott Key bridge collapse as they sail the ship of state into the bridge support.
Great post, thanks. I'm starting to think we should "bring back the old punishments."
(Got a couple of typos: should be Sept of 2019, instead of 2109 and the little troll's name is misspelled in one place,if you care 😂)
What do you think? Tar and Feather? Draw and Quarter? Cat-o-Ninetails? the rack? Yes! YES!
Public hangings would be sufficient -- I'd probably puke, but for the killer of MILLIONS I would definitely have to watch. EVIL. Just evil.
How did we ever get tot this point??? Makes me nauseated just to think about what they've been doing for DECADES.
As Dr David Martin has said from the start -Racketeering!