As a white supremacist (I've decided to just go ahead and own it), I enjoy helping to elect members of lesser races so much, I'll even spend my own money to help them win elections in other states. I ESPECIALLY like helping elect members of lesser races that share my politics, patriotism, personal style, and preferences for rail-mounted optics, people that- if not for their unfortunate genetic inferiority- I would probably be best friends with.

Why, you may ask, would a white supremacist such as myself do such a thing, thereby undermining the stranglehold my glorious race holds over literally all positions of power?

Simple. If they inevitably fail, I can say "I told you so."

It's a really long-term, high-level strategy. I don't expect any of you untermenschen to understand it.

But that's why we white supremacists keep making moves that don't appear to have anything to do with white supremacy. *taps forehead*

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Playing that 20-D chess! I watch Triggernometry and the hosts refer to themselves and the viewing audience as "beautiful bigots and bigotesses". I'm considering putting "beautiful bigotess" somewhere on a business card one day.

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I wrote many times to that Klaus dude in Switzerland, where are my Global White Privilege fund monies?! Even give him my bank account details. Never answered back. Damn it. I want my sweet privilege money!

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"teaching that structural racism will always hold you back and that you can never succeed without some slant to the playing field creates a prison of low expectations and undermines motivation."

It's also child abuse.

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As the great Katharine Hepburn said in On Golden Pond "Aren't you tired of it all? Bore, bore. Life marches by, I suggest you get on with it." These people need to get on with their lives. Their false accusations of racism don’t work any more. Byeeeeee!

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Nov 4, 2021
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You've hit on it there: they don't have any idea of what defines their lives except their grievances. Their passion for politics is a replacement for the spiritual void in which they exist (exist--not live). They are pathetic, lost souls whose sense of self is dependent upon their commitment to 'the cause'... right up to the moment where they drink the poison Kool-Aid. They are incurable.

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Great post. I loved it.

My personal biggest encouragement from these elections is that we (all the COVID awakened) are NOT as alone as we sometimes fear. There are PLENTY of people that are tired of closed schools, masks on their kids, vaccines for a disease they don't see a lot of people dying from (or even getting hospitalized).

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In Jeff Childers’ Coffee & Covid substack, he listed the more fun “small” election victories. Two of my favorites: 19 year old wins a school board seat from a toxic board member who kept his school closed 😹 and a former teacher who got canned for attending January 6 who won a school board seat 👍🏼

— In Egg Harbor, New Jersey, 19-year old Nicolas Seppy ran against one of the contemptible school board members who had canceled his last year of high school, and won in a +17 landslide.

— In Southlake, Texas, Andrew Yeager, a father concerned about the district’s drastic “cultural competence action plan” — a bunch of racist nonsense — won the seventh seat on the Carroll Independent School District’s school board in a landslide victory against incumbent Stephanie Williams.

— Seattle, Washington elected Republican Ann Davison as its new City Attorney. SEATTLE. And it wasn’t even close (+18).

— Former teacher Matthew Lynch won a seat on Braintree, Massachusetts’ school board. He is a “former” teacher because he was cancelled after he attended the January 6 rally at the Capitol. Now’s he’s on the school board.

— In Long Island, New York (Nassau and Suffolk counties), it was a complete bloodbath for dems in local elections. Virtually every race was won by Republican challengers.

— Pam Panzenbeck is the new Republican Mayor of Glen Cove, New York. The GOP also swept the rest of the ticket there in Nassau County.

— Texans passed EIGHT constitutional amendments. One was constitutional guaranties for churches so they can stay open regardless of other Covid shutdowns. It won +30. Another amendment allows nursing home residents to designate a caregiver who cannot be denied in-person visits for any reason. That one passed +76.

— Byron Brown, who left the democrat party in 2021 and became an independent, had been primaried in his re-election campaign for mayor of Buffalo by AOC-backed socialist India Walton. So he wasn’t even on the ballot. But he was re-elected in a landslide by WRITE IN votes with support from local Republicans

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I'm amused by the fact that NJ went so red except for the governorship (though just barely). This should be interesting. I hope they give Murphy such hell he will wish he lost his re-election campaign.

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Yeah the fraud machine's getting stretched pretty thin in Jersey. Looks like they nearly ran out of last-minute "extra" ballots.

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I heard about that! I want to take that as a positive that 2022 midterms and 2024 general election will be far less fishy.

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“…look, racism is real…” - don’t give Demorats 1 nanometer of an open door to promulgate their hateful racism narrative. Simply put, there are individual racist but there is no systemic racism in this country…if so, BHuseinO would not have been elected for 2 terms.

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i choose to be factual rather than tactical.

claiming "there is no such thing as racism" is clearly wrong and makes you look like an agenda driven liar.

it's not nearly as big a deal as they make out and it was clearly on the wane before they starting trying endlessly to inflame it again, possibly because having it actually disappear is politically horrible for them, but it does exist.

we can go find racist people. they are out there.

but it's not some structural system of oppression and even of it were, my point is simple: creating new structural systems of oppression is not the path out of systems of structural oppression.

the cure is striving and free association. being racist is expensive in a free market. you get fewer friends, workers, bosses, customers. pluralism and association based on character not skin tone pays.

that's what we need.

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There is actually some structural racism. Evidence happening right now: White ppl claiming minority status when applying for college.

Utterly agree with the second to last sentence.

I have... some people I know... who are a black dad (from Africa) and white mom to two boys. The mom tells their children that they will always be suspect in the 7-11 because of their skin color. I tell you, they just do not see what they are doing to their kids.

Do you tell your not picture perfect girl they will never find someone to love them because of their looks? Why not? Why would you? What effect will it have on your girl?

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Long ago (1960s or earlier) the rallying cry was "equal rights." Many laws were passed towards that (stated) end. Equality under the law exists in theory, but what I find curious is 50 years or more of entrenched racial (and other) preferences that would seem to go against that ideal. Perhaps I'm just naive. But I cannot see what is "equality" about: minority set-asides (contracts); racial quotas for hiring or university admissions; different standards for different races; and probably a thousand other things I've never heard of. Entire corporations, non-profits, and various hangers-on live completely on what someone has called the race hustle -- money coming from government or private donations, supposedly to fight social ills, but most of which just pays comfortable salaries for people who don't really do much at all. Of course the problem is government-wide, so I guess I'm just being "racist" pointing out the, er, federal jobs program aspect of it.

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Notice they like to skip over Dr. MLK jr. Desire to be judged on content of character. A universal quality against which all people can rightly judge. Gone. Can't have that anymore. There is a reason they seek to divide us on every possible thing. I'm guessing I don't have to spell it out for you or any in this substack.

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I am certainly not claiming that racism doesn’t exist. IMHO, simply stating the fact that there are individuals who are racist but there is no systematic racism in this country closes the door to Demorats’ arguments.

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Well... historically, the Democrat party has worked pretty hard to keep the institutional, systemic racism going. So maybe they know something we don't?


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Very well written! The only thing I would say is that the American Dream is alive only to a certain point. The elites and the greedy, greedy, greedy, narcissistic scum of the world are doing everything in their power to put a ceiling on peoples' upward mobility. They're doing it through consolidating and protecting their wealth and through keeping their foot on the neck of American workers. Many have said that this racial divisiveness took hold to distract from the Occupy Wallstreet movement. When The People were going after the rich, it became necessary to break up The People's united front.

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I am surprised that the message is now that CRT in schools was a myth put up by right wing agendas. My opening day teacher inservice this year featured Dr.Bettina Love and Dr.Christopher Emdin, and they both talked about CRT the whole time and how we need to live and breath it in our schools. Emdin described himself as something of a pentecostal apostle of CRT to schools. It is just not true that this was a right wing myth. The previous year, we had Dr.Love, Dr. Goldie Muhammed, and Dr. Yolanda Sealey Ruiz, and they all told us to learn CRT, to change everything in the classroom to center it, to center race, and that there was no other filter by which we could teach. Dr.Love described how different the education experience should be for children based upon their race: Minority children should start the day in beautiful classrooms and be lifted up, celebrated, and immersed in "critical joy"; white children were to be taken to the gym and instructed on how to weaponize their privilege, learn how to disrupt and dismantle the racism of those around them, including their families, and learn how to center the experiences of their Black and Brown classmates. We were told this, in a public school professional training day. This is not a right wing myth propagated to win elections.

Here is a description of a training we are being offered, literally just copied and pasted from my school email:

"At this time in our nation, we are witnessing an alarming resurgence of white supremacy and state sanctioned violence. It is imperative that white people do the deep work required to claim and embody an anti-racist identity, understand the privilege they carry, and interrupt racism where they live, work, study, and volunteer.

White People Working for Racial Justice is a space where white people can learn together, ask questions, make mistakes, work through defensiveness and guilt, and examine fears, without burdening People of Color."

Am I missing something, or isn't this an element of CRT?

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If you're missing something, I'm missing something too. I saw a clip of one of those CNN propagandists who said, "blah, blah critical race theory, which doesn't even exist!!!" Of course, if it doesn'nt exist, why would Rice University have it listed as an area of study of one of their professors? ("...she focuses on twentieth and twenty-first century ... literatures with a particular emphasis on critical race theory...")


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Wow, well done. And Sears IS great.

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In the last 2 years I have seen sooo many instances of white people lecturing black people on "systemic racism" without a hint of irony.

It's in the context of a vaccine protest, but here we have a white woman scream "fuck your civil rights" to a black man- https://youtu.be/t_OxY9OqSfE?t=23

As long as we're busy fighting amongst each other, we won't notice *them* walking out of the treasury with bags full of cash. It took a hundred years of purpose-built public education to make people this self absorbed and susceptible.

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personal story- an immigrant from the Mid East living in cda, had no money but a TN visa to work in the states - I was penniless. within 9 years, with a strange name with no "connections" was able to amass tremendous financial success. ( I had to leave canada in the late 90's b/c I KNEW my salvation was in the US - there isnt the same opportunity here) I would prefer to fly a US flag in front of my house , which was paid in full by my success and the generosity of the American people. B/c of immigration - I had to return to canada. There is no place on earth like the US. Trust me . I lived this.

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My kinda lady

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Exceptional, bad kitty, just exceptional.

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Becky from Vassar! Awesome.

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Becky also knows why breast milking is problematic and why boys should wear skirts in school.

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They may very well have OCD, but their true diagnosis would be NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder). This is how they roll. They live in their "own" alternative universe, and indulge all of their own personal fears and anxieties to project onto the outside world what they are in fact thinking themselves, so they can then "cleanse" themselves of the uncomfortable "feelings" they have in their own psyche. It is classic "projection" and is a hallmark of one who is afflicted with NPD.

By projecting onto others what they subconsciously believe, in their minds, they elevate themselves above all others and have a higher moral status than others. It's all about their own delusion, as their ego is in fact held hostage by their need to feel superior.

They bound by their worldview that revolves around their own perceived societal status.

They need to project to the world that they have some type of HIGHER moral status than everyone else. Without their own virtue signaling, they become dis-regulated. It is truly an illness of the mind and a defect in personality.

EVERY single thing they do or idea they come up with can be easily explained through the above lens.

I have said it 100x on this blog, and will say it again.

They have NPD, and are severely deranged/damaged people.

They had some type of arrested development between infancy and adulthood that prevented their minds from maturing into adulthood. Why hasn't anyone addressed this before? (some have, but their analysis has been swept under the rug). Because academia is FILLED WITH THEM.

Since 2009, with the advent of social media, their ability to join a "higher" status class, by espousing the groupthink of the "anointed" class of morally superior fellow nutjobs, has brought EVERY SINGLE NARC out of the woodwork and out in the open. They flock to each other like moths to a flame.

It is really scary. Until academia steps up an acknowledges that these people are in fact lunatics (which will never happen), the burden is on us to push back.

They are not responsive to logic. So the only way is to hammer away at their cognitive dissonance that they pathologically engage in .

The more they are alerted to the obvious inconsistencies in their world view, the more likely they will shut down, become unstable, and retreat.

It is sad that we all have to be exposed to this crap. It has been going since the dawn of time...see generally Cain/Able and so on. It is part of the human condition. The modern era with technology has brought it to the forefront.

we can never give in.

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I couldn’t agree more. Well said.

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Racism, sexism, homophobia, trans phobia, ...phobia, ...phobia, ...phobia, ...ism, ...ism, ...ism. All smoke screens to distract attention from what they are really up to their necks in.

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