none of the "experts" really believed this #4,291
don't take my word for it, take laurie garrett's
here is a wonderful set and spike from 2 longstanding gatopals™, @kerpen and @snorman.
it’s laurie garrett, mask maven and proclaimer of the free-face apocalypse who has done nothing but shrill for masks for 2 years.
in her own words.
in 2018.
speaking about SARS-1.
watch the video. it’s astonishing.

here’s the highlight:
and based on her profile picture, it’s hard to disagree:
but her own punchline, delivered of her own free will was this:
and this is unforgivable.
inflicting it upon schoolchildren was unforgivable.
the science did not change. it became more clear.
it was known, knowable, and obvious.
and even now, laurie is retweeting this:
and this:
garrett is not even a scientist, though she apes such authority. she’s a journalist with a history of fear mongering and hype jobs. you should have seen her on ebola.
hell, this woman tried to claim that the mitigations that work on slow spread disease like ebola that is contracted only from direct contact with bodily fluids would work for an aerosol respiratory virus that can linger in still air for weeks.

it’s all been nonsense because her brand is not science, it’s sensationalism and fear.
always was.
she 100% knew better. she still knows better now.
she did not change her tune for data. she did it to make a buck.
the money is in scaring you, not in calming you down.
“the coming plague” is a title that sucks in the buyers. (yes, she was the author)
“calm down, it’s OK” is not.
she’s been selling overwrought disease fear for 30 years.
so of course she gravitated to masks.
because masks sell fear.
they create a sense of crisis.
and crisis sells newspapers.
it’s mandatory cosplay for fun and profit.
it’s the damnedest thing, but,
Masks are to keep you thinking about COVID. If people aren't wearing masks then everything looks essentially normal, and people won't think much about COVID, and that's not acceptable to the people who want a never ending COVID pandemic they can use.
I've always said that the people who scare me most are not those who believe in masks, but the ones who suspect or even know the masks don't work, but who think it's important to "signal awareness that there's still a pandemic." What a cursed mindset.