Unfortunately, too many “regular”people (not media personalities) have had a woefully inadequate education in biology and the scientific method, so when doctors walk around saying that the Covid mRNA vaccines prevent one from getting sick, but not from being infected, they accept it as gospel and their heads don’t explode. Then they, in turn propagate the myth that vaccinated people must mask up to “protect others”.
At this point, mask wearing and disinfecting surfaces (despite CDC disclaimers) have taken on the superstitious quality of an OCD compulsion, carried out only for the temporary reduction in anxiety it delivers.
screaming and cussing at someone who calls out the basic common sense choices of not wearing masks 24/7 and ESPECIALLY outdoors, is just proof of the above stated. #masksare4DRS
I'm not so sure that the exploding minds around us is something to look forward to. The collective collapse of the global psyche could make the virus, damage from lockdowns and economic collapse look like a picnic. There are not enough psychiatrists in the world to cure all of the basket cases, especially as the psychiatrists themselves are probably all basket cases. Dangerous idea: is this our Darkness at Noon moment, like when the stalinist purges caused idealistic communists to confess to crimes they hadn't committed, to preserve communism itself, we may have to toe the line about lockdowns (faking it, for sure) just to preserve the psyches of our fellow earthlings, to stop them from being lost to us forever?
that seems, to my mind, to be about the equivalent of treating paranoid schizophrenia by prescribing a handgun, pretending the hear the voices too, and encouraging the patient to shoot at them.
it's the intersection of enabling and appeasement at great cost and danger to yourself and others.
we don't owe the olbermans and the facuis anything and letting them ravage our society "just a bit longer so they don't feel bad about being wrong" seems both immoral and unsound psychologically. if you are not coming out of this hallucination by now, playing along with you a bit longer is just going to make it worse when you do.
Is it just me, or have some of the *worst* takes on COVID been from ESPN personalities? I mean, I have NEVER been one to look kindly upon the admonition to, "Shut up and dribble." That said, part of me is warming to "Shut up, unless you are talking about dribbling." Nice ring to it?
Unfortunately, too many “regular”people (not media personalities) have had a woefully inadequate education in biology and the scientific method, so when doctors walk around saying that the Covid mRNA vaccines prevent one from getting sick, but not from being infected, they accept it as gospel and their heads don’t explode. Then they, in turn propagate the myth that vaccinated people must mask up to “protect others”.
At this point, mask wearing and disinfecting surfaces (despite CDC disclaimers) have taken on the superstitious quality of an OCD compulsion, carried out only for the temporary reduction in anxiety it delivers.
Keith Olbermann is a moron....
screaming and cussing at someone who calls out the basic common sense choices of not wearing masks 24/7 and ESPECIALLY outdoors, is just proof of the above stated. #masksare4DRS
I'm not so sure that the exploding minds around us is something to look forward to. The collective collapse of the global psyche could make the virus, damage from lockdowns and economic collapse look like a picnic. There are not enough psychiatrists in the world to cure all of the basket cases, especially as the psychiatrists themselves are probably all basket cases. Dangerous idea: is this our Darkness at Noon moment, like when the stalinist purges caused idealistic communists to confess to crimes they hadn't committed, to preserve communism itself, we may have to toe the line about lockdowns (faking it, for sure) just to preserve the psyches of our fellow earthlings, to stop them from being lost to us forever?
that seems, to my mind, to be about the equivalent of treating paranoid schizophrenia by prescribing a handgun, pretending the hear the voices too, and encouraging the patient to shoot at them.
it's the intersection of enabling and appeasement at great cost and danger to yourself and others.
we don't owe the olbermans and the facuis anything and letting them ravage our society "just a bit longer so they don't feel bad about being wrong" seems both immoral and unsound psychologically. if you are not coming out of this hallucination by now, playing along with you a bit longer is just going to make it worse when you do.
Is it just me, or have some of the *worst* takes on COVID been from ESPN personalities? I mean, I have NEVER been one to look kindly upon the admonition to, "Shut up and dribble." That said, part of me is warming to "Shut up, unless you are talking about dribbling." Nice ring to it?