I write from France, where, as a person who has not submitted to the gene therapy, I am barred from restaurants, bars, trains, malls, golf courses, and even hospitals. My teenage nephews are coerced into the jab by being banned from playing team sports. I agree, marches don't change much, but that won't stop me going to every one I can. My adopted country is becoming more authoritarian by the day, which is hugely ironic given that the memories from 70 years ago are still fresh in minds of many. I will not comply with edicts that make no sense. And nothing has made sense for the last 18 months.

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allons enfants de la patrie

le jour de gloire est arrivé!

contre nous de la tyrannie

l’étendard sanglant est levé

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My political views have changed from non existent to “leave me alone”. I see now I will not be left alone and will oppose anyone who opposes my rights and absolutely the rights of my children.

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I feel alone too....

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Don’t. The fact you are here reading this author shows there are many people like you in this world

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News from Spain, the Supreme Court has ruled vaccine passports unconstitutional - at least in Andalusia. So the politicians failed on it. Romania is closing all jab centers as 70% of people refused to take the jab. PCR test has been ruled as invalid in Portugal, Austria and most recently Germany.


Attorney Reiner doing some good work. Message is don't give. Passive resistance.

The jabs are not going away, they will try every 6 months booster, just watch.

Reiner and the German Corona investigative committee are purchasing a hospital to treat people from vaccine injuries etc. But this hospital will not mandate vaccines or facemasks. Private restaurants in southern European countries refuse to ask for the jab passport. Passive resistance.

What else can we do?

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Remember which politicians stood against this madness and vote for them next election. If there were none, find fresh faces. Unsubscribe from news outlets who censor medical information. Support the independent and the balanced.

I used to be a mild mannered person. No more - I give it straight back to the virtue signalers who dare challenge me. Most of these bullies scuttle away after meeting a little resistance.

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yes if the elections are held in a true and decent way... :) I forgot to mention: Denmark is abolishing all covid measures by Oct 1st. https://freewestmedia.com/2021/08/09/denmark-abolishes-all-corona-measures/

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Romania is not closing any vaccination centers and the government here has start the nudging towards vaccine passports. Due to the low vaccination rate, they are proposing them to only be used during the weekends for large commercial complexes only. For now... So it seems the lower the vaccination rates, the less stringent the measures and the slower they will move forward. Not vaccinating en-masse stops this. But don't ever fall into the trap of thinking that the powers that shouldn't be will ever stop this unless mass non compliance reaches critical mass and we oppose this actively.

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oh boy I was hoping there was still some hope still left and maybe Romania would have been the example. Why are news then talking about this - usually they would want to hide anything anti vax: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/romania-closes-117-covid-vaccination-centres/articleshow/84193852.cms.

I agree w/active and passive opposition That is what I am doing every day as much as possible. But for people to rise against this in masses they would lose probably their jobs, how to go about that?

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Everyone in the SF Bay Area come to SF City Hall on Friday at 8/27 at noon to support the city workers that are resisting the jab. Many of them have also filed a group lawsuit against the city that will be heard this Thursday. The Newsom recall event on Saturday was a huge success, with about 100 of us stretched out over 6 blocks. So much more love now than a year ago for this movement. Last weekend JP Sears sold out 6 shows here, so, despite the draconian measures ordered up by the local government, and the liberal bent of the populace, there is real resistance even here.

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JP Sears has been better for my mental health than any anti-depressive pill any pharma company could ever hope to manufacture.

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your alias is tbe BEST

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I think the most important part of this empowering guide from Bad Cat (another in a long line) is how it encourages all of us to own a hidden truth. It's almost like you are coming out as gay or announcing a terrible personal secret to a therapist. It's scary and alienating because you are violating the introject of tremendous peer pressure. But ultimately you are only speaking what is a prosaic, unalloyed reality--"this is not where I stand; I am different and unique and announcing it clearly for you to hear." As Gato explains that is PRECISELY what the regime is counting on you not doing

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I agree with you. Another proactive step is to participate in #cashfriday. On Fridays only use cash. We need to make sure to fight against the goal of vaccine passports - the digital leash. Use cash as much as possible - if you can only do one day do it on Friday.

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Trying to use cash most days now. At restaurants always tip in cash.

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Buy up as many wheelbarrows as you can. The mad printing of fiat currencies, ala Weimar, will make your cash payments quite an ordeal.

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Wtf. By the time you will think of maybe using cash on Thursday as well, there won't be any cash in use. #cashfriday was maybe a good idea 2 years ago. Use fckn cash all the time even if at first it looks inconvenient to you. In a couple of weeks you will realize there's no much difference.

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I feel like a Lone Ranger out here in ultra la la land Silicon Valley. But I am holding my ground. I have not worn a mask since they reinstated the mask mandate weeks ago. I am literally the only person in the grocery, the sandwich shop, Target, without one and I’ll admit it’s daunting but I do not wear and so far no one has asked me to. It’s not a lot but I feel like I’m doing something and even more I keep telling my kids….years from now you remember this. You remember that your mom was on the right side of this, for freedom and rights.

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Make sure you smile, politely acknowledge people, especially to children, show empathy to their forced mask wearing!

We need to reach the psyche the responds to positive feedback vs. the fear control centers.

(the psych-ops who are pushing the masks know this.)

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Back when my local Sam's Club was enforcing masks, I was waiting in line behind a little girl and her mom. She was staring at me as kids do to learn faces. I could see in her eyes that her brain was working overtime to connect a point that wasn't happening due to the damn mask. So I pulled my mask down, gave her a big ol' smile and said hi.

Her face absolutely lit up. I felt like a Big Damn Hero! And then as I'm walking home, I got pissed because even though I don't have children, I understand enough about child development to know how destructive this is to children and their parents.

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I do the same! I doubly make sure to smile and wink at the kids!

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Yes! I had a moment like that on the street (yes, I used to wear a mask on the street...). I lowered it to take a sip of my coffee and smiled at a 2yo. Her whole face lit up and I almost started crying. This mask thing is no joke. We're basically doing a huge experiment: never before in human (or primate) history have we hidden faces like this.

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Oh yes, I have big smiles, hellos, how are you today’s for everyone! And if someone were to ask me to put on a mask I do have one in my pocket and would put it on but so far so good.

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I just tried to sit down at my local library and a man was sitting there and told me that I needed to be 6 feet away. I'm pretty sure the chairs are already 6 feet apart but there weren't any others so I left.

Really paranoid people here in SF. I despair.

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I would have politely said “perhaps you can speak with the library about their chair spacing”. Don’t let them intimidate. I was sitting by myself at car wash, outside at a round table waiting for my car to finish getting dried. There were additional chairs behind me. Lady comes and sits right next to me (not across the table mind you, but right next to me) and after a bit asks “are you vaccinated”? I asked are you? And she says of course and I say “great” and go back to my phone. She looks at me and says “but are you vaccinated”. And I politely tell her it’s none of her business. She sputters and says “but you’re not wearing a mask” and I say yes and we’re outside on this beautiful day. She says again “but are you vaxxed” and I looked directly at her and very calmly strongly said “it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS”. WEnt back to my phone, she stares at me a bit then goes back to her crossword. Didn’t get up and walk away (which she could have done if she was really that concerned) And why did she choose to sit right next to me when there were plenty of other spots? It’s passive aggressive BS and I will NOT stand for it.

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Yeah, I realized what was happening later on. He was being a bully because he could.

You have the best attitude.

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No, I totally get it….that lady at the car wash caught me off guard but I will say I’ve run thru diff possible scenarios in my head so I was kind of ready. Just try to have a couple comebacks ready if you can but otherwise just be polite but push back! These people are coo coo😉

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Im Bay Area too! Doing the same thing

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I been to many countries in Europe and in USA over the last 1.5 years and have been told in some grocery stores (recently in Serbia) to put the mask on, so what to say when they come to ask you to put it on? I have seen some posts that even cops get involved- any ideas how to defend yourself when they come to push you?

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thanks gato! You can add Moscow to the no compliance list. The mayor mandated that people needed to be jabbed to enter restaurants, gyms, etc. Well, people stopped patronizing those. After 3 weeks, the mayor reversed course due to pressure from business owners.

Expect pressure to ramp up as the FDA approved one of the jabs (this was not surprising), despite lack of RCT, no control group (they destroyed it), unknown mid and long term adverse effects, non sterilizing stuff, waning with time. Gato's list becomes even more important

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good for moscow.

hawaii failed too.

hearing NYC in widespread non-compliance.

we need to keep racking up wins and show this this can be won and that vaxpass will not be allowed to stand.

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I'm afraid the only way this will end is with an overwhelming and undeniable failure of the vaxxes, including the boosters. I don't know if the mesmerized will snap out of it until that happens.

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they already are. this sudden need for a booster so soon after the failure of the "vaccine macht frei" promise and the clear lack of efficacy as everyone knows someone who got vaxxed and got sick is red pilling A LOT of people.

they cannot make up new claims fast enough to cover this dramatic failure

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I know they're failing, but I'm not sure the failure is big enough to jar the masses from their stupor.

I follow Ran Israeli on Twitter. He says the government has announced a new policy. If the "fully vaxxed" don't get the booster six months after their 2nd dose, their green pass is inactivated. The PM had an incredible presser today in which he said the people most at risk are young people who've only had two doses. I don't believe the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors would deliberately put their country at risk, so either they are afraid of enhanced disease in the vaxxed or they've lost their minds.

If people are afraid they have a greater chance of dying without the booster, they will get one. And we'll be back at square one.

The media psy-ops is still very effective at convincing the ill-informed and under-informed that the unvaxxed are the cause of the failure. It's illogical, but logic seems in short supply these days.

I started following another Israeli today (Gal G). She said the Israeli news were reporting the double-vaxxed as unvaxxed in the death reports. WTH?

Perhaps people will wake up when they realize they've submitted to the jabs twice but are no longer considered vaxxed?

I keep asking how many are too many? How often is too often?

And I remind people that this virus has an IFR of 0.3% (0.15% age 70 and under). They're doing this for a bad flu.

Whoever/whatever is behind this will not give up easily.

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You dont believe the Israeli gov't would kill their own? Why not? The Chinese do, the U.S. does, EVERY COUNTRY WILL. They just make certain groups " deplorables" - to.justify extermination. The U.S. and Israel have histories of killing the host cell. And its all justified now under tje depopulation agenda. I"d recommend everyone watch the brilliant Brit TV series UTOPIA.

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No. I don't believe the Israeli government would deliberately kill their population. They are the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors.

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I thought it was IFR of 0.14% and 0.05% of healthy under 70. But then I haven't looked for a while.

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Per John Ioannidis, the IFR varies by country/region. That estimate is from last year. The latest global IFR that I could find by him was 0.15% from February 2021.


PHE last reported the CFR for Delta in England as 0.2% in early July. The IFR is much lower for this latest variant, but you'd never know it from the media coverage.


The UK WHO case and fatality charts make clear that this latest wave is less lethal...so far, SCV2 has been unpredictable. I've heard people credit the vaxxines, which I doubt. The PHE data has shown for weeks that the "fully vaxxed" are less likely to become infected (have a PCR+), but they are gaining on the unvaxxed. They are less likely to seek care or be hospitalized, but they are more likely to die with infection.

73,372 Fully Vaxxed Infections

183,133 Unvaxxed Infections

2.5 times more infections in Unvaxxed versus Fully Vaxxed.

(3.2 times more infections in Unvaxxed versus Fully Vaxxed as of August 8.)

289 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed.

334 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed in 50+ cohort.


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yeah and that approval was not for the jab we have in USA, it was for the Biontech jab that is not in the market yet in the USA (Comintary or something like that)- so officially the Pfizer jab is still under EUA. Check out Dr Malone on this he explains it well...media made it all sound as fully approved and Biden stepped up the mandates. Criminal. and remember the clinical trials are ongoing for 2023.

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I live in CA and signed for the original petition to recall Newson and now just voted for the recall. The LA Phil is requiring proof of vaccination so instead of credit I asked for my money back and maybe I will donate to the Florida Phil.

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Superb read. Praying Australian truck driver strike succeeds

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The Aussies don't f..ck around - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=618QEaUW0Xo

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This may be the most important essay you’ve ever written.

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Thank you for being a force for sanity! Mighty felines are not to mess with!

Yesterday, I wrote a massively in-depth and personal article about totalitarianism, and why I feel that it's a horrible idea, and how to reject it from the inside. I hope it is useful, too... https://tessa.substack.com/p/totalitarianism

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YES! This is so important.. been waiting for a piece like this. I live in CA (born and raised) and the last 2 years have really opened my eyes to the political hypocrisy and sad state of affairs for so many. @el gato.. What do you think about mobilizing your audience to writing politicians, employers, hospitals and "public health officials", etc. informing them of the anti-science policies that we're firmly against. IF so - would you consider writing a short data driven piece that would speak to that audience? Your posts are exceptional and your readers love them.. but I think a different tone and format might be better received by politicians. A template w/ as much CDC data/MSM references as possible (like you usually have) but a dry/formal approach could be really helpful for us to mass blast to those making policy. Against mask mandates, vaccine passports, etc. Just a thought and request :) Thank you for your incredible work gato!

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And they also seem to be a good reference point....


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Hi this might help


I'm new to their site, but it seems to have a lot of good (medical) info

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thanks kittytamer!

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De acuerdo Sr. Gato. Although, from where I sit, the marches in Europe help a lot--they help me and my colleagues who are opposing this crap to have hope, and to keep fighting. That's exactly why the MSM doesn't cover them, or slanders them.

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Yes, the few hours of normalcy they provide are spiritual vitamins. You've got a whole group of people out in the fresh air and sun, mostly unmasked, standing close to each other instead of keeping distance like everyone has the black plague. Plus the sun tans aren't bad either.

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> "wanting freedom for free is the entitlement of the spoiled child."


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The only thing I would add to your list is to cancel all subscriptions to mass media; Cable, cable alternatives and newspapers.

Turn off spying devices in your home unless you need to use them and then turn them back off. Stop producing data about you that is then commercialized to use against you.

Propaganda doesn't work if no one sees it.

The money counters will not be happy if their pockets are affected.

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