opposing tyranny: it's time to suit up or shut up
marches are well and good, but to stop tyranny you need to starve the beast. here's what we can do:
many readers keep asking me: “so what can we do? how do we oppose this tyranny? how do we stop it?”
there is a pervasive feeling of helplessness and of resignation. this is precisely how they want you to feel. it’s the attitude that leads to defeat and the slow erosion of rights and acceptance of the authoritarian yoke. going along to get along is the slow road to subjugation. yes, there are real risks in opposing tyranny, but perhaps not so many as people suspect, and the risks of not doing so are far, far greater.
we’re playing for VERY high stakes here.
their game is to take little by little, erode your life, and invite you into serfdom an inch at a time so every individual oppression seems just a bit too little to be worth fighting against, just not quite enough to be worth risking yourself or your comfort.
they play 100 little games to hide the scope of the one big game that’s been going on all year. but look how much we have lost. look what insane and intrusive actions and mandates now seem “normal” when they would have been an outrage 2 years ago before they conditioned you to accept it. this relentless barrage is a form of brainwashing and they do it because it works.
vaccine passports are next up and this is the inch we cannot yield. it’s time to do something because if you don’t, it will soon be too late to do anything that is not literal “burn it down” violence and none of us want that. this is still in the realm of the peaceful and reasonable, and believe me, that is 100% where you want to keep it.
so let’s talk about what that looks like.
it’s been heartening to see the peoples of france and gemany and the UK and netherlands pour into the streets in the the 100’s of thousands and millions in protest of tyranny. many did so again this weekend.
they are in the streets protesting vaccine passports and the second class citizenship and ready made tyranny they represent. if you allow your right to go outside to be predicated on a permission slip you’ll need to renew every 6-8 months, you are well and truly lost. there is nothing they cannot do to or take from you.
these are countries that remember fascism. they know where this road leads.
and so the streets filled with patriots and freedom lovers.
in holland
and in france

and yet again, the US media blacked it out entirely. try to even find mention of this or the dozens of other protests and marches. when you do, they speak of “hundreds” not millions and “anti vax loonies and white supremacists” not “actual anti-fascists.”
and if this will not convince you that the media is colluding on pushing a covid narrative not rooted in truth or facts, i’m honestly curious: what would? what other explanation can one provide for the total censorship of pro freedom popular uprisings and the endless hectoring demands for more government, more submission, and more fear? this joke is getting less and less funny:
and yet for all these stirring scenes and broad based protests, little has changed. these are popular events, but they have little effect. i am coming to suspect that governments are more or less fine with them. go march, tire yourself out, feel like you did something. then go home and we’ll do nothing. go back to your job and our restrictions and settle into the yoke we placed on you.
these protests for all their fun and rambunctious energy do not threaten the state or the vichy collaborators who support and feed off of it. marching with clever signs then going home does not bring down tyranny. to do that, you have to hit the state where it hurts.
it starts like this:

do not collaborate.
if a store or restaurant demands vaccine passports or masks or some other covidian stupidity: DON’T GO THERE. better still, tell them you won’t go and why. starve them. make them pay the price for collaborating in your oppression. yeah, sure, this might be inconvenient for you, but if you’re not willing to bear a little inconvenience to fight back and oppose technocratic bio-totalitarianism, well, then maybe you should just get used to being collared and muzzled. it sounds to me like perhaps you do not value your freedom.
you get to keep only those rights you’ll fight for.
ever has it been and ever shall it be. so make a choice. decide to push back or decide to lie down. here in UT right now there are no mask requirements. yet some restaurants are forcing them on their staff anyway. i walked into a restaurant the other day and saw this, told them i was leaving, and told them why. do the same. refuse to support this behavior. i did the same in another restaurant, spoke to the manager, and the waiter took his mask off. they thought customers would feel safer if they were masked. they were amazed to learn we hated it.
don’t hector or preach, respect people’s right to freedom and self determination, don’t bully people who feel a need to wear a mask, but also do not be shy in explaining that it makes you uncomfortable and that you’ll choose not to be around it.
tell any business demanding a vaccine passport to get lost.
don’t go there. go somewhere else. this is no longer their choice, they are forcing a choice on you. make it expensive. support their competitors. tell them point blank you see this as collaborating with tyrants, immoral, and unacceptable. find folks that stand with you and patronize them, support them, return the favor and stand with them. they are out there, even in bio-fascist puerto rico. help them win. tip the balance. every additional place that does this helps topple the mandate.
if you support vichy collaborators, you ARE a vichy collaborator.
don’t be that guy. don’t bring that shame on you and yours. do not side with dictators.
find another way or pipe down with the whining about wanting your freedom. clearly, you don’t.
wanting freedom for free is the entitlement of the spoiled child.
this is the start and it’s something we can all do. but we can do A LOT more.
listen to this fine specimen of the australia i used to know. here comes the strike. no freedom, no trucks. the veterans are standing with them. this is the way. end commerce in any part of the country that denies its people liberty. starve the beast. make oppression too expensive to sustain.
good on you, mates. good luck and godspeed.

this is the only language a dictator will understand and it’s clear the australian government has completely lost the plot. they have had the army in the streets for months enforcing lockdowns and travel bans. you can go outside an hour a day and never more than a few km from your home. this is “handmaids tale” level lunacy. and it will not stop until it’s stopped. if you can, rise and help stop it. if you cannot, support those who do.

this is the test case. this is the “fantastic response” that so many would be technocratic overlords in the US see as a the policy to emulate. they slaver in envy at being able to use the army to lock people in their homes. if you do not see this gleam in the eyes of the american bio-fascists as well, then i fear you are not paying attention.
let’s take a quick tour of some recent talk on schools. let’s see if by the end, you too are wondering “how can there be people discussing children’s lives and educations this way, with monomaniacal focus on one, minor issue that poses little threat to them or others, and completely ignore all the morality and social cost around it? who are these lunatics and who on earth would seek to give them power?”
they see your life as an ant farm.
we start with james and his legendarily bad takes on covid. they have been so outlandishly awful that one might start to wonder if his belief in the “wisdom of crowds” evolved as a crutch because he possesses so little of his own.
everything about this is wrong. it assumes masks work. they don’t. it assumes vaccination works to stop spread. increasingly, it appears not to. but worst, it presumes the right to impose this on you against your will. and this is where the US medical community is getting really, really dark.
the question of “by what just and moral precept can i force this upon unwilling children?” goes begging every time. watch the chorus of self-important eichmans chiming in:
tyrannical technocrats LOVE this stuff. they see the whole situation as a gamified set of equations where you “win” by reducing covid. nothing else matters and the fact that your life or livelihood might be attached never even enters their mind. at best, this is monomaniacal derangement. at worst, it’s sociopathy.
it takes a special kind of rube to fall for this after 200 cases of moved goalposts, but an even more special kind of obliviousness to even try to sell “off ramps” to society after this last 18 months of unkept promises.
“two weeks to flatten credulity…”
how many times have they lied about this already? but really, this time is different? this technocratic nonsense is the disease, not the cure and its elevation above morality and sense is the reason we’re in this mess. it’s the dishonest tool of the authoritarian to sell and justify their encroachment.
wrapping the arbitrary and pointless in a veneer of “sciency sounding stuff” is misdirection not public health.
stand against this. get after your school boards. oppose the teachers unions pushing pseudoscientific child abuse like it was safety. take them down.
make school choice and vouchers THE issue of our time.
this system has completely failed and is now an instrument of social control and indoctrination. your kids, your choice. these intuitions should serve you, not you them. choice is the way out. every kid and parent can vote with their feet. schools must provide real value and value for money. competition breeds competence. monopoly gets you the DMV, and honestly, schools would be vastly improved if we could even get many of them to that level in the US. enough.
make it VERY clear there is a massive price coming for this literal assault on our children. we’re supposed to be the adults here.
this is another thing we can all do.
and the last thing we can do is this: disobey.
to hell with these people. they cannot arrest us all. they cannot close every restaurant. they cannot seal every building. just flat out disobey. it’s daunting to do it alone, so don’t. get organized. form associations. find like minded people and disobey together. throw a freedom fest. open whole neighborhoods of bars and restaurants. fill them with people and refuse to leave.

there are 100 ways to do this and 1000 levels of modulation to participate. we face different risks and risk tolerances, but it’s time to do what you can and ALL OF US CAN DO SOMEHTING.
do not patronize businesses that force restrictions on you and that support the mandates
support the business that stand with you. stand with them.
encourage other businesses and other friends to do so.
starve the beast and support those who do.
pressure the schools. support school choice. take back education.
oppose regulations and health codes. this is how they control private businesses.
stand with the doctors who speak out against this at risk to their careers and positions.
if you live in california, vote to recall newsom. vote elder. put a sane, pro liberty governor in charge of CA and watch the rest of this tyranny fold as the karen homeworld joins florida and texas. please. we’re counting on you.
disobey. go reclaim normal, not “new normal.” normal. unjust laws are no laws at all
most of all remember that going along to get along is the road to ruin.
supporting tyrannical diktats makes you part of the tyranny even if it’s just getting a vaxxpass and using it to eat out. that supports the system they are arraying against you. you’re shoring up the walls of the prison.
it’s been said many times this year “if you ever wondered which side you’d have been on when the nazis conquered your country, well, now you know.”
this is a choice you’ll live with all your life.
it’s a choice that will affect you, those you love, and your children, maybe for generations to come.
make a good one, and do it today.
suit up.
defend what is yours by right.
if not now, when?
if not you, who?
I write from France, where, as a person who has not submitted to the gene therapy, I am barred from restaurants, bars, trains, malls, golf courses, and even hospitals. My teenage nephews are coerced into the jab by being banned from playing team sports. I agree, marches don't change much, but that won't stop me going to every one I can. My adopted country is becoming more authoritarian by the day, which is hugely ironic given that the memories from 70 years ago are still fresh in minds of many. I will not comply with edicts that make no sense. And nothing has made sense for the last 18 months.
My political views have changed from non existent to “leave me alone”. I see now I will not be left alone and will oppose anyone who opposes my rights and absolutely the rights of my children.