Fuego. One of your best yet. NYC has fallen. If only you knew how bad things really were, but most crimes get memory holed. 58k illegals with criminal records now live in the "concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do".
Dafna, Bragg, Adams, Hochul, and Mayorkas have blood in their hands. Yet most New Yorkers will continue to vote blue no matter who and a dozen of them may send Penny to prison. You cannot reason with a demoralized person.
Here is just a sampling of crimes committed over the past month while Penny has been on trial:
- United Healthcare CEO assassinated, killer still on the loose 48 hours later
- 17 year old illegal stabbed to death in financial district by other illegals last night, suspects still on the loose
- 3 stabbed to death in broad daylight by mentally ill homeless man a few weeks ago, he had 8(!) previous arrests
Exactly. At the same time, i belive it was last week, that crazy homeless dude that pushed an elderly man onto the NYC subway tracks, resulting in that mans death, has had his sentence reduced recently and will be released on some arcane law that's never been used, by the very same corrupt prosecutor that is trying to lynch Penny for doing the right thing.
That's exactly what they want us to feel while at the same time hopeless that we can't do anything about it - like an impotent caged animal.
It is to silence dissidents and prevent those who would normally do what's the obvious right thing to do, in a healthy society, from doing so.
They must label anyone who does the right thing, as a "dissident/disruptor" in order to isolate and subject them to social tyranny by their peers.
In this way the "peers" (general public - society as a whole) that the dissident is trying to protect become the ones who enforce their own demise devised by those in power to meet those ends.
Call someone the "n" word or the British word for a cigarette on the subway and watch all the dependent children in blue cities step up and become adults and do something about it. They'll get brave - when it's an attack on their value system, mean, insulting words called "hate speech." When it's an attack on the personal safety and security of people not identifying with the "n" word or the British word for a cigarette they'll stay children.
Maybe it’s misplaced optimism on my end but if I am correct the worm is turning. The zeitgeist is much different today than it was with even Kyle Rittenhouse. Sure they can trot out the Antifa type groups, but I am not seeing the organic anger necessary to really get the forest burning. I also suspect some of the sentinel types who have sat on the sidelines for a LONG time will be ready to ante up now.
Can the organic anger be manufactured again? That is the million dollar question. The next most important one is do Americans finally fight back? The burn loot and murder mindset might want to tread lightly. I suggest waiting another 45 days or so. 😉
It seems half-hearted this time compared to 2016 and 2020.
It all had to happen. And only someone as "shameless" as Trump could've let the enemy destroy themselves out of hatred for the peasants who built this country.
I thought it was just me who looked at the prosecutor and decided it was actually a man. He should definitely not be in charge of anyone’s life. Derangement of this nature needs to be called out and not allowed in civil society. Lord, help us, please.
Those that serve the institution get the promotions/sinecures, those that serve the mission of the institution get persecuted.
This is eventually the end result of all institutions throughout history. And that's why The Founders put checks and balances, as well as blind justice as cornerstones in our constitution precisely for all the reasons Gato points out in this phenomenonal article.
We have entered dangerous territory when institutions metamorphosize into guilds.. When this happens you can expect a maladapted lawless society, run roughshod by institutions, perverted by those in the high towers of the guilds they've created to take advantage of a population terrified to push back against the institutions that are foundationally there to protect We The People.
Institutions attract bureaucrats like wooden houses attract termites. No matter how hard you try, eventually they find a way in, and slowly the structural integrity is eaten away. Trump is trying to "tent" parts of the government like the DOJ and FBI, with Kash Patel as the "Exterminator", but I wonder how many of our institutions are just too far gone to be repaired. It might be easier to condemn and demolish certain institutions now and rebuild something new, rather than wait for these old ones to collapse.
I'd rather tear them down. Why throw good money after bad trying to sustain collapsing institutions? If they are dismantled, some enterprising people in the private sector will come up with a way to fill the need.
Yea, but We the People have to make their voices heard as well. Nobody wants to be the underdog or the single voice. Look at Scott Presler - he had enough one day and started an uproar about somebody doing something. And, by God, he did it. IMO we all need to take a page out of Scott’s book. I believe he has his eyes on New Jersey next. Anyone w the time and treasure to help him would - I imagine - be greatly welcomed.
Suddenly Mayor Adams is on board with the new administration. How about that!
Suddenly Governor Hochul is (somewhat) aligned with the new administration. How about that!
Perhaps federal authorities will be called upon to do the heavy lifting and to bear the brunt (and costs) of all the litigation attendant on any attempt to contain the dissolution that has accompanied open borders coupled with police de-funding and no-bail releases.
That may help state and local authorities to contain some of the already staggering costs of supporting newly arrived persons as well as both well-seasoned and apprentice criminals.
And if anything goes wrong, it will be the incoming administration's fault.
@AJoy- I live in a county (Niagara) that does NOT allow the housing of illegal immigrants. We have immingrants for farm working but they have legitimate working papers and do the work others won't do. I say to those who claim we need illegals to do the dirty work "Take those abusing welfare and put THEM to work. If they sabotage the jobs, they are ineligible to get further assistance."
Maybe it's because with Trump in office, NYC will no longer be getting Federal funds to take care of these migrants. What will happen when the payments to the hotels housing many of these migrants stops? I doubt the owners will let them remain for free. The streets will be flooded with homeless migrants, and Adams is trying to get ahead of the problem he knows is coming.
And the 9 th Circuit Court has overruled King County Executive Dow Constantine & will force him to allow Boeing Field to be used to deport illegals in support of Fed laws. A big win for sanity in a crazy sanctuary state.
Every major city has fallen. Instead of coddling an ATM thief who kills its victim find him guilty and put him in prison and on a reform track. Add treatment for mental illness etc. Let’s send a few Jordan Neely’s to the prosecutor’s office or home, then and only then after she, their, them is threatened will something change. Bravo Gato.
I fear you're right. It's sorta like the blatant lawfare to punish political adversaries. Perhaps the only way to stop it is for these corrupt officials to be on the receiving end of "legal" lawfare conducted to achieve justice.
They are trying to destroy the publics courage by having tyranny usurp equality, precisely because it is the very heart of liberty (and a peaceful society)
This unjust power ends up terrifying the public and eventually terminates with a degenerated society where the odious methods of servitude manifests itself in abject sycophancy and blind submission as the only way to ensure their safety...or their own relative preference over the general public.
When the only vehicle to ensure safety is to keep your mouth shut and flatter unjust power the population becomes de facto slaves.
That's why our elite are claiming that it is a violation of their right to free speech if they can not censor us. This is exactly what the Biden administration is claiming in the Missouri vs. The US government case (and also Alex Berensons case).
It is all an effort to make us feel like we're living in fear so that we don't notice they are motivated by the most powerful fear of all:
Exactly right! I've been absolutely appalled at the enabler of unspeakable acts that our "judicial" system has recently become. However, while the full-blown level of this societal suicide is somewhat new, the roots of it go far back, imho.
I was only 16-20 years of age, in Florida, back in the late 70s, when some man who had done a more heinous act than I wish to describe, but must for you see my point- raping a very young girl, then cutting off both her arms & leaving her to die- this man was released from prison! I remember thinking then, Dear God, letting someone out who did such a thing is a horror walking & sure to be disastrous.
And, yes,
I heard about it because he had killed someone this time & he was up for the death penalty, I think. The original victim had by some miracle survived so they couldn't ask for capital punishment the first time around & this was the debate, if I remember correctly.
But for me the insanity lay in not protecting the general public from a monster, which this sociopathy clearly was.
To me, yet again, it comes down to this- our Government, in all 3 branches has completely forgotten it's job & who they work for.
The only solution is that we, the People, the law abiding, sane, self-supporting & reasonably educated in what works & what does not, remind them!
Vote harder people. Call & write & email more often, & raise hell. The utter insanity has gone, far, far, far, too FAR!
And, btw, I'm a woman, a child of the 60s, a feminist, an environmentalist, anti-war, (unless attacked,) yet a republican & pro self- responsibility, smaller government & pro law enforcement too.
For me all of the above are needed in modern society, but the behavior of many of the "woke" women today are making me wonder if many females just weren't ready for "prime time" yet?
A lot of women I've known who get in positions with some power, even a little bit, use it to "even the score" on all manner of personal disappointments, choices, and failures.
Instead of engaging those on their own, learning from them, changing viewpoints and behavior, they use the power they've assembled to target and punish anyone who looks like the man or men they're mad at.
If there's one thing this kind of female isn't ready for, it's the objectivity required in something like this Republic's system of law as formulated. But they were not the first bloc to assemble around getting even and strengthening their in-group/tribe. This is why that in-group/tribe pushed feminism: to re-engineer society by alienating women from their families. This is why all the women in my family (very early GenX I am, born in my parents' 40s) voted against the Equal Rights Amendment. They were strong, hard working women, like you they were environmentalists, anti-war, and all of them had blue collar jobs (sheet metal, welding, ship fitting, etc.) and also kept house and raised the kids. But they recognized the concerted effort to put enmity between men and women, and they rejected it.
Need to take a hard look at everything related to “prosecutors”, right now. Start with the concept of “prosecutorial discretion” . . This is way too much power for most individuals to have, especially political / ideological people. Right now these people can unilaterally negate and reinterpret existing laws, and there are few quick checks and balances, and because of politics, they are seldom used.
In retrospect, what the Soros gang did was a brilliant, and very cost-effective attack on American citizens; and here we sit, years later, acting impotent. Who would you prefer controlling your community, Soros, or the mafia?
Things have gotten so bad in NYC that even people there are no longer "voting blue no matter who". Trump won both more total votes and a greater share of the vote in every borough in 2024 vs 2020.
Two female friends have been recently attacked on the subway. One was punched in the face for no reason. The other was just picked up, and body slammed on the platform. Both were white.
UHG murderer should be punished to fullest extent of the law — yes, punish anarchy — but also *someone* needed to stop the UHG CEO for gross violations of the social contract. How many have died or suffered because of an industry-smashing 32% claim denial rate? How many are bankrupted after UHG hospitals bought the insurance companies so they could charge anything they liked, raising premiums from $10k average in 2010 to $30k average today? This dude is also a murderer.
Are "health" "insurance" companies required to approve/pay out 100% of whatever Pharma tells its white-coated sales force ("doctors") to prescribe/charge?
What reponsibility do "health" "insurance" companies have in putting a brake on Pharma and its white-coated sales force?
I'd please like to see where you're getting that "$30K average today" on premiums. My United Health premiums in '21 were a fraction of that, and they covered top notch care for a health disaster that nailed me that year, and then home health follow up that supported me in making a I'd say 97% recovery. In fact United Health was so much better than any previous plan I/we had (including BC/BS, Kaiser Permanente, and a few others), we couldn't believe it.
I'm asking in honest curiosity. We were devastated when my late darling's employer plan went from UH to Providence, UH was that impressive in dealing with us. I am haunted by the thought that if we had still had UH when my darling's crisis hit, it might not have resulted in death.
>> Are "health" "insurance" companies required to approve/pay out 100% of whatever Pharma tells its white-coated sales force ("doctors") to prescribe/charge?
Yes, actually... and it's because of companies like UHC and CVS. The ACA kept private insurers but didn't address mergers. The 15% cap on profits incentivized hospital groups like UHC to buy insurance companies so they could charge anything they wanted, and take 15% on that. So yes, literally what you said is true, and IMO, ACA and corporate health giants like UHC share blame here--
>> I'd please like to see where you're getting that "$30K average today" on premiums
Same article as above, which links to a 2022 report. I was hazy on some details, it's $32k average healthcare costs for a family, up triple from ~$11k in 2004.
>> What percentage should the claim denial rate be?
IDK not in health insurance but probably less than double the industry average would be a good start:
they essentially become allies to extortion and carry water for "small terrorism" to try to prevent the large scale version.
character and courage are deeply under-rated traits in public servants and this pastiche of "so brave" from craven kowtowing to mob threat is grotesque.
C & c are not only under-rated traits in public servants but I would venture a conjecture they are under-represented in public servants vs. the American population. Perhaps the following book by Gus Lee should be included, alongside civics, in the Public Servant Onboarding Training 101 class - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/courage-gus-lee/1007515689
The other side of the same coin is that when justice is blatantly not served for preferential reasons you can guarantee the other "sort" of justice.
They are walking on very dangerous ground at the highest levels as evidenced by the new "definition" of pardon. I'm hearing Biden may pardon Fauci! We've entered the realm of "Minority Report" blanket pardons for crimes that MAY be committed...or to simply keep crimes from being investigated.
“Mob law results in bloodthirsty mobs.” Yes, kow-towing to the mob immediately sheds lawfulness and begets another mob which begets waffling by those who should stay true, yielding to a downward race to a generally violent society run by bullies. Losing sight of the North Star of law and order is a perilous abdication of a public servant’s responsibility to the citizens he serves.
My wife recently went shopping for shoes at one of the few remaining shoe store outlets in our vicinity. She found boots that she liked and went to try on her size, but the box was empty. Then she found another model and the box for her size was empty. She went to the store manager and asked where the shoes were. The manager said that customers come in and casually waltz out of the store with multiple pairs of shoes. It's reached the point where the thieves don't even sneak or run out. They boldly strut out. She told my wife that not only were local store employees instructed to not stop any crooks, they were told if they try to interfere they will be immediately fired. This is why physical brick and mortar retailers are dropping like flies.
Same at our local small Walmart. Big ticket items come to the door. The greeter or security asks to see the receipt. The thieves just say no and stroll out. All the store is allowed to do is to see if they can find the car that the stolen goods is leaving in or check cameras. But it’s just for naught. Now sales people patrol the big ticket items and they take them to the front registers but it doesn’t always work that way. We grannies have to produce our receipts sometimes. Pisses me off.
Wow! Our local Walmart catches thieves all the time and the cops are always called. We've seen it multiple times, someone grabbed as they leave the store. They're often prosecuted too (it's usually in the papers.) But that's in New Hampshire...
I lived in San Francisco, and my local Target felt like an unintended live-action show. Security guards would often end up physically confronting thieves, wrestling over large bags or backpacks stuffed with stolen merchandise. The police never showed up, leaving the guards to fend for themselves. It was like having a front-row seat to an impromptu MMA fight—Dana White would’ve been proud.
I got it. 😀👍🏻. I remember going into a new CBD store right before lockdowns and she was forced to close her business. She was rightly hot under the collar about it. You had to drive by her closed small business to get to Walmart and Walgreens. She managed to stay in business until this year and now she is closed for good. But by now, i think legalization of weed and similar analgesic products in our state finished the business off. At least we have a real hardware store here still. I don’t think Walgreens is doing great. When i walk in there i still see in my mind people sitting in chairs up and down the aisles masked and ready to get the clot shots. Chilling.
Yep. Saw this first hand when I was in a CVS in Tucson, Az as well as in a TJMaxx in NY. Multiple people filling suitcases and walking out the store as if no one could stop them and no one did.
What penny did does not qualify as a the act of a vigilante. He was protecting himself and others from a madman on the subway, it was self defense. He was not out exacting revenge or taking the law into his own hands, he was simply tying to protect people from a lunatic the best way he knew how.
Isn't that crazy that people at the top of these institutions are taking advantage of federalism ( a necessary principle/pillar of our constitutional republic) devised to protect the citizens, in the first place, by our forefathers?
Yesterday, I wrote this about the age-restriction on social media in Australia, but the core sentiment applies to safety-ism across the board.
Penny will likely lose the civil case and there should be a fundraiser and everyone involved should be relentlessly professionally (not personally) doxxed and reputationally run out of town.
The scariest thing about trying to take a stand is finding yourself utterly alone. I believe the most important Stoic exercise we can do is a Corpse Meditation on experiencing Reputational Death.
“ The only reason any of these Trojan Horse laws and evil mandates can happen is because people accept the idea that there is a role for the state, a violent, monopolistic agent, in the management of personal risk.
You’ve got two choices:
Accept risk and manage it yourself, or
Be a slave.
That’s it. If you’re not choosing the former, you are choosing the latter, not just for yourself, but for your neighbor.
In fact, you are *selling your neighbor into slavery out of your own fear of responsibility for risk.*
None of us are immune. This “you” includes me. Watch for this demon, he clothes himself in the trappings of compassion and safety, and that makes him all the more terrifying.”
Well said, Sarah! I loved "accept risk and manage it yourself, or be a slave." I kept saying this to people as the idiotic Covid measures proliferated. I found that most people prefer slavery to freedom; I was told "just take the jab" and "it's just a mask, what's the big deal?"
But the worst part of that mess was "you need to do these things to protect me from harm." The idea that it is somehow my responsibility to make you less nervous by performing bizarre "safety" rituals that have nothing to do with science showed how far we have fallen.
"Accept risk and manage it yourself or BE A SLAVE." But it is all up to you. You may be one of hundreds of thousands but how 'bout beginning with your family, your inner circle and let it snowball from there? In truth, I am very isolated because I will not accept bullying.
I’ve been thinking about this one a lot because NBC has been spamming a BLM commercial where the hook is complaining that black should have “the right” to “go bird watching, go jogging, and wear a hoodie.” Yet, I notice that same courtesy is never extended in the reverse. White people don’t have “the right,” to just boringly ride the subway.
You’re right that this can’t last. We left the city, in part, over it. Others I know are thinking about it too. People are going to vote with their feet and these cities will collapse (or, worse, we’ll have to “bail them out” because … equity or some other trite reason).
We are so influenced by"entertainment" media that we think that "less than lethal" is easy or that "just shoot him in the leg" works. In the heat of battle, because that is life in our larger cities, the measured response is impossible. The aggressor has signed on for whatever measure the victim chooses in order to defend. It is fallacy to assume that in the moment, the victim is scrolling through a variety of defensive actions that will stop the aggression with the least harm to the aggressor. That happens in entertainment media, not on the street!
The funny thing is, Penny probably did the most perfect, non-lethal thing. It's so obvious that he did not kill the dude. The whole thing is a travesty.
Yup, I can just see myself, training on a gun twice monthly and knowing in the heat of a battle that I have never actually had to be part of, knowing exactly where in the leg to shoot the guy (watch out for that femoral artery!)
Exactly! “i profess to care, but will wail against and vilify those who try to generate some semblance of societal order here because i want all the nice stuff without any conflict..."
Or too fearful of being doxxed and having their lives ruined and possibly ended. Doxxing jurors should be jury tampering and punished as a felony with no leniency even if it’s the offenders first offense. The right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers is right up there with free speech.
Agreed! Which is the takeaway from this whole essay. What we have is old empathetic cat ladies infecting the justice system via DEI.
The other loser in this insanity is LE sent to arrest the samaritan which further erodes trust in societies "protectors". LE has a badge and a system behind it thusly only worries about subduing the offender.
The samaritan must make a split second decision to decide his response AND THEN make another split second decision if the legal response is worth the good intention of inserting oneself in an unwinnable situation.
Ok, but stereotypes aren't created out of thin air. They exist because of multiple examples over time creating the illusion that such incidents imply evidence that all like individuals fit the description.
For instance, I am an old white male therefore I must be a toxic misogenistic oppressor in today's meme.
The MOB can’t multitask. They’re too busy condemning Israel to take time out for a dead mentally disturbed black man. I guess since he’s dead he’s been cured of his mental illness.🤷♂️
Chauvin is rotting in jail. Penny will, as well. I hope I’m wrong. The sad part will be (other than a great man serving prison time) that no one will do anything to help him. We are the majority. It’s all so depressing.
I want more Penny’s in this world, less Neely’s. I don’t understand the females in these cities. Is killing their unborn children really more important than the destruction of society?
Look at it this way, if those XXs had those children, they would be raised to be the crap that is letting the problems be huge problems (no matter the color). We don't need more destructors of society.
I’d love to go to Philly and see a show, have a good meal, stroll through the historic district, but I haven’t been there in 15 years. For one thing, I conceal carry and I can’t guarantee a self defense plea will stick because I’m a 65+ white female. And I refuse to give Philadelphia one cent of my money until they clean up that craphole.
we are doomed. 1981….on call univ of Ill hospital. Get called in at 0200, get off the Eisenhower expressway and have to drive through every red light in order to not be robbed. Yes folks part of the job, as a nurse, with no defense and a big risk of being hurt on my way to work. It has been going on for a while. Never saw the Chicago mayor lift a finger to provide a safe environment, never saw my employer offer any kind of “safety on the job”. We are way past doomed.
I couldn't agree with you more. Civilization made a wrong turn somewhere and lost its way. I truly fear for Daniel Penny's fate. The longer it takes this jury to deliberate the more pessimistic I become. It should have been a slam dunk, totally innocent and trial over but it appears to me that someone or ones with a conscience are holding out and potentially hanging the jury. If that is the case, the charges against Penny should be dropped and he should be set free. I would hate to see this man incur the emotional and financial expense of going thru another bullshit trial. This is not how justice is supposed to work. I truly have to ask. How do people who are supposed to understand the legal system get so twisted in their thinking? How do they take a case like this and twist it into something it isn't? The film of the little girl trashing Walmart was chilling. Where the hell were her parents? How the hell do you stop that kind of destructive behavior without the risk of being arrested for assault of a minor? I feel so sorry for the people of New York city who have to deal with this on a daily basis. They have to go out everyday and wonder if they will make it home again in the evening or become a statistic of some craven criminal. What a sad commentary on the state of our judicial system that seems to want to use color as the barometer of guilt or innocence and damn the facts. Let's all pray for Daniel Penny. I know that I will.
This is not exactly the retirement I'd envisioned... I used to be a "people person", but not so much anymore. However, due to being a former paramedic, it's inherent in my nature to help those in need. You can't pre-plan emergency situations. They unfold rapidly and you do what you have to do. Penny stepped in ,and now others will really not want to intervene. Not that many do- too busy filming it.
Footnote: Would not set foot in NYC at this time, which was at one time unfailingly interesting. Appears that NYC has exponentially exceeded the decay of several decades ago.
I recently took my family on a cruise along the coast of California. One of the stops was San Francisco.
I paid the exorbitant rates for a ship-hosted tour for all of us in order to minimize the risk of crime - in a city that I used to walk alone, at night, without fear.
I disagree on your point as to why this ADA is prosecuting Penny. It is NOT cos she’s fearful of an outcome of the MOB trashing NYC. If they did, she’d most likely applaud it.
Plain and simple, she hates men. White men in particular. And as has been seen in many of the outlying suburbs of NYC you have well educated white women that will vote and think against their best interests and for whatever reason will put their failed liberal ideals ahead of their own self interests(empathy, I guess. I’d hazard to call them socio(em)paths.)
Fuego. One of your best yet. NYC has fallen. If only you knew how bad things really were, but most crimes get memory holed. 58k illegals with criminal records now live in the "concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do".
Dafna, Bragg, Adams, Hochul, and Mayorkas have blood in their hands. Yet most New Yorkers will continue to vote blue no matter who and a dozen of them may send Penny to prison. You cannot reason with a demoralized person.
Here is just a sampling of crimes committed over the past month while Penny has been on trial:
- United Healthcare CEO assassinated, killer still on the loose 48 hours later
- 17 year old illegal stabbed to death in financial district by other illegals last night, suspects still on the loose
- 3 stabbed to death in broad daylight by mentally ill homeless man a few weeks ago, he had 8(!) previous arrests
Exactly. At the same time, i belive it was last week, that crazy homeless dude that pushed an elderly man onto the NYC subway tracks, resulting in that mans death, has had his sentence reduced recently and will be released on some arcane law that's never been used, by the very same corrupt prosecutor that is trying to lynch Penny for doing the right thing.
Complete inversion of Penny's incident
That's exactly what they want us to feel while at the same time hopeless that we can't do anything about it - like an impotent caged animal.
It is to silence dissidents and prevent those who would normally do what's the obvious right thing to do, in a healthy society, from doing so.
They must label anyone who does the right thing, as a "dissident/disruptor" in order to isolate and subject them to social tyranny by their peers.
In this way the "peers" (general public - society as a whole) that the dissident is trying to protect become the ones who enforce their own demise devised by those in power to meet those ends.
See the Scamdemic.
We all need to figure out how to become dissidents and disruptors. This quagmire won’t fix itself.
We are. And did so during the plandemic.
We just need to get more people to the dance floor.
We're starting to be successful with that because our commitment to ideals and our willingness to put forth the effort to see them through.
The public doesn't quite understand, even though they know "something" is wrong", they're about to get a full-on truth enima.
"full-on truth enema"
Thanks for that graphic description, Ryan. Almost spit up my coffee!
Blue cities get what they deserve.
When shit hits the fan & their feral populations venture out of their asylums with ideas of killing & robbing i predict it may not go well for them.
"Try that in a small town"might come to pass
Call someone the "n" word or the British word for a cigarette on the subway and watch all the dependent children in blue cities step up and become adults and do something about it. They'll get brave - when it's an attack on their value system, mean, insulting words called "hate speech." When it's an attack on the personal safety and security of people not identifying with the "n" word or the British word for a cigarette they'll stay children.
Exactly! Welcome to upside down and backwards.
yeah, saw that. knocked the guy down at an ATM.
NYC is messed up.
Maybe it’s misplaced optimism on my end but if I am correct the worm is turning. The zeitgeist is much different today than it was with even Kyle Rittenhouse. Sure they can trot out the Antifa type groups, but I am not seeing the organic anger necessary to really get the forest burning. I also suspect some of the sentinel types who have sat on the sidelines for a LONG time will be ready to ante up now.
Can the organic anger be manufactured again? That is the million dollar question. The next most important one is do Americans finally fight back? The burn loot and murder mindset might want to tread lightly. I suggest waiting another 45 days or so. 😉
It definitely has, Luke.
It seems half-hearted this time compared to 2016 and 2020.
It all had to happen. And only someone as "shameless" as Trump could've let the enemy destroy themselves out of hatred for the peasants who built this country.
Agree. Well said.
We have to draw the line somewhere.
This is depravity on a Sodom and Gomorrah level.
That didn't end so well....
I thought it was just me who looked at the prosecutor and decided it was actually a man. He should definitely not be in charge of anyone’s life. Derangement of this nature needs to be called out and not allowed in civil society. Lord, help us, please.
Until the politicians, judges, and prosecutors have real skin in the game the game will go on.
Those that serve the institution get the promotions/sinecures, those that serve the mission of the institution get persecuted.
This is eventually the end result of all institutions throughout history. And that's why The Founders put checks and balances, as well as blind justice as cornerstones in our constitution precisely for all the reasons Gato points out in this phenomenonal article.
We have entered dangerous territory when institutions metamorphosize into guilds.. When this happens you can expect a maladapted lawless society, run roughshod by institutions, perverted by those in the high towers of the guilds they've created to take advantage of a population terrified to push back against the institutions that are foundationally there to protect We The People.
Institutions attract bureaucrats like wooden houses attract termites. No matter how hard you try, eventually they find a way in, and slowly the structural integrity is eaten away. Trump is trying to "tent" parts of the government like the DOJ and FBI, with Kash Patel as the "Exterminator", but I wonder how many of our institutions are just too far gone to be repaired. It might be easier to condemn and demolish certain institutions now and rebuild something new, rather than wait for these old ones to collapse.
The only thing I expect from our government is law and order and to protect our sovereignty in the worst case scenario.
The rest of it could be left dilapidated for nature to reclaim, for all i care.
I'd rather tear them down. Why throw good money after bad trying to sustain collapsing institutions? If they are dismantled, some enterprising people in the private sector will come up with a way to fill the need.
That's what I'm saying. If DC were in Florida I'd say let the jungle reclaim it.
but but but what about the funnnnnding for NPR that the poor and disadvantaged take so much advantage of?
just kidding. I read the Democrats X page now and then, their statements are hideous, and leftie responses join right in, haha
as for NPR they already beg for money several times per year.
or they could open a donations account, or cut some salaries 🎯
well said
Yea, but We the People have to make their voices heard as well. Nobody wants to be the underdog or the single voice. Look at Scott Presler - he had enough one day and started an uproar about somebody doing something. And, by God, he did it. IMO we all need to take a page out of Scott’s book. I believe he has his eyes on New Jersey next. Anyone w the time and treasure to help him would - I imagine - be greatly welcomed.
I love reading your wise comments. We follow a lot of the same Substack authors. Thank you.
Thx. Likewise!
Suddenly Mayor Adams is on board with the new administration. How about that!
Suddenly Governor Hochul is (somewhat) aligned with the new administration. How about that!
Perhaps federal authorities will be called upon to do the heavy lifting and to bear the brunt (and costs) of all the litigation attendant on any attempt to contain the dissolution that has accompanied open borders coupled with police de-funding and no-bail releases.
That may help state and local authorities to contain some of the already staggering costs of supporting newly arrived persons as well as both well-seasoned and apprentice criminals.
And if anything goes wrong, it will be the incoming administration's fault.
All working like a charm.
I don’t trust hochul
@Dr. Linda- I live in NYS. We don't trust her either. At all. And she's actually from Western NY (WNY) where I live. No loyalty, I'll tell you that.
Ballot harvesting keeps Hochul in office.
She’s also keeping NY in emergency status bc of illegals and trying to destroy LI schools 🤬
@AJoy- I live in a county (Niagara) that does NOT allow the housing of illegal immigrants. We have immingrants for farm working but they have legitimate working papers and do the work others won't do. I say to those who claim we need illegals to do the dirty work "Take those abusing welfare and put THEM to work. If they sabotage the jobs, they are ineligible to get further assistance."
understatement of the year
How do you tell a politician is lying? Rhetorical
Maybe it's because with Trump in office, NYC will no longer be getting Federal funds to take care of these migrants. What will happen when the payments to the hotels housing many of these migrants stops? I doubt the owners will let them remain for free. The streets will be flooded with homeless migrants, and Adams is trying to get ahead of the problem he knows is coming.
I’ve read unconfirmed reports that some of those NYC hotels are owned by the Pakistan government? Wth?!?
Homeless migrants who are already drifting into the suburbs.
And the 9 th Circuit Court has overruled King County Executive Dow Constantine & will force him to allow Boeing Field to be used to deport illegals in support of Fed laws. A big win for sanity in a crazy sanctuary state.
I am deep behind enemy lines in that state.
Two weeks ago I picked up a relitive at seatac, there was over two hundred obvious illeagles waiting for transportation to where I don't know.
I'm sure the govenor & his lefty minions are planning something.
Every major city has fallen. Instead of coddling an ATM thief who kills its victim find him guilty and put him in prison and on a reform track. Add treatment for mental illness etc. Let’s send a few Jordan Neely’s to the prosecutor’s office or home, then and only then after she, their, them is threatened will something change. Bravo Gato.
I fear you're right. It's sorta like the blatant lawfare to punish political adversaries. Perhaps the only way to stop it is for these corrupt officials to be on the receiving end of "legal" lawfare conducted to achieve justice.
They are trying to destroy the publics courage by having tyranny usurp equality, precisely because it is the very heart of liberty (and a peaceful society)
This unjust power ends up terrifying the public and eventually terminates with a degenerated society where the odious methods of servitude manifests itself in abject sycophancy and blind submission as the only way to ensure their safety...or their own relative preference over the general public.
When the only vehicle to ensure safety is to keep your mouth shut and flatter unjust power the population becomes de facto slaves.
That's why our elite are claiming that it is a violation of their right to free speech if they can not censor us. This is exactly what the Biden administration is claiming in the Missouri vs. The US government case (and also Alex Berensons case).
It is all an effort to make us feel like we're living in fear so that we don't notice they are motivated by the most powerful fear of all:
The fear of losing POWER.
"where the odious methods of servitude manifests itself in abject sycophancy and blind submission"
Impressive Ryan. You seem to be evolving into another William F. Buckly. Them sure is some fancy words!
Them shore 'nuff is.
Ditto!! Bravo!! 👏👏👏👏
Exactly right! I've been absolutely appalled at the enabler of unspeakable acts that our "judicial" system has recently become. However, while the full-blown level of this societal suicide is somewhat new, the roots of it go far back, imho.
I was only 16-20 years of age, in Florida, back in the late 70s, when some man who had done a more heinous act than I wish to describe, but must for you see my point- raping a very young girl, then cutting off both her arms & leaving her to die- this man was released from prison! I remember thinking then, Dear God, letting someone out who did such a thing is a horror walking & sure to be disastrous.
And, yes,
I heard about it because he had killed someone this time & he was up for the death penalty, I think. The original victim had by some miracle survived so they couldn't ask for capital punishment the first time around & this was the debate, if I remember correctly.
But for me the insanity lay in not protecting the general public from a monster, which this sociopathy clearly was.
To me, yet again, it comes down to this- our Government, in all 3 branches has completely forgotten it's job & who they work for.
The only solution is that we, the People, the law abiding, sane, self-supporting & reasonably educated in what works & what does not, remind them!
Vote harder people. Call & write & email more often, & raise hell. The utter insanity has gone, far, far, far, too FAR!
And, btw, I'm a woman, a child of the 60s, a feminist, an environmentalist, anti-war, (unless attacked,) yet a republican & pro self- responsibility, smaller government & pro law enforcement too.
For me all of the above are needed in modern society, but the behavior of many of the "woke" women today are making me wonder if many females just weren't ready for "prime time" yet?
I do wonder...
A lot of women I've known who get in positions with some power, even a little bit, use it to "even the score" on all manner of personal disappointments, choices, and failures.
Instead of engaging those on their own, learning from them, changing viewpoints and behavior, they use the power they've assembled to target and punish anyone who looks like the man or men they're mad at.
If there's one thing this kind of female isn't ready for, it's the objectivity required in something like this Republic's system of law as formulated. But they were not the first bloc to assemble around getting even and strengthening their in-group/tribe. This is why that in-group/tribe pushed feminism: to re-engineer society by alienating women from their families. This is why all the women in my family (very early GenX I am, born in my parents' 40s) voted against the Equal Rights Amendment. They were strong, hard working women, like you they were environmentalists, anti-war, and all of them had blue collar jobs (sheet metal, welding, ship fitting, etc.) and also kept house and raised the kids. But they recognized the concerted effort to put enmity between men and women, and they rejected it.
Need to take a hard look at everything related to “prosecutors”, right now. Start with the concept of “prosecutorial discretion” . . This is way too much power for most individuals to have, especially political / ideological people. Right now these people can unilaterally negate and reinterpret existing laws, and there are few quick checks and balances, and because of politics, they are seldom used.
In retrospect, what the Soros gang did was a brilliant, and very cost-effective attack on American citizens; and here we sit, years later, acting impotent. Who would you prefer controlling your community, Soros, or the mafia?
Soros got so used to ripping off central banks and countries that I'm not sure there's that much of a difference.
Things have gotten so bad in NYC that even people there are no longer "voting blue no matter who". Trump won both more total votes and a greater share of the vote in every borough in 2024 vs 2020.
Two female friends have been recently attacked on the subway. One was punched in the face for no reason. The other was just picked up, and body slammed on the platform. Both were white.
I ride the subway early in the morning to go to work. This case is deeply troubling. Who will help in the event of a similar threat? God have mercy...
You can think of no group who don't suffer from the problems they have created in NYC? I can. And they run their own police force.
UHG murderer should be punished to fullest extent of the law — yes, punish anarchy — but also *someone* needed to stop the UHG CEO for gross violations of the social contract. How many have died or suffered because of an industry-smashing 32% claim denial rate? How many are bankrupted after UHG hospitals bought the insurance companies so they could charge anything they liked, raising premiums from $10k average in 2010 to $30k average today? This dude is also a murderer.
What percentage should the claim denial rate be?
Are "health" "insurance" companies required to approve/pay out 100% of whatever Pharma tells its white-coated sales force ("doctors") to prescribe/charge?
What reponsibility do "health" "insurance" companies have in putting a brake on Pharma and its white-coated sales force?
I'd please like to see where you're getting that "$30K average today" on premiums. My United Health premiums in '21 were a fraction of that, and they covered top notch care for a health disaster that nailed me that year, and then home health follow up that supported me in making a I'd say 97% recovery. In fact United Health was so much better than any previous plan I/we had (including BC/BS, Kaiser Permanente, and a few others), we couldn't believe it.
I'm asking in honest curiosity. We were devastated when my late darling's employer plan went from UH to Providence, UH was that impressive in dealing with us. I am haunted by the thought that if we had still had UH when my darling's crisis hit, it might not have resulted in death.
Great questions, all. I'll start here:
>> Are "health" "insurance" companies required to approve/pay out 100% of whatever Pharma tells its white-coated sales force ("doctors") to prescribe/charge?
Yes, actually... and it's because of companies like UHC and CVS. The ACA kept private insurers but didn't address mergers. The 15% cap on profits incentivized hospital groups like UHC to buy insurance companies so they could charge anything they wanted, and take 15% on that. So yes, literally what you said is true, and IMO, ACA and corporate health giants like UHC share blame here--
>> I'd please like to see where you're getting that "$30K average today" on premiums
Same article as above, which links to a 2022 report. I was hazy on some details, it's $32k average healthcare costs for a family, up triple from ~$11k in 2004.
>> What percentage should the claim denial rate be?
IDK not in health insurance but probably less than double the industry average would be a good start:
Prosecutors acting out of fear of public order become an arm of the mob. This is how mob subverts justice in a woke, faux law-based society.
very much this.
they essentially become allies to extortion and carry water for "small terrorism" to try to prevent the large scale version.
character and courage are deeply under-rated traits in public servants and this pastiche of "so brave" from craven kowtowing to mob threat is grotesque.
C & c are not only under-rated traits in public servants but I would venture a conjecture they are under-represented in public servants vs. the American population. Perhaps the following book by Gus Lee should be included, alongside civics, in the Public Servant Onboarding Training 101 class - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/courage-gus-lee/1007515689
The other side of the same coin is that when justice is blatantly not served for preferential reasons you can guarantee the other "sort" of justice.
They are walking on very dangerous ground at the highest levels as evidenced by the new "definition" of pardon. I'm hearing Biden may pardon Fauci! We've entered the realm of "Minority Report" blanket pardons for crimes that MAY be committed...or to simply keep crimes from being investigated.
Mob law results in bloodthirsty mobs.
“Mob law results in bloodthirsty mobs.” Yes, kow-towing to the mob immediately sheds lawfulness and begets another mob which begets waffling by those who should stay true, yielding to a downward race to a generally violent society run by bullies. Losing sight of the North Star of law and order is a perilous abdication of a public servant’s responsibility to the citizens he serves.
Precisely. Very well put.
The two of you are an excellent read this morning. I'm biased ,but egm provided the seed,and Ryan & Chev are the grist stones .
Me likey
Beautifully said.
"Those who fail to learn from history..."
France, 14 July 1789. Look it up.
And wonder - how close are WE to our very own Bastille Day?
...and this is why the head of UnitedHealth Care was deposed. Care not for who you serve, and sooner or later someone will take care of you.
It’s a real-life Gothem. We became what comic books imagined
My wife recently went shopping for shoes at one of the few remaining shoe store outlets in our vicinity. She found boots that she liked and went to try on her size, but the box was empty. Then she found another model and the box for her size was empty. She went to the store manager and asked where the shoes were. The manager said that customers come in and casually waltz out of the store with multiple pairs of shoes. It's reached the point where the thieves don't even sneak or run out. They boldly strut out. She told my wife that not only were local store employees instructed to not stop any crooks, they were told if they try to interfere they will be immediately fired. This is why physical brick and mortar retailers are dropping like flies.
Same at our local small Walmart. Big ticket items come to the door. The greeter or security asks to see the receipt. The thieves just say no and stroll out. All the store is allowed to do is to see if they can find the car that the stolen goods is leaving in or check cameras. But it’s just for naught. Now sales people patrol the big ticket items and they take them to the front registers but it doesn’t always work that way. We grannies have to produce our receipts sometimes. Pisses me off.
Wow! Our local Walmart catches thieves all the time and the cops are always called. We've seen it multiple times, someone grabbed as they leave the store. They're often prosecuted too (it's usually in the papers.) But that's in New Hampshire...
In our county in SC, they are escorted out in "bracelets". Everytime. We don't have looting here.
I lived in San Francisco, and my local Target felt like an unintended live-action show. Security guards would often end up physically confronting thieves, wrestling over large bags or backpacks stuffed with stolen merchandise. The police never showed up, leaving the guards to fend for themselves. It was like having a front-row seat to an impromptu MMA fight—Dana White would’ve been proud.
Perhaps because "Live Free or Die" pervades the way people think in NH.
Bezos has instructed DAs nationwide not to prosecute theft at brick-and-mortar stores.
He has this much control? . I’d love to see a link. Heck, we don’t need pesky laws. Just billionaires making their own. But then that’s not new.
Yup. Drive them out. The plan during lockdowns.
That’s true. Lockdowns were designed to destroy small businesses that were cash only. I was only joking about the Bezos thing.
Joking, but hitting awfully close to the bullseye!
I got it. 😀👍🏻. I remember going into a new CBD store right before lockdowns and she was forced to close her business. She was rightly hot under the collar about it. You had to drive by her closed small business to get to Walmart and Walgreens. She managed to stay in business until this year and now she is closed for good. But by now, i think legalization of weed and similar analgesic products in our state finished the business off. At least we have a real hardware store here still. I don’t think Walgreens is doing great. When i walk in there i still see in my mind people sitting in chairs up and down the aisles masked and ready to get the clot shots. Chilling.
It's a joke. Brick-and-mortar stores go under, guess who gains?
I get it. However, personally, I would like to see some evidence.
There is no evidence. It's a joke!
In return for funding? 🤷🏻♀️
Yep. Saw this first hand when I was in a CVS in Tucson, Az as well as in a TJMaxx in NY. Multiple people filling suitcases and walking out the store as if no one could stop them and no one did.
Trump needs to pardon Penny immediately after taking the oath - with his hand still on the Bible…
Personally, glad the cops let that POS die - they’d made the mistake of taking him alive 44 previous times.
Maybe Trump can put Penny on DOGE…
This move would be a positive message for the presidency and I would be especially impressed if he did so as his first act.
Vigilantism is not nice but it is a reactionary social ill. There are very few normal people who will waste their time policing safe streets.
Yet a citizen wanting to help another should gain a medal and not a sentence.
What penny did does not qualify as a the act of a vigilante. He was protecting himself and others from a madman on the subway, it was self defense. He was not out exacting revenge or taking the law into his own hands, he was simply tying to protect people from a lunatic the best way he knew how.
He was doing the job the NYPD used to do.
You have highlighted a very important difference.
Trump can only pardon federal crimes. Penny is up on state charges, so there’s nothing Trump can do about it.
Isn't that crazy that people at the top of these institutions are taking advantage of federalism ( a necessary principle/pillar of our constitutional republic) devised to protect the citizens, in the first place, by our forefathers?
Citizen's medal of honor.
maybe karen hochul will pardon him lol
He can’t pardon him on a state conviction. Only federal.
Yesterday, I wrote this about the age-restriction on social media in Australia, but the core sentiment applies to safety-ism across the board.
Penny will likely lose the civil case and there should be a fundraiser and everyone involved should be relentlessly professionally (not personally) doxxed and reputationally run out of town.
The scariest thing about trying to take a stand is finding yourself utterly alone. I believe the most important Stoic exercise we can do is a Corpse Meditation on experiencing Reputational Death.
“ The only reason any of these Trojan Horse laws and evil mandates can happen is because people accept the idea that there is a role for the state, a violent, monopolistic agent, in the management of personal risk.
You’ve got two choices:
Accept risk and manage it yourself, or
Be a slave.
That’s it. If you’re not choosing the former, you are choosing the latter, not just for yourself, but for your neighbor.
In fact, you are *selling your neighbor into slavery out of your own fear of responsibility for risk.*
None of us are immune. This “you” includes me. Watch for this demon, he clothes himself in the trappings of compassion and safety, and that makes him all the more terrifying.”
Well said, Sarah! I loved "accept risk and manage it yourself, or be a slave." I kept saying this to people as the idiotic Covid measures proliferated. I found that most people prefer slavery to freedom; I was told "just take the jab" and "it's just a mask, what's the big deal?"
But the worst part of that mess was "you need to do these things to protect me from harm." The idea that it is somehow my responsibility to make you less nervous by performing bizarre "safety" rituals that have nothing to do with science showed how far we have fallen.
Even the police aren't required to, "protect you from harm," why should it be required of anyone else?
An article for the curious that covers this topic. And yes, GK is correct - police have no duty to protect you.
"Accept risk and manage it yourself or BE A SLAVE." But it is all up to you. You may be one of hundreds of thousands but how 'bout beginning with your family, your inner circle and let it snowball from there? In truth, I am very isolated because I will not accept bullying.
I'll try to remember to find and share this,Sarah!
I’ve been thinking about this one a lot because NBC has been spamming a BLM commercial where the hook is complaining that black should have “the right” to “go bird watching, go jogging, and wear a hoodie.” Yet, I notice that same courtesy is never extended in the reverse. White people don’t have “the right,” to just boringly ride the subway.
You’re right that this can’t last. We left the city, in part, over it. Others I know are thinking about it too. People are going to vote with their feet and these cities will collapse (or, worse, we’ll have to “bail them out” because … equity or some other trite reason).
“oh, he just should have done this one incredibly complex and far sighted thing if he had perfect knowledge and infinite capacity and feared nothing.”
I get this all the time from perfect people.
We are so influenced by"entertainment" media that we think that "less than lethal" is easy or that "just shoot him in the leg" works. In the heat of battle, because that is life in our larger cities, the measured response is impossible. The aggressor has signed on for whatever measure the victim chooses in order to defend. It is fallacy to assume that in the moment, the victim is scrolling through a variety of defensive actions that will stop the aggression with the least harm to the aggressor. That happens in entertainment media, not on the street!
The funny thing is, Penny probably did the most perfect, non-lethal thing. It's so obvious that he did not kill the dude. The whole thing is a travesty.
Yup, I can just see myself, training on a gun twice monthly and knowing in the heat of a battle that I have never actually had to be part of, knowing exactly where in the leg to shoot the guy (watch out for that femoral artery!)
Exactly! “i profess to care, but will wail against and vilify those who try to generate some semblance of societal order here because i want all the nice stuff without any conflict..."
A basic failure to understand the true cost of goods.
Fire. Exactly. Funny how that works
After Penny gets acquitted, Yoran, Bragg, and everyone else responsible for this injustice needs to be punished via any legal means available.
Oh, and the images of Yoran and Penny adds further evidence to physiognomy's truth.
i have serious doubts he'll be acquitted. i fear the jury is going to be too fearful of setting off the next round of riots.
Or too fearful of being doxxed and having their lives ruined and possibly ended. Doxxing jurors should be jury tampering and punished as a felony with no leniency even if it’s the offenders first offense. The right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers is right up there with free speech.
Maybe because this is happening in winter, the rioting will be minimal. Turds don’t like the cold, for riots. And maybe these people understand that.
Agreed! Which is the takeaway from this whole essay. What we have is old empathetic cat ladies infecting the justice system via DEI.
The other loser in this insanity is LE sent to arrest the samaritan which further erodes trust in societies "protectors". LE has a badge and a system behind it thusly only worries about subduing the offender.
The samaritan must make a split second decision to decide his response AND THEN make another split second decision if the legal response is worth the good intention of inserting oneself in an unwinnable situation.
Hey! I'm an old empathetic cat lady.
Don't paint all of our hair blue!
Ok, but stereotypes aren't created out of thin air. They exist because of multiple examples over time creating the illusion that such incidents imply evidence that all like individuals fit the description.
For instance, I am an old white male therefore I must be a toxic misogenistic oppressor in today's meme.
The MOB can’t multitask. They’re too busy condemning Israel to take time out for a dead mentally disturbed black man. I guess since he’s dead he’s been cured of his mental illness.🤷♂️
I had a similar thought
Remember, Antifa openly threatened jurors in the Andy Ngo case in Portland, and absolutely nothing was done about it!
and BLM is calling for riots because the manslaughter charge was dropped
Yes, people keep telling us who they really are, but most will not listen.
Shades of Minneapolis and Chauvin.
I think he will be acquitted, I think they want riots. Perfect timing, maybe Marshall Law if it really goes well for them.
Could be. It's not Kenosha, where another injustice was set to take place.
Chauvin is rotting in jail. Penny will, as well. I hope I’m wrong. The sad part will be (other than a great man serving prison time) that no one will do anything to help him. We are the majority. It’s all so depressing.
I want more Penny’s in this world, less Neely’s. I don’t understand the females in these cities. Is killing their unborn children really more important than the destruction of society?
Look at it this way, if those XXs had those children, they would be raised to be the crap that is letting the problems be huge problems (no matter the color). We don't need more destructors of society.
Ahh an optimist of sorts you are. You are right in a way though, reducing your offspring is adding chlorine to your end of the gene pool.
This is the argument that goes back and forth in my head. I’m staunchly pro life, but also aware of this fact.
Exactly. Some people just shouldn't be parents.
Great question Mrs. S
I hope you are wrong. This needs to be brought to a head.
Yoran - Jewish lesbian. Can't beat that hand !
Not sure if that’s a man or woman, which is part of the problem.
wow, she's really high on the ENTITLED list.
My wife wants to go to NYC to see some shows , have some great meals and enjoy the city. I tell her not in a hundred years. Too much violence.
I’d love to go to Philly and see a show, have a good meal, stroll through the historic district, but I haven’t been there in 15 years. For one thing, I conceal carry and I can’t guarantee a self defense plea will stick because I’m a 65+ white female. And I refuse to give Philadelphia one cent of my money until they clean up that craphole.
Ditto for NYC :/
I live in the NYC suburbs and haven’t been there since 2019 and don’t ever plan on going back.
we are doomed. 1981….on call univ of Ill hospital. Get called in at 0200, get off the Eisenhower expressway and have to drive through every red light in order to not be robbed. Yes folks part of the job, as a nurse, with no defense and a big risk of being hurt on my way to work. It has been going on for a while. Never saw the Chicago mayor lift a finger to provide a safe environment, never saw my employer offer any kind of “safety on the job”. We are way past doomed.
I've been there a couple times. Intervened to protect strangers, declined to give aid to a disgusting trog who was having a seizure.
Since then I have moved as far from any cities as my wife would agree to.
Now that she has passed, the desert, a hundred miles from anywhere seems nice.
I just don't think anything will improve. Our society is collapsing. I see no way to stop it, and I'm too old to do anything about it.
Best of luck folks.
If I was young I'd probably consider joining the many Americans who are moving to Russia for the freedom and economic opportunities.
No is a great handle!
I couldn't agree with you more. Civilization made a wrong turn somewhere and lost its way. I truly fear for Daniel Penny's fate. The longer it takes this jury to deliberate the more pessimistic I become. It should have been a slam dunk, totally innocent and trial over but it appears to me that someone or ones with a conscience are holding out and potentially hanging the jury. If that is the case, the charges against Penny should be dropped and he should be set free. I would hate to see this man incur the emotional and financial expense of going thru another bullshit trial. This is not how justice is supposed to work. I truly have to ask. How do people who are supposed to understand the legal system get so twisted in their thinking? How do they take a case like this and twist it into something it isn't? The film of the little girl trashing Walmart was chilling. Where the hell were her parents? How the hell do you stop that kind of destructive behavior without the risk of being arrested for assault of a minor? I feel so sorry for the people of New York city who have to deal with this on a daily basis. They have to go out everyday and wonder if they will make it home again in the evening or become a statistic of some craven criminal. What a sad commentary on the state of our judicial system that seems to want to use color as the barometer of guilt or innocence and damn the facts. Let's all pray for Daniel Penny. I know that I will.
This is not exactly the retirement I'd envisioned... I used to be a "people person", but not so much anymore. However, due to being a former paramedic, it's inherent in my nature to help those in need. You can't pre-plan emergency situations. They unfold rapidly and you do what you have to do. Penny stepped in ,and now others will really not want to intervene. Not that many do- too busy filming it.
No Country For White Men.
Hopefully that will change. We real women want all men to be like Penny.
NYC is a shithole.
And Detroit. And Chicago. And Philly. And St. Louis. And Cleveland. And Milwaukee. And SF. And way too many other places.
Don't forget Our Nation's Capital.
Footnote: Would not set foot in NYC at this time, which was at one time unfailingly interesting. Appears that NYC has exponentially exceeded the decay of several decades ago.
Thanks. I forgot about DC.
You are correct. Was there a few weeks back on business…complete decay.
I recently took my family on a cruise along the coast of California. One of the stops was San Francisco.
I paid the exorbitant rates for a ship-hosted tour for all of us in order to minimize the risk of crime - in a city that I used to walk alone, at night, without fear.
I disagree on your point as to why this ADA is prosecuting Penny. It is NOT cos she’s fearful of an outcome of the MOB trashing NYC. If they did, she’d most likely applaud it.
Plain and simple, she hates men. White men in particular. And as has been seen in many of the outlying suburbs of NYC you have well educated white women that will vote and think against their best interests and for whatever reason will put their failed liberal ideals ahead of their own self interests(empathy, I guess. I’d hazard to call them socio(em)paths.)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.