Great stuff per usual- Doctors are not taking the time, nor do they have the statistical background to be able to interpret and then give advice. I see too many Drs. saying "get vaccinated" (i.e. SHOT) without delving into their patient's histories and that is concerning.

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Agree. I love how they place their hand on the doorknob and then ask if you have any questions, lol. Yes, or no answer. Just one. That'll be $300.

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Actually I love my primary care Dr. He was okay w/ no masks last May :-)

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actually, the two outcomes of a trial should characterize consumer risk and producer risk.

in dod procurement of a "proven" design we tell the testers, who often are not in the buying command independence!, what consumer and producer risk we set for the deign tests, which are mostly controlled tests.

looks to me like producer risk was set much lower than consumer risk in ythe design of experiment run by big pharma's fda tools.

a doctor should be like an air force crew chief; who has signed off an airplane ready to fly.... one that looks the pilot in the eye and one who has gone through an accident investigation.

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Wondering if Dr. Eric Topol read the report? Sam Harris had him on a recent podcast and their level of detail was "Get vaccinated." Disappointing that Sam puts so much blind faith trust in other 'scientists.'

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Eric Topol is a political hack with a lot of power. Just like Sam Harris, both of them have severe TDS to the point where they will change their tunes based on politics. Michael Tracey did a pretty good breakdown debunking his political claims:


Eric Topol was singing a different tune last year:

> One doctor’s campaign to stop a covid-19 vaccine being rushed through before Election Day: How heart doctor Eric Topol used his social-media account to kill off Trump’s October surprise.


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Yes, you are right, Topol is a tool. But he is a very nice and friendly tool I interviewed him once at CC for some pharma rag back when I could stomach that sort of public relations work, and he went out of his way to go into detail about gene-based drug development he was working on and said, "Big Pharma would like nothing more than to nuke this effort." A charming and socially adept sociopath? Probably. A tool for the operation? Yes. Still, at least at one point he was willing to poke Pharma in the eye, for what that's worth.

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Well done. Thank you. Different but related note: Why do we no longer see any mention of Sweden Covid situation? I can guess, but perhaps you have better data. They took a more science-based, less intrusive approach with a high degree of success, especially considering the far lower overall adverse impacts on their society. Why no mention of current infections, hospitalizations, deaths, Delta variants, vaccinations, masks, lockdowns, etc?

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the best measure for sweden is all cause deaths. they counted covid bizarrely aggressively and this has been unused against them in an unfair fashion.

but everyone count5s ACD the same way and in sweden they were both normal by the standards of the last 6 years (and basically indistinguishable from 2014-18) and looked a lot like the rest of scandanavia and better than some.

it's that simple. harold was great on this:


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Perhaps that would show the emperor has no clothes...

Actually, inquiring minds will find out that Sweden followed their pandemic plans to a high degree, and these are (or were) similar among all Western countries.

Read this thread; it summarizes pandemic plans from Australia, UK and USA:


They would have to answer some really uncomfortable questions

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Here's Sweden's dashboard showing all their metrics fell rapidly in May: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/09f821667ce64bf7be6f9f87457ed9aa/page/page_0/

Masks and vaccines are voluntary there. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell did a short interview a month ago where he says they only test symptomatic, there's no real asymptomatic spread, possibly pre-symptomatic (really light symptoms) spread but difficult to say, and he wouldn't change anything in their response.

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Thanks. Strange how stories of bodies piling up in India and elsewhere from Delta, masking back up and vaccine mandates spreading in US, increasing talk of vaccine passports, travel restrictions, booster does of vaccines, no discussion or recognition of natural immunity, yet somehow Sweden - the best real world test case of science based approach - doesn’t seem to have any significant problems. Yet no discussion anywhere of that. None. Zero. Hmmmm....

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India is very easy to use for fear mongering purposes for multiple reasons:

1. They have a very high population of almost 1.4 billion. The highest deaths from covid they ever had was around 4000 which isn't that high relative to the population size. The population density if also very high in India. It's a tiny country with massive population - so very high population density. Canada for example is 4 per Km2. India is 464 per Km2 with many cities being very dense.

2. Poverty is a very big problem and a massive chunk of the population uses open funeral pyres. This isn't exclusive to covid, it's been that way forever. So it's very easy to fear monger the western people by showing open funeral pyres of bodies being burnt as western cremation isn't done in the open.


3. Poverty also causes many people to simply dump the dead bodies in the rivers. This has been a major problem for decades even before covid.

4. Elders in India usually live with their families instead of separately in a nursing home. This makes spreading of covid even easier.

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People still like to say, "But Sweden had the WORST!!!!! outcome in all of Europe." And you show them the facts that say, "Uh, no." And they still don't believe.

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Thanks for a very interesting analysis. HOWEVER, it seems there is an enormous issue that you didn't address. Weren't all of the placebo group offered the vaccine roughly two months into the trial? Wouldn't that basically nullify all results of the 6-month follow-up? Would love to hear your thoughts on this - thx. https://n.pr/3yfCKmx

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He did when he said it was"unblinded". And Pfizzer's chart shows 2 deaths after unblinding in people who chose the poison. I agree he didn't make much of a point of however.

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The thing that jumped out at me during the trials is how few people got sick in the first place.

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I saw a piece on Spiked that said, "“Why encourage people not to get vaccinated?”

I replied:

1. Experim. treatment w/ ?? long term effects

2. Useless/harmful for recovered people

3. Disease 99.9+% survivable

4. <age 25 almost zero risk, but real risks from vaccine

5. Vaccines cause variants

6. Vaxxed can still get sick

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women i know are 'sensitive' to concerns about fertility.....

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Jabbed still die and get adverse events.

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Statistics class paying off...

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While brilliant, your analysis missed perhaps the biggest defect in the Pfizer study: it failed to count vaccine deaths and hospitalizations from serious side effects as avoided Covid deaths and hospitalization. Just imagine how many more Covid deaths and hospitalizations we would have suffered if only the vaccine hadn’t done the job first.

Someone needs to explain to Lori Lightfoot the true brilliance of her shooting violence strategy - The more children and others shot and killed, the more Covid deaths and hospitalizations avoided. Pure genius. A “3 shot” approach: If the vaccine shot doesn’t save you from Covid, the gunshot will. More shootings are really a good thing in Lori’s world.

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Mellis, you don't want to be one of the lucky 2526 people who were saved from covid as well as "white supremacy" and the "Russians" by getting shot in Chicago this year?

The covid dashboard of Chicago is not as fun as the dedicated website tracking each shooting per day/week/month/year:


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Great analysis, thanks! A shame this type of stuff gets censored and not discussed more in public. I wonder why...

Instead we get a constant push to get the jab

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One thing I don't think this study addresses is the data coming out of Israel where vaccine's protection is going down by 50% in just 3 months and down to 16% in just 6 months.

Initially I even thought the vaccine might be useful. But based on the latest data, now I really don't see the point. Based on the latests reports, vaccinated people aren't just contracting it, they are also infecting others and have "just as much viral load as the unvaccinated". So what exactly is vaccination even achieving especially for young healthy?:

> CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated

> Among five Covid patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated, according to the agency.


> after new data suggested fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting Covid-19 but could potentially infect others.

> CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others. Based on that finding, Walensky said the CDC is also recommending that all school children wear masks in the fall.


> Recent data released by the Health Ministry shows that those who were first to receive their two doses of the Pfizer COVID vaccine are more likely now to be infected, as the vaccine appears to lose protection potency over time. Data released by the Health Ministry last week suggested that people vaccinated in January have just 16% protection against infection now, while in those vaccinated in April, the effectiveness was at 75%.


Even the leftist NYMag is now coming out that vaccine efficacy declines to just 19% in 6 months. So unless people now want to keep getting booster shots every 3 months or something, it's useless imo:

>already seeing a few pieces of evidence that the vaccines may not be very effective at all at stopping spread: the Provincetown cluster, where 70 percent of cases were in the vaccinated; the CDC finding that viral loads were almost identical in the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and its warning today that the science of transmission among the vaccinated is shifting; and a few different Israeli studies showing that efficacy against transmission might decline as low as 19 percent six months after the doses were given.


Lancet: Pfizer, AstraZeneca jab antibody levels may dip in 3 months: "Total antibody levels start to wane six weeks after complete immunisation with Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, and can reduce by more than 50% over 10 weeks, according to a study published in The Lancet journal. For Pfizer, antibody levels reduced from a median of 7506 Units per millilitre (U/mL) at 21–41 days, to 3320 U/mL at 70 or more days. For AstraZeneca vaccine, antibody levels reduced from a median of 1201 U/mL at 0–20 days to 190 U/mL at 70 or more days, over five-fold reduction."


So we have:

1. fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting Covid-19 but infecting others

2. vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others

3. vaccine loses potency to just 16% in 3-6 months

With all this, why should a healthy young person get vaxxed? Unless people want to get booster shots every few months too?

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Thanks, Gato. Really appreciate the effort you put into these posts.

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Doctor here. Wasn't taught any of this stuff during my training. Neither were any of my colleagues, and it shows. Only difference between them and me is that I smelled something off early on and have had los gatos malos of the internet to help and educate. Thanks a bunch.

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consumer risk, that is risk the hypothesis the jab is worth it is based on age, health, and mobility. and safety which data is years away from a useable consumer risk determination.

me: 70 yo fairly healthy 26 bmi view is shaded by home life where i live with a covidian, trump hating, biden voting karen. otherwise i would leave the jab.... i had it. and rely on the idea i have far less time to endure than a younger person.

on loosely note: the military clinic i use [being a retiree] will only carry moderna after 1 aug.... hmmmm.

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"i’d love to see one study compare PCR+ vs PCR+ and symptoms to show a variance." YES! much needed.

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Fantastic analysis. Bravo

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Moderna trial split control group into 2. One half got pure saline, other half got Menningicocal vaccine which has a history of adverse reactions including death. I wonder if Pfizzer did the same.

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