"In order to be yourself, you must change yourself".

The nine most dangerous words you can tell a confused child.

Sorry folks, you can't "reinvent" puberty.

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well, perhaps "genitals don't determine gender but cutting them off changes it" might be worse, but that's 10 words.

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Good point. Concede.

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@Ryan- nope. Both good points.

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Buck v. Bell Sterilization of Imbeciles eugenics. With consent manufactured after Skinner v. Oklahoma constrained Buck. By Madison Avenue advertising pros who developed the highly effective and successful "Gender Affirming Care" marketing campaign. Literal Madmen.

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Along with all this are the accompanying aberrant ideologies like furries. Recently my daughter attended a local school board meeting in which a ten-year-old girl was dressed as a fox. The room was dominated by members of the LGBTQ community who raucously intimidated any criticism. This young girl believes she is a fox and appallingly, her father stood behind her in support. This is child abuse and mental illness. And the slippery slope has been greased with WD40.

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That is every public school system in this country. It's just that some communities have more interlopers available than others.

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Thank God Trump just signed an EO to support school choice. Maybe this can help a little, so even poor folks can get their kids away from the worst of these people.

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What this otherwise excellent article glaringly lacks is the ultimate and underlying reason for this clearly evil and destructive movement...

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Population control is implied. The eunuchs won't reproduce.

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I'm old and old fashioned. But I've seen enough, like this article, the executive order, Dylan Mulvany, Caitlin Jenner, that I know this stuff is real.

But I still have a difficult time believing this has been done to children. It makes no more sense, and is no more believable than if we were putting them into gas-chambers, or burning them as a sacrifice to the gods. The world has passed me by. I can't get my head around it.

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It's child sacrifice the the pharmagod. Patients for life. No recovery. Here in Canada it's illegal for parents to intervene, or even advise their children against it. Apparently, they are "owned" by the State. This will not end well.

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I’m with you Skenny. This world is not my home.

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Often you also find out that trans seeking individuals have been victims of sexual abuse. The prevalence is much higher in the trans community than in the general population. So in some cases, the desire to switch genders may also be a trauma response. These children need compassion and understanding not sterilization.

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Thats right. And they certainly don't need a doctor who's the equivalent of having Paul Krugman as a financial advisor.

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Good one.

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Hah! Oh that’s good… stealing as we speak 😎

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More likely, they are victims of "child abuse."

Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok

“Two of my children are receiving gender-affirming care.”

What are the odds??


53% of moms of boys with gender identity disorders had been diagnosed with depression or BPD, compared to just 6% of the control group. Additionally, 44% sought psychiatric help for depression at some point in their life.

It seems @jordanbpeterson was right about devouring mothers.


Dr. Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson

12 Rules for Monster Moms:

1. Torture your child until he or she is miserable and intolerable.

2. Seduce him or her into adopting a trendy new identity with false promises of love.

3. Proclaim how wonderful you are for loving your son or daughter despite the burden they have now become.

4. Collect martyr kudos from your circle of idiot friends while they disparage you behind your back.


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This looks like child abuse to me.

I dare you to try and watch this without sensing evil at base.

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@Ryan- so many hospital humor jokes swirling in my head. Good Lord.

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The ones I know in real life all were. They did it as adults, but there was childhood abuse.

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Same here. Same goes for people I knew who ran off and joined cults or became junkies.

There is an interesting site called 'Psychohistory' founded by Lloyd deMause. https://psychohistory.com/. There are some free articles there that explore the connections between childhood abuse and mental issues, violence, etc. in a societal setting.

That these supposed 'therapists' are not looking for background reasons a child might want to transition is frightening and destructive to the child (and likely anyone who will have a relationship with them in the future...)

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My adult son is hormone

transed . He changed at 27. As farcas I know, there wasn't any abuse, however he did start dating a SJW in high school then married her 10 years later. He's been " diagnosed" ADHD, and OCD dies run in my family line.

Thry moved back in either me 18 months ago.

She left him a week before Christmas.

In the interim, he games( video and table top) with an overwhelming number of both affirmers and trans people.

It's a generational assault,starting in school.

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Ugh.. sorry for the typos

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their parents may need sterilization

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Too late.

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terminated period.

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for their current kids, but not any future ones

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Any data to back up that statement? Nah!

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There have been a number of studies that show that homosexuality occurs in nature (animal world) at around 5% of the population. That’s about the same number that I always remember seeing in the human population before the TQ+ stuff.

It’s a fact of life that homosexuality exists and thus, treating all people equally should be a no brainer but…there are no transgenders in the animal world. Gender dysphoria is a human phenomenon, and the numbers skyrocketed among children since social media and especially TicTok began.

That said, anyone who has pondered Jesus’s teachings and the Summary of the Law (Love God/Love Ourselves/Love Others) would not fall for this nonsense because the transgender ideology and premise is based on the fact that God/the Universe makes mistakes. Humans make mistakes, not God.

This is what a godless society looks like: 21st century America.

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a lot of this is schools have played a major role in creating transgender confusion of children. Instead of actual educational lessons, young children are asked what sex they want to be and what pronoun and name they want to be - and many warned not to tell their parents.

This creates confusion and mental illness. These types of "lessons" are taught under the guise of "Social and Emotional Learning" (SEL) are ruining an entire of generation of children....and publicly funded....and I can tell you first hand most parents are not even aware. These lessons create further problems as they rewire young brains into gender confusion, racism and divisiveness. This type of "cultural responsive teaching" is a pox on our nation and is deliberately used to politicize lessons.

It's really nasty stuff that my wife and me have seen first-hand. It amazes me the vast majority of parents are not aware of this...let alone notified.

No wonder we have an arms race of shock fetishism of people identifying as barnyard animals with tails sticking out their back ends...and beyond. and so many kids with problems and on prescribed drugs.

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@Ryan- my granddaughter and her husband are those parents. They have one infant daughter and another on the way. God help those girls.

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Facts!! This agenda is also supported by the American Library Association that intentionally floods school libraries with transgender ideology books for the elementary and middle school children. Here in Oregon it's a lost battle, IMO, but Trump's EOs will hopefully put the breaks on it.

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"It’s a fact of life that homosexuality exists and thus, treating all people equally should be a no brainer but…there are no transgenders in the animal world. Gender dysphoria is a human phenomenon, and the numbers skyrocketed among children since social media and especially TicTok began."


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Male homosexuality is primarily a result of pedo men sodomizing boys. The connection between pedophilia and homosexuality is very old:


Even in the ancient Greek world, the idea of innate and exclusive homosexuality was unknown. It was simply expected that men would have sex with boys until the age the boy grew a beard, and then that boy would go on to do the same thing. Yet it was also expected that the boy would marry and have children.

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Well done Liz

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Thank you!!😊

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Provide the studies you sited. How the study was conducted and by whom. And please reference the populations of said animals and their location on our planet.

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There's a long list of references at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals#References

On the outskirts of Jackson Wyoming there used to be a well-known pair of female trumpeter swans that would nest together every year. No eggs resulted, of course. Trumpeter swans typically mate for life.

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If this story is true, which I doubt, as Jackson Hole is where glitterotti play out their gay cowboy fantasies inspired by hollywood.

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I lived there 42 years, almost my entire adult life. I assure you this story is true, as that pair of swans was well known among locals, and viewable from a scenic pullout just outside of town.

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First sentence….can be interpreted as homosexual…ok. That seems oh so scientific…

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You wanted references. I don't know whose first sentence you're referring to. I did look at your bio, so, shrug.

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@Pig- their* and take a human biology course. You'll see how easy it is for Mother Nature to 'screw up', especially in males.

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Well, piglet, you obviously don't know the Different I'm going to guess You are a morbidly. Obese stinkin useless piece of garbage sitting in Mommy's basement typing away at her computer. Poor pathetic loser little piggy.

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Orthogonal to the point, but: Get the kids out of the schools. This is happening because those environments foster nihilism *in both children and faculty.* I would push that button yesterday and then clean up whatever mess it leaves.

Cults prey on the rootless and disoriented. Deweyschools cultivate this, intentionally, so that the youth will be susceptible to the indoctrination. Bureaucracy is the self-learning, autonomous AI monster we keep pretending is just around the corner. It’s already here. Always has been.

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get school control away from government.

"public school" is not a good idea. it was never intended to be. the germans who ginned it up under bismark were not trying to educate, it was always about "raising compliant subjects."

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I believe the Prussian militaristic mindset had a lot to do with it.

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For a comprehensive understanding read The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto. No relation.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered the book.

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Just a warning: The first few paragraphs will make you cry.

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“To have a transgender child has made me so much more interesting,” Annette Bening, channeling the worst of Hollywood, speaks outside SCOTUS during the Skrmetti hearing. Are bans on puberty blockers for kids constitutional? 🤷‍♀️ But having a trans kid makes you interesting & wise


The above came to mind when reading this paragraph;

"i’m not going to mince words. this is a social contagion in every sense of the word. it has become the new must have accessory for the desperate munchausen by mommy set of performance art parents. it has become a big businesses for mengle level doctors and rigged medical boards. it is deliberately preying upon children at what is inevitably a confusing time of their lives."

Mutilating these children is like having the coolest designer pet in the world, and you become so much "more interesting!"

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Great piece! Spot on El Gato. Keep up the intensity. We are gaining ground. They must be stopped. They must not be allowed near our children. They must be held accountable for their execrable actions.

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Thank the Lord that the instinct to protect children is alive in so many people, as sick as the world is.

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That's also what they prey on tho.

The seduction of "protecting children" is strong emotion and easily manipulated.

Thats the part that's disgusting to me. The manipulation for money at the expense of defenseless children.

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It just gets sicker and sicker….

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@Julia AND Ryan- know what's sick? We're not allowed to change our great-granddaughter's diaper. In fact, we're not allowed in the same room. Know why? Because sexual abuse is perpetrated mostly by family members. I haven't spoken to my granddaughter since that remark. That is beyond outrageous thinking.

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this makes me sad. sorry.

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Man. This is just awful. What the hell. I'm sure you didn't raise them to be that unreasonable

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I’m sorry. 😢

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Held accountable... yes all involved especially "parents"

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This. 100% but also limit both the content and time your kids spend with the internet. Spend time talking to them. Parent them. The isolation I see is astounding. People in restaurants with their family every one on their phone even toddlers,zero interaction. There are easily as many predators out there as in the schools. Teach your child to think critically. Have you ever asked someone who declares you're a woman if you feel like a woman why it's necessary to change their genitals?

These "medical professionals" are perverts and monsters,mental health included. Their licenses must be taken and they must be punished.

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The worst of evil; evil that preys on defensless children.

Its that straightforward.

It's really hard to believe we've fallen this far.

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This is a major part of the satanic population reduction project, combined with feminism's war on boys...And it is definitely liberal women pushing this insanity, because they get Pokemon points in their cult for having trannie kids...School teachers should be flogged for getting involved in this sadistiic propaganda, but just pull your child out of school, it's safer....

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“it’s outright harm, a withholding of cure to peddle disease.” They stepped on the gas during CoViD.

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Ah yes, I remember that Scientology branch well. Quite a historic and elegant building. Guy I used to work with in the same period you mention is a Scientologist, still keep in contact with him. Our office was 2 blocks away. One of the most technically brilliant guys I’ve ever known. He used to call MSFT and tell them how to fix bugs he found in Excel.

Never could figure how he fell for it. Anyhow…

And anybody that promotes trans ideology for children is an evil ghoul. That’s it. Simple.

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Whenever I read articles on transgenderism and the people pushing this stuff, I am constantly reminded of the sterilization / euthanization programs promoted by eugenicists throughout the 20th century to rid the world of a particular race, ethnicity or other "deplorable" trait.

Transgenderism is sterilization on a scale that the NAZIs could only dream of - undesirables actively volunteering to rid themselves of the ability to procreate at an age where they are unable to make proper decisions.

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"people pushing this stuff"

Here you go - https://www.weforum.org/stories/2020/06/lgbt-inclusion-cities-post-covid-reset-recovery/


They use McKinsey and other Think Tanks they can lean on financially, to produce the info they want. Call everything a CRISIS for Cronyism / Financial Incentives and Hegelian P-R-S.

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I think it’s very important to understand how this trans-ing of young children started. Where did it come from, where are its root’s. Who is to blame. We need to know and understand, so that we can stop and prevent.

Teachers, teacher’s unions, teacher’s colleges, certainly are a big part of the problem. Doctors, medical associations, certification boards are also very problematic. Add to them government actors at all levels, especially elements in the democrat party; and then, of course there’s the big dark money that spends billions and then profits.

Similar things have happened in the past: lobotomies, tulips, witch-hunts, repressed memories, priest/pedophiles - but the only thing comparable in scope that I can think of is the rise of Nazism, where a rational society quickly and thoroughly morphed in to a monster.

Like the Nazis, this trans phenomenon needs to be quickly and completely eradicated.

Thank you again for being persistent - it very hard for me to understand how this got so crazy in so many ways. Save the children!

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Thousands and thousands of "educators" nationwide have participated in this mass child abuse. They ought, at very least, be barred for life from any job working with children.

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When I was a little kid I was a total Tomboy. I wouldn't wear dresses & loved to play football. Then I hit puberty and my breasts started to grow and it really hurt to catch a football and I went with the flow (without much drama) and developed into the woman I am today. I wonder what my path would have been in todays world? Strange world.

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I remember playing baseball with a girl like that, don't remember what I did to piss her off but she punched me in the mouth.

Ten years later we were girlfriend & boyfriend for a year untill I left to Alaska to make money working on boats.

I heard she had gotten married. But sadly passed away from cancer.

What a firecracker she was.

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The teachers bear a heavy burden of responsibility for enabling and encouraging this horror. Any individual teacher who engages in advocating for ‘gender affirmation’ or who hides gender dysphoria from parents should be fired and prosecuted for sexual misconduct. The teachers unions should be disbanded over ‘gender affirmation’ and ‘DEI’ and ‘ESG’ and the ‘man-made climate change’ hoax. All are lies.

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The number of men ages 22 through 34 who have never had sex doubled in the last decade (and the number of women in the same situation also increased). There is no new PR campaign to keep your pants on, and no support group or love-bombing for male virgins. Something real is happening to these kids, and we should not ignore environmental toxins (see Stephanie Seneff on glyphosate, for one), because not "affirming" kids' neurological disorders is only part of the solution.

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